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architecture, admirable as the lover of art must ever consider them to be; the church was the place, however unpretending, where the faithful assembled to worship the Common God and Father of all! The rioters were convicted; the Magistrates wished some liberality to be extended towards them, for they found out that the penalty of forty pounds given by the Act against persons disturbing public worship must be considered as only one penalty. An application was made to us, and while we would not allow the braggart to awe us into silence, we shewed that the dissenters could listen to the language of courtesy, and, while having a giant's strength, that we were not disposed to use it like a giant. An apology was writtenwe accepted it; the guilty entered into recognizances to keep the peace, and he hoped the result would be, that these persons and all others would perceive, that the Dissenting Clergymen were the ministers of peace-men who sought not to punish, but to benefit and bless their felhow creatures.

The subject of out-door preaching was also referred to the Society, and he owned it was one which he did not approach with much satisfaction. He did not like to limit the right of public worship, but with the facilities which now existed for so laudable an object, he thought it was not needful to excite opposition or spread the flame of discord; the object of the dissenters being to proceed in their course without producing clamour, or giving the shadow of offence. The meeting must be already aware of the transaction which occurred at Islington, where a tent was put up, in which public worship was performed, and much good had been done. There a constable appeared, with orders from the local Magistrates to disperse the assembly; neither had a right to do so, and the worthy clergyman (Mr. Dunn) persevered in the work of good. At Colchester a person was apprehended for preaching in the public streets; a bill was preferred against him, but the Grand Jury, to their credit, did not find it. Next in the order of grievances notified to this Society, were the refusals to bury-a refusal more particularly applying to their friends of the Baptist connexion. By law, all persons baptized in the name of the Trinity, were entitled to sepulture; but the conscientious scruples of the Baptists not allowing them to have their children baptized in infancy, they could not claim the performance of the rites of sepulture where they resided, although they subscribed like others to the church. This was a painful subject; it was melancholy to think what custom, nature, and religion prompted, should by any law be prohibited; and that under circumstances of the most distressing nature-a parent refused to bury the child in the grave where his fathers lay, over which he had often wept and scattered flowers, and to which his affections were linked by ties, which only the heart could feel. The blood curdled within


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him when he thought of the existence, much less the use of such a power in any clergyman, that he could turn to gall the tear of weeping widowhood, or agonize the pang of parental distress. The sooner the Legislature applied some remedy to this, the better it would be. The registry of baptisms was also another subject which called for immediate legislation, improvement, and regulation. As the law now stood, the copy of a baptismal register from the Established Clergyman was held to be the best species of evidence, while that of the dissenter was only regarded in the nature of a memorandum. The dissenters, therefore, wish to have the baptism of the children registered at the office of the Clerk of the Peace, as a security for the preservation of their property and liberty. The dissenters had originated Societies, from which the greatest benefits were derived, and their feelings should be consulted. The most unworthy means were taken to injure their schools, and that by clergymen of the Church of England. He had no hostility to the Established Church, but if its clergy misconducted themselves, they must be censurable for it at the bar of public opinion. He (Mr. Wilks) then cited several instances of their conduct, both as to dissenting schools, and the burial of dissenter's children, and called upon the dissenters, who were a powerful body, to take the necessary and proper means for the protection of their interests. Whenever the time of a general election arrived, and it was a period that could not now be very distant, he hoped that no candidate would obtain a vote from a Protestant dissenter, who did not pledge himself to support the repeal of those obnoxious measures, as well as the Test and Corporation Act, which produced continued inconvenience and degradation to Protestant dissenters: and if their number was much more limited than it really was, and their intellect more imbecile, and their influence less powerful, he could venture to predict to such candidates, that in many parts of England the dissenting interest was not to be disregarded. In explanation of this assertion, he would mention a fact of recent occurrence, in a borough not more than fifty or sixty miles from the metropolis. That borough had long been contended for (its representation) by the Treasury and the popular party. The elections had cost much money. They had been protracted frequently, and that which he would take the liberty of calling the good cause, at length triumphed. At length an election for the High Bailiff of that borough arose, and the people of the popular interest conceiving that they were quite strong enough without the dissenting interest, declared their disrespect for that assistance. The dissenters did then what, he trusted, they would always do. They retired at once from the contest, and the popular party was defeated. Since that time, however, the best possible understanding has grown up between them, and the dissenters were regarded with abundance of courtesy. It 2 C

