A SELECTION OF THE MOST AMUSING AND INTERESTING Articles and Anecdotes THAT HAVE APPEARED IN THE MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, AND OTHER DAILY AND PERIODICAL JOURNALS, FROM THE YEAR 1700, TO THE PRESENT TIME. Bards, statesmen, sages, loved, rever'd, admir'd, IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. BISHOP. LONDON: PRINTED FOR MATTHEW ILEY, SOMERSET STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE; AND SOLD BY G. AND W. B. WHITTAKER, AVE MARIA LANE; AND W. TURNBULL, GLASGOW. 1820. ADVERTISEMENT. In introducing the following sheets to the world, it will perhaps be necessary to premise, that care has been taken to select from the diurnal and other publications for the last hundred years, not only the occurrences of the day, of whatever Svariety they may have consisted, but also such - articles as might be considered of a more general and permanent nature, and, consequently, interesting to the philosopher, the gentleman of science, the man of letters, &c.; with a strict and studied attention on the part of our female readers, to reject every thing that might have the least tendency to start the blush of innocence, or wound the ear of modesty. a F40766 If in the course of these selections the Editor may have made choice of articles which by some may be considered as too trifling to have "a local habitation," it should be recollected, that he had in this undertaking to provide for a very numerous class of readers, whose opinions and tastes must be expected, in many instances, very materially to differ. His aim, however, has been, to give satisfaction to all; and if in this he may prove partially successful, the trouble taken in wading through such a task, will be amply compensated. Hence, in the ensuing pages, the philosopher will find occasional records of whatever revolutions have taken place either "in the heavens above, on the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth;" -the scientific man will meet with notices of those improvements in the arts, which have gradually succeeded each other during the above period; --the gentleman and the scholar with such brief extracts from the publications of the passing day, as will not only give them sufficient information of the progressive state of the literary world, but they will also thereby be put into possession of some of their choicest ideas ;the poet will be occasionally indulged with those gentle effusions which have issued from the elegant pen of a Byron, a Moore, a Montgomery, a Sheridan, and many others; and the man of wit with a variety of bon mots, anecdotes, repartees, &c., which were "wont to set the table in a 1 |