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error could be detected.* The repulse of General Bender was soon followed by the defeat of a body of Austrians under General d'Arberg, to whom the Brabanters dared togive battle in the open field. We have not been able to ascertain either the time or place of this action; but it was said, and generally understood at the time, to have been very disastrous to the Austrians; who it was also said and credited, would have been cut off in their disorderly flight over the Scheldt, if their retreat had not been covered on the banks of the river by the singular bravery of the regiment of Bender. While this brilliant success attended the Belgian arms, the patriots gained possession of Ostend, Bruges, Louvain, and other places, without any contest: victory and uninterrupted success inspired bolder and bolder designs. Early in the morning of the 13th of November 1789, a small body of patriot troops, not exceed ing it was said 700 men, marched with unparalleled boldness and audacity to attack the city of Ghent. They directed their course to the gate which takes the name of Bruges, which they forced. During the conflict which attended this operation, the bridges within the walls were all taken up, and every other measure adopted for preventing or retarding their progress when they should enter the town. A battle ensued in the streets, which continued for some hours; when the as

sailants drove the Austrians before them with such impetuosity, that one part of them fled for refuge to. the citadel, and another to the barracks; which however they prepared resolutely to defend. This party, to the number of 500, and commanded by Colonel Landhen, on the third day of the siege hung out a whole flag, gave up their arms, and surrendered themselves prisoners of war. During the time of the attack on the barracks, the citadel, instead of attempting to relieve the besieged, was wholly occupied in throwing bombs and combustibles of different sorts, with a view of destroying the town by one general conflagration. But these, whether from a want of a sufficient stock of combustibles, or from whatever cause, produced no other effect than that of destroying a number of houses, damaging others, rendering the streets impassable by the ruins, and, by the fires which were continually breaking out in different quarters, keeping the inhabitants in a state of constant terror and confusion. The base garrison, who durst not attempt the relief of the barracks, made frequent sallies into the streets, particularly by night; when, besides rapine, the most horrid crimes are said to have been committed.

The patriots obliged Colonel Landhen to write an order to the commandant of the citadel for its immediate surrender; which he very properly

Though there is nothing incredible in this report, as such fatal mistakes have often happened, yet the truth of it has been doubted. In such a cruel and bloody war as this, in which exorbitances committed on one side drew forth severe retaliation from the other, and all things were involved in blind prejudice, animosity, and rage, the reports of common fame are more than usually exaggerated. We have no other accounts of the military exploits in the Netherlands at this period, than those published by the patriots. The Austrians, under their misfortunes, were wholly silent.

properly refused to obey. Nevertheless, devoid of courage as of generosity and a sense of honour, conscious of guilt, and probably desirous withal of preserving the pillage he had obtained, the commandant evacuated the citadel in the dead of the night, and marched off bag and baggage, having at his departure rendered himself, if possible, still more infamous than before, by enormities committed in all the streets and houses within the reach of the garrison. When we thus contemplate the city and citadel of Ghent, possessed by a powerful and numerous garrison of regular forces, reduced by a small party of raw insurgents, we are strongly excited to inquire into the cause or causes of so wonderful an event. Allowing all that can possibly be granted or demanded in favour of the enthusiasm of liberty, it is yet wholly incredible that a band of 700 men, who seemed to be lost in the magnitude of so great a city, could have triumphed over a garrison so greatly superior in strength, number, and all military advantages, if they had not been seconded by the general voice, and the active support of numbers of the inhabitants: a support which (though not so much as once mentioned in the details published of that affair) we must conclude to have been afforded. Nor perhaps would the united efforts of the band of 700, and the patriotic citizens of Ghent, have been able to prevail, at least in so short a time, over the citadel, if the nerves of its numerous defenders had not been un

strung by a relaxation of discipline and habits of vicious indulgence: evils not arising merely from the proneness of human nature to sink, whenever an opportunity offers, into indulgence and the lap of pleasure, but which may be traced to the very mind of the restless, rash, and incorrigible Joseph.