was by such efforts as these he had next to the conduct-to the new policy of described, that he would prepare to repeal this Government, as it regarded our West the Test Act. He would suggest, how- Indian colonies. He was quite convinced ever, that no forms should be adopted in that that which was good in England was their petitions to Parliament-but that not necessarily good throughout the world. each congregation should prepare their The Saxon edifice, or the Norman temple own petition, in order that the Legislature was not improved by the addition of a might clearly understand that they had Grecian pillar, but the rash architect who intelligence enough to express their wants, undertook such an improvement, despoiled and language to represent them. He then the building of its original and natural, detailed some extraordinary proceedings though rude appearance. That which was in the Court of the Bishop of St. David's, applicable to England in the same way, against the Rev. M. Thomas, for praying was not necessarily an improvement to at a grave in a church-yard, when the the colonies; and these episcopalian reguVicar had appointed the time of burial- lations, of which they had recently heard received the fees-and detained the so much, were just as unappropriate to the mourners for an hour; and a prosecution West India feeling, as were the splendid in the Court of the Bishop of Oxford by capitals of the Corinthian order to the enthe Curate of Thame, against six females, trance of some Saxon chapel. He knew for complaining of his refusal to admit the not how to allude to the men who had corpse of a child into the church. In the toiled, and strove, and suffered in the serfirst the proceedings were stayed, and in vice of religion in these colònies. It was the last the clergyman experienced a de- difficult, in gazing at a bright and beauserved and compleat defeat, accompanied tiful constellation, to select one star of with the payment of all costs. He pro- peculiar brilliancy; it was, however, not 'ceeded to the consideration of the recent impossible; and though the brightness of or projected Parliamentary proceedings the star might have passed away, its career affecting the rights or honour of Protestant of light would long be remembered. They dissenters, and to which several resolu- all felt the allusion. He could not seek to tions refer. He successively discussed harrow up their feelings by a recital of the the repeal of the Test and Corporation sufferings of him, who was now happily Acts the rejection of the Unitarian Mar- removed from all sorrow, whose course riage Bill the grant of £500,000. for the was finished, and who, ere this, if there erection of new churches-and the pro- were truth in the unerring promises of tection of dissenting Missionaries in British God, had received that crown of glory, Colonies throughout the world. A Bill which the Lord, a more righteous Judge too had within the present Session been than he was doomed to meet with here, introduced, relative to the colony of New- hath given him. His multiplied ills were foundland a colony, which was in itself now ended, but the recollection of them at least a contradiction of that statement still remained. It did so happen, that that so generally made, that our colonies were excellent man, when his letters were prerather a burthen, than an advantage to the vented from coming to this country, admother country. In Newfoundland, that dressed to him a communication, complainBill, to which he had alluded, under the ing of this harsh determination; and now profession of serving the Protestant dis. he did unfeignedly rejoice, that in a dissenters, had, in point of fact, produced tant land his connexion with the Society much mischief; or, at all events, in its should have caused that selection. The present condition, it was calculated to victim of a persecution as illegal and harsh cause considerable inconvenience. He had as ever disfigured any tribunal on any himself pointed out within a few weeks shore, had made his honest complaint, as it the manner in which that measure inter- were, to that very society. What expecfered with the rights of Protestant dissen-tation could he have of a fair trial? Who ters. An Act had passed too, requiring were his accusers? Those men who, when that all marriages should be celebrated by the Missionary first touched the shores of Protestant Ministers; and this law was that country, proclaimed to him, "The qualified, by permitting Protestant dissen- moment, Sir, you presume to teach the ters to be married by their own Pastor, poor negroes to read, that moment you provided they resided at a distance of ten leave this country." And when men who miles from a Protestant church. But what had immortal souls were prevented from would the Meeting think? Lest the Pro- attending at the table of the Lord, it was, testant dissenters should regard this mea- in his opinion, such super-superlative sure as a boon, it was accompanied by this heartlessness, that words in vain attemptenactment, that they (the Dissenting Pas-ed to describe it. Oh! the land where tors) might, under such circumstances, marry even Protestants-members of the Established Church. In consequence of a suggestion from him (Mr. Wilks) the Bill was altered, and its obnoxious provisions rectified; and he did trust, that an enlightened Legislation would speedily perceive the necessity of introducing some measure on this subject applicable to the whole of the British nation. He came

such deeds as these could be practised with impunity, was not a land for freemen, but a receptacle fit only for demons. No man was so absurd as to assert that slavery, however odious, shall at once be abolished in these colonies. No: such was not the course which the Missionaries suggested-it was not in accordance with their practice. It was their habit to excite the moral, the intellectual, and the religious


