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(Only fools love to be fooled.)

After having covered the whole ground, the Christian scheme is not even ingenious. A sinister and selfish purpose is so palpable, it becomes apparent to the most casual reader.

One of two things is necessarily true: either the learned men of the earth, at the alleged time of the writing of the scriptures, were far advanced in learning and natural science, and that knowledge and accumulated wisdom were suppressed; or else the scriptures were written centuries later than the period set for their origin. We shall assume the latter to be true for obvious reasons.

We now repeat with emphasis that we may approach the scriptures without fear and trembling. The "terrible god" of Israel was a myth, born of fertile, human minds, and the scriptures are but essential parts of a deep-laid plot and conspiracy to enthrall and govern mankind by a designing priesthood.

The scriptures of the old testament conceal the secret code, covering four essential periods in the development of conditions, precedents, and working plans, for Christianity-a well defined exploitation for power and profit.

We shall now narrow our examination of this secret code down to the essential characters belonging to each period.


From Adam to Noah

Creating the essentials of Christianity.

Establishing the divine authority.
Introducing the penalty of disobedience.
Suppressing knowledge.

Sowing evil and crime.

Selecting a seed for future genealogies.

Principal characters of the Adamic period:

1. Adam means the producing earth, the male principle. 2. Evi means the creative desire, the female principle.

3. Cain means possession, the vegetation.

4. Abel means vanity, breath, vapor, the atmosphere. 5. Seth means compensation, the animals.

6. Enos means mortal man, mankind.

7. Noah means repose, organization.
This is the cosmogony of Christianity.

"On the seventh day God ended his work and he rested on the seventh day." (Gen. 2.)

These are the things created, made, planted in the fertile minds of the Christian exploiters.

The place where this was done:

Eden means pleasure; temptation.
Pison means changing; fall.

Havilah means that suffers pain; penalty.

Gihon means impetuous, furious; curse.

Ethiopia means blackness; expulsion.

Hiddekel means a sharp voice; commandments.

Assyria means happiness; prosperity.

Euphrates means that makes fruitful; production.

It cannot be coincidental that these names and their mean

ings tell so plain a story.

Let us examine the offspring of Adam, the earth.

The offspring of Cain-possession; control.

Enoch means regulated, disciplined; government.

Irad means descent, empire; hereditary rule.
Mehujael means God blots out; destruction.
Methusael means demands his death; elimination.
Lamech means strong, made poor, low; debased.
Debasement is the penalty for disobedience.

The wives of Lamech:

Adah means assembly; the church.

Zillah means shadow; mystery.

The sons of Adah, assembly:
Jabal means produces; worker.

Jubal means invention; thinker.

The offspring of Zillah, shadow, image:

Tubal-Cain, worldly possessions, jealousy; confusion.
And his sister, Naamah, which means pleasing; indulgences.
The offspring of Seth, compensation:

Enos means mortal man, fallen man; sinful humanity.
Cainan means one that laments or regrets; sorrow.
Mahalaleel means he that praises God; the prophet.
Jared means descent, he that commands; the lord.
Enoch means dedicated; the priesthood.

Methuselah means he has sent his death; mortality.
Lamech means poor, made low; poverty.
Noah means rest, repose; consolation.

Consolation is the reward for obedience.

This is the origin of the theory of punishments and rewards.

It is not difficult to understand that humanity at large is the football of this whole scheme, and in any event must suffer to justify the system.

The offspring of Cain signify civil government.

The offspring of Seth signify church government.

This is the tree of good and evil of which the common masses must know nothing.

Between the two what do we find?

The producer and the thinker, production and invention. We have seen a battle royal over their control.

Cain controls commerce, and the national wealth by actual contact and possession.

Seth represents the compensation of the church for spiritual guidance of the people; hence both good and evil are equally taxed.

Thus is revealed, in advance, the bargain between the Jews and the Christian forces to which we previously called attention. The Jews simply mean those who control commerce associated with the church.

“Give us the church and we will give you commerce." Between Cain and Seth we find the process well defined. Lamech in both lines signifies the people.

He addresses to his wives this lamentation:

"I have slain a man to my wounding, a young man to my hurt.

"If Cain shall be avenged seven-fold, truly Lamech seventy and seven-fold." (Gen. 4:23-24.)

His wives represent the church with its mystery, and their offspring very clearly defines the church work and policy.

The organization is divided into workers and thinkers. They create tumult, jealousy, and confusion, and grant indulgences and dispense consolation to the sorrowing.


From Noah to Abraham

Repeopling the earth.

Dividing the earth.

Dispersing mankind.

Choosing a people to represent God on earth.

Making a covenant with the chosen people.

Principal characters of the Noachian period:
Noah means rest, repose, consolation; established.

Shem means name, renown, fame, he that places; reputation.
Ham means hot, fervent; evangelism.

Japheth means enlarged, persuades; extension.

Canaan (son of Ham) means trading, merchant; commerce. Noah, awaking from a drunken stupor, cursed Ham, saying:

"Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall be he unto his brethren.

"God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant." (Gen. 9:25-27.)

This is an interesting gnostic lesson, nevertheless it is used as another evidence that commerce has been subsidized by the church and is secretly used as an agent to aid in its support and exploitation.

In the gnostic philosophy Shem symbolizes the flesh and skin; Japheth symbolizes the muscles, and Ham symbolizes the bones, hence Japheth dwells in the tents of Shem, and Ham is the servant of both. The bones bear all the burdens of the body and blindly obey muscular impulse.

This clearly intimates an ecclesiastical government and church united, which is to be supported by commerce. The tent signifies the tabernacle, the covering of the church.

To this day church missionary work is shielded by the same treaty laws which protect and expand international commerce. The children of Shem:

Elam means a young man, a virgin, a secret, an age.
Asshur means one that is happy.

Arphaxad means one who heals or releases.

Lud means strife, maturity, generation.

Aram means high, magnificence, one who deceives.

We have here a plain intimation of the contemplated doctrine of the "Virgin Mary" and the "immaculate conception." Ignatius said: "There was concealed from the ruler of this world the virginity of Mary and the birth of our Lord." The sons of Ham:

Cush means blackness; ignorance.

Mizraim means tribulations; afflictions.

Phut means bow; warfare.

Canaan means merchant, trader; commerce.

The sons of Japheth:

Gomer means to finish.

Magog means that dissolves.

Madai means middle, mediator.

Javan means that deceives.

Tubal means tumult.

Meshech means drawn by force, surrounded.

Tiras means longing, eager desire.

This is the process by which the world is to be subdued and brought under the control of the church.

Gomer, the first son of Japheth, fulfills the mission of re

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