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or foe of administration-all is well! In the name of wonder and terror, how or why is all this! Exposed as the city of New-York

and they determined to be revenged, and accordingly commenced the attack at cock crowing. They is, why this security, this apathy? Is all the proceedings of go had the Americans between two fires; driven by vernment a farce -And that so palpable a one, as to be under the Winibiegoes, they were received by the Kika-derstood by the mest stupid?-Or what is the reason that not the slightest anxiety is felt by ourselves. If government is in earnest, poos, alternately, until about 9 o'clock, when the why have they not, why do they not proceed more rapidly? Why Indians gave way for want of arrows and ammuni- is our shipping permitted to run into certain capture? Either the government is most false and hypocritical-or the people is out of their senses. [N. York Evening Post. It appears, that not above one hundred Indians In the two preceding articles, from both sides of fired a shot, the greater number being engaged in the water, we see the opinion of a certain class of plundering and conveying off horses. The women and children saved themselves by the energy of the American government. While people in the old world as well as in the new, as to crossing the river during the engagement. with bitter mortification, we are compelled to acThe Americans burned the Prophet's village and all the corn of the Shawanees, but the Kikapoos don editor, we have proof in readiness that the goknowledge the lash is too justly applied by the Lonsaved theirs by having it previously buried. Twen-vernment itself has upheld, countenanced and ty five Indians only are killed; the Kikapoo does not know the number of Americans killed, but he encouraged the feelings of the writer in New-York. says their loss must have been considerable, not less

than one hundred.

The prophet and his people do not appear as a vanquished enemy, they re-occupy their former ground.

Congress was convened earlier than usual-the president, in his message, assumed a due responsibility, and as plainly recommended war measures as he ought to have done-the committee on foreign relations made an excellent report, and it was hoped the twelfth congress would have acted promptly on The prophet's brother, who went to the souththe matters coming before them-matters on which ward in the winter of 1811, is reported by this man to be on his return, and has reached the farthest Kiku-argument was almost useless. The business of the session progressed—it was agreed to fill up the poo town, and is there in council with the different ranks of the peace-establishment; to raise an adnations-He passed Vincennes on his way home, ditional military force of 25,000 men; to equip and met the army of Governor Harrison retreating, 50,000 volunteers; empower the president to call

but no insult was offered to him or his few friends who accompanied him.

When the messenger I sent returns, I no doubt will receive further intelligence respecting the views

of the Indians, and will lose no time in transmitting
it to you, or perhaps be the bearer of it myself.
The following is an account of the numbers of
the different nations killed in the action, viz :
Kikapoos 9
Winibiegoes 6







out 100,000 militia; to fit out every vessel of war, and appropriate many millions to these and other

military purposes, according to a system generally acceded to and anticipated (as we thought) by every one the least conversant in the political concerns of our country. Why were these things to be done? Because, we were told, that France had revoked ther obnoxious decrees, and Great Britain persisted in her injurious orders; and besides continued to impress and otherwise maltreat our citizens→→→ because the cup of humiliation was full, and war, or an absolute surrender of our sovereignty and independence must immediately follow. In the midst of these mighty preparations-giant-words and co

lossal declamations, and mountain of labor, a “ridi

From the manner in which the Kikapoo relates his story, I sincerely believe his account to be cor-culous mouse" comes out of the war department.—


P. S. The Indian forces consisted of, from 250 to 300, and not more than 100 were ever engaged.

Desultory remarks.

