Imagens das páginas
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ANCHO'VY. A small fish; why so called, see Menage, Le Origini. Fr. Anchois; It. Anchiove, acciùga; Sp. Anchova.

Many fish are entirely without any bladder, that swim at ease in every depth; such as the anchovy and fresh-water gudgeon.-Goldsmith. Animated Nature, pt. iv. b. i. c. 1. ANCIENT, experienced. We say-He is an old hand-a young hand.

Thoughe the Duke of Gloucester was the youngest brother, yet he was the most auncyent in the busyness of the realme.-Berners' Froissart, ii. 279.


Goddis own ancille

Euen in this world.-Lyfe of our Ladye. W. Caxton, a. 6, c. 1, and also c. 6, col. 1.

AND, i. e. give, if; And, with the force of Also, is frequent in Wiclif's Bible.

So wole Crist of his curteisie,
And men crye hym mercy,

Bothe forgyve and foryete.-Piers Plouhman, v. 11849. ANEFELD, ANEFELT. So Wic. writes Anvil. See in v. Stithy.

ANELACE. L. Lat. Anelacius-Cultellus brevior, Sica, Hibernica. See Du Cange.

An anelace, and a gipciere all of silk
Heng at his girdel, white as morwe milk.
Chaucer. C. T. Prol. v. 359.

Concerning and touching-are forced to supply the room
of the forgotten word Anent.-C. Butler. Gram.



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Go to the sea and caste in thyne angel, and take the Ash that first cometh up.-Bible, 1549. Mat. xvii.


And he schal schende thee in his metis, til he anyntische (E. V. neentishe; erininiat) thee twies or thries, and at the laste he schal scorne thee.- Wic. Ecclus. xiii. 8.

Sothli if thei that ben of the lawe ben eyris, feyth is anentyschid (exinanita est) or distroyed, biheeste is don awey.-Id. Rom. iv. 14. (E. V.)

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Therfor parfite ben heuen and erthe and al the anowrn-
ing (L. V. ournement) of hem.-Id. Gen. ii. 1.

crificare and adorare. To do honour to-by sacrifice,
ANOWRE, or ONOWRE. So Wiclif renders sa-
by adoration.-Ex. xxxiv. 14; Gen. xxiv. 26.
Wote thow not anoure an alien God. (L. V. Nyl thou
worschipe.)-Ex. xxxiv. 14.


APORETICAL, adj. Gr. Aroрηтikos, α, and
Toрog, without a way or passage. Not easy to be

That wise philosopher Socrates altogether shunned that dictating or dogmatical way of teaching used by the Sophisters of that age, and chose rather an aporetical and obstetricions method.-Cudworth. Morality, b. iv. c. 1, p. 137. APOTHECARY. See the quotation from Stowe ;

ANT. Wic. writes Ampte, Anpte.-Bible, 1549. and, for the etymology, see POTHECARY.
Emmet, qv.

Go to the Anpte, O! thou slowe, and behold the weies of
it, and lerne wisdom.- Wic. Prov. vi. 6.

Amptis, a feble peeple, that greithen in rep time mete to them.-Id. 1b. xxx. 23.


ANTECEDENT, in Grammar, the word or ex-
pression to which a subsequent word (the relative)
Antecedents is now (1850) in common use for the
antecedent or precedent actions, conduct, principles,
history. See Trench. English Past and Present,
Lec. iv.

The consequence is false, needs the antecedent mote been
of the same condicion.-Chaucer. Testament of Love, b. ii.
A'NTELOPE. A variety of the gazelle; an ani-
mal partaking of the nature of the goat and deer.
The pardale swift, and the tigrè cruell,
The antelope, and wolf, both fers and fell.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 6.
The tenth variety of the gazelle is the antelope, so well
known to the English, who have given it the name.
Goldsmith. Animated Nature, b. ii. c. 3.
ANTHEM. Skinner supposes Avvμvos, from
(not) obliged to utter triumphant Anthymns of joy
ave, and vμvoç, a hymn. And Barrow, Are we
and thankfulness?-V. i. s. 9, p. 118.


I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that ex-
cellent invention (printing), the name of his Majesty de-
famed, the honour of Parliament depraved, the writings of
both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly imprinted.
Browne. Religio Medici. To the Reader.
Within his heart
Unwonted feelings stirr'd, and the first pangs
Of wakening guilt, anticipant of hell.

Southey. The Rose, vi. 107.
Now rest thee, Reader, on thy bench and muse
Anticipative of the feast to come.


Sole Positive of Night!
Antipathist of Light!

But afterwards the world grew to bee so full of deceit and cousenage, that some fine wits and nimble heads devised to set up apothecarie shops, promising and bearing us in hand that every man might buy his life and health there for money.-Holland. Plinie, b. xxiv. c. 1.

When an Argosey came with Greeke and Spanish wines, viz. Muscadele, Malmesey, Sacke and Bastard, the apothecaries of London then went into these marchants, and

euery man bought such rundlets, vessels, and quantities, of those rich wines, as they thought they should retayle in the city, vnto such as vsually bought them for phisicke & for the communion table.-Stowe. Chronicle.


Now by the peril of my soule! quod Piers,

I shal apeire you alle.-Piers Plouhman, v. 4139.
The whiche (enuyous men) pronouncen me (Jerom) to
be a falsere, or a distroyere, or apeirere of holi scripturis.
Wic. Prol. St. James.

