Enter CHORUS. O, FOR a muse of fire, that would ascend fire, Crouch for employment. But pardon, gentles all, Carry them here and there; jumping o'er times; Who, prologue like, your humble patience pray ACT I. CHARLES THE SIXTH, King of France. Dukes of Burgundy, Orleans, and Bourbon. RAMBURES, GRANDPREE, French Lords Governor of Harfleur. MONTJOY, a French Herald. Ambassadors to the King of England. ISABEL, Queen of France. KATHARINE, Daughter of Charles and Isabel. ALICE, a Lady attending on the Princess Katharine. QUICKLY, Pistol's Wife, an Hostess. Lords, Ladies, Officers, French and English Soldiers, Messengers, and Attendants. The SCENE, at the beginning of the Play, lies in England; but afterwards wholly in France. Which in the eleventh year o' the last king's reign Eli. But how, my lord, shall we resist it now? A thousand pounds by the year: Thus runs the bill. Ely. This would drink deep. Cant. "Twould drink the cup and all. Ely. But what prevention ? Cant. The king is full of grace, and fair regard. And whipp'd the offending Adam out of him: To envelop and contain celestial spirits. Ely. We are blessed in the change. Cant. Hear him but reason in divinity And, all admiring, with an inward wish SCENE I. London. An Antechamber in the from Hall and Holinshed that the events passed at Lei King's Palace. Enter the Archbishop of Canter-cester, where King Henry V. held a parliament in the bury, and Bishop of Ely. Canterbury. My lord, I'll tell you,-that self bill is urg'd, 10 for circle, alluding to the circular form of the heatre. The very casques does not mean the identical casques, but the casques alone, or merely the casques. 2 Imaginary forces.' Imaginary for imaginative, or your powers of fancy. The active and passive are of ten confounded by old writers. 3 This first scene was added in the folio, together with the choruses, and other amplifications. It appears second year of his reign. But the chorus at the beginning of the second act shows that the poet intended to make London the place of his first scene. 4 'Canterbury and Ely.' Henry Chicheley, a Carthusian monk, recently promoted to the see of Canterbury. John Fordham, bishop of Ely, consecrated 1388, died 1426. 5 i. e. scrambling. 6 Question is debate. 7 The same thought occurs in the preceding play. where King Henry V. says: My father is gone wild into his grave. |