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" ... we cannot yet say that any of them have come up to the beauties of the original, I think we may venture to affirm, that every one of them writes and thinks much more justly than they did some time since. "
The British Essayists: The Tatler - Página xlvi
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 47

Tobias Smollett - 1779 - 510 páginas
...Steele is the greateft fchelar and bed cafuift of any man in England. ' Laftly, his writings have fet all our wits and men of letters upon a new way of...little or no notion before ; and though we cannot yet fay that any of them have come op to the beauties of the original, I think we may venture to affirm,...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's ..., Volume 18

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 490 páginas
...verily persuaded, that captain Steele is the greatest scholar and best casuist of any man in England. Lastly, his writings have set all our wits and men...though we cannot yet say that any of them have come up tothe beauties of the original, I think we may venture to affirm, that every one of them writes and...
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The Works, Volume 24

Jonathan Swift - 1803 - 434 páginas
...that captain Steele is the greatest scholar and best casuist of any man in England. they had littie or no notion before; and though we cannot yet say that any of them have come up 10 the beauties of the original, I think we may venturf to affirm, that every one of them writes and...
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Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, Illustrative of ..., Volume 3

Nathan Drake - 1805 - 422 páginas
...most welcome guest at tea-tables and assemblies, and if relished and caressed by the merchants on the Change. " Lastly, his writings have set all our wits...which they had little or no notion before ; and though tve cannot yet say that any of them have come up to the beauties of the original, I think we may venture...
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Select Reviews, and Spirit of the Foreign Magazines, Volume 2

Enos Bronson - 1809 - 456 páginas
...scarce produced half the good as flowed from the Spectator of a day." — " These writings here set nil our wits and men of letters upon a new way of thinking, of which they hail but little or no notion brfore — Every one of tliera writes and thinks much more justly than...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D. ...: With Notes ..., Volume 24

Jonathan Swift - 1813 - 324 páginas
...verily persuaded, that Captain Steele is the greatest scholar and hest casuist of any man in England. Lastly, his writings have set all our wits and men...of thinking, of which they had little or no notion hefore ; and though we cannot yet say ill that any of them have come up to the heauties of the :j original,...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift..., Volume 24

Jonathan Swift - 1813 - 408 páginas
...verily persuaded, that Captain Steele Is the greatest scholar and best casuist of any man in England. Lastly, his writings have set all our wits and men...letters upon a new way of thinking, of which they had Kttle or Do notion before ; and though we Cannot yet say that any of them have come up to the beauties...
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The works of Jonathan Swift, containing additional letters, tracts ..., Volume 1

Jonathan Swift - 1814 - 676 páginas
...verily persuaded( that Captain Steele is the greatest scholar and best casuist of any man in England. .Lastly, his writings have set all our wits and men...thinking, of which they had little or no notion before ; nnd though we cannot yet say that any of them have come up to the beauties of the original, I think...
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Universal Masonic Library, Volume 2

Robert Macoy - 1855 - 566 páginas
...convinced our fops and young fellows of the value and advantages of learning." — And again: " These writings have set all our wits and men of letters...the original, I think we may venture to affirm that even7 one of them writes and thinks more justly than they did some time since." This testimony is highly...
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Literature and Its Professors

Thomas Purnell - 1867 - 316 páginas
...inventor. He gave a new form to our literature ; or, as it is quaintly put by one of his contemporaries, " his " writings have set all our wits and men of letters " upon a new way of thinking." STERNE. LTHOUGH much has been written on Humour, and very many acute observations have been made on...
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