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R39 1838 V. 2



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is called by B. Jonson a letter half-vowelish, which though the Italians (especially the Florentines) abhor, we keep entire with the Latins, and so pronounce. It is not used (says Wilkins) by the Brasileans, nor the men of Japan: others style it the sweetest of all letters. It melteth (B. Jonson adds) in the sounding, and is therefore called a liquid, the tongue striking the root of the palate gently; Wilkins, the top of the tongue striking against the foremost part of the palate. It unites very easily with C and G in pronunciation, as in Clinch, Gloom, (qqv.) It is doubled, where the vowel sounds hard upon it; with no necessity: unless a syllable follow which may require the continuance of its sound; as in kil-ling, fil-ling, wil-ling.

LAB. "I am no lab;" i.e. no be-lab, or blab; Dut. Labberen. (See BLAB.) Consequentially,To pour forth from the lips whatever occurs to us; to tell all that we think or know; to prate or talk, thoughtlessly, carelessly, without reserve or discrimination.

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No though I say it, I n' am not lefe to gabbe.

Chaucer. The Milleres Tale, v. 3505.

I have a wif, though that she poure be;
But of hire tongue a labbing shrewe is she.

Id. The Squieres Tale, v. 10,301. LABEL, n. Fr. "Lambeau, a shread, rag, LA'BEL, v. } or small piece of stuh Labels hanging downe on garlands or crownes, a labando of falling downe," (Minshew.) Skinner prefers the Ger. Lapp. See LAP.

Any thing falling or depending, suspended or appended; a name, title or description, appended, or, (as now used,) otherwise affixed.

Then haste thou a labell, that is shapen like a rule, saue that it is strait and hath no plates on either ende. Chaucer. The Astrolabie.

It [my beautie] shalbe inuentoried and euery particle and vtensile labell'd to my will. Shakespeare. Twelfth Night, Act i. sc. 5.

The said Sir William said on his oth in the tenth yeare of Henrie the fourth, that before the times of Edward the third, the labell of three points was the different appropriat and appurtenant for the cognizance of the next heire. Holinshed. Rich. II. an. 1390.

Until the subtlest of their conjurors
Seal'd up the labels to his soul-his ears.
Buller. On the Licentious Age of Charles II.

LA'BIAL, adj. Lat. Labium; Fr. Lèvre; LA'BIAL, n. It. Labbra, labio; the lip. That may be, that are, (formed by, spoken by) the lips.

The Hebrews have been diligent in it, and have assigned, which letters are labiall, which dentall, which gutturall. Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 198. lips.-Wilkins. Real Character, pt. iii. c. 14. The labials are represented by two curve figures for the

P and B are labial: Ph and Bh, or F and V, are labiodental.-Holder. Elements of Speech.

LA'BILE. Lat. Labi, to fall or fail.

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Wyatt. Complaint vpon Loue, &c.

He [Julius Cæsar] labourously and studiously discussed controversies.-Sir T. Elyot. The Governour, b. iii. c. 10.

There is greater store growing in the tops of the mounSee tains then below in the valleis: but it is wonderfull laboursome and also dangerous traueiling vp vnto them and downe againe, by reason of the height and steepenesse of the hilles. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 824.

But sensibility and intelligence, being by their nature and essence free must be labile, and by their lability may actually lapse, degenerat, and by habit acquire a second nature.


Cheyne. On Regimen, Dis. 5. Fr. Labourer; It. Lavorare; Sp. Laborear; Lat. Laborare; (of uncertain etymology.) Scheidius thinks from Λαβ-ειν, whence ελα Boy, used as the 2d Aor. of λaußav-ev, to take, to seize. Dixerunt (he adds) λaußavev pyov, arripere opus : unde notio operis, s. laboris. To work hard; to work with difficulty or diligence; to bear up against or support, or sustain with diligence, with difficulty, with pain; to exert, to persist, pursue, or prosecute with care or diligence, pain or difficulty; to do any thing with exertion or effort.


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Adam, well may we labour still to dress
This garden, still to tend plant, herb and flower,
Our pleasant task enjoyn'd; but till more hands
Aid us, the work under our labor grows,
Luxurious by restraint.-Milton. Paradise Lost, b. ix.

When down he came like an old o'ergrown oak,
His huge root hewn up by the labourer's stroke.
Drayton. David & Goliah.

Who but felt of late,
When the fierce foe hung on our brok'n rear
Insulting, and pursu'd us through the deep,
With what compulsion and laborious flight
We sank thus low.

Millon. Paradise Lost, b. ii.

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Then we caused the laborant with an iron rod dexterously to stir the kindled part of the nitre.

Boyle. Works, vol. i. p. 604. For thankless Greece such hardships have I brav'd, Her wives, her infants, by my labours sav'd;, sleepless nights in heavy arms I stood, And sweat laborious days in dust and blood.

Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. ix. Laboriousness shuts the doors and stops all the avenues of the mind, whereby a temptation would enter, and (which is yet more) leaves no void room for it to dwell there, if by any accident it should chance to creep in.-South, vol. vi. Ser.10.

