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[No. 28

Hæc olim meminisse juvabit.-VIRGIL.

Printed and published by H. NILES, Water-street, near the Merchants' Coffee-House, at $5. per annum.

State of New-York.

IN ASSEMBLY, February 5, 1812.

fully authorised to say, they find both the ability and inclination in the good people of this commonwealth to furnish at very short notice, any number The committee to whom was referred the memo-of blankets, and any quantity of clothing, all of the rial of Theodorus Baily and others, praying an act manufacture of this commonwealth, that may he of incorporation for establishing a bank in the city necessary to enable the general government to fulfil of New-York-report: any engagements made, or such as may be for the

with an affirmation of theirs to certain facts.

The com

That they have taken the subject into considera-interest of the United States to make tion, have heard the parties, and received their pro-mittee with pleasure notice your excellency's corposals, which are herewith submitted, together ect description of the energies of the American people at the commencement of their struggle for The committee deem it unnecessary to go into independence, and the means by them employed to detail at present; but viewing the application as render that struggle successful, by applying to their involving important considerations to the state at own internal resources, and confidently believe, that large, and after giving to it that attention which the while American patriotism has not abated, the remagnitude of the object is calculated to excite, and sources of our country have increased,, and our finding a diversity of opinion in the committee, they ability to live free, happy and independent of all have thought it their duty to report these facts, other nations, has grown with our growth, and reserving their opinions for future expression.-strengthened with our strength. Proposals have They have, therefore, directed their chairman to already been made to the committee by individuals ask permission for the said applicants to present adequate to the fulfilment of their engagements to furnish at least 50,000 blankets and a like number Statement of the proposed gratuity to the state, from of suits of clothes, within a short period from the the proposed bank of America. date of the contract. Your committee therefore 1st. 400,000 dollars in specie, to be paid in equal report the following RESOLVE, which is submitted annual instalments, and to be appropriated as fo!-by John Heard, chairman of the committee. Jows, to wit: three-fourths of which for the benefit

their bill to this house.


of common schools, and the remaining one fourth Resolved, That his excellency the governor be for the encouragement of literature within this state. requested to communicate to the general govern2d. 100,000 dollars, specie, payable into the trea- ment, in such mode as he may judge most conve sary of the state at the expiration of ten years, nient and expeditious, the perfect ability and dispo should there not be any additional banking capital sition of the government of this commonwealth to within the city of New York, during that period. make the most prompt provisions for the immediate 38. 100,000 dollars, in specie, payable as last supply of such blankets and clothing as the general aforesaid, at the expiration of twenty years, should government may wish to contract with the citizens there not be any additional banking capital within of this commonwealth for sufficient to meet any the city of New-York, during that period. contingency which may occur, and to request in4th. 1,000,000 dollars to be loaned to the state, at a formation of any other articles which are or may be rate of interest not exceeding five per cent. per ann. wanted for supplying the Indians, as there can be for the purpose of opening a canal to connect the no doubt of the ability of this commonwealth to waters of lake Erie with those of the Hudson river. supply by contract any such articles, mostly, if not 5th. 1,000,000 dollars, to be loaned to the state, altogether from our own manufactories. at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent. per In Senate, February 18, 1812. annum, for the purpose of being re loaned to the farmers and other citizens of the state on landed security.

Charter to be granted for thirty years.

Indian Blankets!


Read and passed.

SAMUEL DANA, President. In the House of Representatives, Feb. 21, 1812. Read and concurred.

EL. W. RIPLEY, Speaker. Council Chamber, Feb. 22, 1812. APPROVED.-E. GERRY.

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Report on Indian supplies and army clothing.
The committee who have had under consideration

subject of supplying this commonwealth's propor

the communication of his excellence upon the Management of a Parliament. tion of blankets and clothing for the necessary It is an accepted fact that ayes and noes are pur. supply of the Indians, and such number of troops chased in the British parliament-it is notorious as upon any exigency may be found necessary that a majority of the attending members are place. for defensive or offensive war:-Have attended to men and pensioners and that seats in the house are the duty assigned them, and as the result of their bought and sold, without ceremony. This corrup most careful and critical inquiry,they feelthemselves tion appears of ancient date, and has extended to Scotland and Ireland.

