Imagens das páginas

thoughts and way of reasoning, viii. 20. A wrong
method and ill choice of them makes women the
worse for what they have read, 90. A book may
be read with pleasure, though the author detested,
xiv. 177. To know from what quarter some
books come, a good way toward their confutation,
iv. 45. Little encouragement for publishing books
in Ireland, xviii. 145. Composing godly books no
recommendation in England, 256.
Booksellers. Liberal to authors, xviii. 320.
Boots (torturing). When and how used, xiv. 337.
Bothmar (M.envoy from the elector of Hanover).
His memorial, xv. 209. Published by the con-
nivance of his master, vii. 46. A stratagem used
by M. Bothmar to make it appear authentick, 47.
Deceived his master by false representations, 189.
Bothwell bridge. The action there between the
king's forces under the duke of Monmouth, and
the rebels, xiv. 296-300.

Bottle. On a great buried one, x. 266. The epitaph,

Eoucher (a famous gamester). When worth 50,0001.
dunned the duke of Buckingham (to whom he had
been footman) for wages, viii. 289.

Boufflers (Mons.). A fanfaronnade of his, viii. 99.
Boulter (Primate), xii. 162.

Bounce at Twickenham, to Fop at Court, xxiv. 74.
Bourbon (duke of). The magnificence of his stables
at Chantilly, xix. 227.

Bourignon (madam). Her opinion respecting man at
his first creation, xxiii. 115.

Bouts Rimés. On Signora Domitilla, xi. 146. Origin
of their invention, ibid. Finely ridiculed by Sa-
rasin, ibid.

Boyer (Abel). Remarks on his Political State of Great.
Britain, V. 210. Taken up for his abuse, iv 217.
xxi. 320.

Boyle (hon. Charles), xvi. 265.

[blocks in formation]

Boyle (Mr. Henry), v. 41. Secretary of state, xv. 99. Turned out, xxi. 13. His character, vi. 169. See Orrery.

Boyse (Mr). His book, "Of a scriptural bishop," burnt at Dublin, xv. 195.

Bruin. Of what composed, iii. 252. If of a contexture not fit to receive learning, how affected upon being mixed with it, according to Avicen, xxiii. 321.

Brasiers. Their petition against certain virtuosi, xxiii. 304.

Brent (Mrs). The Dean's housekeeper, xviii. 155. Brevet. What the term means, xxii. 208.

Brief. The representation of the clergy of Dublin, against the archbishop's command concerning one, xii. 84. Clergy and churchwardens cannot be legally commanded to go from house to house to collect for it, 86.

Brinsden, the oculist, xvi. 96.

Bristol. Some few vessels fitted out there by private adventurers took one of the Aquapulco ships, v.


Bristol (George lord Digby, earl of), xvi. 258.

Britain. The purchase of the whole island, if it were to be sold, v. 311 The Britons embraced Christianity very early, vii. 225. Their original Janguage, 226.

British Apollo. Some account of that paper, xxiv. 164.

British tongue. Why more Latin words remain in it than in the old Saxon, vi. 45.

Brobdingnag. Voyage to, ix. 87. Described, 121. The king of it discourses with Gulliver upon the political state of England, 141. The learning of its inhabitants, 151. Their style and manner of writing, 153.

Broderick (Alan), iv. 24. xv. 44.285. (Thomas), vi. 140.

Brogue. A covering for the feet, xii. 171.
Bromley (Clobery), xxi. 174.

(William). vi. 203. xv. 270.
Broomstick. Meditation upon, iii. 273.
Brother Protestants and felloro Christians. On the use
of the words, xi. 278.

Brotherly love. No duty more incumbent upon those
who profess the Gospel than it, xiv. 56. The se-
veral causes of the want of it, and the conse-
quences of such want, 56-62. Motives and ex-
hortations to embrace and continue in it, 62-66.
Brown (sir Thomas), viii. 151.

- (Dr. Peter). Bishop of Corke, xvii. 30, 31.
xxii. 170.

(Ursula). Sister of sir John Duncombe, xxi.

Browne (sir John), xiii. 3. xvii. 184. xx. 186. His
letter to Swift, xxii. 181. One of Wood's evi-
dences, xii. 124.

Bruges. Representation of the English merchants
there relative to the Barrier Treaty, vi. 39.
Brutes. Why incapable of carrying on war against
their own species, iii. 194.

