able, 85. His foundation of happiness absurd, xiv 136.
Arlington (Henry Bennet, earl of). His character, iii. 291.
Army. The mention of standing armies in the midst of peace, and among a free people, amazed the king of Brobdingnag, ix. 145. The general contempt of religion in that of the English, iv. 152. The vice of drinking restored by the army, after having been almost dropped in England, 159. What commerce a general has with the civil power in a well instituted state, v. 34. The armies of Greece and Rome, in the early times, composed of their citizens, who took no pay, 60. Two originals of the custom in Europe of keeping them in pay, 61. Reflections upon the behaviour of some officers in it, and their execrations of the new ministry, 65. Not blameable for preferring the whig to the tory ministry, 87. A standing army in England, either in war or peace, a publick absurdity, xiv. 230. The superiour valour of the British troops beyond those of any of the allies, vii. 192. How raised and paid in the feudal ages, vii. 237. Arnall (William), xvii. 174.
Arran (earl of). His reply to archbishop Burnet, xiv.329. Solicited by Dr. Swift to resign the claim made by the Ormond family to the rectorial tithes of Clonmel, xx. 236.
Arts. Professors in most of them deficient, in not explaining their meanings, viii. 6. Whence derived to us, xxiii. 102.
Asgyll (John), iv. 7.
Ashbrook (Henry, viscount), xx. 89.
Ashburnham lord). Married to lady Mary Butler, xxi. 41. 241. Her death, with a short character of her, xxii. 168.
Ashe (rev. Dillon), xxi. 112. A hard drinker, 191. Ashe (St. George, bishop of Clogher), xv. 181. xvi. 124. XX. 2. Specimen of his puns, xxii. 209. His seat at the council board preserved to him by Swift, xxi. 123.
Ashe (Tom). An eternal punster, his pretended dy.. ing speech, xiii. 285. Account of him, ibid. Assemblies, publick. Their infirmities, follies, and vices, ii. 322.
Astell (Mrs. Mary), viii. 150. 152. Astle (Thomas), vi. 158.
Astrology. The abuse of it in this kingdom, iv. 101. Partridge's apology for his own practice of it, 121. Athanasian creed. On what occasion composed, xiv.
Atheism. Preaching against it imprudent, viii. 21. Athenians. The rise and consequences of their dis- sensions, ii. 287. Not always too obstinate to correct an ill step, 291. Polybius's character of them, 205.
Athenian Gazette, XV. 4. Oracle, xv. 5.
Society. Ode to the, x. 19. Letter to the, xv. 4. Athens. The privilege of every citizen and poet there, iii. 59.
Atlas (or the Minister of State); to the Lord Treasurer Oxford, X. 84.
Atterbury bishop), xxii. 40. His character as a preacher, viii. 160. His conduct toward the earl of Oxford, xvi. 96. Gives Dr. Swift his advice and opinion, for his conduct in the dispute be- tween him and his chapter, 127.129. An allusion to his trial, ix. 212. Characterized by the dean, xiv. 320. Rise and progress of his intimacy with Swift, xv. 182. Instance of his probity, and the occasion of his ruin, 271.
Attorney general. His opinion respecting writs of er- sour in a criminal case, xvi 233.
Attraction. The doctrine of, not founded on nature,
Atwell, an eminent goldsmith, xxiv. 143.
Augustus Cæsar, viii. 181.
Augustus (king of Poland). Dethroned by the king of Sweden, reassumes the crown, v. 321. When he appeared mean, xiv. 225.
D'Aumont (duke). His house burnt to the ground, with the various speculations thereupon, xxii. 181.183. Thought to have been done through malice. 183. Austria (house of). See Spain.
Authors. Should consult their genius rather than interest, if they cannot reconcile them, xviii. 94. Composing godly books no recommendation to them in England, 256. The admired ones of the last age, xxii. 261. 262.
