MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW. CONDUCTED BY FREEMAN HUNT, A.M., MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, BALTIMORE, LOUISVILLE, VOLUME SIXTEEN. FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, INCLUSIVE, 1847. New York: PUBLISHED AT 142 FULTON-STREET. 1847. CONTRIBUTORS TO THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME OF THE MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW. J. BALESTIER, Esq., United States Consul at Singapore. C. BRYAN, Esq., Counselor-at-Law, of Ohio. J. E. BLOOMFIELD, Esq., of New Jersey. JESSE CHICKERING, M. D., of Massachusetts. C. G. CHILDS, Esq., Editor of the Philadelphia Commercial List. Gen. H. A. S. DEARBORN, of Massachusetts. C. F. DANIELS, Esq., of Connecticut. J. F. ENTZ, Esq., Accountant, of New York. Dr. LEWIS FEUCHTWANGER, of New York. D. R. JAQUES, Esq., Counselor-at-Law, of New York. THOMAS PRENTICE KETTELL, Esq., of New York. JAMES H. LANMAN, Esq., of Pennsylvania. CHARLES LANMAN, Esq., of New York, author of "A Summer in the Wilderness." J. R. M'CULLOUGH, Esq., author of the "Commercial Dictionary." A. NASH, Esq., Counselor-at-Law, of New York. LORENZO NEELEY, Esq., of New York. Hon. BENJAMIN F. PORTER, (Judge,) of Alabama. JUNIUS SMITH, Esq., of New York. Hon. F. O. J. SMITH, of Maine. J. W. SCOTT, Esq., of Ohio. L. W. SLOAT, Esq., of New York. J. SNOW, Esq., of New York. RICHARD C. TAYLOR, Esq., of Pennsylvania. FRANCIS H. UPTON, Counselor-at-Law, of New York. WHELOCK S. UPTON, Counselor-at-Law, of the New Orleans Bar. RICHARD VALPY, Esq., of England. GEORGE ATKINSON WARD, A. M., Merchant, of New York. Hon. CHARLES WHITTLESEY, of Ohio. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Esq., Merchant, of Massachusetts. FREEMAN HUNT, Editor and Proprietor. FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, INCLUSIVE, 1847. A. Book trade.. 123, 219, 331, 427, 538, 640 Academy of com'ce and navigation at Trieste 60 Books and engravings, duties on in England. 122 Africa, commerce with the eastern coast of.. 634 29 Brazil, coast of, fixed light on Ceara.... " " " cust'm duties at Monterey, '44 37 Brighton cattle market Bremen, post-office regulations on letters to. 616 527 American whale fishery, statistics of..... 98, 319 Bristles, manufacture of at Cincinnati....... 632 88 iron-wood 218 ships, foreign seamen in 88 and French whalers, smuggling by 401 East India and Pacific trade corn laws... 311 528 535 64 Art Union.... 503 merchant, position of the. 636 206 Anton Lizardo revenue from 1836 to 1845 413 316 Annuities, life-insurance, tontines, etc... 48, 445 Arts and manufactures, chemistry applied to 630 593 Association, mercantile library, Montreal 296 " New York.. 297 Brusterort, light-tower at Brooklyn, Union White Lead Company at... 421 315 599 " ocean steam navigation, origin of... 172 arrivals and clearances, 1846 599 600 and Pacific oceans, union of........ 278 merchand. shipped & received, '45-6 601 Australia, western, ports of Bullion in the Bank of England.. 74 91 Australian copper ore... 95 Biography, mercantile - David Ricardo...... 458 Chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. 630 export of teas to U. S., 1845-46.. 199, 425 200 Bounties, revenues, &c., on merchandise.... 109 Chinese manufactures in France, exhibit'n of 631 381 China, commerce of in 1845-46. 198 silk, etc., " Commerce with the eastern coast of Africa.. 29 vess, clear'd fr'm Norway to, '33-43 150 and resources of Alta California.. 34 Detroit, Michigan, commerce of, 1842-46.... 322 " 66 and navig'n, academy of at Trieste 60 Dollar-mark, origin of the...... 309 and the missionary enterprise.... 65 62 Duck, American manufactured. 535 610 122 138 and navigation of N. Y., 1846.... 194 Duties on books and engravings in England. 122 635 of China, 1845-46 198 " " of Detroit, Michigan, 1842-46.... 322 E. 324 Eastern coast of Africa, commerce with the. 29 ...... 314 production of sugar in......... 375 398 East India and Pacific trade, American...... 528 638 of Philadelphia, 1845-46. 425 Emigration from Great Britain and Ireland.. 121 of Rio Janeiro, 1836-47. 371 England, bullion in the bank of 74 of France in 1844 477 import of cured provisions into... 122 duties on books and engravings in. 122 309 638 duty on copper ore in 610 importations of corn into..... 628 speculation, novel. 