Imagens das páginas

First Doctor. Nono Doctor I ne ver quo te aqua casu do.

Second Doctor. Sumarso: Mi autoris no ne. Third Doctor. No quare lingat præ senti de si reHis honor is sic-offa Colli casute as I sit here,

Fourth Doctor. It is æther an atro phi ora colli casu sed: Ire membri re ad it in Doctor me ades Esse, here itis.

Third Doctor. ver in tendit. Second Doctor.

o nas i here.

I never re ad apage in it, no re
Fer ne is offa qui te di ferent noti

First Dortor. Notis ab ludi fluxit is veri plene. Second Doctor. I fitis a fluxit me re qui re ac lis ter.

Third Doctor. I a ver his casis venere alas i disco ver edit in as hanc cor; an da poli pus in his nosce. An di fit be as I cetis, ago no rea me en sue. First Doctor. It is ad ange rus casas ani. Fourth Doctor. I must tellure alitis ago uti humor in his Bel li. Hi sto macto is empti.

First Doctor. It me bea pluri si; avo metis veri pro per fora manat his age.

Second Doctor. Ure par donat præsenti des ire; His dis eas is a cata ride clare it.

Third Doctor. Atlas tume findit as tone in his quid ni es.

Fourth Doctor. Itis ale pro si fora uti se. Præ hos his a poti cari; cantu tellus? Ab lis ter me bene cessa risum de cens. Itis as ure medi in manicas es.

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Third Doctor. I findit isto late tot hinc offa reme

di; fori here his Honor is De ad..

Second Doctor, His ti meis cum.
First Doctor. Is it trudo ut hinc?

Fourth Doctor. It is veri certa in. His Paris his

Belli sto ringo ut foris de partu re.

Third Doctor. Næ, i fis Ecce lens is de ad lætus

en dum apri esto præ foris sole. His Honor has bina Cato liquor a de isti here.

First Doctor. Alor dis sum times as tingi as an usu reris.

Second Doctor. Api stolis alligo time a verbi mi at endans for a forte nite.

Third Doctor. O mei ne vera tendo na nil ordinis sic nes ani more.

Fourth Doctor. Api stolis ne a quin in a nil ordo fis qua liti; sum pes fore times more. It istos mala fito a Doctor o fis hic.

Second Doctor. Lætus paco fitis time.

First Doctor. Abigo ditis hi time, in de editis, forus alto fallas campe ringo fas fastas arato ut offa da iri; fori fera bea tinge veri minute; bimi solido. His lac quis, an das turdis aussi sto ut valet is re di forus.

Second Doctor. Ali feris ab ast in a do; fori here ano is at adis stans.


APUD in is almi de si re,
Mimis tres I ne ver re qui re,
Alo veri findit a gestis,
His miseri ne ver at restis.


Dic, heris agro at, an da quar to fine ale,
Fora ringat ure nos, an da stringat ure tale.

[blocks in formation]


MOLLIS abuti,
Has an acuti,
No lasso finis,
Molli divinis.
Omi de armis tres,
Imi na dis tres.
Cantu disco ver
Meas alo ver?

La like manner he sometimes tried to write English words to be read into Latin, of which the following is an instance.


Terse I ow I ane you are wry.

Am I say vain a Rabble is,

GAUDY O tea rue ry dy you sale you tyevin service he: Said lynk way mere Ass, eat red Eye, add nose sight O*. Quipp ye knife all or tame Puss East.

* As a clue to the above, I shall point out in what manner the first sentence is to be read, leaving it to the reader's ingenuity to find out the rest.

Amice venerabilis.

Gaudeo te ruri diu saluti inservisse, sed linquamur eas, & redi ad nos cito,

Tea Mary Tuck Sr; Tea may rent Family are ease. Anne lewd is cart is? Veal some no ill dull jest I? Anne Jo Cuz ty by place eat? Meer Rum spare O Freak went her Bib is: Lack Tea compleat: Ayd is, ride ease, Lock were is, do neck fat I gat us ease. A wry Debt nay, Rage in a eat may right us tye by? Do my Tea here I eggs peck't have I, said may day say pist I. Usquebach come aen Ass; Force an I buy ass her o buss East; Codd mark a Toryes nice Eye ass I dumb mine I may hay bent. Said post hose Dairy lick toes and noes vain I. You buy inn do mow Day can at de bone um Salt 'em by beam us, sign on Mealy o'r'em tall or no. Satyr nigh, dye ease nose ty feast us east. May come air is; Sigh mull soke ray to Carmen a Pan game us. Ride end 'am, buy bend 'um e'r it come so dayly buss; nigh least carry us invite a.

Sick Dice it Whore ah see us:

Spare take um Sick way pot you it wag and


Fall e'er he fast a.

Et a lye by:

Back 'um in Ray mote is Carrmen are you



For tune a lay to save an egg o show.

Sate I sope I nor sight ha' shown um: add fine

'em proper and 'um East. Valiant a Mice I Vestry,

cat you in Shoe pair vally Ass.

Ah my Cuz vest are.

Day can us.


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