* See vol. 1, p. 433.

The union between England and Scotland was


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brought about in the year 1707. In the year 1710 a The following short statement will remind you great and entire change in the British ministry of the establishment of the different royal dock having taken place, the following list of expendi yards now existing in the kingdom. They are six tures, made by the earl of Glasgow, under the direc-in number, Deptford, Woolwich, Chatham, Sheertion of the English minister, shews how the Scottishness, Portsmouth and Plymouth. parliament was managed. If by any change in the Deptfort was built in the reign of Henry the ministry, the expenditure made to bring about the VIII. under whose sway, history tells us, this coununion with Ireland shall be laid before the public, try possessed the first fleet composed of ships of the world will be surprised at its magnitude-the war, belonging to the king: although I have heard members of the parliament of the latter country that some archives, recently discovered in the towheld their perjuries of much higher value than the er, prove the existence of a fleet of that kind in the Scottish chiefs esteemed theirs-but money is far reign of the preceding monarch, Henry VII. less valuable now than it was then. To the duke of Queensberry, and as lord commissioner for equipage and daily allowance

To the duke of Athol

Marquis of Tweedale

Earl of Marchmont

Lord Cesnock, afterwards Pol-

Earl of Belcarris
Earl of Roxburgh

Earl of Scafield

Earl of Cromarty
Lord Anstruther

Mr. Stuart, of Castle-stuart
Sir William Sharp

Duke of Montrose

Woolwich yard was formed under the auspices £. d. of the same monarch.


"Chatham was founded by queen Elizabeth, 12,325 0 of where the gun-wharf now is, and where there was 1,000 O o only one small dock; but that being too confined 1,000 0 o a spot, it was removed about the year 1622 to its 1,101 15 7 present situation.

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"Sheerness was formed in the reign of Charles II. "Portsmouth by Henry VIII. being the third dock yard founded by him.

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0 Plymouth by William III. about the year 1694, 0 and in 1698 money was voted by the house of com0mons for compleating it.

[blocks in formation]

Earl of Dunmore


Tons about.

Earl of Kintore

200 0 0

Lord Ormistoun (lord justice

At the death of Henry VIII

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200 0 0

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mr. John Campbell

200 0 0

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]

Lord Frazer

100 0 0 At the restoration

[blocks in formation]

100 0 0

Death of Charles II

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Sir Kenneth Mackenzie

John Muir (provost of Aire)

Major Cunningham, of Eckatt 100 0 0

Lord Forbes

Lord Elibank

Patrick Coultrain (provost of

Mr. Alexander Wedderburn

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25 0 0 On the 31st December, 75 0 0 The house of commons ordered the report of the committee to be printed, but it never was printed.] The persons thus purchased secured the majority in favor of the union.

"Thus it appears, that notwithstanding the vast increase of our navy not a single dock yard has been added to it since the reign of William IIE. On the 13th of April, 1778, lord George Gordon about a hundred and nineteen years ago, at which stated in parliament, that lord North, the minister, time the tonnage of the naval force of this kingdoma had promised to appoint his brother, lord William amounted to near 160.000 tons : it is now near Gordon, vice-admiral of Scotland (a sinecure) pro- 800,900 tons, or about five times as large." vided lord William would obtain a seat in parlia ment, suggesting that he (lord George) should The following statement is the amount and disresign in favor of his brother, which he had refused position of the British navy up to January 1to do. The place was finally given to the earl of At sea, 115 of the line; 8 from 44 to 50; 126 fri. Breadalbane he had a seat, Lord North vindicated gates; 97 sloops; 5 bombs; 121 brigs; 32 cutters; himself by saying (but not in parliament) that an of fice worth 1000 per annum ought to beget a vote in parliament."

Such things are common in these our days and no longer excite surprise.

British Navy.

