Imagens das páginas
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Changes to Julia's Chamber.
Enter Julia and Lucetta.

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Jul. But say, Lucetta, now we are alone,
Would'st thou then counsel me to fall in love?
Luc. Ay, madam; so you stumble not unheed-10
Jul. Of all the fair resort of gentlemen, [fully.
That every day with parle encounter me,

In thy opinion which is worthiest love?

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Jul. And yet, I would I had o'erlook'd the let


It were a shame, to call her back again,
And pray her to a fault for which I chid her.
What fool is she, that knows I am a maid,
And would not force the letter to my view?
Since maids, in modesty, say No, to that
Which they would have the profferer construe Ay.
Fie, fie! how wayward is this foolish love,
That, like a testy babe, will scratch the nurse,

Luc. Please you, repeat their names, I'll shew And presently, all humbled, kiss the rod!
my mind

According to my shallow simple skill.

Jul. What think'st thou of the fair Sir Eglamour Luc. As of a knight well spoken, neat and fine; But, were I vou, he never should be mine.

15 How churlishly I chid Lucetta hence,
When willingly I would have had her here!
How angerly I taught my brow to frown,
When inward joy enforc'd my heart to smile!
My penance is, to call Lucetta back,

Jul. What thinks't thou of the rich Mercatio? 20 And ask remission for my folly past:

Luc. Well, of his wealth; but of himself, so, so.

Jul. What think'st thou of the gentle Protheus?

Luc. Lord, lord! to see what folly reigns in us!

Jul. How now? what means this passion at

his name?

Luc. Pardon, dear madam; 'tis a passing shame, That I, unworthy body as I am,

Should censure thus on lovely gentlemen.

Jul. Why not on Protheus, as of all the rest?

What ho! Lucetta!

Re-enter Lucetta.

Luc. What would your ladyship?

Jul. Is it near dinner-time?

25 Luc. I would, it were;


That you might kill your stomach on your

And not upon your maid.

Jul. What is't that you

Took up so gingerly?

Luc. Then thus, of many good, I think hiin 30 Luc. Nothing.

Jul. Your reason?


Luc. I have no other but a woman's reason;

I thank him so, because I think him so.

Jul. And would'st thou have me cast my love

on hun?

Luc. Av, if you thought your love not cast away.
Jul. Why, he of all the rest hath never mov'd me.
Luc. Yet he of all the rest, I think, best loves ye.
Jul. His little speaking shews his love but small.

Jul. Why did'st thou stoop then?

Luc. To take a paper up, that I let fall.

Jul. And is that paper nothing?

Luc. Nothing concerning me.

35 Jul. Then let it lie for those that it concerns.

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Luc. Fire, that is closest kept, burns most of all. 40 Give me a note; your ladyship can set.

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Jul. Heavy? belike, it hath some burden then.
45 Luc. Ay; and melodious were it, would you sing
Jul. And why not you?
Luc. I cannot reach so high.
Jul. Let's see your song:- How now, minion?
Luc. Keep tune there still, so you will sing it out:

[way, 50 And yet, methinks, I do not like this tune.

He would have given it you, but I, being in the
Did in your name receive it; pardon the fault Ipray.
Jul. Now, by my modesty, a goodly broker'!
Dare you presume to harbour wanton lines?
To whisper and conspire against my youth?
Now, trust me, 'tis an office of great worth,
And you an officer fit for the place.
There, take the paper, see it be return'd;

Jul. You do not.

Luc. No, madam, it is too sharp.
Jul. You, minion, are too saucy.
Luc. Nay, now you are too flat,

55 And mar the concord with too harsh a descant:
There wanteth but a mean' to fill your song.
Jul. The mean is drown'd with your unruly base.
Luc. Indeed, I bid the base for Protheus.

To censure means, in this place, to pass sentence. 2 A broker was used for matchmaker, sometimes for procuress. 3 Stomach was used for passion or obstinacy. • Descant is a term in music. The mean is the tenor in music. • The speaker here turns the allusion (which her mistress employed) from the base in music to a country exercise, Bid the base; in which some pursue, and others are made prisoners.


Jul. This babble shall not henceforth trouble me.
Here is a coil with protestation!-
[Tears it.
Go, get you gone; and let the papers lie:
You would be fingering them to anger me.

Put forth their sons to seek preferment out:
Some to the wars, to try their fortune there;
Some, to discover islands far away;
Some, to the studious universities.

Luc. She makes it strange; but she would be 5 For any, or for all of these exercises,

best pleas'd

To be so anger'd with another letter.

[Exit. Jul. Nay, would I were so anger'd with the same!

