Imagens das páginas
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And Elde hente good hope, And hastiliche he shifte hym.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 14259.

SHINE. See Piers Plouhman in v. Rout, in Dictionary.

And whanne thei herden the voys of the Lord God goynge in paradis at the shynyng after myd dai (L. V. wynd, ad auram), Adam hid hym and his wijf fro the face of God in the myddel of the tree of paradis.- Wie. Gen. iii. 8.

Sum man was rich, and was clothid in purpur, and biys, ethir whit silk, and he eet ech day schyningli (splendide). Id. Luke xvi. 19.

SHINE, adj. See SHEEN.
SHINE, v. Shiners, slang for cash.
O'Don. Has she the shiners, d'ye think?
Foote. The Capuchin, A. iii.

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Alisaundre, Jewis putting him, or fer showfynge (propel-
lentibus).- Wic. Deeds xix. 33.


And bi eche foundement were foure wheelis, and brasun

extrees; and bi foure partis weren as litle schuldryngis under the waischyng vessel. (E. V. shuldres, humeruli; that is, schorte pileris to susteyne the waschyng vessel, mar. n.)- Wic. 3 Kings vii. 30.


And he made a brasun lauatorye, with his foot (basi sua), of the shewers of wymmen (L. V. myrrours, de speculis mulierum), the whiche wacchiden in the porche of the tabernacle.- Wic. Ex. xxxviii. 8.


And he fillide his mentil, and he turnede azen, and schredde (E. V. hewide togydre, concidit) in to the pot of potage. Wic. 4 Kings iv. 39.

Flouris apperiden in oure lond, the tyme of schridyng (L. V. kutting, putationis) is comun. Id. Song of Solomon, ii. 12. I remembre the delectacyons and pleasirs that old age may take in consideryng and knowyng the nature of the vynes-the mener of the settynges and of the shredynges and cuttyngis of hit in season.

The Boke of Tulle of Old Age. Caxton, e. 8, c. 2. SHREW. Forsothe the erthe is corupt before God, and is fulfillid with schrewidnes. (L. V. wickidness, iniquitate.) Wic. Gen. vi. 11. Forsothe if (e han do) schrewidhi (L. V. weiwardli, perverse), fier goo out of hym, and waast the dwellers of Sichem.-Id. Judges ix. 20.


With broken voice, all horse for shright, Creseide
To Troilus these ilkè wordes seide.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iv. v. 1147.


And now ziueth shrifte (L. V. confessioun, confessionem), and gret doing to the Lord God of our fadris. Wic. 3 Esd. ix. 8.

SHUFFLE, v. See the Quotation from Tatler in v. Bubble, supra, and compare with those in Dictionary from Daniels, Bp. Taylor, and Waterland. SHUT. See Caxton in v. Push, supra. (Thei shulden) sheten her heved in the stre, To sharpen her wittes.

Piers Plouhman's Creed, v. 1542. And she for sorwe as domb stant as a tree: So was hire herte shette in hire distresse, Whan she remembered his unkindenesse.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 5476.

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And buriowne thei shuln among erbes, as withies or saleThe whiche wex (Agar's child) and dwellide in wildyr-wis, bisyde the syde flowende watris (præter fluentes). Wic. Is. xliv. 4. nes, and he was maad a zong sheter. (L. V. archer, sagitThey sidle to the goal with awkward pace. tarius.)- Wic. Gen. xxi. 20. Cowper. Progress of Errour.

Thei benten a bowe, that thei sheet (sagittent) in hid thingus the unwemmed.-Id. Ps. lxiii. 5.


(Let) the shores ben well grounded.

Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. ii.
There was also made a shoaring or underpropping act for
the benevolence; to make the sums, which any person had
agreed to pay, and nevertheless were not brought in, to be
leviable by course of law.-Bacon.. History of Henry VII.
As when a hunted stag, now well nigh tir'd,
Shor'd by an oak, 'gins with his head to play;
The fearful hounds dare not his horns assay,
But, running round about, with yelping voices bay.
G. Fletcher. Purple Island, c. xi.


But more rist it were, to the shorting of euel, to putte mesure to the wodnesse of them bi my silence.

Wic. Prol. to Jer. P.


Sothli of the cumpanye thei withdrowen sum man,


Seith to me, who ben thise puple, that the hillis segen. (L. V. bisegith the hilli places, obsidet.)- Wic. Judith v. 3. Forthi-that no thing other he haue-in the segyng (L. V. biseging, obsidione) and scaarsenes, that thin enemyes han wastid thee with ynne alle thi zatis. Id. Deut. xxviii. 55. And there wente out of hem a root of synne, Antiochus, the noble, the sone of Antiochi kyng, that was at Rome in scegyng or plegge (ob-ses).-Id. 1 Mac. i. 11.

