Imagens das páginas

Which, as he saidè, was oure ladies veil:
He saide, he hadde a gobbet1 of the seyl 2
Thatte seint Peter had, whan that he went
Upon the see, till Jesu Crist him hent3.
He had a crois of laton ful of stones,
And in a glas he haddè piggès bones.
But with these relikes, whannè that he fond
A pourè persone dwelling up on lond,
Upon a day he gat him more moneie

Than that the persone gat in monethes tweie.
And thus with fained flattering and japes",
He made the persone, and the peple, his apes.
But trewèly to tellen attè last,

He was in chirche a noble ecclesiast.
Wel coude he rede a lesson or a storie,
But alderbest he sang an offertorie 3:
For wel he wistè, whan that song was songe,
He mustè preche, and wel afile9 his tonge,
To winnè silver, as he right wel coude:
Therfore he sang the merrier and loude.

[blocks in formation]


LITTLE is known of Gower's personal history. "The proud tradition in the Marquis of Stafford's family," says Mr. Todd'," has been, and still is, that he was of Stitenham; and who would not consider the dignity of his genealogy augmented, by enrolling among its worthies the moral Gower?"

His effigies in the church of St. Mary Overies is often inaccurately described, as having a garland of ivy and roses on the head. It is, in fact, a chaplet of roses, such, as Thynne says, was anciently worn by knights; a circumstance which is favourable to the suspicion, that has been suggested, of his having been of the rank of knighthood. If Thynne's assertion, respecting the time of the lawyers first entering the Temple, be correct, it will be difficult to reconcile it with the tradition of Gower's having been a student there in his youth.

He was

By Chaucer's manner of addressing Gower, the latter appears to have been the elder. attached to Thomas of Woodstock, as Chaucer was to John of Gaunt. The two poets appear to have been at one time cordial friends, but ultimately to

1 In Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer by the Rev. H. Todd.

have quarrelled. Gower tells us himself that he was blind in his old age. From his will, it appears that he was living in 1408. His bequests to several churches and hospitals, and his legacy to his wife of 100%., of all his valuable goods, and of the rents arising from his manors of Southwell in the county of Nottingham, and of Multon in the county of Suffolk, undeniably prove that he was rich.

One of his three great works, the Speculum Meditantis, a poem in French, is erroneously described by Mr. Godwin and others as treating of conjugal fidelity. In an account of its contents, in a MS. in Trinity College Cambridge, we are told that its principal subject is the repentance of a sinner. The Vox Clamantis, in Latin, relates to the insurrection of the commons, in the reign of Richard II. The Confessio Amantis, in English, is a dialogue between a lover and his confessor, who is a priest of Venus, and who explains, by apposite stories and philosophical illustrations, all the evil affections of the heart, which impede, or counteract the progress and success of the tender passion.

His writings exhibit all the crude erudition and science of his age; a knowledge sufficient to have been the fuel of genius, if Gower had possessed its fire.






IN a Cronique thus I rede:

Aboute a king, as must nede,
Ther was of knyghtès and squiers
Gret route, and eke of officers:
Some of long time him hadden served,
And thoughten that they haue deserved
Avancement, and gon withoute:

And some also ben of the route,
That comen but a while agon,
And they avanced were anon,

These oldè men upon this thing,
So as they durst, ageyne the king
Among hemself1 compleignen ofte:
But there is nothing said so softe,
That it ne comith out at laste:
The king it wiste, and als so faste,

1 Themselves.

As he which was of high prudènce:
He shope therfore an evidence
Of hem1 that pleignen in the cas,
To knowe in whose defalte it was;
And all within his owne entent,
That non ma wistè what it ment.
Anon he let two cofres make
Of one semblance, and of one make,
So lich, that no lif thilke throwe,
That one may fro that other knowe:
They were into his chamber brought,
But no man wot why they be wrought,
And natheles the king hath bede
That they be set in privy stede,
As he that was of wisdom slih;
Whan he therto his time sih3,
All privěly, that none it wiste,
His ownè hondes that one chiste
Of fin gold, and of fin perie*,
The which out of his tresorie

Was take, anon he fild full;

That other cofre of straw and mull
With stones meynd he fild also:
Thus be they full bothè two.

So that erliche upon a day
He had within, where he lay,
Ther should be tofore his bed
A bord up set and fairè spred:

1 Them.

2 Like. 3 Saw. 4 Jewels, or precious stones. $ Rubbish. 6 Mingled. 7 Early.

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