habits of the people with whom they had
to do, and thus to render them fit objects
for freedom. They gave them a percep-
tion for the charities of life-they taught
them the happiness of home, with all its
consoling associations-they taught self-
regulation-the subjection of those pas-
sions which belonged to natural man. The
Wesleyan Missionaries had established
schools where 10,000 slaves now receive
instruction. Instead of the nocturnal
orgies, the praises of the living and the
true God were sung by slaves in that so
long benighted land. He therefore hesi-
tated not to say,
"Woe to that legislature,
perils await its step that attempts new
establishments where such an order of
things is growing. From all that he had
stated, it appeared that great perils were
still awaiting the cause of the Protestant
dissenters civiland religious liberty. This,
however, instead of teaching them despair,
should arm them with renewed energy.
The good they were destined to achieve
would, in this case, "live after them."
They could not expect to see that oak, the
acorn of which was just dropped into the
ground; but it would spring up and shade
and protect their posterity beneath the
shadow of its branches. Thermopyla and
Marathon still existed in the example they
afforded to a people struggling in the
sacred cause of liberty. They were pur-
suing, at an immeasurable distance, that
divine course in which one of the most
illustrious and gifted men of modern times
had lived and died, and bequeathed to
them his precious example, and left too,
he was happy to say it, in one who honour
ed them by presiding at the meeting that
day, a relative worthy of his noble nature.
Justice had not been done to the memory
of Mr. Pitt: when that statesman was
dying, it is well known that he recom-
mended Mr. Fox as his successor-a re-
commendation honourable to both. He
apprehended no danger to the cause of
civil and religious liberty. The efforts that
were made to retard it, he regarded with
just as little apprehension as he should the
vain bidding of some tawny Indian, who
commanded the mighty torrent of the St.
Lawrence to retrace its course. The tide
of civil liberty would flow-the ebbing of
its course was not to be dreaded. That
stream has risen-it yet rises-and it shall
rise, till knowledge and freedom fructify
and bless every region of the earth.

Mr. Wilks then concluded his speech
amidst enthusiastic cheers.
[Resolutions, List of Committee, &c. in our next.]


THE Seventeenth Annual Meeting of this Institution was held on the 12th of April, in Stationers' Hall, Ludgate Hill.-Major General Neville, one of the Vice-Presidents, was in the Chair; the recent indisposition of the President, W. Wilberforce Esq. M.P. having precluded his atten


dance. The meeting was addressed by the Rev. J. Julian, D. Ruell, Dr. Winter, J. Hargreaves, the Rt. Hon. Sir G. H. Rose M.P. John Poynder Esq. W. A. Hankey Esq. Thomas Wilson Esq. Joshua Pearson Esq. and William Brownlow, Esq. Since the last Anniversary there had been one hundred and sixty-two applications for admission; of which one hundred and twenty-seven had been received into the Asylum, twenty-eight had been placed out in service, twenty-two had been reconciled and restored to their friends, fifty-three withdrew at their own request, or were dismissed, two had left from ill health, one from pregnancy and had married. There were one hundred and seven Females in the house at the last return.

The Report exposed a powerful auxiliary in connection with the house of ill-fame, known by the name of "dress houses;" by which the most miserable and forlorn of her sex, by bartering a share in the wages of her iniquity, may get handsomely attired from head to foot, and thus be helped forward in her career, until she sinks under disease and death, a miserable victim to the avarice of others. The pernicious tendency of these vile establishments, to facilitate the entrance on a course of sin, as well as a continuance in it, renders it a subject well worthy of the interference of the Legislature. Among the interesting topics of the Report were the following; that the Committee had, during the past year, ascertained, that four of the former inmates of the Asylum, who had been placed in respectable situations of service, had begun to lay by money from their wages, which they had deposited in the Savings Banks of their respective thus saved had been found to exceed the neighbourhood; and that the amounts sum of £40. a proof at least, of the formation of habits of Industry and Economy. Several letters from persons who had taken some of the former inmates into their service, were read; expressive of their good conduct and steady deportment.

A Committee of Ladies at Hereford, have united together (in the same way as at Brighton) to rescue some of the unfortunate females around them; and to place them in a way to escape from their misery. Not able to meet the expense of a local establishment, an agreement has been made, by which ten such persons may be received into the Institution at Pentonville.

A small Library has been formed in each of the four wards by the Ladies' Committee; to increase which, any books for the edification of the inmates, will be gladly received. As the shewing of the house to the public, occasions, on those days, a derangement of the internal economy of the establishment, and suspends much of its industry, the Committees have limited it to the first Thursdays in the months of January, April, July and October.

