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of stating the average produce of taxes lately imposed, and when the expenditure was clogged with arrears still remaining due, of the very heavy expences of the American war. But it was necessary at that juncture to have such a document laid before parliament, when the plan for applying a million annually towards the extinction of the national debt, was brought under their consideration. Now when, at the distance of five years from the inquiries of that first committee, the effects of both the new taxes imposed, and of the regulations for the more faithful collection of the old could be better ascertained, it seemed a very expedient measure to have the report of a new committee of the

present parliament, on the same subject of the public income and expenditure. A motion was therefore made for the appointment of such a committee, by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on Friday the 8th of April," who should consider and report the amount of the public income and expenditure during the last five years; and that the same committee be also directed to inquire what the public revenue and expenditure might be expected to be in future; and what alteration had taken place in the amount of the national debt, since the fifth of January 1786." The result of the comparison made by this committee, between the annual income and expenditure, was as follows:

Annual Income
Expenditure, including a Million for liquidating the
National Debt

Balance in favour of the country

This report being referred to by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his account of the state of the finances, on Wednesday the 18th of May, became a subject of discussion in the House of Com


Mr. Sheridan remarked, That the report of the present committee shewed the fallacy of that estimate of future expence which had been made by the former committee in 1786. That estimate amounted to the annual sum of 14,478,1817.; whereas the actual amount, now stated by the present committee, is 15,969,1787: which, after the deduction of the annual million for discharging the national debt, exceeded the former report of the VOL. XXXIII.


15,969,178 61,107

future expence in the sum of 949,9977.

To this remark it was briefly replied, that the increase of the expenditure beyond the computation of the finance committee in 1786, arose chiefly from incidental charges, which that committee could not foresee, and which, in fact, made not any part of the permanent expence of the nation.

This subject was again brought forward, and more fully discussed in a committee of the whole House, on the 3rd of June, when Mr. Sheridan moved no less than forty resolutions; the principal purport of which was, First, To prove the mistake in the report of the committee of 1786, and to place it in a strong



light. Secondly, To show a comparison between the public income and expenditure, on an average of three years, from the 6th of January 1788, to the 6th of January 1791; by which it was meant to shew that, even on the least and most favourable average, instead of there being a surplus, according to the report of the present committee. there was in fact a very great deficiency. Thirdly, To exhibit the amount of the sums voted for the service of the current year 1791: by which it might appear, that the expence of the present establishment was not only much beyond the estimated expence at the first committee, but also that of the last. Fourthly, That allowing the surplus calculated by the present committee on the ordinary income and expenditure of the nation, this surplus was inadequate to those extraordinary expences which appeared on the report of the committee itself, likely to be incurred; even without taking into consideration those unforeseen and unexpected articles of expenditure, in which, from the expence of the three last years, it seemed probable that the country might hereafter be involved.

Of this long series of resolutions the greater part were negatived, and others amended, according to the data laid down by Mr. Pitt, Mr. Rose, and other gentlemen on the same side of the House. To these were added other resolutions, arising out of such views of the subject as seemed proper for ascertaining the circumstances of the nation. The whole of these reso lutions, namely, the amended and the additional resolutions, were passed in the House of Commons, on the 7th of July.

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2nd. Resolved, That it appears by the report of the select commit. 'tee of 1791, that the produce of 'the said permanent taxes in the year 1786, was 11,836,5311. being less by 960,940. than the sum estimated; in the year 1787, 12,754,795l., being less by 42,6762. than the said sum; in the year 1788, 12,812,952l., being more by 15,481. than the 'said sum; in the year 1789, • 13,209,8711., being more by • 412,4007. than the said sum; and in the year 1790, 13,782,3931., being more by 984,9221. than the said sum, including 193,000, being the amount of one fiftythird weekly payment.

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That the produce of the said ' taxes, upon an average of the first two years (viz. 1786 and 1787) amounted to 12,295,663., being 501,8081. less than the sum estimated.

That the produce of the said taxes, upon an average of the first three years (viz. 1786, 1787, and 1788) amounted to 12,468,0921., being 329,3791. less than the sum ⚫ estimated.

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That the produce of the said taxes upon an average of the last four years (viz. 1787, 1788, 1789 and 1790) amounted to 13,140,0027. 'being 342,5317. more than the sum 'estimated.

• That the produce of the said taxes, upon an average of the last 'three years (viz. 1788, 1789, and 1790) amounted to 13,268,405l. being 470,9347. more than the 'sum estimated.

And that the produce of the 'said taxes upon an average of the last two years (viz. 1789 and 1790) amounted to 13,496,132. being 698,6611. more than the 'sum estimated.

