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and have the pleasure of seeing our little ones many times restored to health and happiness, when a little neglect would have resulted otherwise.

Second. Now a word in regard to remedies and their sphere. You and I both have awaited their action in breathless silence, and seen the little one grow weaker and weaker until its pulse could no longer be felt. We have spent long and anxious nights in search of the similimum of a given case. The materia medica shows well-worn leaves as strong evidence that the remedy has been most patiently sought after, and still no specific has been discovered.

The remedies I most often use are arsenite of copper, arsenicum aloes, croton tig, chamomilla, camphor, ipecac, merc. cor., and podophyllum. It has been my good fortune to find the case more nearly covered by the arsenite of copper than any other one remedy. The ars. seems to cover the nausea, the emaciation, the loss of strength, the cadaverous look, and the cuprum meets the crampy pains, the tendency to convulsions, the violent cramps in the abdomen, convulsive vomiting, the peculiar green stools with flocculent matter so often met with; so I think this combination the best, and it has cured more cases than any other one remedy in my hands.

Third. Under the head of supplying fluid to the system, all of us have witnessed the ready response the pulse makes following an operation attended by shock, when the saline sol. is used. It seems to me in true cholera infantum we have almost a parallel case, where the fluids of the body are just as much depleted as in a case of shock following an operation.

So I have come to use a saline sol. in most of these cases, giving an injection high up in the bowel through a No. 15 male catheter of one half pint at a time; and if this does not raise the pulse to its normal strength, I use one fourth pint injected into the cellular tissue of the abdomen, buttocks, thigh, or back; this can be done once in eight or ten hours and is readily absorbed, and has never done any harm. Two years ago this summer, while in New York doing post-graduate work, I had my attention called to Wolf's

electrozone, and saw it used in all forms of orificial surgery with the most gratifying results; and I was led to try it in cholera infantum as an injection, both for its fluid supply and its antiseptic properties. I use it same as the saline sol. and about four ounces at a time, and repeat every four hours if well retained. I employ it full strength, and have seen such beneficial results that I should be loth to deprive the little sufferer from its most pleasing effects.

I have also employed merc. cor. one to 5 m. to irrigate the bowel with, also carbolic acid 30m. to the pint, and a few times a I x argentum nit. in a weak sol. But for two years I I have used either the saline sol. or electrozone, and have found them so well filling the need that I have used nothing else during that period.

Fourth. Next we come to the matter of reducing temperature; and I have yet to see the first case of true cholera infantum that did not carry quite a high temperature. The best method of reducing temperature is by baths, given just as a bath is given in typhoid fever, commencing the bath at a temperature of 100°, and continuing to cool the water until it reaches 80° or 85° by adding ice to it until it reaches the desired temperature.

These baths should be continued for from ten to thirty minutes, and should be repeated as often as the temperature reaches 102°. These baths should be made available by using a small tub into which the child can be put, or by the ordinary sponge bath - always bearing in mind to cool the water to the desired temperature by adding pieces of ice until it reaches the desired temperature. In either case the result is accomplished and the fever greatly abated.

Fifth. Our next section has to do with the nutrition of the child and its methods of taking it.

Following the experience of earlier years, some of which was not so pleasant as it might be, I always since have made it a rigid rule to employ a wet nurse for all children under six months old where one can possibly be got. I consider this the most important step toward the little one's recovery that could possibly be taken.

As a rule, with older children I discard cow's milk or condensed milk, whichever the child may be taking, and put the child upon a diet of some of the well-established and favorably recognized foods on the market ; namely, Mellen's, Nestle's, or lactated, with the juice of raw meat added in the proportion of one half teaspoonful to each feeding, or five to ten drops of bovinine to each feeding. I also use with these foods rice water, barley water, and oatmeal water, using these to vary the diet and increase the nourishment of the child. I add one tablespoonful of these foods to each feeding, and insist that the child should not be fed oftener than once in three or four hours, and with great regularity.

To increase the nutrition, I also use inunctions of cocoa butter, olive oil, cream, or cod liver oil, or lard with the addition of bovinine or beef juice, added in the quantity of one teaspoonful to each inunction. In long-continued cases I have found this to be one of the best means of sustaining the child's strength.