Oh hateful hands, to tear such loving words!
Injurious wasps, to feed on such sweet honey,
And kill the bees that yield it, with your stings!
I'll kiss each several paper for amends.

He said, that Protheus, your son, was meet;
And did request me to importune you,
To let him spend his time no more at home,
Which would be great impeachment3 to his age,

10 In having known no travel in his youth.


Ant. Nor need'st thou much importune me to
Whereon this month I have been hammering.
I have consider'd well his loss of time;
And how he cannot be a perfect man,
15 Not being try'd, and tutord in the world:
Experience is by industry atchiev'd,
And perfected by the swift course of time:
Then, tell me, whither were I best to send him?
Pant. I think, your lordship is not ignorant,

Look, here is writ-kind Julia; unkind Julia!
As in revenge of thy ingratitude,

I throw thy name against the bruising stones,
Trampling contemptuously on thy disdain.
Look, here is writ-love-wounded Protheus:-

Poor wounded name! my bosom, as a bed, [heal'd;

And thus I search it with a sovereign kiss.

Attends the emperor in his royal court.
Ant. I know it well.

[him thither:

Be calm, good wind, blow not a word away,

Pant. 'Twere good, I think, your lordship sent

There shall he practise tilts and tournaments,

Shall lodge thee, till thy wound be thoroughly 20 How his companion, youthtul Valentine,

But twice, or thrice, was Protheus written down:

Till I have found each letter in the letter, [bear

Except mine own name; that some whirlwind 25 Hear sweet discourse, converse with noblemen;

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And be in eye of every exercise,

Worthy his youth and nobleness of birth.

Ant. I like thy counsel; well hast thou advis'd:
And, that thou may'st perceive how well I like it,

30 The execution of it shall make known;
Even with the speediest expedition

I will dispatch him to the emperor's court. [phonso.
Pant. To-morrow, may it please you, Don Al-

With other gentlemen of good esteem,
35 Are journeying to salute the emperor,

And to commend their service to his will. [go:
Ant. Good company; with them shall Protheus
And, in good time, -now will we break with him.

Enter Protheus.

Jul. If thou respect them, best to take them up. 40 Pro. Sweet love! sweet lines! sweet life! Luc. Nay, I was taken up for laying them

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Wherewith my brother held you in the cloister? 55 Wishing me with him, partner of his fortune.

Pant. 'Twas of his nephew Protheus, your son.
Ant. Why, what of him?

Pant. He wonder'd, that your lordship
Would suffer him to spend his youth at home;
While other men, of slender reputation,

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1 A month's mind was an anniversary in times of popery; or, as Mr. Ray calls it, a less solemnity directed by the will of the deceased. There was also a year's mind, and a week's mind. See Proverbial 2 Sad is the same as grave or serious. Impeachment is hindrance. 4 The old expres

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sion when something happened which suited the thing in hand, similar to the French à propos.


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Changes to Milan.


An apartment in the duke's palace.
Enter Valentine and Speed.

Speed. SiR, your glove; my gloves are on.


phos'd with a mistress, that, when I look on you,
can hardly think you my master.

25 Val. Are all these things perceiv'd in me?
Speed. They are all perceiv'd without ye.
Val. Without me? they cannot.
Speed. Without you? nay, that's certain; for,
without you were so simple, none else would: but

Speed. Why then this may be yours; for this 30 you are so without these follies, that these follies is but one.

Var. Ha! let me see: ay, give it me, it's mine:

Sweet ornament, that decks a thing divine!
Ah Suvia! Silvia!

Speed. Madam Silvia! madam Silvia!
Vat. How now, sirrah?



are within you, and shine through you like the water in an urinal; that not an eye, that sees you, but is a physician to comment on your malady. Val. But, tell me, dost thou know my lady [supper?

Speed. She's not within hearing, sir.

Val. Why, sir, who had you call her?

Speed. She that you gaze on so, as she sits at
Val. Hast thou observed that? even she I mean.
Speed. Why, sir, I know her not.

Speed. Your worship, sir; or else I mistook.

Vul. Dost thou know her by my gazing on her,

Vai. Well, you'll still be too forward.

[slow. 40 and yet know'st her not?

Speed. And yet I was last chidden for being too

Vat. Go to, sir; tell me, do you know madam

Speed. Is she not hard-favour'd, sir?
Val. Not so fair, boy, as well-favour'd.


Speed. Sir, I know that well enough.

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Val. What dost thou know?.