The Romayns douted greatly to lese the pope's siege. Berners' Froissart, v. ii. p. 720. SIGH. Written Sithe or Sythe by Spenser and others.

Er I shul ete, I sithe (suspiro), and as of flowende water, so my roring.- Wic. Job iii. 24. Thy Muse

(Hath) made us all so blessed and so blythe,
Whiles thou wast hence, all dead in dole did lie;
The woods were heard to waile full many a sythe,
And all their birds with silence to complaine.
Spenser. Colin Clout, v. 23.


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Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 3386. For thou to othere I am not Apostle, but netheless to you I am; forwhy 3e ben the sygnacle or litil signe (signaculum) of myn apostilhed in the Lord.-Wic. I Cor. íx. 2.

It was usual for persons who could not write, to make the sign of the cross in confirmation of a charter. Several of these remain, where kings and persons of great eminence affix signum crucis manu propria pro ignoratione literarum. From this is derived the phrase of signing instead of subscribing a paper.-Robertson. Charles V. v. i. note x. SIKE. See SICK, SIGH.

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Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 837.

Sely, or blessid (feliz), that had not sorewi slouthe of his inwit, and falleth not awei fro his hope.

Wic. Ecclus. xiv. 2. And if thou laudest and joyest any wight, for he is stuffed with such manner richesse, thou art in that beleene begyled, for thou wenest thilk joy to be selinesse, or els ease, and he that hath lost such happes to be unselie. Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. i. near the end.

For now, at erst, shallen ye lere
So sely and dredeful a vysion.

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Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 5942. I know most of the plants of my country and of those about me; yet methinks I do not know so many as when I did but know a hundred, and had scarcely simpled beyond Cheapside.-Browne. Religio Medici, pt. i. ́§ viii.

It is a godly command that we walk in godly simplicity, sine plicis: though the serpent can shrink up in his folds, and appear what he is not, yet it doth not become the saints to shuffle or juggle with God. Gurnall. Christian Armour. Ed. 1837.

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Of foure scoore zeere I am to dai; whether my wittis thriven to deme swote or bittir, or meet and drynk may delite thi seruaunt, or I may here fortherinore the vois of men syngers, and of wymmen syngers. (L. V. of syngeris ether of syngsters, cantorum atque cantatricum.)-Wic. 2 Kings xix. 35. In 2 Pur. xxxv. 25, syngeresses.

Bifore the cok synge twies, (cantet) thries thou schalt denye me. And anon eftsones the cok song. (L. V. crew, cantavit.)-Id. Mark xiv. 72.


That songen through her mery throtes.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 507.
The birds' sweet notes, to sonnet out their joys.
G. Fletcher. Christ's Triumph on Earth.
Add-after 1. 5.

So also in Livy-" Singed with cold."
with nipping frost." Torrida, frigore, gelu, 1. 21.
cc. 32. 40. See in v. Frore, Quotation from

For the eeris of corn weren sengid in fler, and the cornes,
that filliden a gomor, weren schakun out, and weren offride
80.- Wic. Lev. xxiii. 11, marg. note.

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SIZE, v. See Piers Plouhman in v. Summon.


SLANG, s. Applied to the wearers of irons slung on their legs, sc. of thieves; and hence to their lan

SIZINGS, or little suppers. Coleridge, Biog. guage. See Notes and Queries.
Lit. v. ii. p. 335.


SKATE, v. "Dec. 1, 1662. Over the park,
where I first in my life, it being a great frost, did
see people sliding with their skaits, which is a very
pretty art."-Pepys. Diary. And Evelyn, eodem
temp. Also Swift to Stella, Jan. 31, 1710-1711,
writes-Skates, if you know what they are.

SKIER, v. A. S. Scirian, Scearan, to shear, to
clear away, purify, excuse. See Skinner.
And thus full oft herself she skiereth,
And is all ware of Had I wist.


Gower. Conf. Am. b. ii. fo. 30.

And why that oon theef on the cros,
Creaunt hym yald,

Rather than that oother theef-
Though thou woldest appose,
Alle the clerkes under Crist,
Ne kouthe the skile assoille.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 7861.
Nay; sothli we han schewid by skile (causati sumus),
Jewis and Grekis alle for to ben vndir synne.
Wic. Rom. iii. 9.
Thei diden as he seide, and thei spaken togidere, Skilfuli
we suffren (E. V. thurz desert, meriti sumus) these thingis,
for we synneden azens our brother.-Id. Gen. xlii. 21.
Diuers folke diuersly they demed

As many heddes, as many wittes there been;
They murmure, as doeth a swarme of been,
And maden skilles after her fantasies,
Rehersing of the old poetries.


