Imagens das páginas

"contracted from conftantly affociating with one Nation of Men, by a more free, gene"ral and mix'd Converfation.

"FOLLIES and Vices cannot be too much "expos'd, nor too much guarded againft. (Horace fays very well: Sapientia prima eft "Stultitia caruiffe.) They grow up with us "from our Infancy: The Example of our "Parents, and Cuftom, ftrengthen them in

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us: The evil Concupifence of our Hearts "beget daily new Ones; and Self-Love nou"rifhes thefe Monsters. They are now a "days glofs'd over with new Names, which, "inftead of giving us an Abhorrence of them, "recommend them to our Approbation. "AVARICE is now call'd Good Husbandry; "LUXURY, Gallantry: An unreasonable "THIRST after HONOUR, is dignified with the

fpecious Title of a Noble Ambition : TREACHERY is term'd Policy; PROFUSENESS, Li"berality: OBSTINACY is Conftancy: SUPERSTITION, Piety: BLASPHEMY, Free-Think"ing; and the like. Rochefort (if I am not "mistaken in my Author) fays of the Canni"bals, that they have no Word, in their "Language, to exprefs any Vice: And, in"deed, we may almost fay the fame Thing "of our Mother-Tongue.

Wifely the Springs of Ation we conceal,
Thus Sordidness is Prudence, Fury, Zeal;



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Ambition makes the publick Good her Care,
And Hypocrites the Mask of Saintship wear.

POPE on Human Life.

"By thus difguifing our Vices, under these " and the like winning Appellations, we like"wife get a Habit of forming a deceitful Judgment of Things: So, for Instance, Poverty, tho' no Sin, is what we are all "afham'd of: and, on the other hand, Pride, "tho' the most deform'd of all Vices, is what very few blush at.

"THERE is another Ufe, that may be made " of fome Part of thefe Letters, which I "must not omit taking notice of. They "fhew in a lively manner, the Folly of Difcr content, and the Happiness of being fatif"fied with our own Condition of Life. That "Murmuring Difcontent is a Daughter of "diforderly, fuper-abundant Self-Love, and "the Mother of Complaint, is what every one "will readily allow But few, I fear, con"fider, that the latter may justly be call'd, a "Scourge of Human Society; a Pool of many «Vices; a Source of Despair; and a Peft of *our Eternal as well as Temporal Happiness. "A Perfon of this unfortunate Difpofition is "neither satisfied with himself nor others,

neither with Nature, nor with the Almighty "Author of all Things. He is an Enemy to "the whole Creation. Difcontent makes him complain, and finding Fault encreases his


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"Difcontent. A diffatisfied Body can never
"ferve GOD: He is infenfible of his Good
"nefs, therefore cannot thank him: Is not
"mov'd by his Glory; how then can he ho-
"nour him? His Mercy makes no Impreffion
" on him; how then can he love him?

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THUS far Mr. Ledyard: I have accepted of
his kind Offer of adding fome Notes, which
the Reader will find very proper Explanations
of fome important Points, and hope for his
favourable Acceptance of the Work.



The Author apprehenfive of a Plague at bis En-
trance into Bremen; his Reafon for it: Gives a De-
fcription of bis Lodgings, and the pretended Sanctity
of bis Landlord: Severe Punishment of a beautiful
young Damfel; ber Crime. A whimsical Kind of
Coffee-boufe: Some Remarks on the Language of thefe


The Bremers great Pretenders to Sanctity; and
horridly Prieft-ridden: Character and Behaviour of
the Calvinist Priefts: Their Conversation with the
Female Part of their Congregations, and egregious
Hypocrify. Defcriptions of a very fingular fubterra-
neous Tavern and of the beautiful Casks, and ex-
cellent Wine there.


A Chronological and Hiftorical Account of the City

of Bremen, with its ancient and prefent State, Form

of Government, Religion, Trade, Laws and Customs;

Publick and Private Buildings, &c.

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