Imagens das páginas

Cotton library, but did not perform, ibid. His account of the murder of the bishop of St. Andrew's, xiv. 291. His character of general Dalziel, 316. His narrative of king James's abdication, 328. Of the prince of Orange's arrival, 328. 329. Earl of Arran's sarcastick reply to him, 329. Some private conversation of his with Swift, viii. ΙΙΙ. Character of his history, xxiii, 142.

Burnet (Thomas), xxii. 96.

Burscough (Dr. Wm). Bishop of Limerick, xvii. 50. Burton. A famous banker, xi. 12. xxi. 216. Business. Minding that of other people the greatest mark of idleness, xviii. 302.

Bussy Rabutin (count). When he appeared contemptible, xiv. 226.

Butler (of Weston, lord), vi. 168.

(lady), xxi. 241.

Button's Coffeehouse, xxiv. 14.

Buys (the Dutch envoy). His politicks and manners were much of a size, xiv. 184. His character, vii. 45. An artful negotiator, 85. Present at all the consultations of the whig party, 147. Appointed plenipotentiary by the States, 155. Remarks on his conduct while in England, ibid. Byng (Admiral). His character, vi. 174. Bysse (Dr. Philip). Bishop of St. David's, &c. xv. 96. xxii. 179. 186.


Cadenus and Vanessa. A poem, x. 119. Cadogan (general). Account of him, xxi. 85. Cæsar (Charles, esq). Some account of his family, xix. 30. Swift's Letters to Mrs. Cæsar, ibid. 32. Cæsar (Julius). The cause of the civil war between him and Pompey, ii. 307. Invaded England, rather to increase his glory than his conquests, vii. 224. When he appeared contemptible, xiv 226.


His degree of fame, viii. 179. Why opposed by
Cato and Brutus, vi. 78. Wrote his Commentaries
amid hurry and fatigue, xv. 194.

Cæsar (Julius). A general in the king's service,
xix. 30.
Cairnes (sir Alexander), xxi. 236.
Cameron (sir Owen). Knighted by king James II.
in a manner which did him particular honour, xiv.

Candles. The various ways of extinguishing them
used by servants, viii. 258. And of snuffing them,

Cantata (A). With the musick, xi. 357.
Canting. The art of it in greatest perfection when
managed by ignorance, iii. 254. Its first ingre-
dient a competent share of inward light, ibid.
The art of it, as performed by snuffling, first ap-
peared upon the decay and discouragement of
bagpipes, 256. The occasion or accident which
produced it, ibid.

Canting of land, xiii. 20..
Capon's Tale, xxiv. 9.

Carbery rocks. Verses on them, x. 277, 278.
Cardonell (Mr.). Expelled the house of commons,
for receiving bribes from the contractors for bread,
vii. 98.

Cards. Why contribute little to the refinement of
conversation, xxii. 259.

Carey (Henry), xxiv. 21.
Carmarthen (marchioness), xv. 289.

Caroline (queen). A princess of great virtue, xvii.
113. Swift keeps up his privilege of not going to
her, when queen, till sent for, 143. xviii. 76. His
speech to her after she had sent for him, 274.
Promised a medal to the Dean, which he never got,
xi. 245. xvii. 76. Yet she received from Swift a
present, of silk, worth thirty-five pounds, xviii. 55.
A counterfeit letter to her majesty, in favour of
Mrs. Barber, 109. To what her death was owing,
XX. 148. In her last illness, forgave her son, but refused to see him, 140..

Carr (bishop). Dr. Swift's opinion of him, xi. 235. xvi. 133.

Carstairs (Mr.). His character, vi. 177. Carte (Mr. Thomas). His historical pursuits, xx. 48. Carter (Mr). Master of the Rolls in Ireland, xix. 285. Carteret (lord). Vindication of him, xiii. 68. His character, x. 319. xii. 160. xiii. 68. 168. A pacificator, x. 309. Epistle to him in verse, by Dr. Delany, xi. 120. Epistle on the foregoing, 123. Forced to consent to the proclamation against his old friend the Drapier, the first or second night after his arrival in Ireland, viii. 250. xix. 77. His repartee on the occasion, i. 292. A remark on him by Dr. Swift, xx. 92. His answer to those who asked him how he governed Ireland, 101. In what respect he acted a more popular part in the government of that kingdom than the duke of Dorset, xix. 169.