Chaucer. The Squieres Tale, v. 10519.

Or wily Cyppus, that can winke and snort
While his wife dallies on Mæcenas' skort.


Slangs are the greaves with which the legs of convicts are fettered, having acquired that name from the manner in which they were worn, as they required a sling of string to keep them off the ground. The irons were the slangs; and the slang-wearers' language was of courses langous (as partaking much if not wholly of the slang).- Sportsman's Slang, a New Dictionary and Varieties of Life. By John Bee. Preface, p. 5.

SLASH. In Wiclif's Bible, 3 Kings v. 18, the

Lat. dolare, to cut, to hew, is rendered to ouerscorch

in E. V. and in var. r. to slasch.

SLAT, v. To slight, to beat.

Men. How did you kill him?

Malc. Slatted his brains out, then sowsed him in the briny sea.-Marston. Malecontent, act iv. sc. 3.

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Bp. Hall. Sat. b. iv. sat. 1, infra.

Syr Skyralyard, ye were so skyt,
Your wyll then ran before your wyt.

Skelton against the Scottes, v. 101.
Robin. So skittish and shy, Mrs. Pert!

Foote. The Bankrupt, A. i.
SKLERE. Mr. Tyrwhitt says, To cover.
sklere sheep is, perhaps, to protect, to take care of.
See Skinner and Wachter, in v. Schleier.

Quod a lady in a white skleire.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, in Skin. fo. 32, p. 1.
Christes Apostles were nere so bolde,
No such lordships to hem embrace,
But sklere her shepe, and kepe hir folde.

Chaucer. Plowman's Tale, v. 2647.
With faire honied words heretikes and misse-meaning
people skleren and wimplen their errours.
Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. ii.



These golden palaces, these gorgeous halls,
With furniture superfluously fair;
Those stately courts, those sky-encountering walls,
Evanish like the vapours of the air.
Sterlinge. Darius, 1603.


Our frost is broken since yesterday, and it is very slabbery.-Swift to Stella. Dec. 31, 1711.


Forsothe these that weren wyth ynne, tristiden to the stablenesse of wallis, and in apparel of foodis, and diden slacliere. (E. V. slowlicher, remissius.)

Wic. 2 Mac. xii. 14.

Forsothe Semey zede bi the slade of the hil (E. V. cop,
per jugum) bi the side azens hym.
Wic. 2 Kings xvi. 13.


Thei (lions) slaken (laxant) hir neckes from hir chaines
unbound. Chaucer. Boecius, Met. 2.

Mem. Either he slackes the matter, or betrays his master.
Lilly. Mother Bombie, act ii. sc. 2.
Slakeless thirst of change.-Byron. P. of Dante, c. i.

And also bid hym, how that he
Bring eke his other clarioun,
That hight Selaunder in every toune,
With whiche he wont is to diffame
Hem that me list, and doe hem shame.

Chaucer. House of Fame, b. iii. v. 490.

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The Carthaginian generals, and those also of Affrick, taking full benefit of this their good fortune, slept not their business, nor made delay.-Holland. Livius, p. 574.

SLEEVE. Sleeveless errand, "without cover, or pretence;" a pretenceless errand: consequently, a successless, profitless, useless errand.

Sleeveless words (Chaucer), rhymes; (Bp. Hall) fruitless, empty, vain; or, as Dr. Johnson explains, without reasonableness, propriety, solidity. Erminia (in Fairefax) had invented sleeveless errands, to send her maidens away, that she might put on the armour of Clorinda" unseene."

His clothes were strange though coarse, and black though bare;

Sleeveless his jerkin was, and it had been

Velvet; but 'twas now (so much ground was seen)
Become tufttaffaty; and our children shall
See it plain rash awhile, then naught at all.


Donne. Sat. iv.

Be maad the weie of hem dercnessis, and slideri (L. V. slydernesse, lubricans), and the angel of the Lord pursuende hem.- Wic. Ps. xxxiv. 6.

A slider (var. r. sliper, lubricum) mouth worchith fallyngis.-Id. Prov. xxvi. 28.

But that science is so fer us beforne,

We mowen not (although we han it sworne)
It overtake; it slit (slideth) away so fast.

Chaucer. Chan. Yem. Prol. v. 16150.

SLING. See SLANG (Language).

And he putte (Dauid) his hoond into the scrip, and took a stoon, and leyde in the slynge (in funda) and beryng it about, he smoot hym in the foreheed.

Wic. 1 Kings xvii. 49. And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead.