The following extract of a letter, addressed to Mr. Percival by lord Melville, on the subject of the stablishment of a naval arsenal at North fleet, pre sents within a small compass a striking view of the progressive increase of the British navy:

52 schooners-total 527. In port and fitting, 32 of the line; 8 from 44 to 50; 28 frigates; 38 sloops; 1 bomb; 29 frigates; 6 cutters; 21 schoonerstotal 162. Guard ships, 4 of the line; 1 fifty; 4 frigates; 5 sloops-total 14. Hospital ships, &c. 31 of the line; 3 of 50; 3 frigates-total 37. Total in commission, 187 of the line; 20 from 44 to 50; 161 frigates; 110 sloops; 6 bombs; 150 brigs; 37 cutters; 73 schooners-total 740. Ordinary and repairing for service, 70 of the line; 14 from 44 to 50; 59 frigates; 33 sloops: 6 bombs; 13 brigs; 2 schooners--total 202. Building, 31 of the line; 2 of fifty; 14 frigates; 5 sloops-total 52, forming the grand total of 994 British vessels of war.

Twelfth Congress.


Friday, March 6.-Mr. Grundy, after a few re marks offered the following resolution :

the capitol, under contracts made with the superins tendant of public buildings; praying that some provision may be made for the payment of the same> Referred to the committee of claims.

Mr. Newton, from the committee to whom was referred the bill from the senate for the encourage. ment of science and the useful arts, &c. reported sundry amendments to the same; which were read and referred to a committee of the whole.

"Resolved that the committee on public lands be directed to enquire, what further provisions are necessary to be made, for satisfying such claims to lands within the state of Tennessee, as are recog Dised by the act of cession, from the state of North UNCHARTERED BANKS.-Mr. Gholson said, he Carolina to the United States, and are not at this had been informed, through the news-papers and time located, and that they also enquire into the other channels entitled to his confidence, that an proper steps to be taken for perpetuating the testi-association was forming in the town of Alexandria mony and establishing the claims to lands hereto- to establish an additional bank in that place without fore located (agreeably to the laws of North Caro- a charter of incorporation, provided the petition Lina) in that part of the state of Tennessee to which which had been presented to the other branch of the Indian title is not extinguished, and that they the legislature for one should fail. He said that no have leave to report by bill or otherwise." member would more cheerfully than himself grant WEST FLORIDA.-Mr. Johnson submitted the to that association a bank charter, if the propriety following resolution : or utility of such a measure could be shewn. He Resolved, that a committee be appointed to en- however had always been decidedly opposed to the esquire into the situation of that part of West Flori-tablishment of banks without legal authority.-Mada west of the Perdido river, the possession of ny parts of the Union had, he believed, suffered which was taken under the proclamation of the from the inundation of paper emitted by unauthori president of the United States on the 27th October sed institutions of this sort. He was unwilling that 1810, and the committee have leave to report by this district should participate of such an evil. He bill or otherwise. would therefore submit to the house the following resolution:

Mr. Pitkin enquiring the particular object of this motion,

Mr. Little moved that the resolution lie on the table; as he was informed that the association to which the gentleman had alluded, was about applying for a charter.

Resolved, That the committee of the district of Mr. Johnson replied that by the proclamation of Columbia be instructed to enquire into the expethe president of the United States, the territory diency of prohibiting within said district the circuembraced by the resolution was attached to the lation of the notes of any bank not established by Orleans territory. It is well known that the con- law, and that they have leave to report by bill or stitution of that territory in conformity to the law otherwise. of congress had arrived and was now before the house. The territory in question, not being in cluded within the limits prescribed for the new state, must either be attached to some other go vernment or included in a separate administration. The motion of Mr. Gholson was opposed by Mr. In addition to this circumstance, there were many Alston on the ground of the impropriety of congrievances of which the people of that territory gress legislating on this subject, unless indeed it complained, which required investigation. He had were to make every individual responsible for the a number of memorials in his possession, and re-notes of the bank, &c. It was supported by Mr. ference of which at a proper time he would move Basset, who deprecated the overwhelming torrent 'to that committee.

