Imagens das páginas

And here a sailor's jacket hangs to dry;
At every door are sun-burnt matrons seen,

Mending old nets to catch the scaly fry;
Now singing shrill, and scolding oft between;
Scolds answer foul mouth'd scolds; bad neighbour

hood, I ween.

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The snappish cur (the passenger's annoy)

Close at my heel with yelping treble flies; The whimp'ring girl and hoarser screaming boy Join to the yelping treble shrilling cries; The scolding quean to louder notes doth rise, And her full pipes those shrilling cries confound; To her full pipes the grunting hog replies, The grunting hogs alarm the neighbours round, And curs, girls, boys, and scolds, in the deep base

are drown'd.


Hard by a sty, beneath a roof of thatch,
Dwelt Obloquy, who in her early days,
Baskets of fish at Billingsgate did watch *,
Cod, whiting, oyster, mackrel, sprat, or plaice:
There learn'd she speech from tongues that never


Slander beside her, like a magpie, chatters,

With Envy (spitting cat) dread foe to peace; Like a curs'd cur, Malice before her clatters, And, vexing ev'ry wight, tears clothes and all to



Her dugs were mark'd by ev'ry collier's hand,

Her mouth was black as bulldog's at the stall:

• How different from those enchanting imitations of Spenser, "The Castle of Indolence," and "The Minstrel!"


She scratched, bit, and spar'd ne lace ne band;
And bitch and rogue her answer was to all;
Nay, e'en the parts of shame by name would call,
Whene'er she passed by or lane or nook,

Would greet the man who turn'd him to the wall,
And by his hand obscene the porter took,
Nor ever did askance like modest virgin look.


Such place hath Deptford, navy-building town;
Woolwich and Wapping, smelling strong of pitch:
Such Lambeth, envy of each band and gown;
And Twick'nham such, which fairer scenes enrich,
Grots, statues, urns, and Jo-n's dog and bitch;
Ne village is without, on either side,

All up the silver Thames, or all adown;
Ne Richmond's self, from whose tall front are ey'd
Vales, spires, meand'ring streams, and Windsor's

tow'ry pride.




THOUGH Artemisia talks, by fits,
Of councils, classicks, fathers, wits;

Reads Malbranche, Boyle, and Locke:
Yet in some things, methinks, she fails;
'Twere well, if she would pare her nails,
And wear a cleaner smock.

Haughty and huge as High-Dutch bride;
Such nastiness, and so much pride,
Are oddly join'd by fate:

On her large squab you find her spread,
Like a fate corpse upon a bed,
That lies and stinks in state.

She wears no colours (sign of grace)
On any part except her face;

All white and black beside:
Dauntless her look, her gesture proud,
Her voice theatrically loud,
And masculine her stride.

So have I seen, in black and white,
A prating thing, a magpie hight,

Majestically stalk;

A stately, worthless animal,
That plies the tongue, and wags the tail,
All flutter, pride, and talk *.


PHRYNE had talents for mankind;
Open she was, and unconfin'd,

Like some free port of trade: Merchants unloaded here their freight, And agents from each foreign state Here first their entry made.

Her learning and good breeding such,
Whether th' Italian or the Dutch,

Spaniards or French came to her,
To all obliging she'd appear;
'Twas Si signior, 'twas Yaw mynheer,
'Twas S'il vous plait, monsieur.

* Let the curious reader compare Fenton's imitation of Dorset's manner with this of Pope. Dr. WARTON.

Obscure by birth, renown'd by crimes,
Still changing names, religions, climes,
At length she turns a bride:
In diamonds, pearls, and rich brocades,
She shines the first of batter'd jades,
And flutters in her pride.

So have I known those insects fair,
Which curious Germans hold so rare,
Still vary shapes and dies;
Still gain new titles with new forms;
First grubs obscene, then wriggling worms,
Then painted butterflies.



PARSON, these things in thy possessing
Are better than the bishop's blessing:
A wife that makes conserves; a steed
That carries double when there's need;
October store, and best Virginia,
Tithe pig, and mortuary guinea;

* This was at first styled, "An Imitation of Martial." N.

+ The point of the likeness in this imitation, consists in de. seribing objects as they really exist in life, like Hogarth's paintings, without heightening or enlarging them by any imaginary circumstance. In this way of writing Swift excelled; witness his "Description of a Morning in the City, of a City Shower, of the House of Baucis and Philemon, and the Verses on his own Death." In this also consists the beauty of Gay's "Trivia;" a subject Swift desired him to write upon, and for which he fur-. @nished him with hints. Dr. WARTON.

Gazettes sent gratis down, and frank'd,
For which thy patron's weekly thank'd;
A large Concordance, bound long since;
Sermons to Charles the First, when prince;
A chronicle of ancient standing;
A Chrysostom, to smooth thy band in;
The Polyglott,-three parts,-my text:
Howbeit-likewise-now to my next-
Lo here the Septuagint, and Paul,
To sum the whole, -the close of all.

He that has these, may pass his life,
Drink with the 'squire, and kiss his wife;
On Sundays preach, and eat his fill;
And fast on Fridays-if he will;
Toast Church and Queen, explain the news,
Talk with churchwardens about pews,
Pray heartily for some new gift,

And shake his head at doctor SWIFT.



In Yorkshire dwelt a sober yeoman,
Whose wife, a clean, painstaking woman,
Fed num'rous poultry in her pens,
And saw her cocks well serve her hens.
A hen she had whose tuneful clocks
Drew after her a train of cocks;
With eyes so piercing, yet so pleasant,
You would have sworn this hen a pheasant.

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