Id. 1 Sam. xvii. 49.

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For povere men may have no power To pleyne hem, though thei smart.


Wic. Eccl. xxxii. 8.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 1694.

Battailles shul none be,

Ne no man bere wepene:
But what smyth than any smytheth
Be smyte therwith to deth.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2017. Watris therlen out (excavant) stones, and of smytyng (L. V. by waischyng awey, alluvione) of watris the erthe litle mele is wastid.- Wic. Job xiv. 19.

And Y suffre the to make smyting or printe (percussaram) of thin own money in thi regioun. Id. 1 Mac. xv. 6.

SMITH. See Piers Plouhman in v. Smite, supra. Sella forsothe gat Tubalcaym, that was an hammer smyth (L. V. hamer betere, malleator) and a smyth (faber) into alle werkis of bras and of yrun (var. r. smyter). Wic. Gen. iv. 22.


Pap. Besides, sir, the people in this town are more smoaky and suspicious.-Foote. The Lyar, A. i.

SMOCK. Wiclif, Bible, Is. iii. 22, schetis or smockis, linteamina.


Thou knowist that Esau my brothir is an heeri man, and Yam smethe. (E. V. soft, lenis.)

Wic. Gen. xxvii. 11. And he hilide the cherubyns with gold, and alle the wallis of the temple bi cumpas; and grauyd with dyuerse grauyngis and smethnesse. (E. V. turnynge, torno.) Id. 3 Kings vi. 28. And al the hows withynne was clothid with cedre, and hadde hire smethenessis (E. V. turnours, tornaturas), and hise ioynyngis maad suteli-Id. Ib. vi. 18.

SMOULDER. See Piers Plouhman in v. Blear,


SNAILS, in the Quotation from Beaumont and Fletcher, is a corruption of a common oath-By God's nails, 'd'snails, 'snails.


Our manciple, I hope, he wol be ded;
Swa workes, ay, the wanges in his hed.
Chaucer. The Reves Tale, v. 4028.

(He) swouned and sobbed, And siked full ofte.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 9573. Thou herdist my vois; turne thou not awei thin eere fro my sobbing and cries (var. r. zoring, singultu). Wic. Jer. Lam, iii. 56.

SOCHON. See SCUTCHEON. SOCIABLE. In Wiclif's Bible, 1 Kings xiv. 24, the Lat. Sociati sunt is in the text-" Thei weren felouschiped," and in var. r. "socied."

SOFT, v.

In a somer seson
When softe was the sonne.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 1. Softid (molliti sunt) ben the woordis of hym vp on oile: and thei ben speris.- Wic. Ps. liv. 2.

That thou be taken awey fro an alien womman, and fro a straunge, that softith (L. V. makith soft, mollit) her woordis. Id. Prov. ii. 16.

And the soule of hym (Sichem) was glewid with hir, and hir sory (tristem) he swagide with softnessis. (L. V. flateringis, blanditiis.)-Id. Gen. xxxiv. 3.


SOIL. See Chaucer in v. Shere, supra.

SOIL, i. e. Assoile.

To whom spak Sampson: Y shal purpose to tow a dowtous word, the whiche if ze soylen (solveritis) to me with ynne seuen daies, Y shal, &c.—Wic. Judg. xiv. 11.

Leede thou me in bifor the sizt of the Kyng, and Y schal telle the soilyng (E. V. solution, solutionem) or undirstondyng.-Id. Dan. ii. 24.

SOIL, or Fr. Saouller; to glut, clog, satiate. SOUL, v. Cotgrave. It. Satollare, satiare. Ray says, that in the North, Soul is anything eaten with bread.

To soule, is to feed (e. g. a horse. Shakespeare) till satisfied. See to frank and to stall.

I have, sweet wench, a peece of cheese


As good as tooth may chaw,

And bread and wildings souling well.

Warner. Albion's England, b. iv. c. 20. Lear. The fitchew, nor the soyled horse goes not too't with a more riotous appetite.

Shakespeare. King Lear, act iv. sc. 6, fo. 3032. SOIL, v. To take soil. Fr. Se souiller (of a swine); to take soil, or wallow in the mire. Cotgrave. Also-to take to the water. Applied by Spenser to the animal itself. B. iv. c. iii. § 16. But being then unbost, the noble, stately deer, When he hath gotten ground (the kennel cast arrear) Doth beat the brooks and ponds for sweet refreshing soil. Drayton. Polyolbion, st. 13. Fida went down the dale to seeke the hinde; And found her taking soyle within a floud.

Browne. British Pastorals, b. i. st. 4. (The) chased hinde her course doth bend, To seeke by sole to find some ease or good, Whether from craggy rocke the spring descend, Or softly glide within the shadie wood.

