INDEX. ABBEY LANDS. In queen Mary's time, the grantees viii. page 109. Swift secretly an advocate for him in his distress, xxi. 182. Abingdon earl of), his character, vi. 166. Academy. Description of one to be erected for wits, Acheson (sir Arthur), xviii. 1. Verses on occasion of Action. Its use to a publick speaker, viii. 159. More Address of the House of Lords to the Queen, vi. 353. Ægyptians. Arts and sciences derived to us from Eolists. Held wind to be the original cause of all Æschines. His proof of the power of eloquence, Affairs. Free Thoughts on the present State of, vi. 229. Aghrim. Valour of the Irish at the battle of, xviii. Aglionby (Dr.) His character, vi. 173. xx. 153. Without the encouragement of it, any country, however blessed by nature, must continue poor, xii. 288. Ague. A disease little known in Ireland, xxi. 290. Aid (for marrying the king's eldest daughter.) How levied, vii. 256. Aislabie (John), made a speech against Swift in the House of Commons, x. 113. Alberoni (Parson). Extract from a work of Mr. Gordon's under that title, xxiv. 138. Alcibiades. The consequence of the impeachment of him by the Athenian people, ii. 292. Ale. More ancient than wine, and by whom invented, iii. 259. That of Wexford famous, xxi. 244 Alexander the Great. Swift, viii. 179. mity, xiv. 223. Honourably distinguished by reflection on the manner of An instance of his magnani Alexandrine verses. Swift's dislike to them, xix. 155Allegiance. Reciprocal with protection, though not with preferment, vi. 125. Allen (Joshua, lord. xix 138. His character, xiii. 73. See Traulus. The Dean's advertisement in his defence against him, xviii. 40. Alley (The). A poem, in imitation of Spenser, xxiv. 4. Alliance. The principal cause of the grand alliance between the Emperor, England, and the States General, v. 269. xxiii. 155. The parties in it agree to furnish near two hundred thousand men, exclusive of garrisons, v. 283. vii. 116. Afterward the number of forces increased, and the English bore an unequal proportion, v. 284. vii. 118. The English to bear five eighths in the sea service, and the Dutch three, v. 280. vii. 116. The English to pay two hundred thousand crowns |