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"The music aforesayd, was accompanied with these verses pronounced and sung by M. Hales her Maiesties servant, a Gentleman in that Arte excellent, and for his voice both commendable and admirable.

"My golden locks time hath to silver turnd
(Oh time too swift, and swiftnes never ceasing)
My youth 'gainst age, and age at youth hath spurnd,
But spurnd in vaine, youth waineth by encreasing,
Beauty, strength, and youth, flowers fading beene,
Duety, faith, and love, are rootes and ever greene.

My Helmet now shall make an hive for Bees,
And lovers songs shall turne to holy Psalmes;
A man at Armes must now sit on his knees,
And feed on pray'rs, that are old ages almes.
And so from Court to Cottage I depart,
My Saint is sure of mine unspotted hart.

And when I sadly sit in homely cell,

Ile teach my Swaines this Carrol for a song,
Blest be the hearts that thinke my Sovereigne well,
Curs'd be the soules that thinke to doe her wrong.
Goddesse, vouchsafe this aged man his right,

To be your Beadsman now, that was your knight.

"The gifts which the Vestall maydens presented unto her Maiesty, were these: A vaile of white exceeding rich and curiously wrought: a cloke and safegard set with buttons of gold, and on them were graven Emprezes of excellent devise: in the loope of every button was a noble mans badge, fixed to a pillar richly embroidered.

"And here (by way of digression) let us remember a speech which this noble Gentleman used at such time as these buttons were set upon the garment aforesaid: I would (quoth he) that all my friends might have bene remembred in these buttons,

but there is not roome enough to containe them all; and if I have them not all, then (said he) those that are left out, may take exception. Whereunto another standing by, answered: Sir, let as many be placed as can be, and cause the last button to be made like the Caracter of &c. Now Godamercie with all my heart (quoth the Knight) for I would not have given the Catera of my friends for a million of gold.


‘But to return to the purpose, these presents and prayer being with great reverence delivered into her Maiesties owne hands, and he himselfe disarmed, offered up his armour at the foot of her maiesties crowned pillar; and kneeling upon his knees, presented the Earle of Cumberland, humbly beseeching she would be pleased to accept him for her knight, to continue the yeerely exercises aforesaid. Her Maiestie gratiously accepting of that offer, this aged Knight armed the Earle, and mounted him upon his horse. That being done, he put upon his owne person a side coat of blacke velvet pointed under the arme, and covered his head (in lieu of an helmet) with a buttoned cap of the countrey fashion.

"After all these ceremonies, for divers dayes hee ware upon his cloake a crowne embroidered, with a certaine motto or device, but what his intention therein was, himselfe best knoweth.

“Now to conclude the matter of assignation, you shall understand that this noble Gentleman by her Maiesties expresse commandement, is yerely (without respect unto his age) personally present at these military exercises, there to see, survey, and as one most carefull and skilfull to direct them; for indeed his vertue and valour in arms is such as deserveth to command: And touching that point I will let you know the opinion of Monsieur de Champany, a Gentleman of great experience and notable observation, who at his being Embassadour in England for causes of the Low Countreys, and writing to his friends there, in one of his intercepted letters, among other occurrents these words were found: I was (quoth he) one day by Sir Christopher Hatton Captaine of her Maiesties guard invited to Eltham, an house of the Queenes, whereof he was guardian :

At which time I heard and saw three things that in all my travel of France, Italy, and Spaine, I never heard or saw the like. The first was a consort of musicke, so excellent and sweet as cannot be expressed. The second a course at a Bucke with the best and most beautifull Greyhounds that ever I did behold. And the third a man of Armes excellently mounted, richly armed and indeed the most accomplished Cavalier I had ever seene. This knight was called Sir Henry Lea, who that day (accompanied with other Gentlemen of the Court) onley to doe me honour, vouchsafed at my returne to Greenwich to breake certaine Lances which action was performed with great dexterity and commendation.

"Thus much was the substance (and well neere the whole circumstance, of Sir Henry Lea his last taking of Armes : wherein he seemed to imitate the auncient Romanes, who having served a convenient time, and claiming the priviledges due to old Souldiers (whome they called Emeriti) did come into Campo Martio every man leading his owne horse; and there offered his Armes unto Mars in presence of the chiefe magistrates: which ceremony, Scipio, Cassius, the great Pompey, with many other noble Captaines, disdained not to doe. Summarily, these anuall actions have been most nobly perfourmed (according to their times) by one Duke, 19 Earles, 27 Barons, 4 Knights of the Garter, and above 150 other Knights and Esquiers." Segar's Honour, p. 197, fol. 1602.


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WHEREFORE, when thirty-two were come and gone,
Years of her reign, days of her country's peace,
Elizabeth, great empress of the world,
Britannia's Atlas, star of England's globe,
That sways the massy sceptre of her land,
And holds† the royal reins of Albion ;
Began the gladsome sunny day to shine,
That draws in length date of her golden reign,
And thirty-three she numbereth in her throne,
That long in happiness and peace I pray
May number many to these thirty-three.
Wherefore it fares as whilom and of


In armour bright and sheen fair England's knights, In honour of their peerless sovereign,


High mistress of their service, thoughts, and lives,
Make to the tilt amain; and trumpets sound,
And princely coursers neigh, and champ the bit :
When all addrest for deeds of high devoir,
Preace to the sacred presence of their prince. 20

• Wherefore] Ox. MS. “
+ holds] Ox. MS. "rules."



preace] Or prease: see note ‡, vol. i. p. 197.4-Ox. MS. "press."

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