Fairefax. Godfrey of Bulloigne, b. vi. st. 109. SOIL, v. To dirt.

His syre a soutere,


Y-suled in grees.-Piers Plouhman's Creed, v. 1500.

There (they) discovered some large springs. This proved their solacement and relief.-Gordon. Tacit. Hist. b. i.

SOLD, s. In Wiclif, Stipendium, Merces, is rendered-soudis.

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Fr. Solidarité. Kossuth, in his SOLIDARITY. speeches, while in this country in the year 1851, frequently used this word, and Lord Malmsbury, when Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in his speech in the House of Lords, on Monday, Dec. 6, 1852, announcing the recognition of Louis Napoleon, as Emperor of France, employed it (probably adopting it from a French despatch). Mr. Trench explains it to signify-" A fellowship in gain and loss, in honour and dishonour, in victory and defeat; and being, so to speak, all in the same bottom." He conceives it to be so convenient a word that we must adopt it as the Germans have, and probably other countries, already done.

SOLILOQUY. The Lat. Soliloquium, St. Augustine informs us, was invented by himself.-Trench. On Study of Words, lec. 4.

SOLITARY. See Quotation from Job, in v. Sullen, infra.

Be that nytt solitarie (L. V. soleyn, solitaria), and not preise wrthi.- Wic. Job iii. 7.

SOLLAR; Written Solers, is a word of not uncommon occurrence in Wiclif's Bible, from Lat. Solarium, or more frequently Conaculum.

Thou shalt make soleris (E. V. sowping places, cœnacula), and placis of thre chaumbris in the schip (the ark). Wic. Gen. vi. 16.


The Jews, that can believe the supernatural solstice of the sun in the days of Joshua, have yet the impudence to

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Ther was sum prest (sacerdos quidam), Zacharie by times, from the Lat. Sors. In Luke, from Vicis. name.- Wic. Luke i. 5.

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SOON. See Piers Plouhman, in v. Release, supra. SOOTE.

Fortune hath made

The sote of al thine hertes eest
Languishe, and eke in pointe to brest.

Chaucer. House of Fame, b. iii. v. 927.
They saw how from the crags and clifts below,
His (a hill's) proud and stately pleasant top grew out,
And how his sides were clad with frost and snow,
The height was greene with herbes, and flowrets soute.
Fairefar. Godfrey of Bulloigne, b. xv. st. 46.
SOOTH. See SOUTHLY, infra.

For thi soule or lijf, be thou not confoundid to seyn soth. (L. V. treuthe, verum.)- Wic. Ecc. iv. 24.

Be thou debonere to here the wrd of God that thou vnderstonde, and with wysdam thou schalt bring forth a soth answere. (L. V. trewe, verum.)-Id. Ib. v. 15.

Wherfor if ze doon mercy and sothenes (L. V. treuthe, veritatem) with my Lord, shewith to me.

Id. Gen. xxiv. 49. For it is an old sothsawe, to the auarouse man as wel lackith (is wanting) the good that he hath, as that he hath not. Id. Bible. Pref. to Ep. p. 75.

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His friends gave out that he died of hard drinking, but certainly there was treason in the case, the infamy of which was sopited by his successors (successorum potentia oppressit).-Turnbull. Justinian, b. xii. c. 13.

As for dementation, sopition of reason, and the diviner particle from drink-Christian morality and the doctrine of Christ will not allow it. Browne. Vulgar Errours, b. v. c. 21.

SORE, adj. And loo! the thridde day, whenne the sorwe (L. V. sorewe, dolor) of the woundis is moost greuous..

Wic. Gen. xxxiv. 25. And I shal beset aboute Ariel, and it shal be dreri and sorewy. (L. V. soreuful, mærens.)-Id. Is. xxix. 2.

I beholde the sori hertid (L. V. coward, vecordem) tunge man, that passeth thur; the stretis, biside the corner. Id. Prov. vii. 7. Forsothe sum sorewfulness (mæstitia) was shed about to man, and hydousnesse of body, by whiche the sorewe of herte (dolor cordis) was maad knowen to men byholdynge. Id. 2 Mac. iii. 17.

De vice abiæ, of the sorte of abiæ, i. 5. In ordine Vicis, in the ordre of his sort. Ib. v. 8.

Will you abyde amonge such a sort of traytors, who have so falsely broken their othe and promise to the kynge of England.-Berners' Froissart, v. ii. p. 42.

A general fame and sclaunder ran upon her, that all the infirmities the King had, which no physician could cure, came all by her sortes and artes, i. e. sorceries or casting of lots.-Id. v. ii. p. 651.