It had been a maxim, long and closely pressed by the Emperor, on his commanders in the Netherlands, to render the duty of the soldiers as light and as pleasing to them as possible; and particularly not to weary and disgust them, by an attention to the minutiae of discipline. His object plainly was, to attach them to his service and person; and to make them faithful partizans in all disputes with the people:-an unwise and dangerous policy even to his own authority.* From this indulgence and the habits of trampling on (not to say massacring) a defenceless people without danger or resistance, the imperial troops seemed to have changed their nature as well as character; for as soon as they came to be engaged in real service, and compelled to face an enemy on equal terms, they shewed themselves to be as mean and dastardly as they were on other oceasions cruel and profligate. It may also be observed, that the striking contempt for religion, which at this time so flagrantly marked the conduct of the soldiery, and which was so eminently prejudicial to the imperial cause in the most religious country in Europe, had sprung up in the Austrian armies, only under


Soldiers are never so fondly attached to any military chief as to the rigid disciplinarian, provided he observe the striet rules of discipline to all, and show as great concern to provide for their wants and reward their merit, as to punish their faults and failure in duty: their attachment in this case being heightened by respect, esteem, and perhaps even by a degree of awe.

the auspices of Joseph II., for under the government of his prede. cessors, and particularly of his mother, whatever their disorders might have been in other matters, they maintained the outward appearance at least of respect to christianity, and every thing appertaining to religion. So certainly and quickly may the character of a sovereign prince be diffused among his subjects!

The reduction of Ghent was of the greatest consequence to the Flemish patriots; and the more especially that it enabled the states of Flanders to assemble in that capital of the province, for the purpose of legalising their public proceedings, giving a form to their intended new constitution, and concluding a league and federal union with the other provinces.

The emperor, on receiving intelligence of this alarming situation of affairs, descended from his usual pride and obstinacy, and endeavoured to reconcile the provinces by the fairest promises; although he could not entertain any lively hope that the people, so often deceived, would be inclined to repose any confidence in his engagements. In what may be considered a penitentiary declaration dated at Vienna on the 20th of November, 1789, after expressing great sorrow at the present troubles, and some surprise at the violent measures that had been pursued, he exhorted the malcontents to lay down their arms, and to trust for the redress of any real grievances to his clemency and paternal affection. He painted in strong colours the dreadful consequences that must ensue, if they should compel him to relinquish the great line of conquest which he was now pursuing, and to pour in for their suppression

those numerous and conquering ar mies, which were now so successfully employed against a foreign enemy. He endeavoured partly to justify, and partly to explain several of the most offensive parts of his conduct. He mentioned some steps he had already taken for their gratification, and offered to revoke all the edicts of which they complained, and to comply with every demand they had formerly made. In conclusion, he ordered that no person shall be arrested for any cause, or under any pretence whatever, but according to the existing laws and established usages; and grants a general, full, and perpetual amnesty to all who should return to their duty within a specified, but considerable space of time, the leaders of the revolt alone ex. cepted. But a cordial reconciliation on such grounds was now impracticable. And even before the emperor's manifesto was known, although it be probable that it was expected, the states of Flanders on the same day with the date of that piece, 20th November, 1789, boldly seized the sovereign authority in their province, and in imitation of their Dutch neighbours, assumed the title of High and Mighty States. They passed six resolutions :-by the first of which they declared, that the emperor had forfeited all title to the sovereignty of Flanders: by the others they agreed immedi ately to raise an army of 20,000 men, including 1,000 rifle-men, exclusively of the quotas voted to be furnished by the different towns in the province;-appointed commissioners for raising, organizing, and providing this army with all things necessary for subsistence and for the field;-resolved to unite them

selves with the states of Brabant; and decreed that the council of Flanders should no longer be considered as provincial, but sovereign.

The military ardour and the rapid and splendid success of the patriots in so many parts of the Netherlands, seemed to the inhabitants of the capital of Brabant, the seat of government, to upbraid their inaction and tardiness in supporting the common cause. As on the one hand they were indignant at the despotism and the haughty and harsh manners of d'Alton, so on the other, they were encouraged to resist his tyranny by the visible anxiety and depression of spirits which had seized on that General, in consequence of the progress of the insurgents, and particularly by the reduction of Ghent. He had already, though for the first time, experienced a change in the countenance of his master, and in some measure shared in the effects of his chagrin on the defeat of Schroeder, and knew not how to encounter his displeasure a second time: so dreadful an eclipse of royal sunshine to an old favourite! nor yet to relate so many unfortunate events in such a manner as to ward off all censure on his own judgment, conduct, and perhaps even his intentions. Confounded and overwhelmed with vexation and despair, he shut himself up in Brussels, where for some time the gates were shut, and strongly guarded by day as well as by night. But perceiving at length that this measure was considered as a proof of weakness and apprehension, and farther, that he had become a standing subject of mirth and ridicule, he ordered the gates by day to be again opened.