Rather so farre are we from thabolishment or thappayring of the authoritie of the lawe, that we much more maintaine and establishe it.-Udall. Rom. c. iii.



And thei reisiden Her eeten, and sawen, and loo! noys, and grete appareyl (apparatus multus). Wic. 1 Mac. ix. 39. His housholde plenteously garnusshed of seruauntes and all apparaylmentys in those dayes used. -Tullius de AmiWurcestre, Erle of. The Declamacyon, d. 5. APPA'RENCE. Apparent-Present or inAPPA'RENT, adj. stant to the senses; clearly sensible or perceptible; evident, obvious, manifest. In the Thanksgiving for peace and deliverance from enemies, "Great and apparent dangers" are great and evident dangers.

In Paradise Lost, "Apparent guilt" is "evident guilt." In Shakespeare and the Bible, " apparently" is "manifestly." And see quotation from Robertson.

Apparent is also-Seeming; as distinguished from Cary. Dante. Purgatory, x. 21. real, existing. In the two first quotations from Chaucer, Apparence and Existence are very scholastically opposed. Heir apparent (see quotation from Coke) is not heir existent; he becomes so after the death of his ancestor; but he stands next-so closely next, that none can come in nearer. (See quotation from Blackstone. And see Parent.) And hence, in Winter's Tale, "Next to thyself, he is apparent to my heart," is, he is closest in affection, dearest to my heart.

Fate's only essence! primal scorpion rod-
The one permitted opposite of God!

Coleridge. Poetical Works, Ne plus ultra.

I have read your Antiperfectionism both in folio and
quarto with the closest attention I could give it... A gen-
tleman who saw your work in Yorkshire, is of opinion that
your opponents do not contend for sinless perfection, as re-
quired in Scripture.

Cowper. Works, v. 41. To the Rev. Mat. Powley.





Nor I, quod an Ape-ward,

By aught that I han knowe.-Piers Plouhman, v. 3770.

APERT. Piers Plouhman writes Pertly, v. 2517,
Pertliche, v. 2501.

Pertly afore the peple
Reson bigan to preche.

And thei radden in the boc of the lawe distinctli and apertli to (L. V. opynli, aperte) undirstonde.

Wic. 2 Esd. viii. 8. Nether ony thyng is preuy the whiche schal not come in to apert. (L. V.opyn, palam.)-Id. Mark iv. 22.

A'PEX. (Lat.) A little tuft, tied or fastened
(aptum) to the top of a cap; and hence applied, ge-
nerally, to-

The top, tip, or summit; the highest point.
Upon his [the Flamen's] a hat of delicate wool, whose top
ended in a cone, and was thence called apez. This aper
was covered with a fine net of yarn.
B. Jonson. Part of the King's Entertainment.

Everiche of hem would gode men seme;
But shalt thou never of Apparence
Sein, conclude gode consequence,
In any argument iwis,

If existens all failed is.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 7469.
Alas, what harme doth Apparence,
When it is false in Existence.

Id. House of Fame, b. i. v. 265.
Atte this same parlement therle of Marche was pro-
claymed heyre apparaute to the crowne after Kynge Ry-
chard.-Polychronicon, An. 9, R. 2. cap. 6. Caxton. 1482.
It is to be noted, that one cannot be heire, 'till after the
death of his Auncestor. Before he is called Hæres appa-
rens-Heir apparent.-Coke, lib. i. c. i. s. 1 § b.


How thou lou'st me, shew in our brother's welcome,
Next to thyselfe, and my young Rouer, he's
Apparant to my heart.

Shakespeare. Winter's Tale, act i. sc. 2.
Love was not in thir looks, either to God,
Or to each other, but apparent guilt,
And shame, and perturbation, and despaire,
Anger, and obstinacie, and hate, and guile.

Milton. Par. L. x. 112. With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently (et palam), and not in dark speeches.-Bible. Num. xii. 8. They (the Lords of the Congregation) resolved to preserve the appearance of decency and respect towards their superiors, and to have no recourse to arms without the most urgent and apparent necessity.

Robertson. History of Scotland, b. ii. An. 1559. Heirs apparent are such whose right of inheritance is indefeasible, provided they outlive the ancestor, as the

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And rys up er appetit

Haue eten his fille.-Piers Plouhman, v. 4329.

Be thou whettid (made sharpe), go thou to the rist or to the left, whidir euer is the appetit (appetitus) or desier of thi face.- Wic. Ez. xxi. 16.

Euery creature cryeth, God us made; and so they han full apeted to thilke God by affeccion soch as to hem belongeth.-Chaucer. Testament of Love, b. ii.

The obiecte of appetite is, whatsoeuer sensible good may be wished for: the object of will is, that good which Reason doth lead us to seeke.-Appetite is the Will's Solicitor, and the Will is Appetite's Controuler; what we couet according to the one, by the other we often reiect.


Hooker. Ecc. Pol. i. § 7.

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Approvableness is merely the relation which certain actions bear to certain feelings that arise in our mind on the contemplation of these actions. Brown. Phil. of the Mind. Lec. 74. A'PRICATE, v. Lat. Apricari, to bask in the Ray notices this word as a new coinage by Boyle, who much affected such Latinisms. AQUEINT. See ACQUAINT. AQUITE. See ACQUIT.


