JOHANNES jacet hic Mirandula-cætera norunt Et Tagus et Ganges-forsan et Antipodes. APPLIED Tο F.C. HERE Francis Chartres lies *-be civil! EPIGRAM. PETER complains, that God has given ANOTHER. You beat your pate, and fancy wit will come: ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ OF BY-WORDS. HERE lies a round woman, who thought mighty odd Ev'ry word she e'er heard in this church about God. To convince her of God the good Dean did endeavour; But still in her heart she held Nature more clever. * Thus applied by Mr. Pope: "Here lies lord Coningsby." H. Tho' he talk'd much of virtue, her head always run EPIGRAM FROM THE FRENCH. SIR, I admit your gen'ral rule, ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ. WELL then, poor Glies under ground! So there's an end of honest Jack. So little justice here he found, 'Tis ten to one he'll ne'er come back. • EPIGRAM ON THE TOASTS OF THE KIT-CAT CLUB. WHENCE deathless KIT-CAT took its name, TO A LADY, WITH THE TEMPLE OF FAME. WHAT'S fame with men, by custom of the nation, VERSES To be placed under the Picture of England's Arch Poet, [sit Richard Blackmore,) containing a complete Catalogue of his Works. SEE who ne'er was or will be half read! Who first sung Arthur *, then sung Alfred +; * Two heroick poems in folio, twenty books. + An heroick poem, in twelve books. † An heroick poem in folio, ten books. Instructions to Vanderbank, a tapestry weaver. Hymn to the Light. § Satire against Wit. ** Of the Nature of Man. ++ Creation, a poem, in seven books. ‡ The Redeemer, another heroick poem, in six books. Translation of all the Psalms. 74 VERSES ON ENGLAND'S ARCH-POET. No mortal read his Solomon †, And Job || himself curse God and die. What punishment all this must follow? BOUNCE TO FOP: AN EPISTLE FROM A DOG AT TWICKENHAM To thee, sweet Fop, these lines I send, + Canticles and Ecclesiastes. I Paraphrase of the Canticles of Moses and Deborah, &c. The Lamentations... The whole book of Job, a poem, in folio. Kick him on the breech, not knight him on the sho deg. |