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feelingly was merely a figurative thing, a word meaning master. Christ is but a word, signifying the annointing of priests and kings. If these smooth gentlemen would harden their ladylike hands by producing something, thereby lightening the burden of humanity, they would be worth something to the world.

Their church planted sin and wickedness in the world, and they cannot destroy it, therefore it becomes a "harvest" for their reaping. We should like to have a technical explanation of the nature of that reaping, and into whose bins the harvest is to be garnered.

If they have the power to correct this evil condition, why did they not have the power to prevent it?




("I am the light of the world.")

We do not hesitate to declare that the Christ character is but a central figure in a great drama. Nevertheless, the institution which has so adroitly introduced this character, is a living, virulent thing, feeding off humanity, producing nothing, and performing not one function, useful or edifying to the world, which could not better be performed by civil govern


The long and tedious, so-called scriptures of the old testament, are part and parcel with the succeeding Christian dispensation, being a carefully but crudely prepared series of imaginary stories, purporting to be ancient Hebrew history, used for the purpose of concealing, in code, a sinister design. These scriptures are attached to the new testament by a socalled line of prophets.

The code tells us exactly the purpose of these prophets, in the order of their appearance.

Isaiah means the salvation of the Lord.
Jeremiah means the grandeur of the Lord.
Ezekiel means the strength of the Lord.
Daniel means the judgment of the Lord.
Hosea means the help of the Lord.

Joel means the will of the Lord.

Obediah means the servant of the Lord.

It is seen that these are seven essential elements in the

execution of the Christian exploitation.

Let us see, now, what the process of impression is, as secretly symbolized by the minor prophets.

Jonah, he that oppresses.

Micah, he that humbles.
Nahum, he that comforts.
Habakkuk, he that persuades.
Zephaniah, he who speaks.

Haggai, he who gives solemnity.
Zachariah, he who remembers.

Malichi, god's messenger.

Zachariah is son of Berechia.

Bereciah means blessed by Jehovah.

He is a descendant of David (1 Chr. 3:20.)
Jehovah means self-sustaining.

Now, we have the story.

Maintneance is the key to the future, and coercion, in its numerous forms, will provide, therefore we may examine the source of income of the church with interest.

Marriages, births, deaths, confessions, penances, indulgences, purgatory, and hell, are the especial instruments of emotional coercion. They all yield an income to the church.

Contributions, gifts, donations, charities, and coercive measures, yield the tithes of the church.

This is practically the source of maintenance.

It is a fact that food for the human body, especially meats, bread, and wine, are conspicuous in each step in the progression of the exploitation.

"Cain brought of the fruits of the ground an offering to the Lord.

"Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock, and of the fat thereof." (Gen. 4:3-4.)

"Noah builded an altar unto the Lord (a cooking oven): and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar (cooked food).

"And the Lord smelled a sweet savor." (Gen. 8:20-21.) Moses feasted Jethro when he proposed the appointment of judges.

"Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and

wine and he was the priest of the most high God." (Gen. 14:18.)

"And the meat offering thereof shall be two-tenths deal of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto the Lord for a sweet savor; and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part of an hin." (Lev. 23:13.)

An endless number of such instances are found throughout the Bible. The Lord was always feasting. Christ himself feasted his apostles, giving them wine.

What is this Christ, about which rebellion spins the purple veil of church mystery?

Christ means annointed. Annoint means to smear oil upon the head, or in any other way apply it to a person or to a thing-church furnishings, for instance. We annoint sores to heal them. Christ is named the healer.

There were three aspects to this annointing. The first was merely a matter of the toilet. The second was an act of courtesy to guests. The third was the official annointing of prophets, priests, and kings, to give them "divine" standing; a continuation of savage customs.

The prophets annointed each other, as the Christians bathed or baptized each other. Elijah annointed his successor, Elisha. John baptized his successor, Christ.

Moses, the originator of fire-worship, invented the holy concoction, consisting of spices, myrrh, sweet cinnamon, sweet calamus, cassia, and olive oil.

"And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compounded after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy annointing oil." (Ex. 30.)

This made all the subsequent kings, prophets, and priests, and it made the Christ.

Any ordinary corner drug store can make you king, prophet, or high priest, for Moses does not say that it requires any other process.

Millions of pages of fanatical gush, have been written by men who desired to be identified with the great, powerful and

profitable Christian enterprise, in a pretense of giving plausibility to an impossible system.

The savior idea is as old as religion itself, and the Christ character antedates Christianity by many centuries.

The birth and life of Christ is identical, word for word, with that of the Hindoo savior, Chrishna.

Chrisna was born of a chaste virgin, Devaki, who was called the "mother of God," a thousand years before Christianity.

Christ was allegedly born of the Virgin Mary called the "Mother of God." If she was the mother of god, she existed before God, yet an attempt is made to identify her parents, and the date of her birth.

We demonstrate in our gnostic revelation that the word Mary is derived from Mer, mere, meaning the sea, and that the ecclesiastical code gives the name Mary as meaning rebellion, which would make Christ the child of rebellion and increase. Joseph means increase. In the foolish conflict regarding the parents of Mary, god is made the father of his own.


"The doctrine of the "immaculate conception" was not known until a hundred years after Christ, and was not wholly adopted for many centuries afterwards.

The Christ character never existed as a human being: no such person was crucified for humanity, and the doctrine is centuries old.

There is a difference between the account of Matthew and of Luke concerning the birth of Christ, Luke's description evidently being drawn from the Koran, which says that Gabriel appeared to Mary in the form of a perfect man; that Mary, upon seeing him, and seeming to understand his intentions, said: "If thou fearest God thou wilt not approach me." Gabriel answered: "Verily I am the messenger of the Lord, and am sent to give thee a holy son." (Koran chap. XIX.) This declares conclusively that Mary is not the mother of god. To declare Christ as god eliminates the whole Bible.

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