A'RABESQUE. (Fr.) Arabian-like (Cotgrave). I was much taken with the principal front of the inner court [of the palace of Andalusia]. I was not a little surprized to find lions, castles, and other armorial ensigns of Castille and Leon, interwoven with the arabesque foliages. Swinburne. Travels through Spain, Let. 31. ARANDE. See ARRAND.



Thou forsothe, Esdras, aftir the wisdam of God, ordeine domesmen and arbitrouris (arbitros) in al Cirie, and Fenice. Wic. 3 Esdr. viii. 26. ARCH. Him, angry to be called To proof of archership, Apollo slew.







Cowper. Odyssey, viii. 278. Gr. Apxairog, ancient. Ancient words or expressions, now obsolete.

Gr. Αρχιτριχλίνος; Lat.

And Jhesus seide to hem, Drawe ye now, and bere ye to the architriclyn (Mod. V. Governor of the feast). Wic. Ion ii. 8.


For she loued hym most ardantly.
The Golden Legend. Carton, West. 1483, fo. 20, c. 1.
Lo, further on
Where flames the ardurous Spirit of Indore.
Cary. Dante, Pur. 10, 120.
AREAD, v. To declare or pronounce against; to

But mark what I arreed thee now, Auaunt,
Flie thither whence thou fledst.-Milton. Par. L. iv. 962.

Zabulon in the brynke of the see shal dwelle, and in the
stacioun of shippes arechynge (pertingens) unto Sidon.
Wic. Gen. xlix. 13.

And Y areysoned him, and Y seide (E. V. witnessed, contestatus sum).- Wic. 2 Esd. xiii. 23.



ARGENT. ARGENTARIE. So Wic. E. V. renders Lat. Argentarius. See in V. Silver. ARGUE.

Austyn to swiche argueres

Telleth this teme (theme).—Piers Plouhman, v. 5843. ARISE, v.

Dauid precheth Crist with the harp, and in the ten cordid sawtrie reereth vp the ariser fro helle. Wic. Bib. Pref. Ep. p. 72.


His whole family are accused of being aristocrats, though their only aristocratism consists in their wishing to defend a constitution which all France has sworn to maintain. Romilly to Durant, Sept. 10, 1792.


Make thee an ark of planed trees; litel dwellyng places in the ark thow shalt make, and within and without thow shalt disten it with glew (L. V. schip).— Wic. Gen. vi. 14. Like the ark-less dove.-Byron. P. of Dante, c. i.

ARM. ARMET. An helmet or (horseman's) headpiece.

He, in haste aroused, had cast

An armet on.-Southey. Joan of Arc, ix. 279.

AROUME. At large. See RoOM.
But never was that dente of thonder
That so swithe gan downwarde discende,
As this foule (an egle) whan that it behelde
That I aroume was in the felde.

Chaucer. House of Fame, b. ii. v. 33.



(He) made arow (sigillatim) the hertis of hem. (L.V. singulerti. Mod. V. alike.)- Wic. Ps. xxxii. 15.


Hire array me ravysched,
Swiche richesse saugh I nevere.

Piers Plouhman, v. 912. Araiers of Kyngis lettris is a var. r. of Scribis, Dyteris, qv. Wic.

ARREST. ARRESTMENT, s. See Hack. in v. Quit. Thenne he mowntyng upon his courser, and his spere in his arrest, spurrid on his horse.

The Boke of Tulle of Old Age, ix. 8. Carton, 1481. And for remission of our arresting of their goods, the aforesayd merchants haue granted vnto vs, that of euery tunne, &c.-Hack. v. i. The Great Charter vnto forreine Merchants of Ed. I.

ARRET, v. Common in Spenser. To assign to the charge or care of. In P. P. To rate, qv. (Beggeris are) arated of riche men

That ruthe is to here.-Piers Plouhman, v. 9246.
The other flue, fiue sundry wayes he set,
Against the fiue great bulwarks of that pile,
And vnto each a bulwark did arret
To assaile with open force or hidden guile.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, ii. 11, 7.

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And manye brode arwes.-Piers Plouhman, v. 14159. Also Dauid toke the golden arewe cases (pharetras) and brouste hem into Jerusalem.- Wic. 1 Par. xviii. 7.

ARSE. A. S. Ears; D. Aers; Ger. Arsch; Sw. and Dan. Ars.

An heepe of houndes at his ers

As he a lord were.-Piers Plouhman, v. 6223. And he smoot Azothe and his coostis in the more priue party of the arsis (natium. L. V. buttokis).

Wic. 1 Kings v. 6. And he smoot the men of ech cytee fro litil unto more, and the arsropis of hem goynge out stonken (extales prominentes).—Id. Ib. v. 9.

A'RSON. Old Fr. Arson, ab ardendo; ardere, to burn. A burning; in law,—

"A malicious and wilful burning of the house or outhouse of another man." (Blackstone. Com. b. iv. c. 16.)

ART. Artful is used by Milton, Dryden, and Pope in a good sense; and so Artifice by Cudworth. Phereclus, who knew how to fabricate with his hands all dædal things, is called by Pope "The artful Phereclus." Iliad, b. 5, v. 75.