Cold koumiss I have used in a few cases, and have found it to work well and sustain the strength; and it is well borne by the sensitive stomach.

To supply albumen, of which there is so great a loss to the system, we find that the white of an egg beaten into cracked ice or very cold water and fed in teaspoonful doses, as the child needs it to assuage thirst, is the best means of supplying the system with this much-needed food. Wine whey, malted foods, animal broths, liquid peptinoids, all find a place in the diet list until we are satisfied that the child is being well fed and well nourished.

For stimulants I use both whiskey and brandy, and in about the proportion of one to six, and give one dram of that mixture every hour if needed. I have also used champagne, and seen good results from its use.

In desperate cases I also resort to rectal alimentation of milk and brandy, with pancreatine added, once in four hours until the stomach will do its work again, and the child is going on to a rapid recovery. Sometimes I add the indicated remedy to this injection if the stomach is intolerant, and find it is well adapted to this class of children.

In closing I will mention three cases treated during the months of July and August of the past year.

Case No. 1. Baby A., five months old, had a cholera infantum grafted on to end of an acute bronchitis ; temperature 103, pulse so rapid we could count it with difficulty; vomited and purged incessantly; tongue dry and parched; bowels full and tender to the touch; extremities cold and clammy. This was a condensed milk baby, and the mother would give it nothing else. I gave in addition beef juice and white of an egg, and stimulated with brandy, used ars. and verat. alb., applied hot water bags to the feet and legs, wrapped the bowels in warm flannel, and gave the cold sponge baths to control the temperature.

Dr. Burpee saw this case with me, and recommended saline. sol. injections, as I had done before, but which were never carried out. We both tried to get the baby for the seashore hospital, but in vain. The child grew weaker and thinner, and in a few days was laid to rest.

Case No. 2. Baby B., aged four months, was taken on July 10 with violent vomiting and purging, which kept up on an average of once an hour for the first twenty-four hours; temperature 104, pulse 160, restless and moaning, tongue dry and parched. This baby was bottle fed, and had cow's milk. I secured a wet nurse and put the child upon arsen. of copper with electrozone injections well up in the bowels. through a No. 15 male catheter, repeated every four hours for the first twenty-four hours, then once or twice a day for the next week. Cold sponge baths every four hours were given. Temperature was reduced in forty-eight hours and the pain subsided, and the child went on to an uninterrupted. recovery.

Case No. 3. Baby C., aged one year and two months, was taken August 10, 1898, with most terrible vomiting, and attended by watery discharges from the bowels. Bowels were bloated and tender to touch, child moaned and had that pitiable look we all dislike so much to see. I made careful inquiry, and found that, one week before that, they had called in a doctor, and he had given castor oil for three or four days.

in succession, and the child had got no better, so they decided to see what a change would do for the little one.

I found a temperature of 103 and a pulse of 170, continual swallowing and retching when not vomiting; every particle of food taken was thrown violently up as soon as taken. I began the treatment with ars., and ended the case with the same remedy, changed to Mellin's food and bovinine, five drops to each feeding, used the baths to reduce the temperature, and gave saline sol. injections every four hours for the first twenty-four hours, and then continued them once or twice a day for the first ten days, covered the bowels with warm flannels; also the feet and legs were wrapped up in warm flannels, sterile napkins and absolutely clean clothing were substituted for those worn, and we were soon rewarded by seeing the little one begin to make some improvement. In this case there was a great loss of flesh, and I employed the inunctions of olive oil night and morning, with the most satisfactory results, for several weeks.



[Read before the Massachusetts Homœopathic Medical Society, Wednesday, April 12, 1899.] Of all the diseases to which human flesh is heir, there is probably not another one to which so much time and diligent study has been devoted, and one in which the profession and laity are so deeply interested, as tuberculosis. And well may we devote much time and study to this disease, for it annually claim's many thousand precious lives from all over the world, and brings much sorrow and long suffering to many homes; and its invasion and attack are as treacherous and stealthy as a snake in the grass. In its incipiency we can stay the disease, but when its relentless hand is firmly fixed upon the poor victim, his doom is sealed, and no mortal power can stop its progress and restore the patient to perfect health and the enjoyment of life.

With these dismal facts staring us in the face, should we not hail with delight any and all remedies and means which,

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