Vat. Why, how know you that I am in love? 45 Speed. That she is not so fair, as (of you) well

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like a Robin-red-breast; to walk alone, like one

that had the pestilence; to sigh, like a school-boy 50 the other out of all count.

that had lost his ABC; to weep, like a young

Val. How esteem'st thou me? I account of her

wench that had buried her grandain; to fast, like
one that takes diet2; to watch, like one that fears
robbing; to speak puling, like a beggar at Ha-
owmas'.. You were wont, when you laugh'd, to 55 beauty.
crow like a cock; when you walk'd, to walk like
one of the lions; when you fasted, it was pre-
sently after dinner; when you look'd sadly, it was
for want of money: and now you are metamor-


Speed. You never saw her since she was de-
Va'. How long hath she been deform'd?
Speed. Ever since you lov'd her.

• That is,

That is, allowance. * To take diet was the phrase for being under a regimen. about the feast of All-Saints, when the poor people in Staffordshire, and probably in Warwickshire, go from parish to parish a souling as they call it; i. e. begging and puling (or singing small) for soul-cakes, or any good thing to make them merry. This custom seems a remnant of Popish superstition to pray for departed souls, particularly those of friends.

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Speed. That's because the one is painted, and

Val. How painted? and how out of count?

Speed. Marry, sir, so painted, to make her fair, that no man counts of her beauty.

Val. I have lov'd her, ever since I saw her; and still I see her beautiful.

Speed. If you love her, you cannot see her.

Val. Why?

Val. Madam, they are for you.

But since unwillingly, take them again;
Nay, take them.

Sil. Ay, ay; you writ them, sir, at my request;

Speed. Because love is blind. O, that you had 5 But I will none of them: they are for you:

mine eyes; or your own eyes had the lights they

were wont to have, when you chid at sir Protheus

for going ungarter'd!

Val. What should I see then?

I would have had them writ more movingly.

Val. Please you, I'll write your ladyship another.
Sil. And, when it's writ, for my sake read it

Speed. Your own present folly, and her passing 10 And,

deformity: for he, being in love, could not see to garter his hose; and you, being in love, cannot see to put on your hose.

Val. Belike, boy, then you are in love; for last morning you could not see to wipe my shoes.

Speed. True, sir; I was in love with my bed;
I thank you, you swing'd me for my love, which
makes me the bolder to chide you for yours.
Val. In conclusion, I stand affected to her.

if it


please you, so; if not, why, so. Val. If it please me, madam? what then? Sil. Why, if it please you, take it for your labour;

And so good-morrow, servant. [Exit. 15 Speed. O jest unseen, inscrutable, invisible, As a nose on a man's face, or a weathercock on a [suitor, My master sues to her; and she hath taught her He being her pupil, to become her tutor.

steeple !

Speed. I would you were set, and your affection 20 O excellent device! was there ever heard a better? so would cease.

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That my master, being the scribe, to himself should write the letter!

Val. How now, sir? what, are you reasoning with yourself?

25 Speed. Nay, I was rhiming; 'tis you that have the reason.

Val. To do what?

Speed. To be a spokesman from madam Silvia.
Val. To whom?

Speed. Oh, excellent motion'! Oh, exceeding 30 Speed. To yourself; why, she wooes you by a puppet! now will he interpret to her.

Val. Madam and mistress, a thousand good


Speed. Oh! 'give ye good even! here's a million of manners.

Sil. Sir Valentine and servant', to you two thousand.

Speed. IHe should give her interest; and she

gives it him.

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Val. As you enjoin'd me, I have writ your letter 40 Val. She gave me none, except an angry word.

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Sil. A pretty period! Weil, I guess the sequel;
And yet I will not name it:--and yet I care not; - 55 Val. I've din'd,

And yet take this again; and yet I thank you;
Meaning henceforth to trouble you no more. [Aside.

Speed. And yet you will; and yet another yet

Val. What means your ladyship? do you not

like it?

Sil. Yes, yes! the lines are very quaintly writ:


Speed. Ay, but hearken, sir: though the cameleon love can feed on the air, I am one that am nourish'd by my victuals, and would fain have meat: Oh! be not like your mistress; be mov'd, 60 be moved.


Motion, in Shakspeare's time, signified puppet, or a puppet-shew. * This was the language of ladies to their lovers in Shakspeare's time. That is, like a scholar. * That is, discoursing, talking.

i. e. there's the conclusion of the matter. * In print means with exactness.


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my mother;-oh that she could speak now like a wood woman!-well, I kiss her; -why there 'tis; here's my mother's breath up and down: now come I to my sister; mark the moan she makes: 5 now the dog all this while sheds not a tear, nor speaks a word; but see how I lay the dust with my tears.

