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Missionary Herald.


Home Proceedings.


ON Thursday, September 23, 1824, a meeting was held in the Baptist Chapel, Liquorpond-street, Boston, for the purpose of forming an Auxiliary Society, in aid of the parent institution. An introductory discourse was preached the preceding evening, by Mr. S. Sutton, Missionary from the East Indies, from Psalm 1xxiv. 20; "Have respect to the Covenant, for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty." He gave an affecting description of the degraded state of the heathen. The public meeting commenced at two o'clock on Thursday, when appropriate and interesting addresses were given, by the Rev. Messrs. Wilbourn and Ratcliff, Methodists; Rev. Messrs. Taylor, Bissell, Everett, and Yeats, General Baptists; and Messrs. Sutton and Macpherson; in moving and seconding the resolu tions connected with the object of the meeting, which were unanimously adopted. Mr. Macpherson, of Hull, preached in the evening an impressive sermon from Luke xiv. 23; "Go into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."

Much Christian feeling seemed to pervade our assemblies on this occasion; and an elevated tone of pious feeling greatly promoted. The collection amounted to £10, and nearly the same sum was obtained by subscriptions.

J. H.

Foreign Intelligence.


Extract of a Letter from Mrs. Marshman to Mr. Dyer, dated

Serampore, 9th June, 1824. BEFORE the last distressing inundation we had seventeen schools, in and about Serampore; but since that pe riod we have had only thirteen. We are now about to erect a new one, which is to be called the Chatham Union School. We assembled eleven little girls upon the spot early this morning, where we intend erecting the school. It is to us one of the most astonishing circumstances we have ever met with in this country, that the children are so willing to learn, and their pa rents so willing to let them. What we had been striving at, (but in vain) for twenty-two years, is now effected with but little trouble. Surely, it is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes; and He shall have all the praise, for it is due to Him alone.

You will be happy to hear that Dr. Carey is quite recovered, and preaches just as delightfully as he did before his long and severe illness.


We are happy to find, by recent arrivals from this station, that Mr. and Mrs. Leslie reached Bengal in safety, after a voyage of nearly seven months' duration, in the latter end of May. They were received with great kindness, both at Calcutta and Serampore; but it appeared doubtful, at the date of these letters, whether Mr.

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We are grieved to add, that the health, both of Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Carey has been so much impaired, that the physicians have recommended a return to Europe, as the only probable means of their restoration. At the very period of this decision, and after, at Mr. Carey's request, his brethren had met specially to pray for direction on his behalf, an American vessel was in the port, the supercargo of which being a pious man, had attended their worship at the Circular Road Chapel, bringing the Captain, and other officers with him. When these gentlemen knew that it was determined that Mr. Carey should leave India, they proposed his taking Philadelphia in his way, and agreed to convey him and Mrs. Carey for about half the usual sum. It is probable, therefore, that Mr. Carey has arrived, by this time, in the United States; and, if it should please God to grant him strength suffi cient for the voyage, he may shortly be expected in England.

In the letter which communicates this intelligence, Mr. Carey takes occasion, also, to advert, in the following terms, to the progress of Female Education.

THE female department of the Benevolent Christian School Society is prosperous. Mrs. Colman is a steady devoted superintendant, and the Society has been highly favoured in being able to avail itself of her services. Ten schools are now in motion, and we hope more will be formed as soon as funds can be realized, and suitable places and situations found out. We trust for some small portion of your

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DECEMBER 18, 1823.—Walked about

two miles to a small village, in which I had been once before, and then found the priest inclined towards the gospel. him sick; but when he saw me, he I met him to-day again, and found was glad and sat up. I preached the gospel once more to him. In the mean time I heard him several times sigh, "O God Jesus! pardon all my sins." His son, who was present, and heard with attention, was exhorted by the old priest to mind well, and lay it in his heart, what he heard of me. Walking after this a little about in the vilfound none at this time: then I enterlage, in search of more people, but I ed to the head-man's, whom I found at

home. He asked me what he had to do, if he should be converted? In gospel to him, and enjoined on him to answer to his question, I opened the believe in, and pray to Jesus, who was most willing to receive sinners. He seemed as if he were willing to receive the gospel. Finding no farther occasion to make the gospel known to more persons in this village, I returned homeward, and in my way had to pass through another village; buf found no opportunity in it for preach ing the gospel, as I saw no people.

January 9, 1824.-I went to a vil lage, in which I spoke in four or five houses the word, until I felt my lungs sore. The people seemed to understand a little more of the gospel. One

said to his fellow, after I had left the room, "The words of that gentleman are excellent." Another said to me, "I have been very desirous to come to you to be taught farther in the ways of God; but I have always so much work, that I cannot spare an hour for the good cause." I said to him on this occasion what was necessary, which he took very well.

