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idler; they would be wrong-he has mental activity. Greeks who cultivate the ground feel themselves humiliated; their ambition is to have a servant's place, or to own a little tavern. The ungrateful soil which they torment does not speak to their hearts-they have not, like our peasants, or their ancestors, a love of the soil; they have forgotten the poetical myths which fabled it the mother of men.1 The French peasant thinks only of enlarging his field, the Greek peasant is always ready to sell it.


For that matter,5 they sell whatever they can, first to get money, and then for the pleasure of selling. In France, if you proposed to a workman to buy his coat, he would answer you, in thrusting his hands into his pockets,-"My coat is not to be sold." In Greece, stop a man who is out walking, and ask him if he will sell his shoes; if you offer a somewhat reasonable price," the odds are ten to one 10 he will return home barefooted. In our travels, when we lodged in the houses of persons pretty well off,11 we had no need to send to the bazaar; our hosts gave us, at fair market prices,12 the wine from their cellar, the bread from their oven, and the chicken from their hen-roost. They would undress, if required, 13 to sell us their clothes; I have brought away with me an Albanian shirt, very well embroidered, which

1 Would call him an idler, le traiteraient de fainéant-2 tavern, cabaret-3 does not speak, ne dit rien- the poetical,, les fables poëtiques qui en faisaient la mère des hommes-5 for that matter, au reste-6 in thrusting, en enfonçant to be sold, à vendre-8 who is out walking, à la promenade-9 if you offer a somewhat reasonable price, pour peu que vous en offriez un prix raisonnable-10 the odds are ten to il Iy a dix à parier contre un-11 in the houses of persons pretty well off, chez des particuliers un peu aisés-12 at fair market prices, au plus juste prix-13 if required, au besoin.


I bought while still warm! On the other hand,2 once or twice peasants have begged us to sell them things they saw in our possession. One day, at Sparta, an individual who had come to sell me some coins, wanted to buy the inkstand I was using. Petros, our servant, having heard that Beulé wanted to sell his horse, came to him, rolling his cap be tween his fingers, and asked to be allowed to have the refusal of it.5 "But what on earth," asked Beulé, "would you do with my horse ?"-"I would let it out to you for the day;8 sir."”


EDMOND ABOUT, "La Grèce Contemporaine."


Before his counsel began to speak on the question of law, Strafford summed up 10 his defence; he spoke long and with marvellous eloquence, applying himself to prove that by no law could any one of his actions be charged as11 high treason. Conviction every moment grew stronger 12 in the minds of his judges, and he ably followed its progress, adapting his words to the impressions he saw springing up,13 deeply agitated, but not allowing his emotion to keep him from watching and perceiving what was passing around him. "My lords," he said, in conclusion,14

1 While still, toute-2 on the other hand, en revanche-3 in our possession, dans nos mains-4 came to him, vint le trouver-5 and asked, etc......of it, lui demander la préférence- but what on earth, mais au nom du ciel-7 with, de— for the day, pour la promenade.

9 Before,, avant que ses conseils prissent la parole pour traiter la question de droit-10 summed up, résuma-11 charged as, qualifiée de-12 grew stronger, grandissait-13 springing up, naître14 in conclusion, en finissant.

"these gentlemen tell me they speak in1 defence of the commonwealth against my arbitrary laws; give me leave to say it, I speak in defence of the commonwealth against their arbitrary treason. . . . My lords, do we not live by laws, and must we be punished by laws before they be made? My lords, if this crime, which they call arbitrary treason, had been marked2 by any discerner3 of the law, the ignorance thereof1 should be no excuse for me; but if it be no law at all, how can it in rigour or strictness itself condemn me? Beware you do not wake these sleeping lions by searching out some neglected moth-eaten records; they may one day tear you and your posterity to pieces. It was your ancestors' care to chain them up within the barricadoes 10 of statutes; be not you ambitious to be more skilful and curious than your forefathers in the art of killing. For my poor self, were it not for 12 your lordships' interest, and the interest of a saint in heaven, who hath left me those sacred pledges on earth At this 13 his breath stopped, and he shed tears abundantly;14 but looking up again 15 immediately, he continued-"I should never take the pains to keep up this ruinous cottage of mine; 16 it is laden with such infirmities, that, in truth, I have no great pleasure to carry it


