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animal. They are not to learn, or sing, bad songs, and, above all, they are not to associate and play, or to keep company, with wicked or bad children, whether boys or girls, who make use of bad words, who are guilty of picking and stealing, swearing, telling lies, cheating, playing at bad games for money, drinking in ale houses, and keeping company with bad women: as all these acts of great wickedness are known to be evil communications which corrupt good manners, and are a sure road to the gallows, or to some severe and disgraceful punishment. Beware therefore of running about the streets, and forming an acquaintance with idle, disorderly, and bad children, out of school hours, particularly on the Lord's Day; stay at home on that holy day, read your books, and endeavour to give pleasure to your parents and friends, by showing the progress you have made in your learning-and in every thing that is good and praiseworthy, which you have been taught at the school.

7. As prizes will be given to every scholar, by the gentlemen and ladies who exa

mine the school, according to the number of tickets which you may receive from the master for good behaviour in and out of school-attention to your duties when in school, and advancement in learning struggle therefore to outdo each other, that you may have many prizes; always considering that the good scholar, who runs fastest in pursuit of learning, always gets the best of all prizes, because nothing is so good as learning to young persons, such as they obtain at this school; because it tends to make them good, happy, and comfortable all their lives.

8. It is expected that all the scholars admitted into this school, shall, before going to bed in the evening, first recollect all the faults they have committed during the day; and afterwards, that they will say their prayers according to the form which has been delivered to them, and also a morning prayer, immediately after they get up out of bed, which will be found printed in the same paper, both which they must get by heart, as soon as possible-and repeat the same

in the school every Sunday, that the master may know they have learnt their prayers.

9. The great duty of all children, and it is a duty particularly expected of those who are admitted into this school, is, that they shall attend to the Divine precept, Fear God, and honour the King, and all in authority under him-that they are dutiful and obedient to their parents and friends who have the charge of them, and thankful to them for sending them to school. That they abstain from all vice and wickedness, and do honour to the, school in which they are taught, by showing a good example to all other children who have not the same benefits.

10. All offences against these good laws will be marked down in the black book, and submitted to the inspection of the visitors, that they may be able to distinguish the good from the bad scholars, and wherever a fault is committed by any one, so as to be placed in the black book, all the tickets before received with

a view to a prize will be for ever forfeited; and no prize will be given by the visitors, where the black book records any fault. Take care, therefore, that none of your names get upon the black book.


The general rules laid down as they relate to education, and to religious and moral instruction, apply in most instances to both schools; but there are other regulations peculiarly applicable to the girls' school which it is necessary to explain. Since, in addition to the different branches of education which have been already mentioned, which however admit of some variations more immediately applicable to females, it has been a desideratum to employ a certain portion of their time in needle work, and other suitable female employments, calculated to enable them to gain their living as menial servants, or in some other reputable and useful employment. With this view, it is considered as the duty of the mistress, through the medium of tutors and monitors, as far as such a system can be rendered applicable` to females-to teach them to sew, to make and mend their own clothes, to mark, and to knit stock


ings. Straw plat may be also introduced, that they may possess as many resources as possible for gaining a livelihood in an honest way; but the great object is, to fit them for domestic situations, and to make them good servants*, by fortifying their minds against those vices to which they are more particularly exposed -to guard them against seduction, and to impress upon their minds the utmost horror of a state of female prostitution; to warn them against associating with bad women of this description, by frequent admonitions, depicting in strong colours the miseries, the distresses, and the crimes to which such bad examples will lead.-To show them, that a love of idleness, finery, and dress, an impatience under restraint in servitude, an indisposition to do their duty as good servants, an instability of temper, which will not permit them to listen to just and proper reproof, or admonition from masters or mistresses, when the duty they are bound to perform is neglected, sends many young women, who thoughtlessly

* With this view they will be employed in washing the school house and stairs, and other domestic employments, suited to their strength, as far as the system will permit; and small premiums will be given to excite emulation in these employments. They have been, and will be, employed also in making shifts, frocks and petticoats of different sizes, from materials furnished by the managers at the ready

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