The secretary at wAR proposes to congress an exception of the non-intercourse law to import [FROM ENGLAND] Some 5 or 6000 blankets for the use of the Indian department !*—If the very "god or war” himself, as the honorable secretary has sometimes been called, whether in fun or in earnest I know Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri. It has been remarked that the present speech resembles in not, will so act, can we be surprised that in the many parts, the speech of last year, and that the politics of Ame-height of preparations for hostilities, some of rica are remarkably stationary. Every mau must bear witness to the truth of this remark. America fluctuates between her in our less informed citizens should send their ships clinations and her apprehensions. She seems always to stand and property to “London” and “ Liverpool," and trembling and hesitating on the slippery verge of a war; and to other British ports without any fear of receiving be incessantly tossed about at the mercy of every event; a condition which, of all others, most directly tends to palsy the spirit damage thereby? We are truly humbled to think and to destroy the confidence of a nation. Of all the evils which that such sentiments were not entertained regard can befal a people, the first is a government without any fixed principles or plan. No description of rulers can be as perniciousing the consistency and firmness of the administra as that tribe of vulgar politicians, whose measures are governed tion of 1798-9. And supposing the opinions then or dictated by accident, whose schemes are perpetually fluctuating entertained to have been erroneous (as we certainly and who live from day to day, and from hour to hour, agitated believe they were) we are almost willing to confess by every blast of wind, and borne away by every current." that no greater censure was cast upon them that the "The 25,001 men bill passed congress-and in this city of New London Courier hurls in our teeth. Thus, to use York, the sensation produced by it, was not half equal to that which was caused by the governor's notice of banks. Mr. Galla- a parable, have I, when a school boy, seen a great tin recommended a whiskey tax, &c. and everho bad figured so body laughed to strapping country lad beaten and abused by every think what a queer thing it was for a man, much in the whiskey insurrection, to be the author of such a petty upstart of the school, threatening and THREAT. measure. Lang and Butler, however, still graced their columns. ENING and THREATENING to retaliate, but and we too, sometimes, with "For Liverpool, For London, turning and twisting ten thousand ways to avoid an &c. &c. The committee of ways and means, at last comes out. with their Pandora's box of taxes; yet nobody dreams of war-appeal to his own strength-until, at last driven into the mechanics, the banks-nay, the insurance offices, go on as usual. Last of all 11,000,000 of dollars, all indicating the horrida Hello-still no alteration in the public pulse-no concern, by friend Editors of the New-York Gazette,

[London Courier on the President's message.

*Certain manufactures in Georgia petitioned congress for liberty to supply the Indian department with sundry articles !

a corner, and, literally "KICKED INTO WAR," be so productive as to enable them fairly to compete What he was compelled to fight a hard battle which would with the old establishments of 'Europe. have been avoided, had he respected himself in the faith can be placed in the patriotism of congress relative to manufactures, when they themselves, offibeginning. But to return to the blankets. The whole amount cially, purchase and consume British paper,*"even of goods of every description furnished the Indians, until this day," to their own disgrace and the dedoes not exceed in value $ 600,000 per annum.triment of their country? It is in vain that some of Among these articles 5 or 6,000 blankets are wanted them appear to take a pride in being clothed with --but the army to be raised and the volunteers, will the products of the United States-it is gaping at require as many tens of thousands. How are they" a gnat and swallowing a camel;" or has about as much relation to the real encouragement of domesto be supplied?

Domestic Manufactures, &c.

That patriot of "other years,"--an oak of the tic manufactures compared with their legislative growth of the last generation, gov. Gerry in his proceedings, as there exists between a "mathemamessage to the legislature of Massachusetts (see tical point and a mountain." Here, lest the article may become tedious, we WEERLY REGISTER, vol 1. page 433) has most severely reprehended that timid and temporising stop. The remarks are “desultory" indeed; but kind of management that has frittered away the spirit some of them, perhaps, pertinent to the subject H. N. of the nation, and abandoned the high ground we matter before us. naturally should possess in the scale of nations.This venerable man, instead of depending on "friends or neighbors," would fairly set-in and do the work himself, like the farmer in the beautiful allegory of NOTES ON WOOL, ON BLANKETS AND KERSEYS. Esop. Were congress to do this--the editor of the There is good reason to believe, that twelve London Courier would counterpoise his contumelies, millions of pounds weight of sheep's wool were and the New-York writer soon change his opinions. wrought in the year 1810, into goods which are The proposition of governor Gerry is not chiusually fulled, within the United States. The unmerical. Discoursing the other day with an intelli- fulled goods were also considerable in mechanic of this city respecting blankets, he Our increase in sheep and wool is manifest and stated that, last fall, knowing that from the in-steady. Our intelligence and skill, in the woolen crease of his family, &c. several additional pairs branch, from the breeding and care of sheep to the would be wanted, he went to enquire, and was as finishing of woolen and worsted goods, is constanttonished at the price demanded for them. Without ly extended. Yet the business requires much immore delay, he obtained a quantity of wool, and provement.