13th. Went to a village; being entered, I perceived an old man enter his hut. I followed him, and two natives more came in after they had seen me, probably from curiosity, wishing to know what I had to do here. I asked the old man, what he thought would become of him, if he died? He replied, "Earth." I endeavoured to make him understand that there was a future state of happiness and misery; but he appeared as senseless as wood. The others, who had come in,

after they had listened a few minutes, went away, though I bid them to stay and listen, for they appeared as ignorant as the old man. After I had talked for some time to him, without apparently gaining the least on him, I went to another part of the place, where I met a few men together, who seemed willing to listen to my message; then I went to the priest, who told me that he prayed to God for mercy, in the name of Jesus.

15th.-Went out, when I happened to meet with a few men, one of whom I asked, whether he knew God?" No, (replied he,) I am very ignorant." Some others more came around me. I began to tell them of God's love in Christ. This seemed to arrest their attention, and they seemed to understand. Having talked to them a certain length in this strain, and applying the truth more particularly to themselves, they expressed their gratitude, saying, "We thank you much for 30ming hither, to tell us of these things." Then I entered a room where I heard some persons at work. I began to talk to them present of divine things; but they were very loquacius, so that I could do very little


February 19th.-I spent a few pleasant hours in a village; I talked in the beginning but to one, but after a few minutes several of the neighbours came around me, who expressed a desire for hearing the word. I spoke then, and read to them from the New Testament; and they paid proper attention to it; they expressed a great wish for a book from me, that they


might be able to read themselves, what I had been telling of the way to salvation. But I told them this was the only book of the kind I had. One said, "Then copy but a few pages from it for me." In the mean time I recollected that I still had a copy more of the Gospel of St. John at home, which I promised to give them of this they were very glad. Thus, it would seem, as if there would come a little hunger after the word among these people; and if this be the case, wo may hope that the hour of the Lord is at hand, for his visiting this nation in his infinite mercy.


January 15, 1824, has been lately A QUARTERLY letter, dated

received from our Missionaries at this station. We can, at present, only extract that part of it which refers to the Native Schools.

"OUR native schools are in a truly flourishing state. Opposition has, ia a great measure ceased, and people begin to suspect that educating their children may possibly be attended with benefit. You have already been informed that all the schools in and about the town have been removed to the Mission premises. Here a most gratifying sight is every day exhibited, of a hundred and fifty, or more, wild little fellows, subjected to the regular discipline of a Lancasterian school, and improving in useful knowledge. The boys are taught to read, write, and spell; they are also instructed in Arithmetic, the principles of the orthography of their own language, and in a few of the most simple truths in Astronomy. Geography, History, Chronology, and some other useful branches of knowledge are still wanting, which our utmost efforts have not yet been able to supply. A large school-room, capable of containing two hundred and fifty boys, is in a state of considerable forwardness, and when finished, will, we hope, soon be filled with scholars.

Two public examinations have been held in the Court-house, that containing the largest room in the settlement; the one in August last, the other on New-year's-day. On both occasions, the scene exhibited was nearly the same. The boys went through the manual discipline with their slates,

pencils, &c. produced specimens of their writing, repeated lessons written rom dictation, and worked sums in Arabic figures. It was truly amusing to see the little monitors, with sticks in their hands, walking up and down the ranks, with all the gravity and sternness of drill sergeants, while the different classes under their care obeyed the word of command with a promptitude and correctness that were truly gratifying; and to some of the spectators not a little surprising. The Lieutenant-Governor, and the gentlemen of the settlement, were present on each occasion; and, on New-year's-day, Lady Raffles, and several of the ladies, honoured the examination with their presence. The impression on the European inhabitants here is most favourable; they consider the school-system as the dawn of civilization and good morals. Sir Stamford seemed both surprised and delighted to see the little savages, as he pleasantly termed them, reduced to such regular discipline, and exhibiting such unequivocal proofs of advancement in knowledge. A little boy having spelt very correctly a few words proposed to him, Sir Stamford caused a petty chief to be placed by the side of the boy, and required him to spell the words which the poor boy had just spelt; but though a man of nearly sixty years of age, he could not spell one of them. His fruitless attempts to match a little boy, raised a general laugh, and taught the Malays to expect that the next generation will far excel the present. Many of the best boys were rewarded with valuable presents, at the expense of government; some of them receiving not less than a complete suit of clothes. These rewards for improvement were all delivered in the presence of Sir Stamford, who condescended to speak to the boys himself, and to excite them to future exertions. At the examination on New-year's-day, there were more than three hundred boys present; the number having been augmented since the examination in August. We regret that we are so soon to lose Sir Stamford; he has been the friend of Missions in these countries, and has manifested no small degree of concern for the moral improvement of the Malays, but his state of health imperiously requires his return to Europe, where we most sincerely wish him every blessing. He will cause the allowance which we have hitherto received for the support of the schools, to be continued; but who his successor will be,

and whether he will feel the same interest in promoting missionary objects, we cannot tell. We would be thankful for the assistance and support we have enjoyed, and look above for future help.

