Imagens das páginas

shew'd plenty in Egypt; so his (carried by the wind) should proclaime his abundance. No painting pleases him so well, as Pharaohs dreame of the seven leane kine, that ate up the fat ones; that he has in his parlour, which he will describe to you like a motion, and his comment ends with a smothered prayer for the like scarcity. He cannot away with tobacco; for he is perswaded (and not much amisse) that 'tis a sparer of bread-corne; which he could find in's heart to transport without licence: but weighing the penalty, he growes mealy-mouth'd, and dares not. Sweet smels he cannot abide; wishes that the pure aire were generally corrupted: nay, that the spring had lost her fragrancy for ever, or we our superfluous sense of smelling, (as he tearmes it) that his corne might not be found musty. The poore he accounts the justices intelligencers, and cannot abide them he complaines of our negligence of discovering new parts of the world, onely to rid them from our climate. His sone, by a certaine kind of instinct, he binds prentice to a taylor, who all the terme of his indenture, hath a deare yeare in's belly, and ravins bread extremely: when he comes to be a freeman (if it be a dearth) he marries him to a bakers daughter.

A Devillish Usurer

S sowed as cummin or hemp-seed, with curses; and he thinkes he thrives the

better. He is far better read in the

pænall statutes, then the Bible; and his evill angell perswades him, he shall sooner bee saved by them. He can bee no mans friend; for all men he hath most interest in, hee undoes: and a double-dealer hee is certainly; for by his good will, he ever takes the forfeit. He puts his mony to the unnatural act of generation; and his scriv'ner is the supervisor bawd to't. Good deeds hee loves none, but seal'd and delivered: nor doth he wish any thing to thrive in the country, but bee-hives; for they make him wax rich. He hates all but law-latine, yet thinks he might be drawne to love a scholler, could hee reduce the yeare to a shorter compasse, that his use-money might come in the faster. He seemes to be the sonne of a jaylor, for all his estate is in most heavy and cruell bonds. Hee doth not give, but sell daies of payment, and those at the rate of a mans undoing: he doth onely feare the day of judgement should fall sooner, then the paiment of some great sum of money due to him: he removes his lodging when a subsidie comes; and if he be found out, and pay it, he grumbles treason; but 'tis

in such a deformed silence, as witches raise their spirits in. Gravity he pretends in all things, but in his private whore; for he will not in a hundred pound take one light sixe pence; and it seemes hee was at Tilbury Campe; for you must not tell him of a Spaniard. He is a man of no conscience; for (like the Jakes-farmer that swounded with going into Bucklersbury) hee falls into a cold sweat, if hee but looke into the Chauncerie: thinkes in his religion, we are in the right for every thing, if that were abolisht: hee hides his mony as if hee thought to find it againe at the last day, and then begin's old trade with it. His clothes plead prescription; and whether they or his body are more rotten, is a question yet should hee live to be hang'd in them, this good they would doe him, the very hangman would pity his case. The table he keepes is able to starve twenty tall men; his servants have not their living, but their dying from him, and that's of hunger. A spare diet he commends in all men, but himselfe he comes to cathedrals only for love of the singing-boyes, because they looke hungry. He likes our religion best, because 'tis best cheape; yet would faine allow of purgatory, cause 'twas of his trade, and brought in so much money: his heart goes with the same snaphance his purse doth, 'tis seldome open to any man: friendship he accounts but a word without any signification; nay, he loves


all the world so little, that, and it were possible, he would make himselfe his owne executor: for certaine, he is made administrator to his owne good name, while he is in perfect memory, for that dyes long afore him; but he is so far from being at the charge of a funerall for it, that he lets it stinke above ground. In conclusion, for neighbourhood, you were better dwell by a contentious lawyer. for his death, 'tis either surfet, the pox, or despaire; for seldome such as he die of Gods making, as honest men should doe.


A Water-man

S one that hath learnt to speak well of himselfe ; for alwaies he names himselfe, the first man. If he had betane himselfe to some richer trade, he could not have choos'd but done well for in this (though it be a meane one) he is still plying it, and putting himselfe forward. He is evermore telling strange newes, most commonly lyes. If he be a sculler, aske him if he be married, he'l equivocate and sweare he's a single man. Little trust is to be given to him, for he thinks that day he does best, when he fetches most men over. His daily labour teaches him the art of dissembling for like a fellow that rides to the pil

lory, he goes not that way he lookes: he keeps such a bawling at Westminster, that if the lawyers were not acquainted with it, an order would be tane with him. When he is upon the water, he is fare-company when he comes ashore, he mutinies, and contrary to all other trades, is most surly to gentlemen, when they tender payment: the play-houses only keep him sober; and as it doth many other gallants, make him an after-noones man. Londonbridge is the most terrible eye-sore to him that can be. And to conclude, nothing but a great presse, makes him flye from the river; nor any thing, but a great frost, can teach him any good manners.

A Reverend Judge

S one that desires to have his greatnes, only measur'd by his goodnes: his care is to appeare such to the people, as hee would have them be; and to be himselfe such as he appeares; for vertue cannot seeme one thing, and be another he knowes that the hill of greatnesse yeelds a most delightfull prospect; but withall, that it is most subject to lightning, and thunder: and that the people, as in ancient tragedies, sit and censure the actions of those in authority: he squares his own therefore, that they may farre be above their

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