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Stycadoes tied in a fair linen cloth, and let it seeth a little while, and then take it out of the said water, and put thereto an ounce of Cinnamon, three quarters of an ounce of Nutmegs, and as much Ginger in powder, and use to drink a good draught thereof twice every day, something warm, first and last, and for the space of six or seven days; and then it helps perfectly. 28. They that have any pains or swellings in the Throat, let them take a Jew's Ear, (which is to be had at the Apothecaries) and lay it to steep in Ale a whole night, and let the party drink a good draught thereof every day once or twice, until they perceive themselves amended.—A proved thing.

29. The middle rind of Cherry Tree stamped and strained, and the said Juice put into a little White Wine warmed, and given them to drink that have the Stone or cannot make Water, it avoids the Gravel or Stone, and makes them make Water presently. Use it three or four times.

30. One may make beyond-sea Azure as followeth, and counterfeit it very well: Take common Azure and beat or stamp it well with Vinegar, and anoint therewith a thin plate of pure Silver, and put the same over a vessel full of Urine, which set over hot ashes or coals, and let it be moved and stirred until it be made like beyond-sea Azure. This is the best way,Mizaldus affirms that he had this out of an old written book.

31. If you do put Quicksilver into a pot amongst seething or hot Peas, the Peas will leap out of the pot, except the brim or mouth of the pot be too high or the fire too small.

32. Savory beaten and sodden in Vinegar, and laid in manner of a plaister to the hinder parts of the head, doth merrily awaken those that are heavy asleep.

33. Here followeth the making of a pleasant Oil of Cloves: Take of Cloves one pound, which beat to powder in a brass mortar; then add thereto three pounds of Almonds scraped and beaten in a mortar; and when they will be well mixed together, sprinkle thereon four ounces of the best White Wine, fetting it lie in a mass for the space of eight days at the least; after that, stamp the whole over again, and then put it into a new earthen pan, which heat over fire so long that you cannot suffer your hand in it; then put it into square bags, and wring the same hard in a press, until all the whole substance of the oil be come.

34. Take a Frog, and cut her through the middle of the back with a knife, and take out the liver, and fold it in a Colewart Leaf, and burn it in a new earthen pot well closed, and give the ashes thereof unto him or her that hath the Falling Sickness, to drink with Wine, and it will help them; and if the party be not healed at once, then do so by another Frog, and do so still;

and without doubt it will help them if they use it.-This was told me for a sure experiment, and it is also affirmed by Petrus Hispanus.

35. A wonderful thing, passing all credit, chanced in the bishoprick, or diocese, of Eistetrence, in Germany, but that it was seen of divers credible witnesses. A certain husbandman there, called Ulrike Neucesser, being tormented with cruel pains in one of his sides, suddenly took hold of a nail that was under the skin, unhurt; which cut by a surgeon, he took out the nail; yet for all that the pain did not cease; wherefore the miserable man (suspecting that there was no remedy to be had for his pain, but death), took a knife and cut his throat; and the third day after, he being carried to burying, there was one Eucharius Rasenbader of Wessenburge, and John of Ettenstet, surgeons, in the presence of many, which did cut open the belly and maw of the said dead man, wherein was found (being marvellous and prodigious), a long and round piece of wood, four knives of steel, partly sharp and partly nickt like a saw, and two sharp instruments of iron that were longer than a span; and they had therein also hair rolled together, as it were a round bowl or ball. This was laid or put into his maw, by no other art, but only by the crafts and subtilty of the Devil.—Mizaldus.

36. In many ponds, all the water and mud taken out, by and by Eels do breed, if Rain Water do come into them; for with the dew they do live and are nourished.

37. Let the party that bleedeth, chew the root of a Nettle in his mouth, but swallow it not down, and without doubt the blood will staunch; for if one keep it in his mouth, he can lose no blood.-Petrus Hispanus.