Artistic, Artistical, are now in common use. The material Universe, which is the artifice of God, the artifice of the best Mechanist.-Cud. Mor. 175.

Best and happiest artisan,

Best of painters, if you can,
With your many-colour'd art,
Paint the mistress of my heart.

Guardian, No. 168. Anac. Od. 28. Contrive me, Artisan, a bowl

Of silver ample as my soul.-Fawkes. Anacreon, Od. 18. ARTE, v.

And Amorre artid (L. V. Helde streit; arctavit) the sones of Dan in the hil, he ne gaf to hem place that to the pleyner thei mygten descende.- Wic. Judg. i. 34.

ARYN, adj. A. S. Are, æreus, brazen. Aha, ah! thought the Pardener, beth the pannys aryn. Chaucer. Pardonere and Tapster, v. 569. "As taketh;" ""As doth;" mean, I pray that (you)

AS. In Chaucer, "As sende;' "As desire;"

or that (he), &c. &c.

Euery gentil wight I pray

For Goddes love as deme not that I say

Of evil intent.-Chaucer. Troilus and Cressida, v. 3172. "Mercy!" quod she," my Soveraine Lady Quene! Er that your court depart, as doth me right."

Id. Wif of Bathes Tale, v. 6631.
For Goddes sake, I say,
As beth not wrothe, but let us laugh and play.
Id. The Shipmannes Tale, v. 13352



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ASK. Written Ask or Aks (Axe) by the same Authors. See AXE.

Envye with hevy herte

Asked after shrifte.-Piers Plouhman, v. 2626.

And he seide to hem, Oon askyng, I aske (unam petitionem postulo) of you, geueth to me the eere ryngis of your preye: And the weist of the askid (postulatarum) eere ryngis was, &c.-Wic. Judg. viii. 24.

Aske me (quod I) at thy will, that thou wolt, and I shal answer.-Chaucer. Boet. b. i. pr. 6.

ASKANTE. Mr. Tyrwhitt thinks, as if; as if to say; What! &c.

She let fal

Her loke alite a side, in such manere Ascaunces-What! may I nat standen here?


Chaucer. Troilus and Cressida, i. 292.

Certis Holofernes lai in the bed aslepid (sopitus) with too myche drunkennesse.-Wic. Judith xiii. 4.

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Al shulde I ther through enpeach myne owne fere, if he wer gilty, and to do misdede assentaunt. Chaucer. Testament of Love, b. i. In my youth I was drawe to be assentaunt, and in my mightes helping to certaine coniuracions.-Id. Ib. ASSESS. ASSESS-OR. (Lat.) One who sits near to; an associate; one who assesses. Whence to his Son,

The Assessor of his throne, he thus began.
Milton. Par. L. vi. 679.

ASSIGNS. Those to whom any property is ASSIGNEES.assigned are called Assigns-but in Bankruptcy Assignees; opposed to Assigner, to him who assigns or transfers.


Akin to secretion, if not the same thing, is assimilation, by which one and the same blood is converted into bone, muscular flesh, nerves, membranes, tendons. Paley. Natural Theology, c. vii. ASSOFTE, v. To soften; to soothe. (This Sterre) whan she is alofte

May al the trouble asswage and assofte
Of worldly wawys.

Lyfe of our Ladye, a. 1, col. 1. Also, c. 3, col. 2. ASSOIL, v. See SOIL.

Forsothe if ye mowen not assoyle (absolvere) ye shulen gyue to me thretly lynnen clothis. And thei migten not by thre days soylen (solvere) the proposicioun. Wic. Judges xiv. 13, 14. It (wisdom) kan the felnessis of wordes, and assoilingis (E. V. soilingis, dissolutiones) of argumentis. Id. Wisd. viii. 8. Sp. Assonante, Assonancia. The sound or melody of an instrument or voice. Also the consonance of Spanish verses, as Cielo, Beleno.


I observed no instance of the assonant rhyme. Hallam. Lit. of E. i. 327. The assonance is peculiar to the Spaniard. Id. Ib. p. 165, n. ASSOURD, v. To arise. In Caxton's Mirrour of the World, Resourd occurs.-Dyce.

Then he assurded to this exclamation.-Skelton, i. 374. ASSUME.

The aspirant Ch. Justice saw clearly where was the pinch too? But can these high assumers and pretenders to reason,

of the case.-Campbell's Chancellors, iii. 530.


Bi feith Raab hoore resseyuyde the aspieris (exploratores) with pees.- Wic. Heb. xi. 31.

Clothe ghou with the armure of God, that ghe moun stonde aghens the aspiyngis of the deuel (insidias). Id. Eff. vi. 11. Who sekith the lawe shal be fulfild of it; and who aspiendli (insidiose) doth shal be sclaundrid in it. Id. Ecclus. xxxii. 19.

ASQUINT. See ASKANCE. — 1. ASSASSIN. More recent etymologies arefrom Haschischah, Henbane, which, or the expressed juice of which, when used to excess, produced an excitement amounting to fury. 2. From Haschisch, a species of Hemp, so prepared as to produce intoxication; those addicted to the use of it, being named Haschischin, or Haschaschin, and thus the word denoted an habitual drunkard. The Assassins appear to have been a military and religious order. It is a bloody thought in one way, as Nero's was in another; for by a word we wound a thousand, and at one blow assassine the honour of a nation.


