Imagens das páginas
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its fafety and prefervation. He feels as a proprietor, not as a tenant. He loves the ftate, because he participa es in it. His obedience is not the cold reluctant refult of terror; but the lively, cheerful, and fpontaneous effect of love. The violation of laws, formed on the pure principle of general beneficence, and to which he has given his full affent, by a juft and perfect reprefentation, he confiders as a crime of the deepeft die. He will inceffantly endeavour to improve it; and enter feriously into all political debate. In the collision of agitated minds, fparks will fometimes be emitted; but they will only give a favorable light and a genial warmth. They will never produce an injurious configration.--Spirit of Defpotifm


WE fhall conclude this fubject, with obferving the falfehood of the common opinion, that no large ftate could ever be modelled into a commonwealth, but that fuch a form of government can only take place in a city of fmall territory. contrary feems probable. Though it is more difficult to form a republican government in an extenfive country than in a city; there is more facility, when once it is formed, of preferving it fteady and uniform, without tumult and faction In a large government, which is modelled with mafterly fkill, there is compafs and room enough to refine the democracy from the lower people who may be admitted into the first elections or first concoction of the commonwealth, to the higher magiftrates, who direct all movements. At the fame time, the parts are fo diftant and remote, that it is very difficult, either by intrigue, prejudice, or paffion, to hurry them into any meafures against the public intereft-Hume.


WHEN I confider life, 'tis all a cheat:
Yet, fool'd with hope, men favour the deceit ;
Trust on, and think, to morrow will repay:
To-morrow's falfer than the former day;
Lies more and while it fays, we fhall be blefs'd
With fome new joys, cuts off what we poffefs'd:
Strange cozenage! none would live paft years again,
Yet all hope pleasure in what
yet remain :

And from the dregs of life think to receive

What the first sprightly running could not give.

I'm tir'd with waiting for this chymic gold,

Which fools us young, and beggars us when old-Dryden.

WHAT art thou, life, fo dearly lov'd by all ?
What are thy charms, that thus the great defire thee,
And to retain thee part with pomp and titles ?
To buy thy prefence, the gold watching mifer
Will pour his mouldy bags of treasure out,
And grow at once a prodigal. The wretch
Clad with difeafe and poverty's thin coat,
Yet holds thee faft, tho' painful company.
O life! thou univerfal with; what art thou?
Thou'rt but a day-A few uneafy hours:
Thy morn is grected by the flocks and herds;
And every bird that flatters with its note,
Salutes thy riding fun: Thy noon approaching,
Then hafte the flies and ev'ry creeping infect
To bask in thy meridian; that declining
As quickly they depart, and leave thy evening
To mourn the abfent ray; Night at hand,
Then croaks the raven Confcience, time mifpent,
The owl Defpair feens hideous, and the bat
Confufion flutters up and down—

Life's but a lengthen'd day, not worth the waking for.


YE are lords:

A lazy, proud. unprofitable crew,

The vermin gender'd from the rank corruption
Of a luxurious flare Cumberland.

THE princes of Europe have found out a manner of rewarding their fubjects, by prefenting them with about two yards of blue riband, which is worn about the fhoulder. They who are honoured with this mark of diftinction, are called knights; and the king himself is always the head of the order. Should a nobleman happen to lofe his leg in battle, the king prefents him with two yards of riband, and he is paid for the lofs of his limb. Should an ambaffador fpend all his paternal fortune, in fupporting the honor of his country abroad, the king prelents him with two yards of riband. which is to be confidered as equivalent to his eftate. In fhort, while an European king has a yard of blue or green riband left, he need be under no apprehenfion of wahting ftatefmen, generals, and foldiers.Goldfinith

THERE is a fet of men in all the flates of Europe, who affume from their infancy a pre-eminence, independent of

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their moral character. The attention paid them from the moment of their birth, gives them the idea that they are formed for command; they foon learn to diftinguish themfelves as a distinct species; and being fecure or a certain rank and flation, take no pains to make themselves worthy of it. To this inftitution we owe fo many indifferent minifters, ignorant magiftrates, and bad generals.—Able Raynal.

HE is a poor obferver, who has not feen, that the generality of peers, far from fupporting themselves in a state of independent greatness, are but too apt to fall into an oblivion of their proper dignity, and run headlong into an abject fervitude. Burke.

LET ftates that aim at greatnefs take heed how their nobility and gentry do multiply too faft: for that maketh the common fubject grow to be a peafant and base fwain, driven out of heart, and in effect but a gentleman's labourer.-Lord Bacon.