The resolution was adopted. GENERAL ST. CLAIR.—The house took up the order of the day.

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The question pending when the house yesterday adjourned, was negatived, 50 to 44.

The bill having been further amended, on motion of Mr. Roberts, by adding, "if the said sum shall be found due to him on a final settlement of his accounts with the United States"-was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.

The bill supplementary to the act for raising an additional military force, was read a third time and passed.

of bank paper, which flooded the country, and which might eventually much injure those planters of Virginia or Maryland who should place conf dence in the paper of unchartered banks, and by the insolvency of such institutions be left without redress.

The resolution was ordered to lie on the table. BRITISH INTRIGUE.-The following message was received from the president of the U. States, by Mr, Coles :

To the senate and house of representatives,

I lay before congress copies of certain documents which remain in the department of state. They FORTIFICATIONS.-The house took up the se-notwithstanding the wrongs sustained by them, prove that at a recent period, whilst the United States nate's amendment to the bill for the defence of our ceased not to observe the laws of peace and neu maritime frontier. [The amendment reduces the trality towards Great Britain; and in the midst of appropriation from one million to half a million of amicable professions and negotiations on the part dollars.] Messrs. Blackledge and Potter opposed the a-nister here, a secret agent of that government was of the British government, through her public mimendment on the ground of the inexpediency of employed in certain states, more especially at the weakening the defence of our ports. seat of government (Boston) in Massachusetts, in The question on the concurrence was decided in fomenting disaffection to the constituted authorities

the affirmative-60 to 50.

of the nation, and intrigues with the disaffected, So the appropriation now stands at $500,000. for the purpose of bringing about resistance to the Monday, March 9.-Mr. Mitchill presented the laws; and eventually, in concert with a British force, petition of George Blagden and others, stating that of destroying the Union and forming the eastern they have claims against the United States to a con-part thereof into a political connection with Great siderable amount for work done on Both wings of Britain,

In addition to the effect of which the discovery of This wound will be felt where it is merited; and such a procedure ought to have on the public coun-if sir JAMES CRAIG still live, his share of the pain cils, it will not fail to render more dear to the hearts will excite no sympathy among those who are at all of all good citizens that happy union of these states, in the secret of our connection. which, under divine Providence, is the guarantee of their liberties, their safety, their tranquility, and their prosperity. JAMES MADISON.

March 9th 1812

Mr. Henry to Mr. Monroe.
Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1812.

To James Monroe, Esq..
Secretary of State, &c.

I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedjent servant, &c. &c. (Signed) J. HENRY.

No. I.

Mr. Ryland secretary to sir James Craig, late go-
vernor-general of the British provinces in North
America, to Mr. Henry.


[Most secret and confidential.]

Sir-Much observation and experience have con vinced me, that the injuries and insults with which the United States have been so long and so frequentQuebec, 26th January, 1809. ly visited, and which cause their present embarrass My dear sir,--The extraordinary situation of ment, have been owing to an opinion entertained by things at this time in the neighboring states has Joreign states," that in any measure tending to suggested to the governor in chief, the idea of emwound their pride, or provoke their hostility, the go ploying you on a secret and confidential mission to vernment of this country could never induce a great | Boston, provided an arrangement can be made to majority of its citizens to concur❞—And as many of meet the important end in view, without throwing the evils which flow from the influence of this opi- an absolute obstacle in the way of your professional nion on the policy of foreign nations, may be remo- pursuits. The information and political observations ved by an act that can produce UNANIMITY AMONG heretofore received from you were transmitted by his RARTIES IN AMERICA, I voluntarily tender to you, excellency to the secretary of state, who has expressed sir, such means, as I possess, towards promoting his particular approbation of them, and there is no so desirable and important an object; which if ac doubt that your able excecution of such a mission a complished cannot fail to extinguish, perhaps fore. I have above suggested would give you a claim not ever, those expectations abroad, which may protraet only on the governor-general but on his majesty's indefinitely an accommodation of existing differen-ministers which might eventually contribute to ces,and check the progress of industry and prosper- your advantage. You will have the goodness thereity in this rising empire. fore, to acquaint me for his exeellency's informa

I have the honor to transmit to you the docu- tion whether you could make it convenient to enments and correspondence relating to an important gage in a mission of this nature, and what pecuniary mission in which I was employed by sir James assistance would be requisite to enable you to unCraig, the late governor general of the British dertake it without injury to yourself. provinces, in North America, in the winter of the year 1809.