How a sort of fugitives, who had quitted without stroke thir own countrey, should so soon win another, appears not; unless joyn'd to som part of thir own settl'd there before (Britans in Armorica).-Milton. History of England, b. iii. Tacitus saith: Livia sorted well with the arts of her husband, and dissimulation of her sonne (bene composita). Bacon. Essays. Of Simulation.

SOTE. See SWEET. Sote, soote, common in the var. r. of the Wiclif Bible. Also Sootnes. SOTEL. See SUBTLE. SOTH. See SOOTH. SOUDAN. See SOLDAN. SOUDE. See SOLD, 8. SOUL.

Thou shalt be cursid amonge alle the soule haners (L. V. liuing thingis, animantes) and beestis of the erthe. Wic. Gen. iii. 14. Next comes a fee at the death of a party, which was commonly called soul-shot; and paid (before the dead body

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SOUTHLY. soothing words. And southely than I spake.

Unto a bed full soberly,

Chaucer. Court of Love, v. 140.

So as I mighten full southly

Pace after other.-Id. Dreame, v. 1326.

SOW. See SWINE, and see PIG (of lead).

A sow of lead is swifter.

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Barrow. Mathematical Lectures, lec. x. p. 176. SPADES. A suit of cards. Our figure is taken from the French, and is that-of the end of a pike. was buried) unto that Church where the dead party's Fr. Piques. The Sp. Espades, is, Swords (Espada, a sword) which they have on their cards; and from them our name. And see DIAMONDS.

dwelling was.-N. Bacon. Hist. Treatise, c. xì. p. 32.
Earth, air, and seas, through empty space would roll,
And Heav'n would fly before the driving soul.
Dryden. Virgil. Æn. b. i. v. 89.

There on the breezy summit, spreading fair,
For many a league. . . . there let me draw
Ethereal soul, there drink reviving gales.

Thomson. Summer, v. 774.

The soulish nature, take it right,
As much a serpent, if without God's light,
As Lucifer.-Byrom. From Jacob Behmer.

O Martyr souded to virginitee.

Chaucer. The Prioresse Tale, v. 13509. SOUND, v. Sonde in Chaucer, The sounding line. Tyrwhitt.

Chaucer. Dreame, v. 1149.

Forth goeth the ship-out goeth the sond.

And the sown (sonitus) of the trompe litil mele spronge into more, and lenger was strecchid (tendebatur). Wic. Ex. xix. 19. And the sowning of a clarioun (E. V. cry, clangor) maad noise ful greetli.-Id. Ib. xix. 16.

Sowne is not but eyre y-broken,
And euery speche that is spoken,
Loud or priue, foule or faire,
In his substaunce is but eyre.

SOUND, adj.

Chaucer. House of Fame, b. ii. v. 176.

Now certes ferther wol I never founde (try)
None other helpe my sores for to sounde (heal).
Chaucer. Ann. and Arc. v. 242.


Thanne the puple tok sprengid meel, or it were sowrid (fermentaretur), and bynding it in chaff putte vpon her shuldres.-Wie. Er. xii. 34.

The citee restide a litil in mengyng to gydre of soure dowe, til it were sourdowid all (a commistione fermenti, donec fermentaretur totum).-Id. Hosea vii. 4, et aliter. And from the smokes sowre

Of Proserpina's bowre.-Skelton. P. Sparrow, v. 82. SOURDE, v.

There sprange and sourded in rome the same nyght a wel or a fountayne.-The Golden Legend, fo. 5, c. 1. SOUSE.

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And (Abraham) saw a multitude of sparkis (L. V. a sparcle, favillam) steiynge vp fro the erthe, as smook of fumeys.- Wic. Gen. xix. 28.

Wottest thou not well that euery shepherde ought by reason to seke his sperkelunde shepe that arne ron into wildernesse, emong busshes and perils, and hem to their pasture ayen bring?-Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. i.

SPARLYRE, s. A. S. On spear-lirum, in Cruribus. Deut. xxviii. 35. See LIRA, in Sommer. Smyet thee the Lord with the moost yuel biel in knees and in sparlyuers. (L. V. hyndere partes of the leg, in suris.) Wic. Deut. xxviii. 35, ut supra. The knyght smoot with good wylle, Strokes of thre,

And the ape hym boot (bit) full ylle, Thorgh the sparlyre.-Octovian, 330, quoted in Halliwell. SPARPOIL, v. See DISPERPLE. Forsothe there was the batail sparpoild (L. V. scaterid, dispersum) vpon the face of all the loond. Wic. 2 Kings xviii. 8.