The Report was very cordially received by a respectable audience.



porary design, has originated under the blessing of God, the present encouraging interest. During the interval now mentioned, Mr. Smith (while preparing for the ministry) became acquainted with Mr. Thompson, who frequently invited him as well as other ministers to preach in the room. Mr. S. has recently accepted the unanimous invitation of the church, to become their Pastor.

For Propagating the Gospel, opening Sunday Schools &c. in Destitute Villages. The Fourth Annual Meeting of this Society, was held on Monday Evening, May 3rd, at the School Room of the British and Foreign School Society, Borough Road, Southwark, the Rev. Alexander Fletcher, M. A. President, in the Chair. After a Hymn had been sung, and the The formation of the church, and the divine blessing implored by the Rev. service of the ordination were solemn and Joseph Irons, the Secretary read the Re- interesting. On Lord's day the 9th of port. It stated that the Society has under May, that honoured servant of God, Isaiah its care eight stations, namely, Streatham, Birt, of Birmingham, delivered an interestEwell, Hook, Regent Place, Banstead, ing discourse from John xvi. last clause of Esher, Weybridge, and Watton on Thames; the 23rd verse. In the afternoon, the in which the word of life is preached friends intending to be formed into church Mr. Birt then regularly every Sabbath; and in four of fellowship assembled. these places, there are Sunday Schools, read the xiith of Romans-delivered a each of them in a very prosperous condi- most affectionate, and faithful addresstion. Six instances are recorded of the prayed-recognized the union of the memgood effects that have resulted from its bers, and concluded by administering to labours-four among the adults, and two this infant church the Lord's supper, on amongst the children. Besides the above which occasion several friends from a mentioned places, the following have been neighbouring church also communicated. occasionally supplied by the Society's The whole formed a highly delightful opAgents, during the year, viz. Beddington portunity. In the Evening Mr. B. preachCorner, Cobham, Dulwich, Garrett, Hor-ed from John x. 27, 28. On Tuesday sell, Merton, Richmond, Sydenham, Thornton Heath, Wandsworth Common, Westow Hill, Norwood, West End, and Napp Hill, near Chobham; having thus afforded an illustration of the benevolence of its character, as the "Good Samaritan." The Report further stated, that the Society is burdened by a debt of more than £50. Although the weather had been exceed-ordination prayer; and his Father gave a ingly unfavourable during the whole of the day, yet the attendance was good. The several Resolutions were moved, and seconded by the Rev. Dr. Andrews, and Mr. Irons, and by Thomas Thompson Esq. Messrs. Brown, Bolton, Elleway, Goodman, Hawes, Oliver, Overton, Peachey and Waight.


Newcastle under Lyne, Staffordshire. It will doubtless gratify the friends of the Redeemer, to hear of the enlargement of his visible kingdom, though in ever so small a degree; under these feelings we have great pleasure in transmitting the following statement.

Through the kindness of our heavenly Father, a congregation has been collected, and a Church comprising sixteen members, formed in this town, from a very smalĺ beginning an incidental circumstance.

About two years ago, Mr. Thompson was accustomed to take advantage of the occasional visits of ministers at his house, to call together his family and neighbours to hear the word of life, in one of the apartments of his own house. This being found highly inconvenient, it suggested to Mr. T. the propriety of fitting up a room in his manufactory for the same purpose. From this humble origin, and merely tem

Evening, the 11th, Mr. John Birt, of Man-
chester, preached from Isaiah Ixii. 7.
in the New Methodist Chapel, which was
generously lent for the occasion on the
12th May. Mr. James Lister of Liverpool,
delivered an introductory discourse from
Acts ii. 4. Mr. John Birt offered up the

The ordination services were conducted

most impressive charge from Luke xii. 43. The remaining services were postponed until the Evening, when Mr. Lakelin, of Burslem, commenced with prayer, and Mr. Stevens, of Rochdale, addressed the church from Phil. ii. 16.

who were engaged in the solemnities of the Much happiness was enjoyed by those day; the sphere of labour being extensive, much good is humbly anticipated from this settlement. Mr. Smith has had no inducement from pecuniary considerations to cast in his lot with this small Infant Society; but it is hoped that through the divine blessing upon his labours, his spiritual reward in the conversion of souls will be great.

A most eligible piece of land has been purchased and put on trust, and it is hoped through the blessing of God, and the assistance of friends, a Chapel may ere long be erected; the present Place of Worship being half a mile from the town.