sent it to Elkton in this state directing it to be It is proposed to offer to the planters, farmers, made into blankets. Tho following is a statement manufacturers and capitalists of the United States, of the cost and charges――― Dr.-130 lbs wool at 50 cents


manufacture, freight and portage 64 00

Cr.-14 pair blankets,, 8 qrs. by 10 $921

129 00

129 00

some details of the woolen branch, which it may not have been within their power to obtain.

Two of the most useful articles of woolen mánufacture are the plain man's tweeled blanket, called the three point blanket, and the plain man's tweeled kersey, or narrow cloth.

The three point blanket is made well, when it is three pounds and one quarter or three pounds These blankets, in every respect, are equal if and one half in weight; in width one yard and not superior, to the English blankets which, before the rise of that article, sold in our stores, at from 10 to 12 dollars. This little matter of fact is worth a volume of theory.

one half; and in length two yards. It has a broad blue or dark stripe near to each end, and in one corner are three blue marks, woven in, of the length and breadth of a long slender finger. These are the It is not pretended that the present growth of wool points, which give the name or distinction to the in the United States is commensurate to all the blanket. The European blankets have been too wants of their population; but in cotton we have a often made as low in weight as two pounds and one most excellent substitute for very many purposes, half, and without the tweel, within the last four or and aided by this staple, if need so compels, we can five years, and yet they have been shipt from Eu manage well enough until wool, also, shall become ope under the invoice name of three point blankets. a staple of the country, an event about to ensue. This deception greatly injures the buyer, and the The vacillations of the government have not consumer or wearer. only injured its character and politics, but have The three point blankets are of the utmost imdone more than any thing else to keep down do portance to military supply by land and by sea: in mestic manufactures. Hearing a gentleman, the the hospitals, the garrisons and the field; as also on other day, complain for the want of WIRE, I said-the ocean. They are of importance in the Indian "you have capital enough, why do you want it? commerce and intercourse: and are strong family Establish a manufactory and make it for your-blankets.

selves?"-He replied they would have done so a These three point blankets are made in England at considerable time since-and that they were willing the whole sale cash price of seven shillings sterling to do so now--but the measures of government were for each blanket weighing three pounds and one so uncertain, and no disposition existed in congress half, when the business is well done, and when payto defend such establishments, that they rather ment is made in gold or silver. The proper wool is chose to suffer present evils than attempt to remedy that of the heavy fleeced breed, called the Lincoln them by an exertion that might be attended with hire breed, though the wool of the breeds raised on more serious consequences. This is a general rule of he rich drained swamps, marches or fens throughaction among the pede. They make no calculation out England is also employed. It is to be rememas the British manufacturer does, on the protection

of the government; and therefore attempt nothing * See a note to page 462 vol. 1. WEEKLY RE that they are not morally certain will, immediately, GISTER.

bered that the average weight of the fleece of the full good tweeled blanketing well raised and regularly blooded Lincolnshire breed, raised within that coun- on the upper side and dyed blue, brown, olive or ty, is considered to be ten pounds. The price there drab.

for this wool is eight and one halfto nine pencester- The kersey will be in the subject of another noteling, equal to sixteen or sixteen and one half cents. being also very important to the industrious and the The wool which will card will do for blankets. military portion of our citizens, and to the cultiva The rest is combed. The weight of the carcase of tors, manufacturers, and capitalists.

the sheep of that breed, fed on the rich reclaimed fens of Lincolnshire is proportionally heavy.

