Décembre. De Silans: Guerre civile du Chili; l'affaire de Caldera (1891). — D' Legrand La Nouvelle-Calédonie et ses habitants en 1890 (suite). — Brun : Étude sur la théorie mécanique de la chaleur (suite). Fontaine Le charbon en extrême Orient. Dormoy Notions sur le mascaret de la Seine. Jaime De Koulikoro à Tombouctou. - Chabaud-Arnault : La marine française avant et pendant la guerre de Sept ans. REVUE MENSUELLE DU MONDE LATIN (Paris. Mensuel. 20 fr.) 17. G. Bergeret: Nos humoristes (M. Eug. Mouton). Edm. Frank: L'affaire du Panama. T. de Wyzewa : L'âme gothique. 24. Ch. V. Langlois : La litté rature goliardique. Max. Petit: L'histoire de l'écriture. H. Gauthier-Villars: Conte de Noël. (Paris. REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE Hebdomadaire. 25-35 fr.) 12 novembre. A. Le Châtelier: L'état présent du Maroc. -J. Péroche : Les glaces polaires. A. Lefèvre L'embryogénie du langage. J. Servonnet: La viticulturc en Tunisie. - 19. A. Richet : L'histoire de la chirurgie. A. Bienaymé : Voyage de la « Manche au Spitzberg. Garner Le langage des singes. 26. M. Baudouin : Les travaux du Congrès de l'Association pour l'avancement des sciences. E. Fabre Les naufrages en 1890. Jastrow Illusions d'optique. A. Moncorvo: La bactériologie au Brésil. · 3 décembre A. Ditte Les transformations chimiques de la matière. L. de Djéri Les grands mouvements de l'atmosphère. Fr. Bolles: Moeurs de hiboux. 10. F. Heim: La zoologie et la médecine. L. Dex: La détermination du point en ballon. P. Pichard: Rôle et avenir du plâtre en agriculture. — V. Turquan Une génération qui s'en va. 17. Zaborowski: L'avenir des races humaines. F. Paulhan La suggestion dans l'art. Fournier de Flaix La ville et le port de Hambourg. 24. J. Bertrand Michel Chasles. La vie moyenne en France. court quard. V. Turquan: - J. HériLa médication de M. Brown-Sé Février. Some technical libraries. The English » of the « Index Librorum. »The new edition of Sydney's Arcadia. In the footsteps of Charles Dickens. Bonaparte's library. Derby printers and booksellers of the 18th century. Mars. Some illustrated books of - book. Avril. Wil seventeenth century guide Frequentations orientales. liam Hogarth. Written in Homer. The worries of a Bookworm. book rarity. A puritan The book trade of LeipMai. The autobiography of an old book. Books illustrated by Cruishank. zig. A hunt for book-plates in Paris. An old Miscellany. Early italian en JOURNAL OF MENTAL SCIENCE Janvier. B. W. Richardson: The cerebro spinal axis as a thermal centre and water power. J. Turner Asymmetrical Conditions met with in the faces of the insane. G. R. Wilson: The diathesis of general paralysis. — J. A. Campbell The action of the treatment of insanity in England. - A. Wood Renton: Protection of medican men by the english Lunacy Law. J. Carlyle Johnstone : Some notes on the uso of sulphonal as a sedative and hypnotic. Avril. D. E. Jacobson: The relationship between general paralysis of the insane and syphilis. A. Mac Donald: Genius and insanity. C. Norman: A note on cocainism. Th. Ewart: Epileptic colonies. -Fr. Needham: A visit to some foreign Asylums. J. Bullen: The clinical history of two cases of ataxic paraplegia. Juillet. Hack Tuke: Retrospective G ance at the early history of the retreat. G. H. Savage Influenza and neurosis. J. A. Campbell: Public asylum Dictaries. C. F. Beadles: Gall-stones in the insane. Edw. Goodall: Note upon Læmatoma of the dura mater. Octobre. G. M. Robertson: Hypnotism at Paris and Nancy. - J. Nolan: Is katatonia a special form of mental disorder? Dutch MONTH Janvier. What is Theosophy? rard Evolution. J - . J. GeMorris Catholic England in modern times. Carmen Marianum Février. The Marvels of Theosophy Sydney Smith: Was S. Aidan an anglican ? Archdekan-Cody: The parisian criminal classes. H. Browne: The construction of the Iliad. W. C. Maude: The new law of charitable Bequests. Mars. The recent persecution of China G. Canning: The passion of S. Perpetua John Morris: Catholic England in modern times (suite). Smith: The Spanish inquisition. H Thurnston: S. George. The mechanics of evolution. phrey The Vicar of Christ L. Cortie; Babylonian astronomy Th. Hughes: - The A western City and its associations. Mai. Rudolph. eighth carl of Denbigh. Orison of the blessed Virgin Mary. roman decree on Cremation. - W Humphrey The Vicar of Christ in his relation to the Church of Christ. J. Stevenson : Thomas Cranmer. H. Thurnston: The early history of the true Cross Juin. Christian art and english art in 1892. Oxford as