Whence labour or pain is commonly reckoned an ingre dient of industry; and laboriousness is a name signifying it. Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 18. 7 M

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and labourless work.

They intend not your precise abstinence from any light
Brerewood. On the Sabbath, (1630.) p. 48.

The annual labour of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniencies of life, which it annually consumes, and which consists always either in the immediate produce of that labour, or in what is purchased with that produce from other nations. Smith. Wealth of Nations, vol. i. Introd.

The number of useful and productive labourers, is every where in proportion to the quantity of capital stock which is employed in setting them to work, and to the particular way in which it is so employed.-Id. Ib.

Why does the juice, which flows into the stomach, contain powers which make that bowel the great laboratory, as it is by its situation the recipient, of the materials of future nutrition?-Paley. Natural Theology, c. 7.

Those who have dragged their understanding laboriously along the tiresome circuit of ancient demonstration, may be unwilling to grant that they have taken all these pains to no purpose. Beddoes, On the Elements of Geometry, Ded. 11. LABURNUM. See the quotation from


The cypresse, walnut, chesnut-trees, and the laburnum, cannot in any wise abide waters. This last named, is a tree proper unto the Alpes, not commonly knowne: the wood thereof is hard and white: it beareth a blossome of a cubite long, but bees will not settle upon it.

Holland. Plinie, b. xvi. c. 18.

And pale laburnum's pendent flowers display
Their different beauties.-Dodsley. Agriculture, c. 2.
Laburnum, rich

In streaming gold.

Cowper. Task, b. vi.
Fr. Labyrinthe;


And on her legs she painted buskins wore,
Basted with bends of gold on every side,
And mailes betweene, and laced close afore.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 5.

For striving more, the more in laces strong
Himselfe he tide, and wrapt his winges twaine,
In lymie snares the subtil loupes among.

Cooke. And whom for mutton and kid?
Child. A fine lac'd mutton.

Id. Muiopotmos.

B. Jonson. Neptune's Triumph. A Masque.
He scratch'd the maid, he stole the cream,
He tore her best lac'd pinner.

Prior. The Widow and her Cat.
Mr. Nisby [is] of opinion that lac'd coffee is bad for the
head. Spectator, No. 317.

He is forced every morning to drink his dish of coffee by
itself, without the addition of the Spectator, that used to be
better than lace to it.-Id. No.488.

Swift from her head she loos'd, with eager haste,
The yellow curls in artful fillets lac'd.

Hoole. Jerusalem Delivered, b. xv.
By mercers, lacemen, mantua-makers press'd,
But most for ready cash for play distress'd,
Where can she turn?-Jenyns. The Modern Fine Lady.


Fr. Lacérer; It. Lacerare; Sp. Lacerar Lat. Lacerare, from the Gr. Aakew, which not only denotes sonare, crepare, but also cum crepitu rumpi, ut fit in iis, quæ lacerantur.


To rend or tear asunder; to sever-with the parts torn, (and not cut evenly.)

And if the heat breaks through the water with such fury,


what we call boyling.

LABYRINTHIAN. } Sp. Labarin, Lat. Labas rinthus; Gr. AaBupiveos; Locus viarum ambagibus ad capiendum aptus, from λaß-ew, to take. A place formed to take or hold, confine, or keep within; difficult to pass through or escape from; formed with many windings or turnings, or intricate, involved, or perplexed ways or paths: as applied generally,-intricacy, perplexity.

Since wee have finished our obeliskes and pyramides, let us enter also into the labyrynthes; which we may truly say, are the most monstrous works that ever were divised by the hand of man.-Holland. Plinie, b. xiii. c. 13.

Mark, how the labyrinthian turns they take;
The circles intricate, and mystic maze.
Young. Complaint, Night 9.
LACE, v. Also, in old authors, written


No lamps, included liquors, lachrymatories, or tear-bottles, attended these rural urnes, either as sacred unto the Manes or passionate expressions of their surviving friends: Browne. Ürne-Burial, c. 3.

It is of an exquisite sense, that, upon any touch the tears might be squeezed from the lachrymal glands, to wash and clean it. Cheyne. Philosophical Principles.

What a variety of shapes in the ancient urns, lamps, lachrymary vessels.-Addison. Italy. Rome.

The learned Mr. Wise, late Radclivian librarian, had a glass lachrymatory, or rather a sepulchral aromatic phial, dug up between Noke and Wood-Eaton. Warton. History of Kiddington, p. 57.

water, too heavy for the air to carry or buoy up, it causeth
Derham. Physico-Theology, b. ii. c. 5. Note 2.
They [nitrous and sulphurous exhalations] force out their
way, not onely with the breaking of the cloud, but the
laceration of the air about it.
Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. ii. c. 5.
If there be no fear of laceration, pull it out the same way
it went in.-Wiseman. Surgery, b. v. c. 1.

Some depend upon the intemperament of the part ulce-
rated, others upon the continual afflux of lacerative humours.
Harvey. On Consumption.

LACK, v. Dut. Laechen, minuere, dimi.
LACK, n. nuere, attenuare, extenuare, de-
LA'CKER. terere; deficere, deesse ;-
To lessen or diminish, to weaken, to fail or be
deficient, to be faulty; to want or be wanting.