Browne. Religio Medici, p. ii. § 4.

Suffre me to assaien What savour it hadde.-Piers Plouhman, v. 10948. But knowe ghe the assai (experimentum) of him, for as a sone to the fadir he hath seruyd with me in the Gospel. Wic. Philip. ii. 22.


And to hym aserchynge (scrutanti), at the tent, and no thynge fyndynge, she seith.- Wic. Gen. xxxi. 34.

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Can man be wise in any course in which he is not safe prove themselves so?-South. Serm. (in Johnson). ASSUMPT, &c. See ASSUME.


Isaac wexe adrad by a hidows stonying (L. V. astonying, stupor).- Wic. Gen. xxvii. 33.

The very crampe-fish (torpedo) knoweth her own force or power, and being herselfe not benummed is able to astonish others.-Holland. Plinie, b. ix. c. 42.

A'STRAGAL. It. Astragala; Sp. Astragal; Fr. Astragale; Gr. Aorpayaλos. Cotgrave explains,

"The nuckle bone or bonket; also the game with such bones; the first bone of the instep; also a small and round member in architecture (plain or wrought or writhen), and termed by our workmen an astragal or small belt."

The astragal has its analogy from that bone a little above the heel, whence the French call it the talon or heel itself, nor improperly.-Evelyn. On Architecture.


ASTRONOMY. The Lat. Magi (Magicians) is rendered Astronomiens by Wiclif, Dan. ii. 2, and in Luke, already quoted in Dictionary.


Asondry were thei never

Na-moore than my hand may

Meve withoute my fyngres.-Piers Plouhman, v. 11701. ASYLUM.

(Andronicus) counseilide hym (Onias) for to go forth of asile (asylum. M. V. sanctuary).-Wic. 2 Mac. iv. 34. ASYMMETRY.

Asymmetrical or unsociable (things): that is, such as we see not how to reconcile with other things evidently and confessedly true.-Boyle, in Norris on Reason and Faith, ch. iii. (in Todd).

AT is written, atte, or atten in our older writers; in R. G. p. 379, atte last; p. 431, atten end. Yplaying atte hasard he hem fond.

Chaucer. Pard. Tale, v. 12542. 8

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This Atrabilarian is offended with every thing.... In whatever place he is, all that he sees and all that he hears becomes insupportable.-D' Israeli. Cur. of Literature, v. ii. Account of an Atrabilarian or Hypochondriac.

ATRIP. On the trip; sc. to catch the wind.
And now a breeze from shore began to blow,
The sailors ship their oars, and cease to row:
Then hoist their yards a-trip, and all their sails
Let fall to court the wind, and catch the gales.
Dryden. Ceyr and Alcyone.
Caxton writes-Atouch.

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Fr. Entamer; to commence any thing, (Lacombe,) from Gr. εvraTAME. μɛv, inscindere, to cut into. See Menage and Junius. Skinner adds, Or from Tapas, a butler, whose office it is to open and assay a cask. To open into or upon; to explain; to commence ; to assay, to taste; and conseq. to tinge, or taint, to violate (the untouched purity), to wound, to hurt. He unbokeled hus boteles, and both he a tamed. Piers Plouhman, p. 324. And how this feste first took his name,So as I can to you I will atame.

Life of our Ladye, fo. 2, m. 11.
That he brynge in his honde

A large penye imprynted with the name
And the ymage of the Emperour-
And thereupon he sholde anone atame
Another of newe.-Id. fo. 1, c. i.

And sayd in soth that he was to blame,
For to be bold any words to tame
Against Marie.-Id. fo. 2, c. i.

"Yes, Hoste," quod he," so mote I ride or go,
But I be mery, Ywis I wold be blamed."
And right anon his tale he hath attamed.

Chaucer. Nonnes Preestes Prologue.

And after that he shright so,
That wonder was to see his wo,
For sith that peine was first named,
Was near more wofull peine attamed.

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So conli that ye kepen attentifly (attente), and indeed fulfil the maundement and the lawe.- Wic. Josh. xxii. 5. ATTERCOP, s. Still used in Northumberland and Durham (more commonly for the spider's web than for the insect itself); from A. S. Attre, poison, and Coppe, a cup, (qd.) A cup of venom. See Jamieson and Brockett.

The eiren (eggs) of edderes thei to-breeken, and the webbis of an Attercop thei wouen (araneæ). Wic. Is. lix. 5.

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Search this universe-from all below the moon, to all above the celestial spheres, and thou wilt not find a corpuscle destitute of that natural attractability.

Sir William Jones. Asiatic Researches, iv. 178. ATTRECTATION. Lat. Attrectare (ad-tractare); to touch; to handle.

The Christian Ministery having greater priviledges (than the Jewish) and being honoured with attrectation of the body and blood of Christ, and offices serving to a better covenant, may with greater argument be accounted excellent, honourable, and royal.

J. Taylor. Office Ministerial, v. § 9. Since that material part and exterior actions of religion could be acted and personated by any man, there was scarce any thing left to make it religious, but the attrectation of the Rites by a holy person.-Id. Ib. s. i. § 7.


Much of the origination of the Americans seems to be attributable to the migrations of the Seres.

Hale. Origination of Mankind.

