The doctrines of Methodism examined and confuted, by a presbyter of the Church of EnglandPrinted in the year, 1765 - 19 páginas |
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The Doctrines of Methodism Examined and Confuted, by a Presbyter of the ... Doctrines Pré-visualização indisponível - 2019 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
Abſolution Abſurdities Advice which St alſo Apostles aſk Aſſemblies Aſſiſtance becauſe beſeech Biſhop Bleſſing build ourſelves Buſineſs called Methodists Chap Chriſt Chriſtian Church crafty Seducers diftinguiſh doth drawing Diſciples Elisha eſcape eſtabliſhed Church Eternity external Call Faith falſe and erroneous false Prophets falſe Teachers Firſt foever fome fons forewarned frantic Enthuſiaſt fuch Gifts Gnostics Grace grant hath Heretics holy Scriptures Holy Spirit ignorant and unthinking Impoſtors Jeſus Jews Jude laſt Let theſe manifeſtly ſhew Mark here given Miniſtry Mockers and falſe moſt neceſſary never ſo ordained periſh Perſons Peter Place to ſhew pleaſed practiſe preach the Gofpel preſent pretend to greater Pretenfions Priest's Office Priests Quakers Reaſon receive Religion Salvation ſame Saviour ſay Sect ſeduce ſent ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſhould ſlander ſome ſometimes Spirit of Infatuation ſtrange ſuch teach Text theſe Men theſe Seducers Thing thinking themſelves thodists thoſe Truth uſe in drawing Wait to deceive Wolves
Passagens conhecidas
Página 10 - They went out from us, but they were not of us ; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us : but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
Página 16 - Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness.
Página 15 - Persons, equal and distinct, whose names are, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; that the Son became man, and through the operation of the Holy Spirit took flesh and a human soul in the womb of the most pure Virgin Mary, died for us upon the cross, rose again, ascended into Heaven, and will come from thence at the end of the world to judge all the living and dead, to give paradise to the good, and hell to the wicked, for ever ; and furthermore, upon the same motive, I believe every thing that the holy...
Página 8 - What doth it profit, my Brethren, though a Man fay he hath Faith, and have not Works ? Can Faith fave him...
Página 5 - BUT there were falfe prophets alfo among the people, even as there fhall be falfe teachers among you, who privily fhall bring in damnable herefies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themfelves fwift deftruction.
Página 16 - I fay unto you, what things foever ye defire " when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and
Página 3 - Thefe are murmurers, complainers, walking " after their own lufts, and their mouth fpeak" ing great fwelling words, having men's perfbns " in admiration becaufe of advantage. But, " beloved, remember ye the words which were '' fpoken before of the Apoftles of our Lord '' Jefus Chrift, how that they had told you " there mould be mockers in the laft time, who " mould walk after their own ungodly lufts.
Página 14 - Chrift's divine million ; that he was the Son of God, the Saviour of the world : but none of them ever pretended to deny, that there was fuch a perfon as Jefus Chrift^ who was the author of the Chriftian religion, and appeared in Judea in the reign of Tiberius. Tacitus's teftimony, as well as that of Celfus, is very exprefs to this purpofe *. And fome of the heathens went fo far as to fpeak very honourably of him. So did the emperor Alexander...