301 prospects of Singapore..... English railroad system, success of the. 326 110 314 " regulations with Mexico, U. States. 45.5 66 treaty between U. S. and Hanover.. 611 of wool. goods from Russia to Kiachta 39 Company, Union White Lead... 421 annual, of 110 Companies, insurance, in Massachusetts.. 508 Connecticut, sea resources of the coast of... 273 Contract, French tobacco 509 66 Consumption and production of sugar. 64 of coffee from Rio Janeiro, 1837-46. 372 of tea in the world France to U. States, 1844-5... 555 ore, duty on in England. 610 Coral fishery...... domestic, United States, 1845-46... 513 Corn laws, the British 516 preferable to money for Ireland 519 66 importation of into England, 1846-47.. 628 domestic, of Philadelphia, 1845-46.527 Cornwall and Swansea mines 421 of sug'r & mol'str'm Havana, '45-6. 529 from Odessa, Russia, 1840-46...... 628 Creditor and debtor in La, law of... 53, 165, 281 Fishery, American whale. 98, 318, 319 Flour inspection at N. Orleans, 1845-46 ..... 114 | Import of cured provisions into England.... 222 export of from New York, 1843-46.... 187 duties, reduction of in Denmark..... 411 190 Imports into New York, 1845-46. 194 190 into Rio Janeiro from 1836-39... 372 at Boston in British steam packets. 426 Foreign arrivals at New York, 1846. and coastw. exp. of N. O., 1845-6... 317 currency, weights, and measures... 507 France, commerce of, in 1844-45. general and special commerce of... 548 and duties of Philadelphia, 1830-46. 527 548 Imprisonment for debt...... 511 549 Indiana, condition of branches of state bank. 412 imp. trade of with various countries 550 production of sugar in the..... 375 West, new reg lations of the French, 314 4 64 export. 551 Industry of New York, manufacturing 92 403 " goods in transit warehouses and bounties. cod and whate fishery duties of all kinds. navigation of.... exports from to U. States, 1844-45.. 555 society on the basis of mutual 152 companies in Massachusetts, 1846,508 556 557 " " exports from to Texas, 1844-45. 409 exhibition of Chinese manufact. in 631 " French iron and coal mines duty on iron for ship-b'ld'g abol'd in 632 3:29 66 4 whalers, smuggling by American and 401 nautical, for steering ships..... 90, 215 floating lights on the coast of 623 Iron trade of Europe and the United States. 574 316 509 West India isies, new regulations of. 314 " wines, reduction of duty on. 639 exported from Russia in 1793 5-3 Free banks of New York, chartered and.... to U., 1832-38.583 64 ports, East India..... 314 Spain to Great Britain... 384 trade, poetry of prices of in Cincinnati, from 1814-31 586 Fur trade, the.. "trader's post, St. Louis the. G. Genoa, light at the port of..... German rail, oads, traffic on, 1846. Gluckstadt, harbor of Gold mines in Orel and Siberia.... mountains of Missouri..... 94 Granary of the west, the. Grain in England, prices of, 1845-47. manutact, of railroad in U. S... 97, 212, 530 Great Britain, cotton wool trade of and coal mines, French. 3:29 imp. & sales of cot.-wool, 1845 111 bags cot.-w'l imp'd, etc., '31-46 112 66 mines and manufactures of Belgium.... 331 114 furnaces, etc., in Belgium. 532 the process of underwriting in 121 66 Belgian, exported to France, 1821-44 532 121 wood, American 218 623 exp from N. York to, '45. 189, 190 Greenbush and Troy railroad... Island, Soerhaagen, new light-tower on 587 Jamaica, currency of prior to 1739 ...... 315 347 survey of damaged goo-is landed at. 348 Journal of banking, currency, and finance, 118, 208, 303, 412, 506, 622 404 newly discovered 404 J. Gulf of Smyrna, buoys in the of mining and manufactures, Hanover, comm'l treaty between U. S. and.. 611 K. Harbor regulations of Macao, China, 1846 213 of Gluckstadt 215 Kiachta, the Russian trade at.. 38 Havre and N. York, ocean steamers between 617 Hawaiian Islands, coins and currency of..... 622 exp. of woolen cloth from Russia to 39 40 91 prices of at St. Louis, 1844-46 Hemp, manuf. of imp. into U. S., 1821-45 .. 107 L. 322 Hints to merchants and business men Hop trade, British... 218 Lake Michigan, railroad from to Mississippi. 115 Hong Kong, commerce & the opium trade at 122 Lakes, vessels built and launched on, 1846 620 Import of goods into U. S. under 3 tariffs.... 77 & sales of cotton wool in G. Britain.. 111 |