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" tis fittest. Cor. How does my royal lord? How fares your majesty? Lear. You do me wrong, to take me out o' the grave. — Thou art a soul in bliss ; but I am bound Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears Do scald like molten lead. "
The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the Corrections and ... - Página 131
por William Shakespeare - 1765
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with ..., Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 598 páginas
...Royal Lord .' How fares your Majefty? Lear. You do me wrong to take m; out o'th' Grave; That art a Soul in blifs, but I am bound Upon, a wheel of fire, that...Do fcald like molten Lead. Cor. Sir, do you know me f Lear. You are a Spirit I know, when did ,you die ? Cor. Still, ftill, far wide Gent. He's fcarce...
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Romeo and Juliet ; Timon of Athens ; Julius Caesar ; Macbeth ; Hamlet ; King ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 612 páginas
...Cent. Madam, do you, 'tis fitteft. Lear. You do me wrong to take me out o'th' Grave; Thou art a Soul in blifs, but I am bound Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears Do fcald like molten Lead. Cor. How does my Royal Lord ? How fares your Majefty? Cor. Sir, do you know me? Lear. You are a Spirit I...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 490 páginas
...How does my royal lord ? how fares your Majefty ? Lear. You do me wrong to take me out o'th' grave j Thou art a foul in blifs, but I am bound Upon a wheel of fire i that mine own tears Do fcald like molten lead. Cor. Sir, do you know me ? Lear. You are a fpirit,...
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The works of Shakespear, with a glossary, pr. from the Oxford ed ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 340 páginas
...At once, had not concluded all. "He wakes, Speak to him. Pbyf. Madam, do you- fpeak, 'tis fitteft. Cor. How does my royal Lord ? how fares your Majefty?...bound Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears Do feald like molten lead. • ' Cor. Sir, do you know me ? • • Lear. You are a fpirit I know, when...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 510 páginas
...fitteft. Cor. How does my royal Lord? how fares yourMajefty ? Lear. You do me wrong to take me out o' th' grave; Thou art a foul in blifs, but I am bound Upon...a wheel of fire; that mine own tears Do fcald like mohen lead. Cor. Sir, do you know me ? Lear.. You are a fpirit, I know ; when did you die ? Cnr. Still,...
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The works of Shakespeare, with corrections and illustr. from ..., Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 304 páginas wrong to take me ouc o' th' grave 'Thou art a foul in blifs, but I am bound Upon a wheel of nre ; that mine own tears Do fcald like molten lead. Cor. Sir, do you know me ? Lear. You are a ipirit, I know. When did you die ? Cor. Still, ftill far wide .Phyf. He's fcarce awake ; let him alone...
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The Works of Shakespear: King Lear. Timon of Athens. Titus Andronicus. Macbeth

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 360 páginas
...wits, at once, Had not concluded.—Ah ! he wakes; fpeak to him. Phyf. Madam, do you, 'tis fitteft. Lear. You do me wrong to take me out o'th' grave' bound Upon a wheel of fire; that mine own tears Cur. How does my royal lord ? how fares your Majefty ? " g6 King LEAR. Do fcold" like molten lead....
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King Lear: A Tragedy

William Shakespeare - 1770 - 234 páginas
...wits, at once, Had not concluded h all. He wakes ; fpeak to him. Phyf. Madam, do you ;, 'tis fitteft. Cor. How does my royal lord ? how fares your majefty...that mine own tears Do fcald like molten lead. Cor. k Sir, do you know me ? Lear. l You are a fpint I know : m when did you die ? Cor. Still, Hill, far...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Twelve Volumes: Collated with the ..., Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1772 - 336 páginas
...there hot tears, that break from me perforce. And what he fays towards the end of the 4th ad : but 1 am bound Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears Do fcald like molten lead. Pierce every fcnfe about thee ! Old fond eyes, Beweep this caufe again, I'll pluck ye out, And caft...
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 512 páginas
...tbefi hot tear-, that break from me ferforce—» And what he fays towards the end of the 4th aQ: — but I am bound Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears Do feald like molt. * lead, Lear. I'll tell thee life and death ! I am afham'd, That thou haft power to...
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