38. If a Madman find ease in sleeping, it is good; but if his rage increase, it is to be feared.-Hippocrates.


39. This medicine following doth marvellously break Wind in the Belly Take Cummin Seed, Fennel Seed, and Aniseed, of each alike, and beat them to powder, then seeth the same in Wine, and drink a good draught thereof first and last, four or five days together, and you shall find great help thereby, for it hath been often proved to their great ease and comfort that take the same.

40. Take a spoonful of Aqua Vita, and two spoonfuls of the Water of Arsmart, and anoint any Ach therewith twice every day, morning and evening, for the space of five or six days at the most, and it will heal it for ever.-I had this out of an old written book.

41. The following is an excellent medicine for the Stone: Seeth an handful of Holly Berries, in a pint of good Ale, till half the Ale be consumed; then strain it, putting then a little

butter to it, and let the party drink thereof five or six spoonfuls, and within half an hour after, the party will make water (if ever any medicine will cause it).—This was told me for a true secret.

42. The root of Vervain hanged at the neck of such as have the King's Evil, it brings a marvellous and unexpected help. It is an herb of Venus, and hath power of the neck, because of Taurus the Bull, being her house.-Mizaldus.

43. If the ears of Cats be cropped or cut off, it will make them keep at home the better, for then the water (which they cannot abide) will drop into their ears, being open. And if they be gelded, especially the Male Cat, they will not only be more tame and fat, but also thereby they will range abroad the less.—Mizaldus

44. A Mole or Want enclosed in an Earthen Pot, if you set then the powder of Brimstone on fire, she will call other Moles or Wants, to help her, with a very mourning voice.~ Mizaldus.

45. When any draw nigh towards their death, and that their members lack Blood and vital Heat, then Fleas and Lice leave them quite, or else draw to that part of the body where the said Heat tarries the longest, which is in the hole of the Neck under the Chin, &c. This is a token that death is at hand. Lemnius.


46. The leaves of Wallwort sod with Wine, doth marvellously mitigate the pains of them that are tormented with the Gout, if they be applied to the place where the grief or pain is. There be they that prefer and extol with marvellous praises the juice-pressed out of the Leaves and Roots thereof, sodden with Wine and May Butter ; and instead of a liniment, anointed still on the grieved members; that is, three or four times every day. Mizaldus learned this of one that proved it.

47. A Rush dried and put into Wine, if there be any Water therein, draws it to it (the Wine left alone or together), which is good and profitable for trying of Wine.Mizaldus.

48. A notable medicine to heal lame Members doth follow: Take of Oil Olive, Aqua Vitæ, Oil of Exeter, and of Beasts' Gall, of each a like quantity. Mix all together, and anoint the lame Members therewith, twice every day, morning and evening, the space of a fortnight, being well rubbed before, and it will help the same for certain.-An old woman of Worcestershire did help many therewith.


49. If out of one pound of excellent Wine, with as much Salt as you can hold in your hand, and the Lees of pure Wine, you do distil a Water, you shall find that it will be the hottest Water of all other-Mizaldus.

50. Many have been helped that have had foul and leprous Faces, only by washing the same with distilled Water of Straw

berries; the strawberries first put into a close glass, and so purified in Horse Dung-Conradus Gesnerus.

$51. Primrose Leaves stamped, and laid on the place that bleedeth, stauncheth the Blood.This has been proved.

52. Také Black Soap, and almost as much Ginger in powder, and mix them well together, then anoint therewith any Tetters or Ringworms every day, for the space of four, or five days together, and it will heal it certainly-Proved.

53. Take Aloes Epaticum, four drachms; Briony, Mastich, Myrrh, Asarabacca, Scanmony, of each one drachm; mixed with the same made in powder, with the juice of Fennel, and a little clarified Honey to preserve them: Take a drachm thereof, which is the weight of seventy-two barley-corns at the most, early in the morning, and neither eat nor drink three or four hours after. If they be given nine days together, they help marvellously, and they are very excellent for all manner of Head Achs, approved (though never so long rooted.) They purge all humours; they bring Gladness; they are very good for the Eyesight; they preserve the Mind, letting or hindering the Hoariness of Hairs; they help the Swimming of the Head, and the Megrim, and heal the Sounding of the Ears. But to the weaker persons give the lesser quantity. Make it in five or six little pills or balls, and swallow them one after another at one time; they are proved to be very good.I found this in a very old written book.

