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The amount which has been paid to Mr. Baxter,
From which deduct the amount which should have been

$6000 00

paid him for work,

4684 00

Leaving amount overpaid him on contract,

$1316 00

From this amount deduct what has been allowed by su

perintendant for extra work,

468 24

Leaving a balance overpaid to Mr. Baxter for all work done by him on capitol,

$847 76

According to this estimate, it appears that Mr. Baxter has bee overpaid by the territory for the entire work done by him on the capitol, the sum of eight hundred and forty-seven dollars and seventy-six cents."

On motion of Mr. Crossman,

Ordered, that said report do lie on the table.

A message from the council by their secretary:

"Mr. Speaker: The council have passed resolution No. 7, (of this house) Resolution relative to the Milwaukee and Rock river canal company.""

Mr. Bartlett offered the following resolution, to wit:

“Resolved, That when this house next adjourns, it will adjourn until Tuesday next, at 10 o'clock, A. M."

Mr. Birchard asked to be excused from voting on said resolation,

Which was disagreed to;

And the question being put on the adoption of the resoution, It passed in the affirmative;

And the ayes and noes having been called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, were

Messrs. Agry, Bartlett, Birchard, Capron, Crossman, Ellis, Masters, Messersmith, Olin, Palmer, Price, Trowbridge, and Walker (speaker)-13.

Those who voted in the negative, were

Messrs. Darling, Grant, Hicks, Hopkins, Hunkins, Parsons,

Platt, and Thompson-8.

Mr. Ellis offered the following resolution,

Which was adopted, to wit:

No. 8, (H.) "Resolution concerning clocks for the use of the Assembly

Resolaed. by the council and house of representatives, that the committee on legislative expenses be instructed to include in the appropriation bill for legislative expenses for the present session, an item of twenty dollars to J. D. Weston, for pay in full for two clocks furnished for the two halls of the capitol." And then the house adjourned.

TUESDAY, December 26, 1843.

A message from the council, by their secretary: "Mr. Speaker: The council have passed

No. 9, (C) 'A bill to amend the act to provide for the election of sheriffs, judges of probate, and justices of the peace, and for other purposes,'

In which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this house. And have concurred in

No. 8, (of this house,) 'Resolution concerning clocks for the use of the assembly.""

Mr. Ellis presented the petition of citizens of Brown county, for the organization of the town of Howard;

Which was referred to the committee on corporations.

The petition of Samuel Tyler and others for the alteration of town boundaries of certain towns, presented December 18th, was taken up, and

Referred to the committee on corporations.

Mr. Price offered the following resolution:


Resolved, by the house of representatives, that a select committee, consisting of three members of the house of representatives, be appointed to inquire into the expediency of constructing a rail road from Potosi, on the Mississippi river, to Lake Michigan, and said committee be authorized to report by bill or otherwise." Mr. Darling moved to amend the said resolution by striking out the words "by bill or otherwise;"

Which amendment was accepted by Mr. Price, and the resolution adopted,

Mr. Hicks offered the following resolution, which was adopted, to wit:

"Resolved, That the committee on mining and smelting be instructed to report upon the expediency of passing a memorial to congress praying for the abolishment of the present system of leasing the lead mines in this territory, by the adoption of some other mode which will more effectually protect the interest and rights of the operative miner, in leasing by ranges instead of lots of from ten to one hundred and sixty acres, as is now the case, or whether the leasing system should be abolished altogether, and the reserve mineral lands sold; if sold, at what price, and what protection should be given to residents on or owners of lots at the time of sale."