seen by a Frenchman. Earl of Denbigh : A cure by Cancelly. The south african languages. Juillet. H. Thurnston: The Pallium F.W. Grey: A village election in New-York State. A winter in Teneriffe. J. Hirst An historical argument for indulgences. medical estimate of Lourdes. P Chandlery: Origen. Aoul. Sydney Smith: Anglicans on Church authority Some recent miracles of Lourdes.J N Strassmaier The cuneiform inscriptions recently discovered in Upper Egypt. F. G. Marriott: Amalfi and its inhabitants. A Lucas: The seventy « Weeks >> of Daniel. M. T. Kelly: Giordano Bruno. Janvier. F. Whright: Theory of the interglacial submergence in England S. Tarr Permian of Texas. -0. Farrington Chemical composition of Iolite. H. L. Wells: Soris of Casium Trihalides. J. O. Thompson: Law of elastic Lengthening. P. E. Browning Method for the quantitative separation of Strontium from Calcium by the action of Amyl alco hol on the nitrates C. Barus: Relation of melting point to pressure in case of igneous roke fusion. J. M. Clarke : Discovery of Clymenia in the Fauna of the intumescens-zone of Western NewYork. A. E. Foote: New meteoric Iron from Garrett (Maryland) — Février. T. C. Mendenhall: Use of a free Pendulum as a Time Standard. CA. White Bear river formation. T. W. Stanton : Stra mation. - C. R. Van Hise: Iron ores of the Marquette district of Michigan. A. Winslow Illustration of the flexibility of Limestone. R. B. Riggs: Separation of Iron, Manganese and Calcium by the acetate and bromine Methods. R. S. Tarr: Central Massachusetts Moraine. B. K. Emerson Proofs that the Holyoke and Deerfield Trap Sheets are contemporaneous Flows. Mars. I. C. Russell: Mount S. Elias and its Glaciers. A. M. Edwards: Hudson River fiord. F. A. Genth Contributions to mineralogy. F. W. Clarke : A. Tschermak's theory of the Chlorite groupe and its alternative. W. Upham Recent fossils near Boston.F. B. Taylor The highest old shore line on Mackinac Island. C. E. Linebarger: Nature of colloid solutions. R. Pumpelly Observations upon the structural relations of the Upper Huronian, Lower Huronian and basement complex of the North Shore of Lake Huron. bridge A phasemeter. : : : - J. TrowT. W. Harris: Mount Bob, mount Ida, or Skane Hill. O. C. Marsh: Discovery of cretaceous mammalia. - Avril. I. Pupin: Action of vacuum discharge Streamers upon each other. F. D. Adams: Melilite-bearing Rock alnoite from St-Anne de Bellevue (Canada). G. P. Merrill: Azure-blue pyroxenic Rock from the middle Gila (New Mexico). F. Leverett Correlation of moraines with raised beaches of lake Erié. F. J. Rogers: Magnesium as a source of Light. P E. Browning: Method for the quantitative separation of Barium from Calcium. N Dale: Plicated Cleavage-foliation. A C. Selwin: Geological age of the Saganaga Syenite. C. H. Smyth: Third occurrence of peridotite in Central New-York. W. S. Bayley Fulgurite from Waterwille. - G. F. Kunz Mineralogical notes on Brookite, octahedrite, quartz and ruby. Mai. C. C. Hutchins: Radiation of atmospheric air. C. Abbe: Atmospheric radiation of Heat and its importance in meteorology.F. W. Clarke: Experiments upon the Constitution of certain Micas and Chlorites. - E. W. Hilgard: The age and origin of the Lafayette formation. C. L. Reese Influence of swamp waters in the formation of the phosphate nodules of South Carolina W. S. Yeates : Plattnerite, and its occurrence near Mullan (Idaho). W. Dodge Upper silurian Strata near Penobscot Bay. --- W. F. Hillebrand Zinc-bearing spring waters from Missouri.-W. G. Owens : A meteorite from Pennsylvania. G. F. Kuns: Two meteoric irons. C. E Linebarger: The molecular masses of dextrine and gum arabic as determined by their ostnolic pressures. O. C. Marsh; Notice of new reptiles from the laramie formation Juin. J. D. Dana: Subdivisions in archæan history. -- W. S. Bayley: Fibrons intergrowth of Angite and Plagioclase in a Minnesota Gabbro F. W. Mar: Method from the determination of barium in the presence of calcium and magnesium. — C. C. Hutchins Note of the absorption of radiant heat by alum. C. Lea: Disruption of the silver haloid molecule by mechanical force.0. C. Marsh: Notes on triassic Dinosauria. Juillet. C. Barus: The change of heat conductivity on passing isothermally from solid to liquid. - S. H. Pearce Polybasite and tennantine from the Mollie Gibson mine in Aspen. W. Cross: Post-laramie deposits of Colorado. H. L. Wheeler Alkali-metal Pentabalides. H. N. Darton: Fossils in the archæan rocks of central Piedmont Virginia. C. D. Walcott: Notes on the cambrian rocks