THE PROCESS OF MAKING IRON WIRE. This wool has another peculiar value. Much of The best tough soft iron, such as will weld round, it will do for the hand comb or for the combing mais drawn into rods by smiths, using charcoal fires, chine, and may be wrought into worsted stuffs, such and taking welding heats every time, the rod is á as shalloons, rattinets, durants, camblets, bomba hout 1-4 inch diameter, 9 or 10 feet long, containing zettes, moreens, worsted damasks, joans, spinnings,+ lbs. each,tapered at each end to a long point; they wildbores, callimancoes, and worsted hosiery, and are first anealed by being brought to a bright red into worsted chain or warp for woolen weft or fill-heat, in a furnace excluding the air as much as posings, by which Great Britain obtains a vast consible, for if the air can be entirely excluded, no scab tribution from all countries. But to return to the will rise in anealing; then these rods are drawn important article of woolen blankets, which is made through holes in places formed as follows: in the short part of the long wooled fleeces. A bar of iron 24 inches long, 2 inches broad, 11-4 It is indispensibly necessary to the right manu inches thick, is faced on one side with good steel, facture of a well knapt or coated point blanket, 3-8 inch thick, and punched with taper holes from that the longest wool be selected. In America, the iron side, the largest hole just sufficient for the where we have not yet many distinct breeds of sheep, rods to pass through and take the hammer marks and fewer of the coarse and heavy fleecca English off, each hole a small degree less, until they diminbreeds, it is necessary to cull for these blankets the ish to the finest wire, six or eight plates will contain longest wool we can find in parts of the fleeces, and the whole series of holes from the largest to the on the legs and other particular places, leaving the smallest.

soft fine shorter wool for good coat cloths, and cas-- The holes are punched in the plates by a set of simeres. This will contribute to render our blan- punches, made of best steel, beginning the hole ket wool cheaper, as the fine wool, when separat. with the largest first, then lesser in succession to ed, will command a better price either in the wool taper the hole gradually, until it pass through of the or in the goods made of it. This manner of sorting size wanted, a dexterous hand can punch the holes wool will redound much to the profit of the manu-down to 1-64 of inch diameter, smaller can be dril facturer.

It is well worthy of remembrance that the Eng list actually and regularly chop their wool when it is too long, to enable them to get up a rich coat of pile upon their point blankets, and to enable them to card long combing wool.


The plates are rounded on the steel side, and the holes 14 inch asunder in a direct line in the middle, and the holes are regulated with a hammer pointed like an egg, to beat and close them as they wear too large, or lose their proper taper or size in the The English clean and raise their blankets, and graduated series: after being closed by hammering other coarse woollens in the fulling mill, both by round them, a smooth punch or the right taper is soap and fuller's earth, a soapy clay. They raise and driven in to smooth and form them; this punch is thicken their blankets, in a great degree, by the ful-driven in first from the steel face side, then agaia ling mill, and then still more by the card. They from the back; hammers are also used to clean out give a moderate coat to the inside; and a full rich and smooth the holes; these plates may be a little coat of pile to the outside; making them very thick tempered by fire and water, but not so much as to so as to fill the hand when grasped. This opera- make them brittle, or they will not bear the hamtion requires the careful attention and utmost exer-mer.

tions of our manufacturers and fullers, for their pains The rods are at the beginning drawn through the and skill should be much the greater, because our holes by a pair of nippers fastened to a glide, set so as coarsest wool (taken by the fleece) is too fine, soft to vibrate horizontally about two feet or more, set in and short for blankets. motion by a crank and heavy fly wheel drove by To obtain a good thickness to blankets, to make water, or any other power, equal to the power of them easy and safe to card up into a moderate coat two or three horses; these nippers open as they push on the lower side and a rich coat on the upper side, up the plate, and shut as they draw back. The it is absolutely necessary that even the chain or plate is firmly fixed where the nippers will just reach warp be not too hard twisted; and that the weft it, and they close on the wire and draw it through or filling be not so much twisted as the warp or the hole, say two feet at a pull. chain. It should only be twisted so as to enable The rods may be reduced from 1-3 inch to say the weavers to work it. It is in managing those 816, when the wire will require to be anealed; it points well and in not driving the web too hard up may then be reduced to say 1 3 inch, when it must in the loom, and not making the web too close and be anealed again, and if the iron be good it will now tight, that the first foundations of a good blanket are be ready for the cylinders and may be drawn to the Jaid. The fuller must not omit to do his part, using fineness suitable for wool and cotton cards. If it his judicious endeavors to thicken the blanket, and hardens too much it must be left for coarser purpoto prepare it to yield enough of its pile easily to the ses, for if anealed again it will not harden sufficientcard: moderately on the lower side, but considera-ly by drawing to become sufficiently clastic for cards bly on the upper side. By loosening a dozen yarns The workmen must discover the quality of the of chain and filling of a point blanket, instruction iron, and by experience learn the smallest size at which it will bear its last ancaling, to make good elastic wire.

