Are they that I would have thee deal upon : Tyrrel, I mean those bastards in the Tower. Tyr. Let me have open means to come to them, And soon I'll rid you from the fear of them. K. Rich. Thou sing'st sweet music. Hark, come hither, Tyrrel: Go, by this token: rise, and lend thine ear: 80 [Whispers. There is no more but so: say it is done; K. Rich. Shall we hear from thee, Tyrrel, ere we sleep? Tyr. Ye shall, my Lord. Re-enter BUCKINGHAM. [Exit. Within their innocent alabaster arms: A book of prayers on their pillow lay; But O! the devil '-there the villain stopp'd; Whilst Dighton thus told on: We smothered The most replenished sweet work of nature, That from the prime creation e'er she framed. Thus both are gone with conscience and re. morse; 20 They could not speak; and so I left them both, To bring this tidings to the bloody king. Enter KING RICHARD. All hail, my sovereign liege! K. Rich. Kind Tyrrel, am I happy in thy news? Tyr. If to have done the thing you gave in charge Beget your happiness, be happy then, K. Rich. But didst thou see them dead? But how or in what place I do not know. 30 K. Rich. Come to me, Tyrrel, soon at after supper, And thou shalt tell the process of their death. Then fiery expedition be my wing, Jove's Mercury, and herald for a king! Come, muster men: my counsel is my shield; We must be brief when traitors brave the field. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. Before the palace. Enter QUEEN MARGARET. Q. Mar. So, now prosperity begins to mellow And drop into the rotten mouth of death. And will to France, hoping the consequence Enter QUEEN ELIZABETH and the DUCHESS OF YORK. Q. Eliz. Ah, my young princes! ah, my tender babes! 11 My unblown flowers, new-appearing sweets! Q. Mar. Hover about her; say, that right for right Hath dimm'd your infant morn to aged night. Duch. So many miseries have crazed my voice, That my woe-wearied tongue is mute and dumb, Edward Plantagenet, why art thou dead? Q. Mar. Plantagenet doth quit Plantagenet. Edward for Edward pays a dying debt. 21 Q. Eliz. Wilt thou, O God, fly from such gentle lambs, And throw them in the entrails of the wolf? When didst thou sleep when such a deed was done? Q. Mar. When holy Harry died, and my sweet son. Duch. Blind sight, dead life, poor mortal living ghost, Woe's scene, world's shame, grave's due by life usurp❜d, Brief abstract and record of tedious days, Rest thy unrest on England's lawful earth, [Sitting down. Unlawfully made drunk with innocents' blood! Q. Eliz. O, that thou wouldst as well afford a grave As thou canst yield a melancholy seat ! Then would I hide my bones, not rest them here. 31 From forth the kennel of thy womb hath crept moau ! ward; Thy other Edward dead, to quit my Edward; And the beholders of this tragic play, Untimely smother'd in their dusky graves. 70 Earth gapes, hell burns, fiends roar, saints pray, To have him suddenly convey'd away. 80 That I should wish for thee to help me curse That bottled spider, that foul bunch-back'd toad! Q. Mar. I call'd thee then vain flourish of I call'd thee then poor shadow, painted queen; 90 |