54. The Eyes of young Swallows being in the nest, pricked with a needle or pin, and so made blind, within four or five days after they will see again. Which is very true, for I have proved it.

55. White Poppy, and Henbane Seed, a little stamped, and tempered with the White of an Egg, and laid on the Forehead, provoketh Sleep. This hath been often proved.

56. This following will heal lame Members: Seeth Rue and Rosemary, of each two handfuls, with common Oil, and Malmsey, of either one quart together, for the space of half an hour; then let the lame Members be washed or bathed therewith; (but before, the said Member or grieved places must be well chafed with a hot cloth): then when it is well bathed (which will be within half an hour), wrap and keep the Member or place so bathed with a Lambskin (the wool side inward), and do this every night before or at going to bed, three weeks at least, and he will be whole and sound thereof. Dr. Owen helped one therewith, and with no other thing, that could neither stand nor go but was very lame. They that saw the proof thereof told it me, which were persons of good credit.

57. It was an heinous offence with the Egyptians, either willingly or by chance to kill a Cat: And Diodorus tells us a pretty story thereof. In the time of Ptolemy, a league of amity being

begun between him and the Romans, a certain Roman (then against his will) had killed a Cat; whereupon the Egyptians gathered together, and did beset the house where he was, requiring to have him executed for his great offence, (ne whit regarding the power of the Romans, nor yet their league or friendship with them) and had it not been for the King and Rulers, they would have drawn him out of the house and killed him.-Diodorus.

58. To keep Harness, or any thing made of Iron or Steel, from rusting, let the same be rubbed over with Vinegar, mixed with Ceruse, or the Marrow of an Heart (which is far better than Oil), and it will keep them fair and bright.

59. A notable Oil or Medicine for the Gout and Joint-Achs, very true and often proved: Take the Juice of Sage, of Aqua Vita, of Oil of Bays, of Vinegar, of Mustard, and Beasts' Gall, of each a like quantity; then put all together into a great bladder, and chafe it well up and down with your hands for the space of an hour and a half, and keep it for your use, and anoint the grieved place therewith every morning and evening, and you shall find yourself healed in a short time.—This is a sure and often proved thing.

60. The precious Medicine following doth preserve and keep them that take it, safe from Poison or Plague: Take of Juniper Berries two drachms, of Earth of Lemnos, called by the Physicians Terra Lemnia, as much, and one scruple more, which is the weight of twenty-four barley-corns. When you have made them into fine powder mix them with Honey, and keep it for your own use in a clean vessel; give as much thereof at one time as a hazle nut, in three ounces of Aqua Mulsa, which is made of Water and Honey, that is, one pound of Honey and eight pounds of Water, sodden and scummed over an easy fire, until the fourth part be consumed. This excellent antidote did King Nicodemus use, when any bid him to banquet or any other cheer, that he did suspect. If there be no poison taken before it, it will remain quietly in the stomach; but if there be any poison, it will procure vomit; so that thereby the Poison and Medicine will both come forth.-Mizaldus.

61. Beware that nothing bind thy body hard when thou bleedest, and then hold thy hand full of Shepherd's Purse, and steadfastly look on the sun, and the bleeding will cease. -Proved.

62. To make Powder that will draw out a Tooth without an instrument: Take Spurge, Pellitory of Spain, Smallage, the Dung of a Raven or of a Crow, Galbanum, the Brains of Partridges, and also a Frog, of each a like quantity; burn all these together in a new earthen pot, all to powder, and with a little of the same powder touch the Tooth that you would have fall out, and doubtless, within a quarter of an hour it will fall out: But

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