: To the READER. CANDID READER, TH in the HERE hath been, and now is, so great a Number of beretical and false Teachers Christian Church, that it would prove a difficult Thing particularly to name them all. For this our National Church is but a small Part of the Catholick Church of Christ; and yet herein are several Selts, at this Time teaching different Ways of Worship; which like so many Scabs and Wens upon the Body, continually afflict and disturb it. In the last Century Several ordinary Mechanicks took upon them to be Founders of new Sects; one of which pretended to Inspiration, as did George Fox, the Founder of The Quakers. In like Manner in the present Age, there is a Sect among us called Methodists; who make as great Pretenfions to the Spirit as the Quakers ever did; but by their Doctrines it plainly appears, to be no other than the Spirit of Infatuation that doth poffess them. By their Cant and Delusions they draw away many Disciples after them, some of which grow mad and delirious. For which Reason many grievous Complaints are made to the Ministers of the Established Church, against these Seducers, by Parents, Masters, and Relations. And since none of my Brethren bave thought it worth their while publickly to expose their Errors, in fuch a Way as might convince a Country Congregation; therefore I thought it might not be amiss, A 2 i TO THE READER.. amiss, in the plainest Manner, to shew the Danger May God grant his Blessing to my weak but fincere i Your most humble Servant, THE AUTHOR. : 5) 1 JUDE, VERSES 17, 18, 19. But Beloved, remember ye the Words which were Spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; how that they told you, there should be Mockers in the last Time, who would walk after their own ungodly Lusts. These be they who separate themselves, fenfual, not having the Spirit. HE chief Aim and Design of St. Jude in this Epiftle, is to fortify the Chriftian Jews against those false and erroneous Doctrines, which were broached by fome Heretics in the Church's Infancy; whereby many were seduced from the Truth and Purity of the Gospel. These Seducers are called Mockers, because they separated themselves from the Church's Communion without any just Caufe; pretending to greater Sanctity than others, and looking upon plain well-meaning Christians as ignorant Dotards knowing Nothing. But they thought themselves wife, and pretended to Inspiration, Extafies, Visions, and extraordinary Communications with God; yet were they full of Pride, addicted to Sensuality, and deftitute of the Holy Spirit. They were called Gnostics, who sprung from the Nicolaitans, and other antient Heretics; from whom they borrowed all their filthy, lascivious, and blafphemous Opinions. And as there was scarce any Thing so false and absurd, or fo contradictory to the revealed Will of God, but what fome of these Heretics maintained, so there have 4 |