SPEAK. My ryuelyngis (ruga) seien witnessyng atens me, and a fals spekere is reisid azens my face, and a3enseieth me. Wic. Job xvi. 9. The judges were spoken (i. e. told) to get horses. R. North. See Campbell, v. ii. p. 310.



He touched me

Under the side full softily,

That he mine hertè sodainly,
Without any doute, hath so spered
That yet right nought it hath me dered.
Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 2099.

SPECIES, 8. SPECIOUS, adj. Having, or shewing, promising-fair or good appearances-such as gain favour or confidence-and hence, plausible, prevailing.

Species is frequently written Spices, by Chaucer. See the Quotation from Hobbs.

Therfor if ze schulen here my vois, and schulen kepe my
couenaunt, ze schulen be to me in to a specialte (E. V. my
propre tresour, in peculium) of alle puplis.
Wic. Ex. xix. 5.
How many spices ther ben of penaunce.
Chaucer. Persones Tale.
The philosophy schools say-for the cause of vision, that
the thing seen sendeth forth on every side a visible species
(in English), a visible shew, apparition or aspect, or a be-
ing seen the receiving whereof into the eye is seeing.
And for the cause of hearing, that the thing heard sendeth
forth an audible species, that is, an audible aspect, or au-
dible being seen; which entering at the ear, maketh hear-
ing. Nay for the cause of understanding also, they say
the thing understood, sendeth forth an intelligible species,
that is, an intelligible being seen; which coming into the
understanding, makes us understand.
Hobbs. Of Man, pt. i. c. 1.

After the reed horsis, and the spekkid, and the white, he
my te shewe the pore kynge by profesie.
Wic. Bible. Pref. Ep. p. 71.


The sonne perissheth thorow the glasse,
Thorow the cristalle, beralle or spectacle,
Without harme.-The Lyfe of our Ladye, c. 6, col. 2.

But Y seie to you treuthe, it spedith (expedit) to you that
Y go.-Wic. John xvi. 7.

Neuerthelesse I tell you the trueth, it is expediēte for you that I go awaye.-Id. Bible, 1549.

Then Olofernes clepyde dukis, and the maister domysmen, and noumbrede men in to the speding (in expeditionem).- Wic. Judith ii. 7.

A man gladeth in the sentence of his mouth; and the spedful (L. V. covenable, opportunus) sermoun is best.

Id. Prov. xv. 23.

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And there is foundun (in paradis) delium, that is a tree of spicerie.-Wic. Gen. ii, 12.

SPIDER. The common rendering of aranea in the Wiclif Bible, is Attercop; in the var. r. of Job viii. 14, Spither is given.


Lo! my wombe is as must with out spigot, ether a ven-
tyng (spiraculo) that brekith newe vessels.
Wic. Job xxxii. 19.


and the hyet geyt, and the dyuerse, and spotti. (L. V. spottid, maculosos.)- Wic. Gen. xxx. 35.


And if eny man bere down (sedurerit) a mayden not zit spowsid (L. V. weddid, desponsatam), and he sleep with hir, he shal haue hir to wijf.- Wic. Ex. xxii. 16.

The diademe, hi which hir modir crounede hym in the
dai of his spousyng (desponsationis).
Id. Song of Solomon, iii. 11.
An yuel kyndrede, and a spouse brekere (E. V. auoutrere,

small, thin; wood, paper, e. g. to light a candle.
SPILL. A spile, is any thing (spilt or split) adultera) sekith a tokene. Id. Mat. xii. 39.

In the var. r. Wiclif's Bible, 4 Kings xviii. 21, is
found, "The splyndre or speel therof (a reed) schal,
i. e. entre in to hys honde and peerse it."

The greetnes of mysese (inopia) is to spille the greetnes
of plentithe (perditura est).—Wic. Gen. xli. 31.
Thus from my conforte I ginne to spille, sith she that
should me solace is ferre from my presence.
Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. i.

SPINE. SPINNEY. (As Spinet.)

One of our most favourite walks is spoiled. The spinney is cut down to the stumps, even the lilacs and the syringas to the stumps.-Cowper to Newton, March 19, 1785.

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SPIRE. A shoot: a spring.

Sche puttide hym (the child Moses) forth in a place of spier, of the brenke of the flood. (E. V. flaggi place, in carecto.)- Wic. Er. ii. 3.

An oke cometh of a litel spire.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. ii. v. 1335.
SPIRIT. d. from (See, &c.) in 1. 16 to search-
ing in 1. 20, and r. (to spere, qv.) The Lat. Spi-
rare (commonly rendered to breathe), was-to seek
after, to pursue eagerly, and, conseq. to breathe or
pant after; and then, generally, to breathe.