Carteret (lady), xviii. 54. Her goodness and beauty, ibid.

Carthaginians. The cause of their decline, ii. 303. Carthy (a scribbling schoolmaster). Verses on bis threatening to translate Pindar, xi. 366. Epigram on him and Delacourt, ibid.

Cary, x. 43.

Case (John). The astrologer, iv. 120.
Cash. See Money, Halfpence, Ireland, Wood.
Cashell (Archbishop of). Verses on him and Bettes-
worth, xi. 285.

Cassinus and Peter. A tragical elegy, xi. 212.
Castledurrow (lord), xviii. 18. xix. 73. 89. 242.
Some verses addressed by him to an old woman,
XX. 75.

Castlenock: The little House of, x. 79. Casuists. Several of their explanations may be called amendments to the ten commandments, xxiii. 357.

Catalonia. The war carried on there almost entirely
at the cost of the English, v. 292.

Catalonians. The case of that people discussed, vi.


Catholicks. True whigs, in the best and most proper
sense of the word, xiii. 225. Have as fair a title
to the name of protestants as any of the dissenters,
ibid. In the great rebellion, more of them in the
parliament army than the king's; and many jesuits
and friars, disguised like presbyterian ministers,
preached up rebellion; yet the bulk of them loyal,
226. Their insurrections in Ireland were only to
preserve the old religion, not to introduce a new
one, 227. Were employed in offices civil and
military till the test act under Charles II. 229.
Have a better plea for not changing their religion
than the dissenters, 230; and may as justly com-
plain of persecution, 231. The heads of them in-
vited over the duke of Lorrain during the usur-
pation, 235. Commended for it by the dissenters,
ibid. Advantages of their system, xviii. 214.

Cato the prætor (called Uticensis). One of the six
greatest men in the world, ix. 218. Though he
was called a stoick, it was more from a resem.
blance of his manners with their worst quali-
ties, than that he avowed himself one of their dis-
ciples, xiv. 139. Some particulars of his charac-
ter, viii. 181. xiv. 224. His conduct commended,
vi. 78.

Catoptrical Victuallers. Petition against them, xxiii.


Catullus on Lesbia, x. 117.

Causes. The most different produce the same effect;
exemplified in the formation of clouds, iii. 146.
Small ones suffice to make us uneasy, when great
ones are not in the way, xiv. 172. Great events
from little ones, vi. 340..

Censors. Of what use it might be to religion, to in-
troduce a like office here, iii. 156.

Censure. How a man may revenge himself of it,
xiv. 166. Is a tax paid to the publick, for being
eminent, 168, Verses on it, xi. 58.
Centlivre (Mrs. Susannah). xxiii. 340.
Chamber of Fame, proposed, viii. 164. 172. In part
filled up, 179.

Chamberlaine (Dr.) His "Present State," recom-
mended as a proper book to be translated into
Dutch, v. 324.

Chambers (Mary), xix. 150.

Chancery-suit. Has ruined a man, though decided

for him with costs, ix. 144. A suit for life, xxiii.

Chandos (duke of). See Brydges.
Charity. Why publick charities are preferable to
private, xviii, 258.

Charles the First (king of England). A great patron
of learning, vi. 49. In the former part of his
reign, many of the bishops and clergy were puri-
tans, xiii. 110. Origin of his misfortunes, xviii.
205. Began to be ruined in a legal way, and
- why, iv. 91. Conversation at the highest period
of politeness in the peaceable part of his reign,
viii. 56. His attempting religious innovations in
Scotland, a material cause of his subsequent trou-
bles, iii. 102. Sermon on his martyrdom, xiv. 67.
The foundation of the troubles in his reign, 68.
By his own concessions, brings on his destruction,
70. The English parliament held his hands, while
the Irish papists were cutting his friends throats,
72. The ill consequences of that rebellion in Ire.
land, ibid. The uses which the memory of Ja-
nuary 30 suggests to us, 74; and the reasons why
it should not be dropped, 77. When he appeared
great, xiv. 224. When the contrary, 226.

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