Right notions of the being and Attributes of God, every one knows are the foundation of all religion: but then this knowledge must not be a bare speculation; but a serious, practical, affecting impression, and deep sense upon the Mind; of a Supreme Being, who created the World by his Power, preserves and governs it by his Goodness and Wisdom, and will judge it with Justice, Mercy, and Truth; of such a Supreme Being, whose Glory, no eye can behold; whose Majesty, no thought can comprehend; whose Power, no strength can resist; from whose Presence, no swiftness can flee; from whose Knowledge, no secret can be concealed; whose Justice, no art can evade; whose Goodness, every creature partakes of.-Clarke. Serm. v. i. Serm. 1.

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Who eue to me an Auditour (L. V. an helpere; var. r. heerere, auditorem) that my desyr heere the Almysti. Wic. Job xxxi. 35.

I am not certain that even of the elements, as he will deliver them, connected with inferences, and mingled with reflections, you are a very capable auditress (Pekuah). Rasselas, c. 45.


But Artegall, beholding his mischance, New matter added to his former fire, And eft aventring his steele-headed lance Against her (Britomart) rode, full of dispiteons ire. Spenser. Faerie Queene, iv. 6, 11. With that her mortal speare She mightily aventred towards one, And downe him smote ere well aware he were. Id. lb. iii. 1, 28. AVER, s. Perhaps from Fr. Avoir, wealth; applied to wealth used corruptly. See Skinner.

The Mone falle forsworne, as I knowe myself, for auer and yeftes hath vsurped to shine by daie light with peinture of other mennes praisynges. Chaucer. Test. of Love, b. i. Loe, how false for auerre is hold true. Loe how true is cleaped false for wanting of goods.-Id. Ib.

AUGHT, i. e. Ought. See OWE.

In judgment he

Of portents augural, and in forecast
Unerring, his coevals all excelled.-Cowper. Od. ii. 215.

Arid of gold, yet greedier of renown,
Whom not the spoils of Atabalipa

Could satisfy, insatiate, nor the fame
Of that wide empire overthrown appease.
Southey. Don Roderick, § xvi.


So many alnagers to alnage and measure al kinds of merchandize, which they shal buy or sell by the yard. Hackluyt. Voyage, 1 Ed. IV.



AVOIRDUPOIS. In Wiclif, the Early Version has "Chodchod, that is precious marchaundise;" the Later, "Cochod, ether, Aver de peis," which confirms the Etymology adopted (from Du Cange) by Mr. Todd; who explains Averium pondus, All goods or merchandize sold by weight (now a certain established weight).

The puttiden forth in thi marcat... bijs, and seelk, and cochod, ether aver de peis.—Wic. Ez. xxvii. 16. AVOUTRER. See ADULTERY.


His patent may it wel avowe.

Piers Plouhman, v. 12509.
And seide that hymself myght Assoilen hem alle
Of avowes broken.-Id. v. 142.

For what without thy knowledge and avow,
Nay more, thy dictate, durst Auleerna do.

Dryden. En. x. v. 1162.

With aureat seint (cinct-ure) about hire sides clene.
Chaucer. Court of Love, v. 817.
Nor wore he (the Pope) mitre here
Precious or auriphrygiate.

Southey. Don Roderick, c. 18. AUSCULT, v. Lat. Auscultare (aures coAUSCULTATION. lere), to listen, in Med. to the AUSCULTATORY.) pulsations of the heart. Now common in medical books.

AUSTERE. The Latin Austerus is in the Wic.

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And therfore I sey to yow, makys to you frendys of mammone of vneuynhed (iniquitatis), that when zee fayle, thei receyue zou into ay lastand tabernakyls.

Luke xvi. 9. Anon. Wic. Bib. v. i. p. 10, n. g. He is ay angry as is a pissemire,

Though that he have all that he can desire.

Chaucer. Sompnoures Tale, v. 7407.

AYEL, s. Fr. Ayeul; Low Lat. Aviolus, dim. of Avus, a grandfather.

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Bible, L. V. Sterne, and in the early version Aus--brs-fouler. terne. In Esth. xv. 10, Austernnesse, Note i. (Lat. Furorem) is a var. r. of wodenes.

Forsoth I drede the, for thou art an austerne (austerus) man. (L. V. Sterne).- Wic. Luke xix. 21; in v. 22, hausterne.


He (Newton) keeps his own authorly secrets, without participating them with me. Cowper to Unwin, Nov. 1, 1784.


Mr. W. Taylor of Norwich suggested

(It is) a Religion, that baffoules all Temporal Princes, making them stand barefoot, at their great Bishops gate, lye at his foot, hold his stirrup, yea, their owne Crownes at his courtesie.-Bp. Hall, i. 595. Dissuasive from Popery.

BAG, v. s. Go. Balgs; A. S. Balge; D. Balgh; Ger. Balg; Sw. Bælg. "Balgeis Galli sacculos scorteos appellant."-Festus. And in this Balgs-we see the A. S. Bug-an, to bow: and numerous derivatives-Bale (of goods), Balk, Bilk, Ball, Bay, Belch, Bell, Belly, Bellows, Big, Boll, Bolster, Bough,


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Bowl, (perhaps Boss,) Bouge, Buck, Bucket, Bugle, [the fishermen] lie hovering upon the coast, and are directed Bulb, Bulge, Bulk, Bullet, Buxom.