To diminish, consequentially, to degrade, to find fault with, to blame.

Shakespeare uses the compounds lack-beard, -brain, -linen, -lustre.

And like a wanton girl, oft doubting in her gate,
Since the lungs are obliged to a perpetual commerce with
In labrinth-like turns, and twinings intricate.
the air, they must necessarily lie open to great damages,
Drayton. Poly Olbion, s. 22. because of their thin and lacerable composure.-Id. Ib.
Hither the feble pair, by mutual aid,
The warrior's lacerated corpse convey'd.
Lewis. Statius. Thebais, b. xii.
LACHE. Minshew derives from the Fr.
LA'CHESSE. Lascher, or Lasche, slacke, loose,
slow, remisse. (See LASH.) Skinner,-from
Lat. Laxus. Lache, in Chaucer, says Junius, is
explained-sluggish, dull, heavie, lazie; and he
suspects that lache was the original way of writing

LACE, n. } Las. Fr. Lacer, lucet, from the Lat. Laqueus, (Skinner.) The Lat. Laqueus, and It. Laccio, as well as the Eng. Latch, and lace, are the past tense and past part. of the A.S. Lacc-an, lec-gan, lacc-ean, prehendere, apprehendere, to catch, to hold, (Tooke.)

A lace, any thing which catcheth or holdeth, tieth, bindeth, or fasteneth; applied to cords, or strings, or threads, plain or interwoven of various materials; also to the substance formed by such interweaving.

Laced, as laced coffee, i. e. coffee inter-laced, intermingled, or intermixed with some other ingredient.

Nailing the speres, and helmes bokeling,
Guiding of sheldes, with lainers lacing.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2506.

Hire shoon were laced on hire legges hie.

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Where is & shall be eternall

Joy, incomparable myrth without heaviness,
Loue with charity and grace celestiall

By nom hym al that he hadde.-Piers Ploulman, p. 141.7
And if he be slowe, and astonyed, and lache, men shall
holde him lyke to an asse.-Chaucer. Boecius, b. iv.
Then cometh lachesse, that is, he that whan he beginneth
any good werk, anon he wol forlete and stint it.
Id. The Persones Tate.

The first point of slouth I call
Lachesse, and is the chief of all,
And hath this properly of kinde,
To leuen all thyng behinde.-Gower. Con. A. b. iv.

Lasting interminable, lacking no goodness.
R. Gloucester, p. 548. App.

Fair scho was. thei seiden, & gode withouten lak.

R. Brunne, p. 95. Piers Plouhman, p. 18.

Ac ich wolle lacke no lyf. quath that lady sotthly.

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The law also determines that in the king can be no negli. gence, or laches, and therefore no delay will bar his right. Blackstone. Commentaries, b. i. c. 7.


Id. The Marchantes Tale, v. 10,078.
For lacke of answere, none of us shul dien.
Id. Ib. v. 10,145.

Fr. Lachrymal; It, Lagrimal Sp. Lacrymoso; Lat. Lacrima; Gr. Aaxpu

What helpeth a man haue mete,
Where drinke lackethe on the borde.-Gower. Con. A.
Lo thus to broke is Christe's folde,
Wherof the flocke, without guide
Deuour'd is on euery side,

ua, & changed into 1, a tear.
That can or may shed tears, that can or may

Fncertaine Auctors. The Louer thinkes no paine, go, I weep.


In lacke of them, that be vnware
Id. 1b. Prol.
Thereat the feend his gnashing teeth did grate,
And griev'd, so long to lacke his greedie pray.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. li. c. 7.
The lack of one may cause the wrack of all;
Although the lackers were terrestrial gods,
Yet will they ruling reel, or reeling fall.

Davies. Wit's Pilgrimage.

Frugal, where lack, supplies with what redounds,
And here bestows what noxious there abounds.

Brooke. Universal Beauty, b. i.

But tho' each Court a jester lacks,
To laugh at monarchs to their face,
(Yet) all mankind behind their backs
Supply the honest jester's place.

Dodsley. The Kings of Europe.
To lay on, to cover with
lacquer, or lacque, i. e. with a
LACK, n.
preparation of lac. It. Lacca.
See LAKE, and the quotation from Dampier.

The lack of Tonquin is a sort of gummy juice, which drains out of the bodies or limbs of trees. The cabinets, desks, or any sort of frames to be lackered, are made of fir, or pine tree. The workhouses where the lacker is laid on, are accounted very unwholesome.

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Dampier. Voyages, an. 1638.
What shook the stage, and made the people stare!
Cato's long wig, flowr'd gown, and lacquer'd chair.
Pope. Imitation of Horace, Ep. 1.
Alum and lacque, and clouded tortoiseshell.

Dyer. The Fleece, b. iv.
In vases, flow'r pots, lamps, and sconces,
Intaglios, cameos, gems and bronzės,
These eyes have read through many a crust
Of lacker, varnish, grease and dust.

Cawthorn, The Antiquarians
Or oblong buckle, on the lacker'd shoe,
With polish'd lustre, bending elegant
In shapely rim.

Jago. Edge Hill, b. ill

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