Pro. Have patience, gentle Julia.
Jul. I must, where is no remedy.
Pro. When possibly I can, I will return.
Jul. If you turn not, you will return the sooner:
Keep this remembrance for thy Julia's sake.
[Givingaring. 10

Pro. Why then we'll make exchange; here,
take you this.

Jul. And seal the bargain with a holy kiss.
Pro. Here is my hand for my true constancy;
And when that hour o'erslips me in the day,
Wherein I sigh not, Julia, for thy sake,
The next ensuing hour some foul mischance
Torment me for my love's forgetfulness!
My father stays my coming; answer not;
The tide is now: nay, not thy tide of tears;
That tide will stay me longer than I should:
[Exit Julia.

Enter Panthino.

Pan. Launce, away, away, aboard; thy master is shipp'd, and thou art to post after with oars. What's the matter? why weep'st thou man? Away, ass; you will lose the tide, if you tarry any longer. Laun. It is no matter if the tide were lost; for it is the unkindest ty'd that ever any man ty'd. 15 Pan. What's the unkindest tide?

Laun. Why, he that's ty'd here; Crab, my dog. Pan. Tut, man, I mean thou'lt lose the flood; and, in losing the flood, lose thy voyage; and, in losing thy voyage, lose thy master; and, in losing 20 thy master, lose thy service; and, in losing thy service,-Why dost thou stop my mouth?

Laun. For fear thou should'st lose thy tongue,
Pan. Where should I lose my tongue?
Laun. In thy tale.

Julia, farewell.-What! gone without a word?
Ay, so true love should do :-it cannot speak;
For truth hath better deeds, than words, to grace it. 25 Pan. In thy tail?

Enter Panthino.

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Go; I come, I come:

Laun. Lose the tide, and the voyage, and the master, and the service, and the tide? Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with my

Alas! this parting strikes poor lovers dumb. [Exe. tears; if the wind were down, I could drive the

Enter Launce leading a dog.


30 boat with my sighs.

A street.

Pan. Come, come away, man; I was sent to call thee.

Laun. Sir, call me what thou dar'st.

Pan. Wilt thou go?


fault: I have received my proportion, like the pro

digious son, and am going with sir Protheus to the


Laun. Nay, 'twill be this hour ere I have done weeping: all the kind of the Launces have this very 35 Laun. Well, I will go.

An apartment in the duke's palace.

Enter Valentine, Silvia, Thurio, and Speed.

Sil. Servant,-
Val. Mistress?

Speed. Master, sir Thurio frowns on you.
Val. Ay, boy, it's for love.
Speed. Not of you.

Val. Of my mistress then.
Speed. 'Twere good you knock'd him.
Sil. Servant, you are sad.

imperial's court. I think, Crab my dog be the
sourest natur'd dog that lives: my mother weeping,
my father wailing, my sister crying, our maid 40
howling, our cat wringing her hands, and all our
house in a great perplexity, yet did not this cruel-
hearted cur shed one tear: he is a stone, a very
pebble-stone, and has no more pity in him than a
dog: a Jew would have wept to have seen our part-45
ing: why, my grandam having no eyes, look you,
wept herself blind at my parting. Nay, I'll show
you the manner of it: This shoe is my father ;-
no, this left shoe is my father; no, no, this left
shoe is my mother;-nay, that cannot be so nei-50
ther;-yes, it is so, it is so; it hath the worser sole:
This shoe with the hole in it, is my mother, and
this my father; A vengeance on't! there'tis; now,
sir, this staff is my sister; for, look you, she is as
white as a lilly, and as small as a wand: this hat is 55 Val. Wise.
Nan, our maid; I am the dog:-no, the dog is
himself, and I am the dog, oh, the dog is me,
and I am myself; ay, so, so. Now come I to my
father; Father your blessing; now should not the
shoe speak a word for weeping; now should I kiss 60
my father; well he weeps on: now come I tol

Val. Indeed, madam, I seem so.
Thu. Seem you that you are not?
Vul. Haply, I do.

Thu. So do counterfeits.
Val. So do you.

Thu. What seem I, that I am not?

Thu. What instance of the contrary?
Val. Your folly.

Thu. And how quote you my folly?
Val. I quote it in your jerkin.
Thu. My jerkin is a doublet.

Val. Well, then, I'll double your folly.

That is, crazy, frantic with grief; or distracted, from any other cause. The word is very frequently used in Chaucer; and sometimes writ wood, sometimes wode. Wood, or crazy women, were anciently supposed to be able to tell fortunes. To quote is to observe.


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