Mr. Darling offered the following resolution, which was adopted,

to wit:

"Resolved, (the council concurring herein) that the committees on schools of the two houses act jointly in relation to any subject pertaining to a revision of the laws in relation to schools, or upon any other subject which shall be referred to the jointly by either


Mr. Platt, from the committee on legislative expenses, to which was referred the communication of Moses M. Strong, made a report, [SEE APPENDIX,] appended to which was the following reso lution, entitled

"Resolution concerning the settlement of an account therein



Resolved, (the hon. the council concurring,) that appointed to receive of the hon. Moses M. Strong, late fiscal agent of this territory, the sum of two hundred dollars, with interest at seven per cent. per annum from the 27th day of January, 1840, and that said be, and is hereby, directed to pay the same over to Messrs. Collier & Pettus, of St. Louis, Mis souri, to the credit of this territory, on the debt due therefrom to the said Collier & Pettus.

of an error

The said sum of two hundred dollars, and interest, as above stated, being due froin said fiscal agent in consequence in the settlement of his accounts, made by the select committee of the house of representatives at its session in 1839-40, page 350, as per report of your committee on legislative expenditures,

this day submitted."

On motion of Mr. Agry,

Ordered, that said resolution do lie on the table.

Mr. Agry, from the judiciary committee, to which a petition and resolution were referred, by leave reported the following bills, which were read the first and second times, to wit:

No. 11, (H.) "A bill for an act to authorize the town of Janesville to collect certain taxes,"


No. 12, (H.) "A bill for an act amendatory of an act to prescribe the mode of proceeding in chancery.""

Mr. Parsons, from the committee on engrossed bills, reported the following to be correctly engrossed, to wit:

No. 10, (H.) "A bill to organize the county of Sauk, for county, judicial, and other purposes."

On motion of Mr. Hicks,

Resolution No. 11, (C.) relating to the selection of seminary lands, was taken up for consideration, and

On motion of Mr. Ellis,

Was laid on the table.

Mr Agry gave notice that on some future day he should, by leave, introduce a bill for the preservation of timber on rivers and


The speaker announced the undermentioned bills for the third reading, which were then severally read the third time, passed, and the titles thereof agreed to, to wit:

No. 10, (H.) “A bill to organize the county of Sauk, for county, judicial, and other purposes."

No. 10, (C.) “A bill to authorize the register of deeds of the county of Grant to procure certain records in the office of the register of deeds of Iowa county."

Memorial No. 3, (C.) of the council and house of representatives of the territory of Wisconsin, to congress, asking an appropriation to defray the expenses of the legislative assembly of said territory for their sessions held in December and January last, being announced for a third reading,

Mr. Hopkins asked the unanimous consent of the house to of fer and amendment to the same;

And objection being made,

Mr. Hopkins moved that the said memorial be re-committed to the commmittee of the whole house;

And the question being put thereon,

It passed in the negative.

The said memorial was then read the third time, passed, and the title thereof agreed to.

And the ayes and noes having been called for on the passage said memorial, by Mr. Capron,

Those who voted in the affirmative were,

Messrs. Darling, Ellis, Grant, Hicks, Hunkins, Parsons, Platt, Price, Thompson, Trowbridge, and Walker, (speaker)-11. Those who voted in the negative were,

Messrs. Agry, Bartlett, Capron, Hopkins, and Palmer-5.
On motion of Mr. Hicks,

Ordered, that bill No. 13, (C.) entitled "A bill to incorporate
the trustees of the town of Mineral Point," do lie on the table;
The same having been announced for a third reading.
On motion of Mr. Platt,

The house took up resolutions

No. 6, (H.) “Resolutions instructing the committee on territo rial affairs to report a bill re-organizing the financial department of this territory, and for other purposes," and,

On motion of Mr. Ellis,

Referred the same to the joint committee on territorial expendi tures, with instructions to report what action, if any, is necessary on the subject therein named.


Mr. Capron moved that the majority and minority reports o the select committee relating to a settlement with Daniel Baxter, be now taken up, for the purpose of printing the same; And the question was put,

And passed in the negative.
On motion of Mr. Ellis,

Ordered, that the undermentioned resolution be taken up,

to wit:

No. 11, (C.) lands," when,

"Resolution relative to the selection of seminary

On motion of Mr. Ellis,

"resolved" to the word "provided," in the first paragraph, and The resolution was amended by striking out all after the word

inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:


"That three commissioners shall be appointed to select all lands authorized to be set apart and reserved from sale by virtue of an act of congress approved the 12th day of June, 1838, enti

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