will be obtained.

The flushings or lion skins for great coats are made in the same way, and indeed are nothing more than

The nippers reduce it to say 1-3 inch diameter;


it then passes to cylinder which is set perpendicu-(the solar system; and this interest appears to be lar, to revolve by a spindle like a millstone, so fix the greater in proportion to the difficulties of ated that it can by a treadel be slipped in or out of taining a thorough knowledge of the object of congeer by the foot instantly. templation. Curiosity, that sole source of human The hank of wire is put on a reel, and the end wisdom, withdraws her stimulating influence, the drawn through the plate, say two feet; it is then moment we have reaped the fruits of our investifastened to the cylinder, which is set in motion by gation. Thus the sun, with whose history we are the treadel, and the cylinder, by a proper motion, acquainted, and whose daily visit has familiarized draws it through. The instant it is through the cyus to his presence, excites no emotion in his belinder is stopped, and wire wound back again on the holders, if we except the gratitude of the moral and reel, and is ready to be put through the next smaller religious to that munificent Being who ordained hole, the workman points the wire with a file to that he should lend us light and heat. But when a make it enter the holes as they are lessened, and a stranger appears in the "blue expanse" all eyes cloth dipped in melted tallow is always laid on the are turned towards it, a thousand conjectures are wire behind the plate, to grease it to make it slip the formed as to its immediate object and ultimate ef more easily through the holes. fects, the spirit of philosophy is awakened, sinners

This is the process used by the writer when a tremble at the dreaded termination of their career, boy during the American revolution, and so easy while the philosopher calmly prepares to search into was it attained that without any regular instructions the hidden secret. Such has been the effect of the from experienced artists, but from only what he comet which has lately made its appearance in the could hear from persons who had transiently seen firmament. As it is one which has never before the operation, he so far succeeded as to make as been seen, and which is, in every sense of the word, good iron wire as ever was imported, and to work a stranger to the astronomical world, it becomes a it into as good wool and cotton cards, of which he matter of importance to learn its history, and to made thousands of pairs; so that he can from expe-record such facts respecting it as may be supposed rience say, that the American iron will make good to be useful to future investigators. Before we wire, and he has no doubt of the success of the proceed however to this task, it may not be supermanufacture, if attempted with perseverance, and fluous to some of our readers to give a short de supported by a protecting duty on the importation scription of the general nature of comets.

of the article.-O. E.



Comets are defined to be moving bodies appearing at uncertain intervals in the celestial regions, and having a very different aspect from the planets. By a gentleman from the Genessee country, we They are improperly named comets, from coma; are informed that last summer, at a salt works, in (hair) the tail being said to resemble hair; a tail Galen township, Cayuga county, and state of New however, does not attend all comets; some appearYork, the owner had an idea that by digging, he ing as round and as well defined as the planets; might perhaps arrive at the salt rock; accordingly while others are completely surrounded by a blaze he employed a hand to try the experiment, who of light, not unlike in appearance to the Aurora went down about 60 or 70 feet, when to his great Borealis. They are said to be of much greater satisfaction, he came to the bed of salt, and broke density than the earth, and to move about the sun off a small piece, but the water broke in upon him in very eccentric ellipses. Their apparent magniso fast, that he had to call for assistance to get out, tude is also very different, "sometimes they appear and had only time to bring one of his tools with only of the bigness of the fixed stars; at other him, and a small piece of salt, which was clear times they will equal the diameter of Venus, and like a piece of allum, the water rose to the surface sometimes even of the sun or moon. These bodies and ran over; they then built wall of stone and will also sometimes lose their splendor suddenly Jime round it, 4 feet high, so close as to hold water; while their apparent bulk remains the same-with they have a number of kettles, or salt pans, con respect to their apparent motions they have all the stantly boiling, but still they are unable to use it inequalities of the planets; sometimes seeming to as fast as it rises; the water is so strong that as it scatters over the ground, it chrystallizes with the heat of the sun in the hot weather.