The Lord God... spiryde into the face of hym, an entre
of breth, of lijf.-Wic. Gen. ii. 7.

And in his wil shal spiren (or brethen, aspirabit) out the south.-ld. Ecclus. xliii. 7.

We will stile that part of the generall knowledge concerning man's soule, the knowledge of the spiracle, or inspired substance; and the other part, the knowledge of the sensible or product soule.

Wats. Bacon. Advancement of Learning, b. iv. c. 3. Let us utterly reject that fortuitous jumbling together of light and round atoms, which Democritus, however, maintains to be warm and spirable (spirabilis), that is, animal.-Cicero. Tusculan Disp. b. i. p. 20 (1715).

SPIT, s.

Whiche chapitre we bi oure custom han bifor markid with a spite. (E. V. stric, stroke, obelo.)- Wic. Esth. x. 3.


Rabi Salomon seith that he (Joab) made in desert a spitele for pore men; wherefore Ebrewis seyen that he is sauyd, and that temporal deth was jouun to him into clensin of his sinnes.- Wic. 3 Kings ii. 34. mar. note.


The nobles, spighted at this indignity done them by the commons, firmly united in a body, deposed this prince by plain force (Ser. Tullius), and chose Tarquin, the Proud.Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 9314. Swift. Contests, &c. at Athens, &c. c. iii.

Desire; hope.

The Londreis were in speyr, him for thar kyng uplift, i. e. were in hopes to raise him to be their king. Hearne. Glossary to Robert of Brunne, p. 653.

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The liner by the splenike branch, transferreth them (the more earthly parts of our aliment) to the serjeant of the scullery-the splene.-Purchas. Microcosmus, ch. v.


Who forsothe shul go out, and flee to the Caldeis that besegen 3ou, shal lyue, and be shal to hymn his soule as spoile. (L.V. prey, spolium.)- Wic. Jer. xxi. 9.

SPOKE. To put a spoke in his wheel. In Dut. Een spaak in t'wiel steeken, is, To traverse, thwart, cross a design. Spoke is probably a corruption of Gower. Conf. Am. 1. 8, fo. 182. spike. To put or drive a spike into the nave, so as to prevent the wheel from turning on its axle. The effect is similar to that of spiking cannon.

Of which lond Y schal vysyte the grete synnes, that it spewe out his dwellers. (E. V. caste, evomat.) Wic. Lev. xviii. 25. Take what I will of the emetic kind, I could not absolutely swear when the operation is over, that I have spuked at all.-Cowper to Lady Hesketh, July 5, 1788.

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And whanne he (Tobit) hadde do this thing; he drow it in to the drie place, and it (a fish) bigan to spraule (E. V. quappe, palpitare) bifore his feet.- Wic. Tobit vi. 4.

And whanne he spraulide (qwappide), zit cleuyng in the ook, ten jonge squieris of Joab, runnen, and smytiden, and killiden hym (Absolon).-Id. 2 Kings xviii. 14.

SPRENGE, v. A common word in Wiclif's Bible. See SPRENT, infra. Springill is a sprinkling instrument (sc.) of holy water.

Thou dostir of my puple, be thou 3ird with an heire and
to-sprengid (L. V. spreynt, conspergere) with asken.
Wic. Jer. vi. 26.

Go je fro that hous or citee, and sprenge of (excutite) the
dust of youre feet. (E. V. smytith awei.)-Id. Mat. x. 14.
A monk, that took the springill with a manly chere,
And did as the manere is,-moiled al their pates.
Chaucer. Par. and Tap. v. 141.
The Frer feynyd fetously the spryngill for to hold
To spryng oppon the remnaunt.-Id. Ib. v. 142.
The seed is keeted thorough the heate of the sonne and
also by the spraynture of dewys.

The Boke of Tulle of Old Age, e. 8.

SPRING (a shoot), is applied by Piers Plouh-
man to a sprig or twig, for flogging. It is also ap-
plied to a Scion :-by Fairefax to a plantation of
young growing trees (the enchanted grove).
Who so spareth the spring

Spilleth his children.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2554.
In the spring of the day (L. V. sprynging, diluculo) thei
reisiden her eežen, and loo, myche peple.
Wic. 1 Mac. v. 30.

That tree to set faine would I learne. The first thing,
thou must set thy work on ground siker and good accordaunt
to thy springes.-Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. iii. fo. 3164.
My Lord, not one of vs there is, I grant,
That dares cut down one branch of yonder spring,
I thinke there dwels a sprite in euery plant,
There keepes his court great Dis, infernal King.
Fairefax. Godfrey of Bulloigne, b. xiii. st. 23;
also st. 31, 35.

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