When on the monarch's ample hand you sate, TO QUINBUS FLESTRIN, THE MANMOUNTAIN. A LILLIPUTIAN ODE. In amaze Lost I gaze! Can our eyes Propp'd the skies: See! and believe your eyes! See him stride Vallies wide, When he treads, Man and steed: Beneath his foot be lost! From his hide From his nose When he speaks, Lofty poet! touch the sky. A GENTLE ECHO ON WOMAN *. SHEPHERD. IN THE DORIC MANNER. ECHO, I ween, will in the woods reply, SHEPHERD. What must we do our passion to express? SHEPHERD. How shall I please her who ne'er lov'd before? Есно. Тгу. Есно. Press. Есно. Before. SHEPHERD. What most moves women when we them address? Есно. A dress. SHEPHERD. Say, what can keep her chaste, whom I adore? Echo. A door. SHEPHERD. If musick softens rocks, love tunes my lyre. Есно. Lyar. SHEPHERD. Then teach me, Echo, how shall I come by her? Есно. Buy her. SHEPHERD. When bought, no question, I shall be her dear? Есно. Her deer. This writer seems to have been indebted either to lord SterLing's Aurora, 4to, 1604; or to "The Hog hath lost its Pearl." See Mr. Reed's Note in Dodslev's Old Plays, vol. vi. p. 426. Ν. SHEPHERD. But deer have horns: how must I keep her under? SHEPHERD. How shall I hold her, ne'er to part asunder? SHEPHERD. But what can glad me, when she's laid on bier? Есно. Кеер her under. Есно. A-se under. Есно. Beer. SHEPHERD. What must I do, when woman will be kind? Есно. Ве kind. SHEPHERD. What must I do, when woman will be cross? Есно. Ве cross. SHEPHERD. Lord, what is she, that can so turn and wind? Есно. Wind. SHEPHERD. SHEPHERD. SHEPHERD. If she be wind, what stills her when she blows? But, if she bang again, still should I bang her? Is there no way to moderate her anger? SHEPHERD. Thanks, gentle Echo! right thy answers tell What woman is, and how to guard her well. Есно. Blows. Есно. Bang her Есно. Hang her. Есно. Guard her well. ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ. HERE continueth to rot PERSISTED, In spite of AGE and INFIRMITIES, In the practice of EVERY HUMAN VICE, Excepting PRODIGALITY and HYPOCRISY: His insatiable AVARICE exempted him from the first; His matchless IMPUDENCE from the second. Nor was he more singular in the undeviating pravity of his manners, than successful in accumulating WEALTH: For, without TRADE OF PROFESSION, A MINISTERIAL ESTATE. He was the only person of his time Who could CHEAT without the mask of HONESTY; Retain his primeval MEANNESS when possessed of TEN THOUSAND a year; And, having daily deserved the GIBBET for what he did, Was at last condemned to it for what he could not do. O indignant reader! Think not his life useless to mankind! PROVIDENCE connived at his execrable designs, To give to after ages a conspicuous Proof and EXAMPLE Of how small estimation is EXORBITANT WEALTH in the sight of GOD, By his bestowing it on the most uNWORTHY of ALL MORTALS. |