Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

Fac'e re [fac'tus] (fic, fect, factur) = to do, make. Tor que're [tor'tus] (tor, tors, tortur) = to wrest,

[blocks in formation]

in'di vid'u al na'tion al

ac quit'

lar'ce ny law'ful


ter'ri to'ry

hos til'i ty re veal'

di vulge'

as so'ci ate

in tel'li gent


"The sum of individual character makes national character."- Mann.

The jury acquitted the prisoner of the charge of grand larceny.

"It is not lawful to make neutral territory the scene of hostility or to attack the enemy within it."- Kent. Time reveals many mysteries and divulges many secrets.

"If you desire happiness, associate with the intelligent and good."

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ac com'pa ny

at tend'ant


es cort'

One may accompany another as a companion, as an attendant, or as an escort. A prince is attended by a considerable retinue when in public.

con sid'er a ble A body of militia will escort the

ret'i nue

mi li'tia pla toon'

chap'er on

in ter'pret

rid'i cule

con sist'en cy

a'mi a ble

king. A platoon of police will guard
the president.

The matron will chaperon the girls.
"Home interprets heaven."
"Ridicule is a test of truth."

"Consistency, thou art a jewel.”
"Be amiable that thou mayest be


"The love of money is the root of all evil."
"Procrastination is the thief of time."



Vi de're [vi'sus] (vey, vic, view) = to see.
Mit't e re [mis'sus] = to send.

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"Fidelity is half of success in business."

"Education saves every generation from barbarism,

and all that is good in the world from wreck."

[blocks in formation]

pu'tre fy

cor rupt'

se ver'i ty al low'a ble

grat'i fy cu'ri os'i ty fore'cast

dis guise'

hu mil'i ty coun'te nance pass'port em'blem

Fruits rot, and meats putrefy. "Evil communications corrupt good


Severity may be allowable when gentleness has no effect.

"History gratifies the curiosity of the reader regarding the Past; modifies his views of the Present; and provides his forecast of the Future.” Seeley.


Disguised humility is pride."

"An honest countenance is the best passport." - Proverb.

"The oak is the emblem of honor."


- Ellis.


Fran'ge re [frac'tus] (frag, fring, fractur) = to break. Mo' dus: = measure, manner, fashion.

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'Laughter is the chorus of conversation."- Steele.

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