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scriptures record a remarkable instance of the exercise of Adam's dominion over the creatures which God had made. The beasts of the field and the fowls of the air were brought unto Adam, to see what he would call them, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. "And Adam gave names to all the cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field." As soon as he saw them he knew what to call them, because he knew their natures and dispositions.

II. I shall say a few things concerning EVE.

At first Adam was alone, there was no other human creature but himself; and the LORD GOD said, "It is not good that the Man should be alone, I will make him a help meet for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took one of his ribs and clos ed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib which he had taken from Man,

Woman, and brought her unto

made he a

the Man."

Thus God made only one Man, and one Wo

[blocks in formation]

man, at first God himself joined them tes gether. Eve was not formed from the head of Man, therefore she is not his ruler and governor. She was not formed from his feet, that she should be trampled on and used as a slave, but she was taken from his side, that she might be his companion, his equal, his bosom friend, the partner of his joys and cares; she is to partake of the one and lighten the other." And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living." Our first parents exceeded all other creatures in beauty and majesty. In the form of their limbs, the beauty of their countenance, in having the power of speech, in the upright posture of their bodies, and as having rational and immortal souls. Such were ADAM and EVE.


1. What are the words of the text? Ans. And the Lord God formed man out of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and Man became a living soul.

2. Where are they to be found? Ans. Gen. Chap. 2. verse 7.

3. On what day was man created? On the sixth day.

4. How did God speak when he was going to make man? He said, Let us make man.

5. Of what was the body of man formed? Of the dust of the ground.

6. How did God make the soul of Man? In his own image.

7. Does this image of God mean the outward shape or body of man? No, for God is a Spirit and has no bodily parts.

8. Wherein did the soul of man resemble the likeness of God? In its spiritual and Immortal nature, and in the faculties of the understanding and will.

9. Wherein did the image of God in the soul of man chiefly consist? In knowledge, righteousness and true holiness.

- 10. What was the consequence of this image of God on Adam and Eve? They were immortal both in body and soul, and had dominion over all the creatures.

11. How was Eve formed? By a rib from Adam's side.

12. When did God take the rib from Adam's side? When he was asleep.

13. What name did Adam give her at first? He said, She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

14. What was the name that he afterwards called her? Eve.

15. Why did he call her Eve? Because she was the mother of all living.

16. What is intended by her being taken from the side of man? That she should be his equal, his companion, his bosom friend.

17. When God had made Adam and Eve, what did he say to them? Be ye fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,

18. What lesson may we learn from the formation of Man? It should teach us humility and remind us of our morality.


How wonderful is Man, he is a compendium of the whole creation. In him we find something of the vegetable, animal and rational world. Man is the noblest work of


God. Heaven and earth are united in man. He has a body and a soul. My young friends, you have heard that man was formed from the dust of the ground at first, and that when he dies he will return to dust again. This should teach you to be humble. Beware of pride. This should teach you to consider your latter end. Be mindful of death. Why should you be proud of that beautiful face; it must one day become the food of worms. How curious and wonderful are your bodies: Well might David say, "We are fearfully, and wonderfully made." What a glorious creature was Man when he first came from the hands of his Maker. Man is not now what God first made him. He is a sinner, you are all sinners. The bodies and souls of men have undergone a great and dreadful change. How this change happened, you

will be learned in the sixth Lecture.

How wonderfully formed is the head of Man. You often experience a pain in the head. If you have fine hair, do not be proud of it. Absalom was proud of his hair, and that was the means of his death,


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