Authors (modern). How far they have eclipsed the ancients, iii. 116. Illustrate the beauty of their own writings, when they would correct the ill na- ture of critical, or inform the ignorance of cour- teous readers, 120. They and their booksellers the two only satisfied parties in England, 162. To what the world is indebted for the number of them, 164. The different disposition of them in France and in England, xxiii. 356. Curll's in- structions to a porter, to find those employed by him, 336. Those employed by the whigs re- present the sentiments of their party unfairly, v. 184. An author should for a time suppress his works, according to the advice of Horace, xxii. 241. A rule to discover the author of any book, iv. 16.
Auxiliaries. England should have entered into the confederate war against France only as an aux- iliary, v. 263. 267.
Avarice. Description of it, ix. 291. Sir Richard Blackmore's definition of it, xxiii. 343. The ex- tremes of that passion more frequent and extrava- gant than of any other, v. 112. The mischiefs of it multiply themselves in a publick station, 113. Distinguished into two kinds, one consistent with ambition, the other not, 114.
Avicen. His opinion of the effects of learning in those who are unfit to receive it, xxiii. 321. Ay and No. A Tale from Dublin, xi. 340. Ay and No. A Fable, xxιν. 58.
Bacon (lord). His observation on the use of royal prerogative, xii. 154. When convicted of bribery, made a despicable figure, xiv. 225.
Balance of porver. To be carefully held by every state, ii. 279. - How to preserve it in a mixed state, ibid. Methods taken to destroy it in most ages and countries, 285. What the consequences which ensue upon its being broken, 310. That state might be immortal, in which it could be al- ways held exactly even, 318. How it has been affected in England at different times since the Norman conquest, 32. The absolute necessity of it in a limited state instanced in the conduct of Cromwell, 322. Verses on the balance of Eu- rope, xxiv. 41. Balance of Europe more endan- gered by the emperor's overrunning Italy, than by France overrunning the empire, vi. 219. Balaguer (Mr.), private secretary to lord Carteret, xvii. 48.
Ballad on a Stanza being added to one of the Author's, x. 48.
Baldwin (provost), xvii. 135. Ballyspellin (spa in the county of Kilkenny). Ballad on, xi. 104. Answered, 107.
Balnibarbi. The country and its metropolis described, ix. 194.
Bank. Humourous proposal for establishing a Swear- ers Bank, xii. 27.
Bankers. Verses on the run upon thein in the year 1720, Χ. 201. A necessary evil in a trading coun- try, xii. 294. To hang up half a dozen yearly in Ireland, would be an advantage to it, 295.. Banter. Whence the word borrowed, iii. 34. Barber (John, lord mayor of London), xvi. 28, 29. xviii. 237. xxi. 101. Acknowledges his great obligations to Dr. Swift, and at his request makes Mr. Pilkington his chaplain, xviii. 252. Sends an original picture of the Dean to the university of Oxford, xi. 213. Some account of him, xx. 58.
(Mrs). A letter supposed to be written by Dr. Swift, to the queen on her behalf, xviii. 109. The dean's invitation to a party of friends to meet to correct her poems, xi. 266 Her history and character, xviii. 117. xix. 29. 35. xx. 62. (Rupert), an eminent painter, xx. 63. (Dr.Constantine), a learned physician, xx. 63. Barnard (Charles), xxiv. 144. Barrier Treaty. Remarks on it, vi. 1.
Barrier Treaty. The difficulties it occasioned re- tarded the demolition of Dunkirk, vi. 218. When concluded, v. 280. The Dutch appointed by it gua- rantees of the protestant succession, and rewarded for accepting that honour, ibid. Signed by only one of the plenipotentiaries, 283. The first pro- ject of it, vi. 3. The article for the demolition of Dunkirk struck by the Dutch out of the counter- project of it made in London, 6. Only two of the twenty-one articles have any relation to England, ibid. The meaning of the word barrier, as under- stood by the Dutch, 7. The towns given them as a barrier imposed more on the English than when under the king of Spain, 10. The queen
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