The publication of these papers will demonstrate a fact not less valuable than the good already pro posed; it will prove that no reliance ought to be placed on the professions of good faith of an admin istration, which by a series of disastrous events, has fallen into such hands as a Castlereagh, a Wel lesley or a Liverpool-I should rather say into the hands of the stupid subalterns, to whom the plea sures and the indolence of those ministers have consigned it.

At present it is only necessary for me to add, that the governor would furnish you with a cypher for carrying on your correspondence, and that in case the leading party in any of the states wished to open a commnication with this government, their views might be communicated through you.

I am, with great truth and regard, my dear sir, your most faithful, humble servant. (Signed) John Henry, esq.


No. II.

General instructions from sir J. H. Craig to Mr.
Henry respecting his secret mission.

His Excellency the governor in chief's instructions
to Mr. Henry, February 1809.

[Most secret and confidential.]

In contributing to the good of the United States by an exposition which cannot (I think) fail to solve and melt all division and disunion among its citizens, 1 flatter myself with the fond expectation that when it is made public in England it will add Quebec, 6th February, 1809. one great motive to the many that already exist to SIR, AS you have so readily undertaken the induce that nation to withdraw its confidence from service which I have suggested to you as being likemen whose political career is a fruitful source of inja-ly to be attended with much benefit to the public ry and embarrassment in America ; of injustice and interests, I am to request that with your earliest rusery in Ireland; or distress and apprehension in conveniency you will proceed to Boston. England; and contempi every where. In making The principal object that I recommend to your this communicat on to you, sir, I deem it incum attention is the endeavor to obtain the most accu bent on me distinely and unequivocally to state, rate information of the true state of affairs in that that I adopt no party views; that I have not chang-part of the union, which, from its wealth, the numed any of my political opinions; that I neither seek ber of its inhabitants, and the known intelligence nor desire the patronage nor countenance of any and ability of several of its leading men rust natu: government nor of any party; and that in addition rally possess a very considerable influence over, and to the motives already expressed I am in fenced by a will indeed probably lead the other eastern states of just resentment of the perfidy and dishonor of those America in the part they may take at this imporwho first violated the conditions upon which I received tant crisis. their confidence; who have injured me and disap pointed the expectations of my friends, and left me no choice but between a degrading acquiescence in injustice, and a retaliation which is necessary to Secure to me my own respect.

I shall not pretend to point out to you the mode by which you will be most likely to obtain this important information; your own judgment and the connections which you may have in the town must be your guide.


I think it however necessary to put you on your communication which any person may wish to guard against the sanguineness of an aspiring party; make to me in the business committed to him. In faith my hand and the federalists as I understand have at all times of which I have given him this under discovered a leaning to this disposition, and their seal at Quebec, the 6th day of February, 1809. J. H. CRAIG being under its particular influence at this moment, is the more to be expected from their having no ill founded ground for their hopes of being nearer the altainment of their object than they have been for some years past.

In the general terms which I have made use of in describing the object which I recommend to your attention; it is scarcely necessary that I should observe, I include the state of the public opinion, both with regard to their internal politics and to the probability of a war with England; the compara. tive strength of the two great parties into which the country is divided, and the views and designs of that which may ultimately prevail.

No. IV.

Mr. Henry's letters to sir James Craig, written whilst employed on a mission to Boston.

Answer to the letter of Mr. Secretary Ryland, proposing the mission, &c.

No. 1.

Montreal, January 31, 1809. I have to acknowledge the favor of your letter of the 26th inst. written by the desire of his excellency the gov. in chief; and hasten to express, through you, to his excellency my readiness to comply with his wishes.