We propose forming an Arabic class in the school on the Mission premises; and a sort of Grammar, with a Malay translation, such as is used by the natives themselves, is now being copied for the purpose. Such a step will be gratifying to the Malays, who are much prejudiced in favour of the Arabic language; it will give the boys a few new ideas on language in general, while it will dissolve the charm that surrounds a few vain and ignorant persons, who are considered prodigies of learning, because they can pronounce a few Arabic words, with the meaning of which they are commonly but little acquainted.

A gentleman of the civil service here, has lately visited the southern districts, in his official capacity, and amongst other instructions received from the Lieutenant-Governor, he was directed to inquire into the practicability of establishing native schools. He took a few of our books with him for distribution, and one of the chiefs there, when he saw the books, expressed an earnest desire to send his son to us for instruction. This gentleman, since his return, has presented a report to government on the subject of schools; from which it appears that a great number of schools might be formed, comprising a grand total of two thousand boys. As such an establishment would be attended with a very considerable expense, the Lieutenant-Governor has not authorized it, but will, before his departure, write to the Supreme Government in Bengal, recommending it.


OUR last Number contained a letter from Mr. Fleming, acquainting us with various particulars in relation to the station he expected to occupy at the Mosquito Shore, and expressing his intention of writing, at greater length, by some future opportunity. This anticipation, alas! will never be realized; for ere this devoted young man could enter upon his work, he has been called to quit the scenes of mortality for ever. Nor can we stop here: a

Ohrloff, on the Moltschna,
April 27, 1824.
DEAR AND beloved Friend,

few days after his decease, his affectionate partner was called to follow him into the world of spirits; and they now rest together, till the resurrection I received your dear and important morn, in the land which, only two short months before, they had entered as the letter of March 9, through means of messengers of salvation! Since the my dear mother, under date of April the 17th, old style. Praise and thanksdeath of Mr. Grant, who, in 1799, ex-giving be ascribed to my heavenly Fa

pired at Serampore, eighteen days after he landed in India, the Society has

ther and our Lord Jesus Christ, who, out of his love and mercy, strengthens not been called to mourn the removal me in so great and so gracious a vaof a Missionary under circumstances so painfully solemn and impressive. riety of ways, and now again, through Under bereavements so unexpected your letter, and by the lively interest and awful, our only resource is in the the dear friends in England have taken conviction of the holiness and good-lutations, much beloved, even all this on my behalf. Receive my grateful saness of the great Arbiter of life and death. May believing contemplations on his character, assuage the grief of those respected friends and relatives of the deceased, who feel most tenderly

interested in the sad event!

Mr. Bourn's letter, which is dated September 14, contains only the statement of Mr. Fleming's death, which took place the preceding day, after an illness of five days only. Mrs. Fleming was then ill, but nothing serious was apprehended. From another quarter, however, we have since derived the afflicting intelligence respecting her, which we have already given. May wisdom be given us rightly to interpret these mysterious dispensations of

Divine Providence!


way from the High Table lands of
Tartary. So much has the Lord done
for me, temporally and spiritually,
that my heart is full; and in answer
to the question, Have ye lacked any
thing? I reply, with a mixture of gra-
titude and shame, No, Lord, nothing!
But O, how lifeless, and thoughtless,
and satisfied with myself, do I at
times feel! But to complain of my-
self, there would be no end; I will
rather praise God on account of his
fulness, which we have in Christ, even
grace for grace. My mother and dear
friends have informed me of many
things, which you have communicated
to them; and how much they have
been rejoiced at your faith and love.
Your address to the Mennonites (cal-
culated to produce in them both joy
and shame) has been much read, and
sought after by the settlers here. How
much can God bring to pass through
human means! How little have I
done as yet for my brethren, after the
flesh, which indeed are all mankind!
How much have the English brethren
done, and how little during twenty
years past, have the Mennonites done,
towards extending the kingdom of
God among the Tartars in these parts!
They are at present, however, begin-
ning to make a stir among some,
(though these are not many, God
knows,) whilst others, opposed to the
gospel under the garb of a humble
piety, lead astray the simple and in-
experienced, who, for want of know-
ing better, will hear of nothing new,
and readily believe that Missionary
efforts are opposed to the principles of
their church, and, consequently, any
interest taken in such efforts are re-

OUR readers will recollect the account given of Mr. Daniel Schlatter in our Number for November 1823. We have now to present them with the translation of a letter from that highly interesting man to our much-esteemed friend, Mr. W. H. Angas. It will be seen that he declines the proposal made to him by the Committee, immediately to leave his present situation, and employ himself solely in Missionary labour: but, we trust, it will not be long before he will have ac-garded in the same light. They ima quired that thorough knowledge of the Tartar habits and customs, which he deems a necessary prerequisite for these engagements.

gine, also, that such things would tend to produce a change of sentiment among the churches, as well as endanger the privileges which they already hold from the emperor. But as

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