PRINCES and lords may flourish or may fade;

A breath can make them, as a breath has made :
But a bold peafantry-a nation's pride-

When once deftroyed, can never be fupplied.-Goldsmith.
WHAT is a lord? Doth that plain fimple word
Contain fome magic fpell? As foon as heard,
Like an alarm bell on night's dull ear,

Doth it ftrike louder, and more strong appear
Than other words? Whether we will or no,
Thro' reafon's court doth it unqueftion'd go
E'en on the mention-and of courfe tranfmit
Notions of fomething excellent, of wit
Pleafing, tho' keen, of humour free, tho' chafte,
Of sterling genius with found judgment grac'd,
Of virtue far above temptation's reach,
And honor, which no malice can impeach?
Believe it not-'twas nature's first intent,
Before their rank became their punishment,

They should have pafs'd for men, not blufh'd to prize
The bleffings fhe bestow'd.-She gave them eyes,
And they could fee-she gave them ears, they heard---
The inftruments of stirring, and they stirr'd—
Like us they were defign'd to eat, to drink,
To talk, and (ev'ry now and then) to think.
Till they, by pride corrupted, for the fake
Of fingularity, disclaim'd that make;


Till they, difdaining nature's vulgar mode,
Flew off, and ftruck into another road,
More fitting quality, and to our view
Came forth a fpecies altogether new,

Something we had not known, and could not know,
Like nothing of God's making here below-
Nature exclaim'd with wonder-lords are things,
Which, never made by me, were made by kings.
A LORD (nor here let cenfure rashly call
My juft contempt of fome, abufe of all:)
A mere, mere lord, with nothing but the name,
Wealth all his worth, and title all his fame,
Lives on another man, himself a blank,

Thankless he lives, or must fome grandfire thank
For fmuggled honors, and ill-gotten pelf.-Churchil.
YOU fay, a long defcended race,

And wealth, and dignity, and power, and place,
Make gentlemen; and that your high degree
Is much difparag'd to be match'd with me:
Know this, my lord, nobility of blood,
Is but a glitt'ring and fallacious good;
The nobleman is he whofe noble mind

Is fill'd with inborn worth, unborrow'd from his kind.-Dryden.


LOVE various minds does variously inspire;

He firs in gentle natures gentle fire,

Like that of incenfe on the altar laid:

But aging flames tempeftuous fouls invade:

A fire, which every windy paffion blows,

With pride it mounts, and with revenge it glows.-Dryden.
THE idle god of love fupinely dreams,

Amidit inglorious fhades and purling ftreams;
In rofy fetters, and fantastic chains,

He binds deluded maids, and fimple fwains;
With foft enjoyments, woos them to forget
The hardy toils, and labour of the great:
But, if the warlike trumpet's loud alarms
To virtuous acis excite, and manly arms;
The coward boy avows his abject fear,
On filken wings fublime he cuts the air,

Scar'd at the furious noife and thunder of the war-Rowe.




THOSE who are poffeffed of exorbitant power, who pant for its extenfion, and tremble at the apprehenfion of lofing it, are always fufficiently artful to dwell with emphafis, on the evils of licentioufnefs; under which opprobrious name, they wish to ftigmatize liberty. They defcribe the horrors of anarchy and confufion, in the blackeft colors; and boldly affirm, that they are the neceffary confequences of entrufling the people with power. Indeed, they hardly condefcend to recognize the idea of the people; but whenever they speak of the mafs of the community, denominate them the mob, the rabble, or the fwinifh multitude. Language is at a loss for appellatives, fignificant of their contempt for those who are undistinguished by wealth or titles, and is obliged to content itfelf with fuch words, as reptiles, fcum, dregs, or the manyheaded monster.-Spirit of Defpotifm.

LICENTIOUSNESS and defpotifm are more nearly allied than is commonly imagined. They are both alike inconfiftent with liberty, and the true end of government; nor is there any other difference between them, than that one is the licentioufnefs of great men, and the other the licentioufnefs of little men; or that by one, the perfons and property of a people are fubject to outrage and invafion from a king, or a lawlefs body of grandees; and that by the other, they are subject to the like outrages from a lawlefs mob. In avoiding one of thefe evils, mankind have often run into the other. But all well-conflituted governments guard equally against both. Indeed, of the two, the laft is, on feveral accounts, the leaft to be dreaded, and has done the leaft mischief. It may truly be faid, if licentiousness has deflroyed its thoufands, defpotifm has deftroyed its millions. The former having little power, and no fyftem to fupport it, neceffarily finds its remedy; and a people foon get out of the tumult and anarchy attending it. But a defpotifm, wearing a form of government, and being armed with its force, is an evil not to be conquered without dreadful ftruggles. It goes on from age to age, debafing the human faculties, levelling all diftinctions, and preying on the rights and bleflings of fociety. It deferves to be added, that in a flate diflurbed by licentioufnefs, there is an animation which is favourable to the human mind, and puts it upon exerting its powers; but n a ftate habituated to defpotifm, all is ftill and torpid. A

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