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The news of Lord Oldborough's resignation, quickly whispered at Court, was not that day publicly known or announced. The next morning his Lordship's levee was crowded beyond example in the memory of ministers.2 Mr. Temple, by his Lordship's order, announced as soon as possible the minister's having resigned. All were in astonishment-many in sorrow; some few—a very few of the most insignificant of the crowd, persons incapable of generous sympathy, who thought they could follow their own paltry interests unnoticed1-left the room in consequence of Mr. Temple's information, without paying their farewell respects to this great minister-minister now no


The moment he appeared there was sudden silence. All eyes were fixed upon him, every one pressing to get into the circle.

"Gentlemen, I thank you for these marks of attention-of regard. Mr. Temple has told you. . . you know, my friends, that I am a man without power."

"We know," answered a distinguished gentleman, "that you are Lord Oldborough. With or without power, the same in the eyes of your friends, and of the British nation."

1 The next morning, le lendemain matin-2 his, etc......ministers, il y eut au lever de sa Seigneurie une foule telle qu'on n'en avait jamais vu de mémoire de ministres3 the minister's having resigned, la résignation du ministre who, etc......unnoticed, qui croyaient pouvoir consulter leur misérable intérêt sans être remarqués-5 minister now no more, qui venait de cesser de l'être-6 pressing to get, s'efforçant de pénétrer.

Lord Oldborough bowed low,1 and looked gratified. His Lordship then went round the circle with an air more cheerful, more free from reserve than usual; with something in his manner more of sensibility; but nothing less of dignity. All who merited distinction he distinguished by some few appropriate words, which each3 remembered afterwards and repeated to their families and friends. He spoke or listened to each individual with the attention of one1 who is courting, not quitting, popularity. Free from that restraint and responsibility which his public and ministerial duties had imposed upon him, he now entered into the private concerns of all,5 and gave his parting assistance or counsels. He noted all grievances-registered all promises that ought to be recommended to the care of his successor in office.8 The wishes of many, to whom he had forborne to give any encouragement, he now unexpectedly fulfilled and surpassed. When all were satisfied, and had nothing more to ask or to hope from him, they yet delayed, and parted from Lord Oldborough with difficulty and regret.



It was from causes seemingly fortuitous, and from a source very inconsiderable, that all the mighty

1 Bowed low, s'inclina profondément-2 something......more.. nothing less, un peu plus......non moins-3 each, tous-one, un homme 5 the private concerns of all, les affaires privées de chacun-6 parting............d'adieu- he noted, il prit note de-8 in office, aux


effects of the Reformation flowed.1 Leo X., when raised to the Papal throne, found the revenues of the Church exhausted by the vast projects of his ambitious predecessors, Alexander VI. and Julius II. His own temper, naturally liberal and enterprising, rendered him incapable of that severe and patient economy which the situation of his finances required. On the contrary, his schemes for aggrandizing the family of Medici, his love of splendour, his taste for pleasure, and his magnificence in rewarding men of genius, involved him daily in3 new expenses; in order to provide a fund for which he tried every device1 that the fertile invention of priests had fallen upon to drain the credulous multitude of their wealth. Among others he had recourse to a sale of indulgences. According to the doctrine of the Romish Church, all good works of the saints, over and above those which were necessary towards their own justification, are deposited, together with the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, in one inexhaustible treasury; the keys of this were committed to St. Peter and to his successors, the Popes, who may open it at pleasure, and by transferring a portion of this superabundant merit to any particular person for a sum of money, may convey to him either the pardon of his own sins, or a release for any one in whose happiness he is interested from the 10 pains of purgatory. Such indulgences were first invented in the eleventh century


1 That all......flowed, que découlèrent tous......-2, la...... avec laquelle il3 involved, l'entrainèrent.. ...à-4 in order to, etc......device, auxquelles il essaya de subvenir par tous les moyens 5 had fallen upon, avait suggérés 6 among others, entr'autres expédients towards, pour-8 at pleasure, à leur gré 9 may convey to him, peuvent lui conférer-10 a release for...... from the......, la rémission des......pour.............

by Urban II., as a recompense for those who went in person upon the meritorious enterprise of conquering the Holy Land. They were afterwards granted to those who hired a soldier for that purpose; and in process of time were bestowed on such as gave money for accomplishing any pious work enjoined by the Pope. Julius II. had bestowed indulgences on all who contributed towards the Church of St. Peter at Rome. As Leo was carrying on that magnificent and expensive fabric, his grant was founded on the same pretence.

ROBERTSON," History of Charles V."


The first idea that flashed upon1 Nell was flight, instant flight; dragging him from that place, and rather dying of want upon the road-side, than ever exposing him again to such terrible temptations. Then she remembered that the crime was not to be committed until next night, and there was the intermediate time for thinking and resolving what to do. Then she was distracted with a horrible fear that he might be committing it at that moment; with a dread of hearing shrieks and cries piercing the silence of the night; with fearful thoughts of what he might be tempted and led on to do, if he were detected in

1 Who went in person upon, qui prenaient personnellement part à -2 such as, ceux qui-3 towards, aux frais de.

Flashed upon, frappa-5 dragging him from, l'entrainer loin de6 there was, etc......thinking, elle avait le temps dans l'intervalle de réfléchir that he might be committing it, qu'il ne fût en train de le



the act, and had but a woman to struggle with. was impossible to bear such torture. She stole to the room where the money was, opened the door and looked in. God be praised! He was not there, and she was sleeping soundly.

She went back to her own room and tried to prepare herself for bed. But who could sleep? Sleep! who could lie passively down, distracted by such terrors? They came upon her more and more strongly yet. Half undressed, and with her hair in wild disorder,3 she flew to the old man's bedside, clasped him by the wrist, and roused him from his sleep.

"What's this?" he cried, starting up in bed and fixing his eyes upon her spectral face.

"I have had a dreadful dream," said the child with an energy that nothing but such terrors could have inspired. "A dreadful, horrible dream! I have had it once before. It is a dream of1 greyhaired men like you, in darkened rooms by night, robbing the sleepers5 of their gold. Up! up!" The old man shook in every joint, and folded his hands like one who prays.

"Not to me,' " said the child, "not to me; to heaven, to save us from such deeds! This dream is too real. I cannot sleep, I cannot stay here, I cannot leave you alone under the roof where such dreams come. Up! we must fly !"8

He looked at her as if she were a spirit-she might

1 And had, etc......with, et qu'il n'eût à lutter qu'avec une femme 2 for bed, à se coucher-3 and with, etc....disorder, et tout échévelée -it is a dream of, j'ai rêvé que-5 robbing the sleepers, volaient les gens endormis-6 in every joint, dans tous ses membres-7 not to me, ce n'est pas moi qu'il faut prier-8 we must fly, il faut nous enfuir.

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