Brutus (Junius and Marcus). Two of the six great-
est men in the world, ix. 218.

Brutus (Marcus). The motives which induced him
to prefer Pompey to Cæsar commended, vi. 78.
La Fruyere. Introduces new terms not to be found
before his time, vi. 47.

Brydges (Fames, duke of Chandos). His character,
vi. 168. Verses on him, xi. 323. Pope's charac-
ter of Timon drawn for him, xviii. 165. Swift
applied to him for some ancient Irish records in
his possession, xix. 05. 115. His marriage, xx. 4.
Coolness between him and Swift from the time of
his being made a duke, xi. 323. xix. 181.
Brydges (hon. Henry). Archdeacon of Rochester,
xi. 324.

Bubble. Origin of the term, xxiii. 345. Essay on
English Bubbles, xii. 22.

Buccaneers, ix. 246.

Buckingham and Normanby (John Sheffield, duke of).
His character, v. 110. vi. 160.
Building. Dr. Barebone's scheme for, xiii. 18.
Bull (ohn). His History, xxiii. 153.
Bull (Dr. George, bishop of St. David's), xxi. 12.
Bull. An Irish one, xviii. 296.
Bulls and Bears. What, xxiii. 346.
Bunyan (John). His dream improved on, iii. 197.
Burgess (Daniel), viii. 162. His definition of a law
suit, xxiii. 173. His meetinghouse demolished,
vi. 92.

Burgundy (house of). One of the most ancient as
well as useful allies of England, vii. 127.
Burgundy (the great duke of). In his youth hated
the thoughts of war, but after gaining one battle
loved nothing else, iv. 319.

Eurlesque. The most celebrated pieces are the best
subjects for it, xiv. 127.

Burlington (Countess of). Verses on her cutting paper,
xxiv. 77.

Burlington (Richard Boyle, earl of). Sold, in one ar
ticle, goool. a year in Ireland, for 200,0001. xx.

Burnet (bishop), iv, 163. v. 260. vi. 190. Preface to
his Introduction, viii. 95. His character, vi. 171.
vii. 17. xii. 313. Copied by Steele, vi. 190. viii.
98. Progress of a story, 101. Said to have been
author of the project for the government's bor-
rowing money upon funds bearing interest, v. 260.
vii. 99. Used little arts, to get off his third vo-
lume of the History of the Reformation, viii. 100.
Denied access to the Cotton library, 101. Pub-
lished a book, which carries the prerogative higher
than any writer of the age, 102. What were his
inducements to undertake it, 103. Frightens the

nation with the old topick of fire and faggot, 105;
the clergy with the apprehension of losing their
wives or their livings, ibid.; and the laity with
the resumption of abbey lands, 107. Appealed to,
whether sacrilege or fornication be the greater
sin, 109. Changes his mind with respect to the
expediency of bishops letting leases for lives, 111.
112. His character of the clergy, ibid. His con-
temptuous opinion of convocations, 114. Rails,
at the clergy; himself, being a bishop, not in the
number of them, ibid. Smells popery better at a
great distance, than fanaticism under his nose,
120. Unjustly accuses Mr. Leslie of impudence,
for proposing a union between the English and
Gallican churches, 126. Hated by all the clergy,
128. The world has contracted a habit of be-
lieving him backward, 129. Advice to him upon
certain points, 130-133. The obscure meaning
of the words beggarly elements, as applied by him,
xiii. 229. In the Preface to his History of his own
Times, promises to polish that work every day of
his life, xxii. 248. His speech against a tacking
bill, a proof that he was for it, iv. 83. In the
History of his own Times, misrepresents the action
at Bothwell bridge, and the behaviour of the epis-
copal clergy in Scotland, xiv. 304. A short cha-
racter of that history, xii. 313; and of its au-
thor, vi. 171. vii. 17. xii. 313. His style rough,
full of improprieties and mean expressions, xii.
313. His own opinion of it, from a castrated pas-
sage in his original MS. ibid. His idle story of
the pretender's birth fit only for an old woman,
ibid. His characters miserably wrought, fre
quently mistaken, and all of them detracting, ex-
cept of those who were friends to the Presbyte-
'rians, 314. Many of them however were stricken
out with his own hand; but left legible in the
MS. which the editor promised to deposit in the

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