CONNECTICUT COMMON SCHOOL JOURNAL. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. VOLUME I. HARTFORD: PRINTED BY CASE, TIFFANY & Co., PEARL STREET. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. HARTFORD, AUGUST, 1, 1838. VOL. I.] TO THE PUBLIC. [No. 1. sion and the preceding one;-individuals in public sta The press is powerful to an extent often beyond conception. We can hardly estimate what may be done in this way in harmonizing the views of the community, and exciting to efficient action, with regard to the condition and -The Board of Commissioners of Common Schools, at tions,-School Committees and Visiters,-the Clergy of its first meeting on the 14th of June, decided, that as an different denominations, and many others who take a deep important auxiliary in their efforts to accomplish the end interest in the cause of popular education. Unless our of their appointment, it was desirable that a periodical fellow citizens of this description will lend their aid, acdevoted to the great cause of popular education, should tively and efficiently, to promote the circulation of the be established under their direction; and authorized the Connecticut Common School Journal, those who have Secretary of the Board to do so as early as the necessary undertaken to conduct it must fail of accomplishing the arrangements could be made. After some correspond- important object which it has in view. No periodical can ence, and personal communication with the friends of be started without personal exertion. Agents are often the cause, and relying on the ready and generous support employed for this purpose; but here the interests at stake of the public, this first number of the Connecticut Com- affect so deeply the whole community, that it would seem mon School Journal is issued. Its leading object, as set as if all good citizens should be the agents. forth in the Address of the Board to their fellow-citizens, will be to promote the elevated character, the increasing prosperity, and the extensive usefulness of the Common Schools of Connecticut. It will be employed in connection with the public prints, as an organ of communication between the Board and their Secretary, and the public. It will contain the laws of the State in reference to Common Schools.-It will assist School Committees and School Visiters in discharge of their duties.-It will help to form, encourage, and bring forward good teachers. -It will furnish some matter adapted to the capacity of Reader will you at once subscribe for the Journal?the children in our schools, and to their instruction and rational entertainment.-It will be one means of ascerThe expense is trifling; you will not feel it. Will you get Will you take taining the real deficiences that may exist in the schools, your friends and neighbors to subscribe? a few extra copies, as your means may allow you to do and of suggesting the suitable remedies. It will aim to for distribution among those, and especially teachers of give information of what is doing in other States, and in other countries, with regard to popular education.-It youth, who may feel as if they could not just now meet the will endeavor to excite and keep alive a spirit of efficient expense? What you do will all come back again in overand prudent action on the subject, and introduce upon its flowing measure upon yourself, your family, your children, and all your dearest interests. pages from time to time such other topics as will subserve the promotion of this important end. In this, and every other effort which the Board may make to increase the interest, and elevate the character of our Common Schools, the Board would solicit the cordial co-operation of the public. It will be issued for the present, monthly, at the moderate charge of fifty cents, payable at the end of six months for the first year, and in advance for the following years. All communications relating to the Journal, may be addressed to HENRY BARNARD, 2nd, Secretary of the Board of Com. of Com. Sch., Hartford, post paid. To those who are ready to be the friends and patrons Common Schools. prospects of our common schools. We want to talk to each other all over the State, on the subject. We need some medium of intercourse. We ought to have concentrated and brought out to view the sentiments and plans of intelligent minds, and especially of practical men, How can all this be done except through an established periodical? Second Report of the Joint Select Committee on Common GENERAL ASSEMBLY, May Session, 1838. The Joint Select Committee on Common Schools beg leave further to Report That as in their opinion the "act to provide for the better supervision of Common Schools," which they recommended in their former Report, and which received the almost unanimous vote of both branches of the Legislature, will secure not only the specific object it has in view, but lead, through the investigations and suggestions of the Board of Commissioners which it creates, to such modifications of our present school system, as will be at of once acceptable to the people, and efficient; they do not propose to submit any other measure for the action of the This class, surely, will embrace all who have been mem-information which they have been able to collect or coinGeneral Assembly at its present session. With all the bers of the State Legislature, and especially at its last ses-mand, and the patient consideration which they have |