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1 In, pour-2 marked, spécifié-3 discerner, commentateur- the ......thereof, mon......à cet égard-5 in rigour or strictness itself, en toute sévérité-6 beware you do not make, gardez-vous d'éveiller by searching out, en fouillant-8 moth-eaten, rongés des vers- they may......tear pieces, ils pourraient......vous mettre en pièces, vous.... 10 within the barricadoes, dans les liens-1 for my poor self, quant à moi, pauvre créature que je suis-12 were it not for, n'était -13 at this, à ces mots-14 he shed tears abundantly, il fondit en larmes 15 looking up again, relevant la tête-16 to keep up this ruinous cottage of mine, pour défendre ce corps qui tombe en ruine.

about with me any longer." Again he paused, as if seeking an idea: "My lords-my lords-my lords, something more3 I had to say, but my voice and spirits fail me; only I do in all humility and submission cast myself down before your lordships' feet; and whether your judgment in my case be either for life or for death,5 it shall be righteous in my eyes, and received with a Te Deum laudamus."

The auditory were seized with pity and admiration. Pym was about to reply; Strafford looked at him; menace gleamed in the immobility of his countenance; his pale and protruded 10 lip bore the expression of passionate scorn. Pym was agitated, and paused; his hands trembled, and he sought, without finding it, a paper which was just before his eyes. It was the answer he had prepared, and which he read without being listened to by any one, himself hastening to finish an harangue foreign to the feelings of the assembly, and which he had great difficulty in delivering.12

GUIZOT, “Histoire de la Révolution d'Angleterre.”



The vast space 13 of the Champ de Mars was enclosed by raised seats 14 of turf, occupied by four hundred

To carry it about with me, à en porter le poids-2 as if seeking, comme à la recherche d'3 something more...... ..encore quelque chose my,, ma force et ma voix défaillent-5 whether your judgment, etc......death, que votre arrét m'apporte la vie ou la mort-6 in, à-7 were......with, was about to, voulut— 9 gleamed, éclatait 10 protruded, avancée-11 P. was agitated and paused, P. troublé s'arrêta-12 and which, etc......delivering, et qu'il avait peine à prononcer.

13 Space, emplacement-14 enclosed by raised seats, entouré de gradins.

thousand spectators. An antique1 altar was erected in the middle; and around it, on a vast amphitheatre, were the king, his family, the assembly, and the corporation. The federates of the departments were ranged in order3 under their banners; the deputies of the army and the national guards were in their ranks, and under their ensigns. The Bishop of Autun ascended the altar in pontifical robes;5 four hundred priests in white copes, and decorated with flowing tricoloured sashes, were posted at the four corners of the altar. Mass was celebrated amid the sounds of military instruments; and then the Bishop of Autun blessed the oriflamme and the eighty-three banners.



A profound silence now reigned in the vast enclosure, and La Fayette, appointed that day to the command-in-chief of all the national guards of the kingdom, advanced first to take the civic oath.10 Borne on the arms of grenadiers to the altar of the country, amidst the acclamations of the people, he exclaimed with a loud voice, in his own name and in the 12 name of the federates and the troops-" We swear eternal fidelity to the nation, the law, and the King; to maintain to the utmost of our power 13 the constitution decreed by the national assembly, and accepted by the King; and to remain united with every Frenchman by the indissoluble ties of fraternity." Forthwith the firing of cannon,1a prolonged

1 Antique, à la manière antique-2 were, on voyait 3 ranged in order, placés par ordre- in, &-5 robes, habits-6 in white copes, revêtus d'aubes blanches-7 flowing, flottantes-8 amid the sounds, au bruit- a profound, etc......reigned, il se fit alors un profond silence— 10 to take the civic oath, pour prêter le serment civique-11 with, de 12 in the, au-13 to the utmost of our power, de tout notre pouvoir14 the firing of cannon, les salves d'artillerie.

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