[Cumberland Register.


forwards, sometimes backwards and sometimes to be stationary." More than 450 are computed to belong to our solar system; of which number only three have been accurately calculated by astronomers. According to Dr. Long, the head of a comet, when seen through a good telescope, appears to consist of a On the east side of the Cayuga lake, about a This atmosphere is of a rarity inconceivably greater solid globe, and an atmosphere that surrounds it. mile from it, they have found a large bank of Plais-than that which surrounds this earth, and it is the ter of Paris, from which they are carrying it along reflection of light upon this atmosphere which is the lake to where the turnpike from the Susque hanna joins it, trom whence it is carried to that supposed to create the appearance of a tail, which river in waggons, or in the winter by sleighs, as it always grows larger as the comet approaches the is but thirty three miles distant, and from that place Some astronomers maintain the opinion that cosun and shortens as it recedes from that luminary. it can be brought down the river to any place of deposit in boats; the price is five dollars per ton at that they receive it entirely from the sun. Sir mets have light of their own, while others affirm the quarry. There has also a bed of plaister been found on the west side of the lake, of which a Mr. Isaac Newton, whose theory of comets differs conRittenhouse is one of the proprietors. siderably from that of most other astronomers, computed the heat of that which appeared in the year 1680 to be two thousand times greater than that of red hot iron at its least distance from the sun, which was 490,000 miles. The comet of which we are about to collect a history is the largest that has been seen since that of 1680, and as its perihelion distance from the sun is nearly two hundred times




There is no part of natural philosophy whose study affords greater interest or delight, than that of

greater we may suppose its heat to have been pro signs with an increasing velocity. Mr. Bowditch, portionably less; and the idea of its having contri- on the contrary, maintained it to be retrograde.buted to the mildness of the early part of our win Judging from the apparent magnitude of the nucleus ter, consequently to be entirely without foundation. (or body) of the comet, which is computed by Mr. The comet was visible for the first time on the Wood to be 1m. 33s. he supposes that its least dis5th September, 1811. On the 7th, at half past seven tance from the earth cannot exceed 20 millions of o'clock, P. M. it was observed by professor Wood, miles, whereas Mr. Bowditch makes it one hundred of William and Mary College, and its situation millions more, and supposes that Mr. Wood has then as calculated by that gentleman is thus describ-tallen into an error by confounding the appearances ed: it was in the same line with the polar star, and of the comet when viewed from the earth and from alpha and beta or the two pointers of the ursa major, the sun. Lastly, these two gentlemen differ with 21° 35' from alpha, 50° 15' from the polar star, respect to the length of the tail. Mr. Bowditch and 16° 28' from gamma of the ursa major, its calculates it to be nearly equal to one half of the right ascension 161° 30' declination N. 41° long. sun's distance from the earth, or about 47 millions 4 signs 23 deg. lat. 30° 30', distance from the sun of miles, and Mr. Wood makes it only about half 310 15 The diameter of its body exclusive of the that length. It is much to be regretted that the obcoma (or tail) appeared to be one fourth of the servations of these gentlemen, both of whom are moon, but including the coma three fourths of the certainly skilful in the science, should differ on so moon. From this time to the 21st September its material a point as the time of the comet's perihedistance from the sun increased 13° 15'; during lion. From the daily observations of Mr. Wood this period it had described an arch of 15 degrees from the 7th September to the 24th October, the its brightness as well as its tail had increased; its comet continued to recede from the sun; and from velocity had also increased by one half; its orbit the 21st September to the 24th October it had trawas then inclined to the ecliptic at nearly an an-versed a distance of 18° 30' being at that time disgle of 64 degrees. The observations of this gentant from the sun 66°. Now unless we suppose its cleman and those of Mr. Nathaniel Bowditch of subsequent course to have been retrograde, it would Salem, appear to have led them to very different, appear to have passed its perihelion before it was and, in some instances, opposite conclusions. We observed at all by Mr. Wood; and this opinion is presume not to decide the question of correctness confirmed by the observations of Mr. John Carr of but shall give the results of their calculations as we Virginia, who supposes the comet to have passed find them. Mr. Bowditch supposed from his first its perihelion between the 4th and the 12th Sept. observations that the comet passed its perihelion with the amazing velocity of 400,000 miles per hour, on the 6th Sept. but by subsequent calculation he Mr. Bowditch by the assistance of an apparatus, determined it to be on the 12th, at 3h. Greenwich prepared after the method of La Lande made the time. His calculations as corrected by him to the 21st October, give the following result: Perihelion distance 1.032, the mean distance of the sun from the earth being 1.

