OBM Applied! Volume 2, Volume 2Lulu.com, 20/08/2016 - 136 páginas The idea behind OBM Applied! is to learn by doing. Our goal is to provide tools, procedures, and exercises that can be adapted to help you meet the performance improvement needs of any organization: from human service settings and schools to Fortune 500 companies and beyond. Volume 2 includes: Chapter 3 Performance Diagnostics - This chapter covers assessment techniques to help "diagnose" the function of the relevant behaviors and associated results for the project. Chapter 4 OBM Solution Planning - Based on the scope of the project, targeted behaviors and results, and the performance diagnostics, a specific plan will be created using research-based approaches to make improvements. This chapter is where you get down in the details of figuring out how to design your project to capitalize on your critical business opportunity. Be sure to check out: Vol 1: Setting the Stage for Improving Performance Vol 3: Making a Positive Difference Vol 4: Creating Lasting Change |
Acknowledgements | vii |
What are the Most Common Performance Diagnostic Methods? | 16 |
Tips from Experience | 33 |
Ready to Go Checklist | 86 |
Selecting a Methodology | 117 |
Most Common OBM Solutions | 123 |
Glossary | 131 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
ABC analysis achieve analyzing antecedents and consequences Applied Behavior Analysis approach autism B.F. Skinner Behavior Engineering Behavioral Systems Analysis behaviors and results Braksick business opportunity business results Change Management chapter chart coaching conducting consequence analysis Daniels and Bailey desired behavior determine direct observation E-TIP Analysis effective employees ensure evaluate example feedback focus formance functions ganization goals havior identify impact important individual input intervention interviews involved issues Jacobs and colleagues job aids key stakeholders leaders leadership mance measures methodology mission OBM practitioner OBM project OBM solutions occur organization organization’s Organizational Behavior Management outcomes output Performance Diagnostic Checklist PIC/NIC Analysis precision teaching process improvement process mapping project plan project team questions reinforcement requirements researchers response effort role Rummler SIPOC skills solu specific steps Steve Jacobs supervisor targeted task clarification tion tool trainer understand Vantage Analysis variables versus Word of Caution