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5th Resolved, That it appears by the report of the select com'mittee of 1791, that the total amount of the interest and charges of the public debt, and of the < sums issued for the reduction thereof, of the charges upon the

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aggregate and consolidated fund, and of the sums granted for the 'supplies (including the deficiencies of the land and malt, the de ficiency of the grants for the year 1785, and the amount of the prizes in the lotteries of the several years, with the charges attending them, has been during the last five years 88,116,916., and that the whole of the above 'charges, except the sum of 207,000l. which remained to be provided for in the present year under the head of Deficiency o. 'Grants, has been defrayed by the produce within the said five years of the permament taxes, by the annual aids on land and malt, and by the sums arising from extra'ordinary resources, with the ad'dition of a loan of one million raised by tontine, and of 187,000/ raised by short annuities.

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6th Resolved, That, over and above the sums granted for the supplies, there appears to have 'been an increase in the navy debt within the said period, which is stated at 457,950., and an arrear 'incurred in the ordnance, under the head of Unprovided, to the amount of 61,9097. and that the deficiency of grants of the year 1790 exceeds that of the year 1785, by the sum of 80,5901. 7th. Resolved, That the sum voted for defraying the expence of the arınament of 1790, and


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'committee, appointed in 1786, toceeding in the estimate stated by

'examine and state the accounts

relating to the public income and 'expenditure, and to report what might be expected to be the annual amount of the said income and expenditure in future, have stated the expected future expenditure upon a permanent peaceestablishment, including the annual million to be paid to the 'commissioners, at the sum of ⚫ 15,478,1817.

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upon a permanent peace establishment, including the annual million to be paid to the commission

the committee of 1791, on the 'five heads of navy, army, ordnance, militia, and miscellaneous 'services, above the estimate stated by the committee of 1786, on the same five heads, amounts to the sum of 434,2951.

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12th. Resolved, That the expence of the present year, according to the services already voted, and exclusive of any extra expence for the present armament, will amount to about the sum of 16,833,9207., exceeding the per

ers, at the sum of 15,969,178.,manent peace-establishment of the

'which is exclusive of the sum of 12,000l., since charged on the

select committee of 1786, by the sum of, 1,355,7394.; and the en'consolidated fund for the pay-larged estimate of the committee 'ment of an annuity to his Royal of 1791, by the sum of 864,7421.

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42,2037. is on account of the in-of frigates in merchants yards; 'crease in the interest and charges

of the national debt; 2,000l. on

which expence will not recur again; and an excess of 107,4847.


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upon the army, which is more thanney remaining due upon the

accounted for, by no allowance being made in the grants of this

year for army savings, similar to that which is made in the estimates ' of 1786 and 1791; and by an ⚫ advance of 71,5691. on account of troops serving in India, which is to be repaid by the East India Company. And an excess of 68,676/. upon the ordnance, of which 61,9071. arises from the 'discharge of ordnance unprovided, and also an excess of 557,1771. under the head of Miscellaneous Services, of which 432,444/. is ⚫ on account of American sufferers:

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principal and interest of the American and East Florida claims, which has been directed by parliament to be paid by instalments, is stated to have amounted, on the 10th of October 1790, to 1,546,062. exclusive of the interest payable on such part of it as remains undischarged, and exclusive also of 'further annual payments and pensions to American loyalists, amounting to 54,2111. per an

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15th. Resolved, That, besides this article so stated by the com

an article of expence expresslymittee, it appears from the ord⚫ excluded from the estimates above⚫nance estimate inserted in their • mentioned, and the remainder on account of various miscellaneous • services peculiar to the present ' year.

13th. Resolved, That the select committee, estimating upon an average of the three last years, and adverting to the additional

'appendix, that the estimate of the future annual expence of that ' office is exclusive of such sums as ' are contained in the estimate of the board of land and sea officers, for additional works, for security of his Majesty's dock yards, and of any other fortifications, or

in the West Indies, North Ame⚫rica, or elsewhere.

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weeks receipt in 1790, have cal-other new works to be carried on ⚫culated the future probable annual income at the sum of 16,030,2867. which exceeds the future expenditure, as estimated by the said ⚫ committee, by a sum of 61,108/.; that the above income is caleulated upon a revenue which appears to have been progressively increasing, and is exclusive of any addition to be expected from the < amount of the taxes of 1789, or from the increased produce of the ⚫ duties on tobacco; and likewise • exclusive of the profits of the lottery, which amounted in the present year nearly to 300,000%. and of any sums to arise from any incidental or extraordinary


14th. Resolved, That the mo◄

16th. Resolved, That during the last five years, the sum of 5,424,5927. including 674,5921. arising from annuities expired or ' unclaimed, and from dividends on stock bought, has been applied to the reduction of the national debt; 'that the sums by which the debt has been increased within the 'same period, appear, by the report of the select committee, to have amounted to 1,602,5891. leaving a balance of 3,822,0031. and that the annual interest on the stock bought, and the present amount of the annuities expired or unclaimed, appears to be 254,8041. in addition to the mil• lion


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