Place of the perihelion counted on the orbit of the comet, 2 signs 15d. 14m,

following estimate of the apparent course of the comet. In the month of February, 1811, it was near to the eastern part of the constellation Argo, having a motion west inclining to the north. After passing a few degrees to the eastward of the Great Dog, its direction became nearly north, and in the Longitude of the ascending node, 4s. 20d. 24m. month of May, its longitude was stationary. Early Inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic, 73d. in June it passed near to the eastern part of the These observations appear to agree very nearly Lesser Dog, inclining rather towards the east; it with those of the Parisian astronomer, Burckhardt. was then visible at the cape of Good Hope and other His elements of the comet's orbit are as follow; places south of the equator. On the 16th July it Perihelion distance 1,022,41. Time of its passing passed the ascending node in the longitude of about the perihelion, 48 minutes past nine in the evening 4 signs 18 degrees, and then moved north-easterly of the 12th Sept. Ascending node 140d. 13 min. towards the feet of the Great Bear, in which situaInclination 72° 12': Place of the perihelion 74° 12' tion, as has been before observed, it became visible He further observed that the nucleus (or body) of to us on the evening of the 5th September. It this comet appeared separated from its coma, and ceased to be visible, as this gentleman had calculathat the latter surrounded it in the form of a parated, early in the last month (February 1812.) bolic ring; an appearance which has never been It would be an endless task to enumerate the va rious conjectures of the learned, as well as the unMr. Wood's calculations of the elements differ learned, respecting the uses assigned to comets in considerably from the foregoing. He affirms that the great scale of nature. Man, like the " pamthe comet had not arrived at its perihelion on the 1st per'd goose" is too apt to consider every thing he October-this he infers from the progressive in sees, as made for his use, and to look upon every crease of light in the comet from its first appearance part of the creation which he cannot appropriate to to that time; taking it for granted that the light of that end, as an unnecessary labor of the great Crethe head of a comet is greatest when in the periheator's hands. Whatever appears beyond the Jion, and that it decreases as it recedes from it.- his limited faculties, is regarded as the prett att This greater apparent brilliancy, however, is ac-ral sign of God's particular notice; as if man were counted for by Mr. Bowditch by the diminution of the only thought which occupied the Infinite Mind the comet's distance from the earth. As it receded Some very learned men have supposed that comets from the sun it approached nearer to the earth, and were occasionally made the angry messengers of of course appeared larger and more brilliant to the our Divine Father to teach his unbelieving children, inhabitants of that planet The motion of the the strength of his avenging arm. If we cannot be comet was supposed by Mr. Wood to be direct, in made to see and feel the work of an Almighty pow. as much as it moved according to the order of thefer in the daily view of nearer objects; if in the contemplation of the innumerable but regular gra.

observed in other comets.

en of

Perihelion, is that particular point at which any dations and mutual dependencies which exist. planet is at its nearest distance from the sun, [throughout nature, we cannot be persuaded to ac

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