The Annual Meeting of the above Soci-
ety will be held at the City of London
Tavern, on Tuesday Evening, June 22, 1824,
Chair to be taken at six o'clock precisely.

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HEATH, with a view to the instruction of the multitudes of Sabbath breakers, who usually frequent those places during the summer season.

In the near prospect of another Annual Meeting, the Committee feel it their duty to state, that at no former period in the history of this Society, has it possessed stronger claims upon public liberality than It is intended to have Three Services at the present. The applications for asevery Lord's day, towards which several sistance from this Society have far exceed- neighbouring Ministers have kindly ened those of any former year, consequently, gaged to afford their gratuitous aid.-But the Treasurer has been considerably in as the Tent alone will cost forty pounds advance for several months past. besides other expences, it is earnestly reDuring the last year eighteen Missiona-quested that those friends who are favourries have been employed under the patron- able to the undertaking, will send their age of this Society, and although not names and state the amount, which they altogether supported by its funds, yet so are willing to contribute to the object, to far dependant, that without its aid they either of the following Ministers or Genmust have relinquished many stations, tlemen, viz. Mr. J. H. EVANS, Hampstead which, but for their labours would have Heath, Mr. E. LEWIS, Highgate; Mr. J. been lamentably destitute of evangelical EDWARDS, Kentish Town; Messrs. DAY instruction. Besides the above Missiona- and HANSON, 99, Newgate Street; A. HILL, ries who are entirely devoted to the work, Great Coram Street; MARSHALL and SON, there are upwards of eighty stated and 188, High Holborn. occasional preachers of the Gospel, who are assisting in defraying the expences of their village labours.

The Committee cannot but deeply regret, that notwithstanding the income of this Society is increasing, they have been under the painful necessity of witholding the aid usually offered to diligent labourers; and that upwards of TWENTY NEW applications on behalf of at least one hundred villages, have, as yet, received no assistance entirely for want of funds!


This cause and the Committee again appeal to you! Confiding to your liberality, the expenditure has been allowed to exceed the income by upwards of two hundred pounds during the last year. As you regard the claims of home and of kindred; as you pity souls that are perishing in their sins, and still destitute of a preached Gospel; and above all, as you love the Saviour who shed his blood for you, the Committee trust you will not suffer this Society to languish for want of funds, but that at the approaching Anniversary you will afford that prompt and seasonable aid, which other institutions have experienced, when in similar circumstances. Signed on behalf of the Committee,

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J. EDWARDS, Secretaries.
F. A. Cox,
Committee Room, 99, Newgate-street.
May 24, 1824.

P.S. It is particularly requested that the Treasurers of Auxiliary Societies, and those active friends who have received

contributions by collecting books, Missionary boxes, &c. &c. will be so kind as to forward the amount to WILLIAM DAY ESQ. Treasurer, 99, Newgate-street, or by some friend to the Secretaries, which sums together with those which have been recently received, will be acknowledged in the "QUARTERLY REGISTER" for July next.

Tent Preaching.

It is in contemplation to erect another Tent for Divine Service, in the vicinity of the REGENCY PARK, or upon HAMPSTEAD


THE Friends to this Mission are respectfully informed, that the ANNUAL MEETING of the SOCIETY will be held in LONDON, in the course of the present Month, according to the following arrangement:


Committee of this Society, at the MissionMORN. at 11.-An open Meeting of the ary Rooms, 6, Fen-court, Fenchurch-street, at which the Company of such Ministers as may be in Town is particularly requested, especially the Members of the Corresponding Committee.


Morn. at 11.-Sermon for this Society at Great Queen-street Chapel, Lincoln's-innfields, by the Rev. CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON, of Edinburgh.

Even, at 6.-Sermon for this Society at Surry Chapel, Blackfriars'-road, by the Rev. THOMAS MORGAN, of Birmingham.


Morn. at 9.-Prayer Meeting for the Mission, at Eagle-street Meeting House. Some Minister from the Country will deliver an Address.

At 11.-Annual Meeting of this Society, at Great Queen-street Chapel, Lincoln'sinn-fields; BENJAMIN SHAW, Esq. in the Chair.

FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 25.-The Annual Meeting of the BAPTIST IRISH SOCIETY, will be held at the City of London Tavern. Breakfast at Seven o'clock.

FRIDAY EVENING. - The Anniversary Sermon in aid of the Funds of the STEPNEY INSTITUTION, will be preached at

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