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act directing act entitled act in addition act laying act relating act to incorporate act to pay affirmative amendments proposed appointed ask the concurrence Bennington County bill be laid bill be read bill entitled bill H Bowen Briggs Burgess Chandler chapter was read Chauncey Goodrich Chittenden clerk Cobb committee on banks Curtis directing the treasurer Eaton Edson Egerton election engrossed and read entitled an act following titles Goodwin Governor Harvey Hebard Hemenway House concur House of Representatives Hoyt Hubbell incorporate the president Jenness judiciary Kittredge Lawrence laying a tax McMillan Merrill military affairs militia Montpelier motion negative Noble Ordered Pierpoint prison proposed amendment question Ranney read and passed read the third referred a bill Representatives have passed Resolved revised statutes Robert Pierpoint Robinson Rutland Senate adjourned Senate in passing Senate took sum therein mentioned Swift taken treasurer to pay Vermont voted Windham County Windsor County yeas and nays