To give one the bag, is a cant saying for-to balk, to disappoint, to bilk. So in It. Dar la baia. Sp. Dar baya. Fr. Donner un baye. See Baia, baye, in Menage, and Baye in Cotgrave.

Bidderes and beggeres

Faste aboute yede

With hire belies and hire bagges

Of breed ful y-crammed.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 81. You shall be light witted upon every small occasion to give your master the bag.

Green's Quip, &c. Harl. Misc. v. 411. (Nares.) Christian. I am glad you are perswaded to go along with me; and had even Obstinate himself, but felt what I have felt of the Powers and Terrours of what is yet unseen, he would not thus lightly have given us the bag. (The third and subsequent editions read back.) — Pilgrim's Progress, Pt. i. p. 7. London. J. Haddon, 1847.


They were clene beten out of the baylles.

Berners' Froissart, i. 160. And now they reach'd Where by the bayles embattled wall in arms The Knights of England stood. Southey. Joan of Arc, b. 7, v. 132. The bayle or lists was a space on the outside of the ditch, surrounded by strong pallisades, sometimes by a low embattled wall.-Note.


BAIZE, s. Dutch, Baey; Dan. Bai; Ger. Bayze; It. Baietta. A kind of cloth, shaggy, with small flocks of wool, which is usually worn in mourning. Menage. Le Origine. And so called from its (then) common colour. An inferior or coarser cloth.


And takynge floure she mengid it and boke therf looues.
Wic. 1 Kings, xxviii. 24.

I seigh in this assemblee
Baksteres and brewesteres,
And bochiers manye.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 434.

BA'LCONY. Written by Skinner and Junius, Balcone; and accented formerly on the second syllable. By Swift on the first; by Gay (in Todd) and Jenyns, on the second.


(Elde) made me ballede bifore

And bare on the crowne.-Piers Plouhman, v. 14292. Lytyl children wenten out from the cyte, and scorneden to hym seyinge, Stey up Ballard; Stey up Ballard.

Wic. 4 Kings ii. 23. There came lytle laddes out of the citie, and mocked him, and sayed to him, Go up thou bald head, go up thou bald head. Id. Ib.

Without doute of lepre, he schal condempne the man which is bred in the ballidnesse.- Wic. Lev. xiii. 43.

BALE, v. Dutch, Baalien. To cast the water out of a leaky ship with tubs or buckets. Baalie, a tub or bucket.

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in their worke, by a balker, or huer, who standeth on the cliffe side, and from thence best discerneth the quantitie and course of the pilcherd.

Carew. Survey of Cornwall, fol. 32. BALLUSTER. The It. Balestra is a cross-bow, and Balestriera, a spike-hole or loop-hole, to shoot (a cross-bow) out at, (Florio) from the Lat. Balista. From these loop-holes in a wall or parapet, the name has been applied to the columns themselves.


Thanne sche took a leefe of segge and bawmede (E. V. glewide, v. r. clemede, linivit) it with tar and pitch. (See Glue.)- Wic. Er. ii. 3.

Blood must be my body's Balmer,
No other blood will there be given.

Raleigh. The Pilgrimage.
BALSTAFF, s. BALKSTAFF. A quarter-staff;
a great staff like a pole or beam.-Ray.
He bereth a Balstaff.-Chaucer. Pard. and Tap. v. 153.

BAMBOOZLE. The Tatler notices this as a word "invented by some pretty fellows," and "now struggling into vogue."-No. 230.

Prig. This is some conspiracy, I suppose, to bam, to chouse me out of my money.-Foote. The Cozeners, act iii. sc. 1. BAN.

That is the castel of Care;
Who so comth therinne
May banne that he born was.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 583.
For lacke of richesse worldly, and of gode,
They banne, and curse, and wepe.

Chaucer. Court of Love, v. 1143. BAND. Written by Chaucer Bend, qv. BANDELIER. Fr. Bandouilières. A Belt for carrying ammunition.

He (the Dwarf) tore Dame Maudlin's silken tire,
And, as Sym Hall stood by the fire
He lighted the Match of his Bandelier,
And woefully scorched the Hackbutteer.
Scott. Last Minstrell, c. iii. § 21.


The Germans and Gauls, who have bodies very subject to diseases, were become quite baned through the extreme heat.-Gordon. Tacitus, Hist. b. ii. c. 93.

BANG, v. } Bangle-a diminutive of Bang.


To beat, knock, strike aside.

We use to set a great value on the slightest bequests of our dead friends, to be exceeding careful not to lose them; and therefore, if we wilfully bangle away this so precious a legacy of Christ, it is a plain sign we want that love and esteem of him, which we have of our earthly friends, and that we despise him as well as his legacy.

Whole Duty of Man. Sunday 16. You are a clergyman, and I have banged your own. Cowper to Unwin, Oct. 20, 1784. BANK.

(Fish) in sculls that oft Bank the mid-sea.-Milton. Par. L. vii. 403.

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BALK. See BAG; (to give the Bag) (Balg); and included by the Tatler, with Bam, Put, &c. as an Bilk.

And over it (a post) another beam they crost,
Pointed with iron sharpe, to it made fast
With ropes, which, as men would, the dormant tost,
Now out, now in, now backe, now forward cast,
In his swift pullies oft the men withdrew
The tree, and oft the riding Balke forth threwe.

