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money tickets. According to which the chairman of the visiting committee shall reward them quarterly.-And besides, will ornament them with medals, or badges of honour, according to their respective merits.

For the purpose also of correcting idleness, inattention, and bad behaviour, or absence from school, without a just cause assigned by the parents of the children, it is proposed, that two books shall be kept; one by the master, and another by the mistress, which in each school shall be called the black book, in which shall be distinctly registered alphabetically, the misconduct and bad behaviour of each boy and girl in the two schools, specifying the nature of the offence-whether uttering a profane oath, lying, cheating, truant, idleness, negligence, attending school without being combed and washed, or any other fault requiring investigation and animadversion, which book must not only be submitted to the periodical visitors, but also laid before the managers at the quarterly examination of the schools, and the culprits particularly summoned with their parents to attend, that they may have an admonition from the president or chairman, and that those who are incorrigible, and likely

to corrupt the other pupils, may be expelled the school-but not (in the boys' school) until a jury of 24 of the scholars, taken from the three highest classes, (8 out of each) shall by their verdict determine that such culprit or culprits is or are unworthy of the great benefits derived from the school, and that their bad example and highly improper conduct must prove injurious if they are not expelled.

This check upon delinquency is proposed with an immediate view to promote good order, diligence, and rigid discipline, at the least expense of punishment, of which it is a great object to be frugal and a good economist.

Every act of delinquency deserving a place in the black book is to be immediately marked on the slate by the tutor or monitor, for the consideration of the master or mistress, whether it deserves a place there or not, and if the tutor shall neglect to mark such act of delinquency, and shall fail to give notice of it to the monitor, he or she, so neglecting, shall be marked in the black book, and so shall the monitor if he or she neglects to inform the master or mistress of the delin

quency disclosed by the tutors, or by any pupil in the school.


Experience has already shown that a strict adherence to this rule has had a most excellent effect in producing attention and good order. But for the purpose of rendering it effectually useful, it will be the duty of the master and mistress, once in every week, in presence of the whole school, solemnly to inspect and scrutinize the faults of all culprits who are thus registered, when the nature and consequence of every omission and commission shall be explained in plain and familiar language, suited to the comprehension of all the pupils, with proper commentaries, and an appropriate admonition as it applies to each offence.

Checks of this nature (where those assigned to conduct the affairs of the school, as well as the pupils themselves, are bound to report whatever they see done amiss, contrary to the rules established for its good government, and where they themselves are liable to be disgraced if they neglect their duty) by securing the detection of delinquency, tend in an eminent degree to prevent carelessness and

irregularity, and to establish good habits both in, and out of school.



For the purpose of facilitating education, the reading and writing department of the school is divided into eight or more classes, and each pupil is furnished in the first instance with a slate and pencil; but to save expense, refuse slates are procured, generally gratis, where new buildings are erecting, and the boys are afterwards employed in grinding the surface smooth, so as to admit of letters and figures being marked or written upon them: each pupil therefore begins to mark, or write, at the moment he begins to learn his alphabet. This idea is taken from a practice observed by Dr. Bell, in a Malabar School, in the East Indies, with this difference, that instead of marking the letters on sand, they are formed by a pencil on the slate. Great advantages arise from teaching the alphabet in this manner; it engages and amuses the mind, and so commands the attention of the young pupil, that it greatly facilitates the toil both of the tutor and the

scholar, to whom it gives a distinct and accurate idea of the shape and form of each letter, while it enables the pupil, at the very outset, to distinguish the letters of a similar cast or form, such as b, d, p, and q. In fact, it removes every obstacle which at first puzzles the young beginner and interrupts his progress. And experience has evinced, that, by the adoption of this mode of teaching, the progress is rapid beyond all example; since by following it up with accuracy, pupils have been taught both to read and write, distinctly, in the course of twelve months. In fact, reading and writing, (the latter generally upon the slate,) are rendered subservient to each other, in the whole progress of this humble, though useful system of moderate and cheap education. It is cheap, because one master or mistress, of proper abilities, while the pupils are thus made to instruct one another, may each superintend and perfect the instruction of 500 children, which, according to the old mode, required the labour of at least a dozen of different teach ers, and as many salaries. It is cheap, also, because slates (unless during a short period before quitting school) are substituted for

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