Yet even in these humiliating circumstances, he persevered in the same tone of manners and conduct which had rendered him already universally odious.

In such circumstances, a choice band of the inhabitants of Brussels, inspired with enthusiasm in the cause of freedom, and a contempt for the minister of oppression, formed the generous and gallant, though apparently too daring design of rescuing Brussels from its present thraldom, or losing their lives in the glorious attempt. It is asserted that their whole number did not exceed 500, while that of the Austrians was estimated at 5 or 6,000: though it is to be observed that these last were dispersed in various posts, at great distances from each other in various parts of the city and suburbs. No riot or tumult was made or pretended, in order to cover the real design; nor was the attack, as usual in such cases, commenced by surprise or assassination. About four o'clock in the afternoon, December 9th, 1789, this band of heroic, and as it seemed, self-devoted citizens, marched boldly and openly to attack and seize the soldiers who were appointed to guard the mint, as well as those who were stationed or quartered in the different convents. In these enterprises they succeeded without difficulty; for General d'Alton, who had for some time, contrarily to his usual disposition, begun to entertain ideas, and to place his hopes in plans of peace and conciliation, did not choose to exasperate matters for the present by an attack on the patriots. A cessation of arms took place for several hours, which were employed in a negotiation for an armistice; a delay at all events favourable to the


patriotic band, as it afforded time to their fellow-citizens to collect their thoughts and resolution, and to determine the part which it was fit for them to take in the present crisis. It is not to be supposed, though the circumstance has not been mentioned, and was, no doubt, on purpose omitted, but that the 500 original insurgents were joined during the pause by great numbers, if not the greater part of their fellow-citizens. On the other hand, the Austrians, during the same pause, received a reinforcement of 800 men, with two pieces of cannon; which they placed in the great square of Brussels.

By this time General d'Alton, with what troops he could collect in the present confusion, had retired into the park and royal square with twelve pieces of cannon. Af. ter a desperate engagement, continued for about an hour, he was reduced to the mortification of desiring a capitulation; which was readily granted. Having obtained a safe retreat for himself and his garrison, he marched out within an hour, according to agreement, and in great disorder, as may readily be imagined, directing his course to Namur; where he remained but a short time. Quitting the town and province of Namur, he retired with his baffled troops to Luxemburgh. Count Trautsmandorf, with other principal members of the late government, retired to Liege; the Governors-general, the Archduchess and her husband the Prince of Saxe Teschen, had quitted Brussels for some time before; although, from the gentleness and humanity of their dispositions, and their repeated applications to the court of Vienna in favour of the provinces, they were not in any danger of becoming objects of popular outrage among a people of so moderate and equal a temper.

The negotiation for an armistice being broken off, General d'Alton sent a strong detachment to deliver the officers and soldiers who had been made prisoners, and put in confinement in the lower town at the commencement of the insurrection. This movement served as a signal for a general action to the patriots: who, having by an irresistible impetuosity routed the detachment on its way, invested the great marketplace, which was used as a principal place of arms. Here, after a long and obstinate conflict, they drove every thing before them, became masters of the corps de garde, took two pieces of cannon, and made above 400 Austrian prisoners. In the mean time, different engagements were carried on in every quarter of the city;* and in a few hours, the insurgents gained possession of the barracks and magazines, in which they found 2,000 muskets, besides a considerable quantity of ammunition.

Itis impossible in surveying these contests in the Netherlands, not to mark the contrast between the manners of the Flemings and those of the French in similar circumstances. The animosities of contending parties, as in the civil wars of England, spent their force in open debate, or the field of battle; not in massacres, poisonings, and assassinations. Not a man, af


That the original insurgents were joined and supported by great numbers of the other inhabitants of Brussels, is clearly proved by this circumstance.

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