Fairefar. Godfrey of Bulloigne, xviii. 80. BALKERS. Spies, who, standing upon a high rock near the sea, in the season of the herring-fishery, observe the shoals of fish coming, and, by moving boughs, point out to the fishermen, waiting in the boats, the course they are taking :-I know not, continues Skinner, whether from the Dut. Balck, a bulk or beam; and, consequentially, any high place; or, perhaps, be-lookers; A. S. Beloceras, lookers after fish; though he confesses that Somner has no such word.

invention by some pretty fellows.-See No. 230.

I have done my utmost for some years past, to stop the progress of Mobb and Banter, but have been plainly borne down by numbers, and betrayed by those who promised to assist me.-Tatler, No. 230.


And with that breeth helle brak,
With Belialles barres.-Piers Plouhman, v. 12722.
Sergeantz-That serveden at the barre.-Id. v. 421.
He rode but homely in a medlee cote,
Girt with seint of silk and barres smale.
Chaucer. Prol. to C. T. v. 330.


Sotheli Barbaris or hethene men ganen to us not litil humanyte or curtesye.-Wic. Deeds, xxviii. 1.


And she clepide the Barbour, and he shoof (L. V. schauede) seuen heeris of hym.- Wic. Judg. xví. 19.


BARE. See Piers Plouhman in v. Boot.

Sothli sum 3ong man, clothid with lynnen cloth on the Bare (super nudo) suede him.- Wic. Mark xiv. 51.

Bi the beryd weye we schulen goon. (L. V. Comynli usid,
Via trita.)-Id. Num. xx. 19.
Tho that wenten in by hem zeden awey be streyt beryd
paththis out of the weye (per calles devios).
Id. Judg. v. 6.

BARN. Written Barn, Berne, Burn, Buyrn.
Withouten the blood of a barn

Born of a mayde.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 11554.

A Barreter is an horseleach that only sucks the corrupted blood of the law. He trades only in tricks and quirks.-Fuller. Holy State, b. v. c. 14. (Profane State.)


Hungur roos on the lond, aftir thilke bareyness (E. V. Bareynte, sterilitas) that bifelde in the daies of Abraham. Wic. Gen. xxvi. 1.

BA'RTON. A. S. Bere-tun. Somner says that Bere-wic, or Bere-tun, (whence the more modern Barton,) is Villa frumentaria. Tun is any inclosed place, (from A. S. Tyn-ian, to inclose,)—a towne, village, yard, barton, &c. the country lying within the bounds of a city. It was also called a bark-en, which Skinner derives from the A. S. Beorg-an, munire, to fend or fence; he calls it-locus clausus, an inclosed place (in respectu, sc. agrorum); Ray,— that in Sussex it is the yard of a house. And the word bar-ton appears to be composed of the A. S. Beorg, or beork, a place of defence, and tun, inclosed; and to mean, simply,

Any place inclosed for security, separate possession, privacy, &c. &c.

That part of the demaines, which appertaineth to the lords dwelling house, they call his barten or berton,

Carew. Suruey of Cornwall, fol. 36. The first that devised a barton and mue to keep foule was M. Lenius Strabo, a gentleman of Rome, who made such one at Brindis, where he had enclosed birds of all kinds. Holland. Plinie, b. x. c. 50. BASE;-in Wic. is a various reading of foundement (Basis).

In xxx years before it was nat so base, and so the scurrers passed at their case (sc. the river). Berners' Froissart, ii. 291

And some thinketh that a poste alone stonding vpright vpon a basse, may lenger in gret burthen endure, than crooked pillers for all their helps, and her ground ben not siker.-Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. ii.

BASEN. Ger. Bausen. Flare, inflare, inflare buccas. Wachter.

Then gan the courtiers gaze on everie side,
And stare on him, with big lookes basen wide,
Wondring what Mister wight he was.

Spenser. Mother Hubberd's Tale, v. 670.
Lamp. Delight-my spaniell slept, whilst I bausd leaues,
Toss'd ore the dunces-pord on the old print
Of titled wordes, and still my spaniell slept.
Marston. What you wil, D. 2. (1607.)
BASENET. Wic. renders Galea, Helmes ether
Basynetis.-Jer. xlvi. 4.


Thes thingis herynge we dredden, and oure herte basshede. (L. V. Was sike, elanguit.)-Wic. Josh. ii. 11. BASK. Chaucer uses to bathe, qv. with the same meaning.-Nonnes Preestes Tale.

BAT. Wiclif renders the Lat. Vespertiliones, Backis, ether rere myis.—Is. ii. 20.

BATE, v. Also; To bate as a hawk. Fr. S'Abbatre; and Fr. Debatis. Cot. "The bating or unquiet fluttering of a hawk"-sc. from perch to perch ; striving to get away.

And therfore he shall begge and bidde,
And no man bete his hunger.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 4275.
For love had him so bounden in a snare,
All for the daughter of the King Admete,
That all his craft ne could his sorrowes bete.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, i. 666. All furnish'd, all in arms, All plum'd like estridges that, with the wind, Bated like eagles having lately bath'd.

Shakespeare. 1 Henry IV. Act iv. Sc. 1. Would to God that I were hooded, that I saw less or could perform more: for now I am like a hawk that bates,

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