I need not add how very flattering it is to receive from his excellency the assurance of the approbavery tion of his majesty's secretary of state for the humble services that I may have rendered.

It has been supposed that if the federalists of the eastern states should be successful in obtaining that decided influence, which may enable them to direct If the nature of the services in which I am to be the public opinion, it is not improbable, that rather than submit to a continuance of the difficulties and engaged will require no other disbursements than distress to which they are now subject, they will for my individual expences, I do not apprehend that exert that influence to bring about a separation from these can exceed my private resources. the general union. The earliest information on this subject may be of great consequence to our government, as it may also be, that it should be informed how far in such an event they would look to England for assistance or be disposed to enter into a connection with us.

I shall be ready to take my departure before my
instructions can be made out.
J. H'y.

I have the honor to be, &c.
H. W. Ryland, esq. sec. &c.
No. 2.

To his excellency the governor general, &c. in answET to his letter of intructions. Although it would be highly inexpedient that you Montreal, February 10, 1809. should in any manner appear as an avowed agent, SIR-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt yet if you could contrive to obtain an intimacy with any of the leading party, it may not be improper of your excellency's letter of instructions, the letthat you should insinuate, though with great cau-te of credence, and the cypher for carrying on my tion, that if they should wish to enter into any com correspondence. I have bestowed much pains upon munication with our government through me you are the cypher, and am notwithstanding this, deficient authorised to receive any such, and will safely transmit in some points which might enable me to understand it to me, and as it may not be impossible that they it clearly. I have compared the example with my should require some document by which they may own exemplification of the cypher, and find a dif be assured, that you are really in the situation inference in the results; and as the present moment which you represent yourself, I enclose a creden- seems favorable to the interference of his majesty's tial to be produced in that view; but I most particu-government in the measures pursued by the federal larly enjoin and direct, that you do not make use of party in the northern states, and more especially as this paper, unless a desire to that purpose should be the assembly of Massachusetts is now in session, I expressed, and unless you see good ground for expect. think it better to set forward immediately, than ing that the doing so may lead to a more confidential wait for any further explanation of the means of communication, than you can otherwise look for.

carrying on a secret correspondence; which the freIn passing through the state of Vermont, you quency of safe private conveyances to Canada will will of course exert your endeavors to procure all render almost wholly unnecessary. Should it how. the information that the short stay you will proba ever be necessary at any time, I take leave to sugbly make there will admit of.-You will use your gest that the index alone furnishes a very sale and own discretion as to delaying your journey, with simple mode. In it there is a number for every letter this view, more or less, in proportion to your pros in the alphabet, and particular numbers for particupects of obtaining any information of consequence. lar phrases; so that when I do not find in the index I request to hear from you as frequently as pos the particular word I want, can spell it with the sible, and as letters directed to me might excite sus figures which stand opposite to the letters. For picion, it may be as well that you put them under example, if I want to say that “ troops are at Albacover to Mr. and as even the addressing ny," I find under the letter "" that number 15 Albany." letters always to the same person might attract notands for troops' and a number 125 for “ tice, I recommend your sometimes addressing your The intervening words "are at" I supply by figures packet to the chief justice here, or occasionally, corresponding with the letters in these words. It will be necessary to provide against accident by though seldom, to Mr. Ryland, but never with the of Montreal, addressing the letters to Mr. addition of his official description. with a small mark on the corner of the envelope which he will understand. When he receives it, he will then address the inclosure to your excellency and send it from Montreal by mail. I will be JAMES CRAIG TO MR.careful not to address your excellency in the body of the letter, nor sign my name to any of them-They will be merely designated by the initials A. B. (Copy) If this mode should in any respect appear excep The bearer Mr. John Henry, is emploved by me, and full confidence may be placed in him for any tionable, your excellency will have the goodness to

I am sir, your most obedient humble serv't.

Signed, John Henry, esq.

No. III.
HENRY, 6TH FEB. 1809.


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