of Virginia and te soulhern Appalachians. --C. Ludeking: Synthesis of the minerals crocoite and phœnicochroite. R. S. Tarr: A hint with respect to the origin of terraces in glaciated regions. E. Orton: Occurrence of a quartz Bowlder in the sharon Coal of Northeastern Ohio. J. Whitmore A method of increasing the range of the capillary electrometer. Aoûl. C. E. Linebarger Relations between the surface tensions of liquids and their chemical constitution. - W. Lindgren: Gold deposit at Pine Hill (California) — L. G. Eakins New occurrence of Piilolite and Mordenite. - J. F. Kemp: Great shearzone near avalanche lake in the Adirondacks. H. L. Wells: Herderite from Hebron (Maine).-F. A. Gooch: Method for the iodometric determination of nitrates. H. L. Wheeler: Some alkaline iodates. C. E. Beecher : Development of the Brachiopoda. H. L. Wheeler : Cæsium and rubidium chloraurates, and bromaurales. H. L. Prenton: Preliminary note of a new meteorite from Kenton county.J. D. Dana Additional observations on the Jura-trias trap of the New-Haven region.-O.C. Marsh: Notes on mesozoic vertebrate fossils. Septembre. W. J. Mac Gee: The gulf of Mexico as a maasure of Isostacy. E. S. Ferry: Persistence of vision. S. E. Bishop Kilanea in april 1892. C. S. Prosser: The devonian system of Eastern Pennsylvania. H. L. Wells : cæsium-mercuric halides. A. E Barlow Relations of the Laurentian and Huronian on the North side of lake Huron. -F. A. Gooch: Some convenient forms of laboratory apparatus. C. Dea: Estimation and dehydration of silver oxide. lem. C. L. Whittle: An ottrelite-bearing phase of a metamorphic conglomerate in the Green Mountains. E. L. Nichols Age-coating in incandesceut lamps. - J. S. Diller: Mica-peridotite from Kentucky. D. F. Lincoln: Glaeiation in the Finger-lake region of NewYork. F. A. Gooch: Certain points in the interaction of potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid. S. L. Penfield : Cristallography of the cæsium-mercuric halides. C. Lea: Silver hemisulphate. 0. C. Marsh: Restoration of mastodon americanus. Novembre. G. F. Wright: Unity of the glacial epoch. C. B. Thwing: A photographic method of mapping the magnetic field F. A. Genth: Contributions to mineralogy.-F. Bedell : The effects of self-induction and distributed static capacity in a conductor. — J. Phinney The quantitative determination of rubidium by the spectroscope. L. Preston: Notes on the Farmington meleorite. H. Wood Note on the cretaceous of Northwestern Montana. - R. T. Hill The Deep Artesian Boring at Galveston (Texas). C. E. Beecher : Notice of a new lower Oriskany Fauna in Columbia county. E. Howell: Description of the Mount Joy meteorite. C. E. Linebarger Influence of the concentration of the lons on the intensity of color of solutions of Salts in water. CATHOLIC WORLD H. Juin. C. A. Walworth: Reminiscences of Edgar P. Wadhams. 1 - - - Alf. Young: The closing Scene. W. Elliott: The longing for God and its Fulfilment. L. Sandrock: Diversing Streams. Fr. Johnston: Why I became a Catholic. F. Lavelle: Leo XIII. H. C. Kent: The third archbishop of Westminster. - App. Morgan: The « Doubtful >> or pseudoshakespearean Plays. A. M. Clarke: A mother's sacrifice. A. F. Hewit: American catholics and the roman question. Juillet. D. Manley: The catholic Church and the Indians. D. Spillane: Some thoughts upon Irish ministrels and minstrelsy. J. A. Mooney: The catholie Summer-School. E. B. Brady: Christian anthropology. M. Sheedy Suggestions for the Coming total. Abstinence convention. J. Alexander: Johannes Janssen. J. L. Spalding: The catholic educational Exhibit in the Columbian exposition. Août. Th. O'Gorman: The Shepherden of Domremy. C. W. Currier: Columbus and La Rabida. - Perez Villamil: The Jews in Sdain during the middle ages. E. Stamforth: The story of a diamond Ornament. Loyola Le Baron: The mystical Rose. W. Seton : The latest work of science on venomous Snakes. J. Lewis: Are we worthy or oun inheritance? M. T. Elder: The wath of mother nature. tem of Great Britain. The maid of Orleans. H. Abraham: The matchbox-makers of East London. Ch. E. Hodson: Toluca. The death of Björn. Perez Villamil : Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in the fifteeath century. G. M. Searle: Is there a Companion Word to our own? W. Wilberforce: A martyr to Truth-Telling. F. G. Leniz: The conversion of the American people. L. B. Binsse: Financial relations of the french clergy to the State. Octobre. J. L. Spalding: Columbus. J. R. Slattery: How shall the Negro be educated? J. Buckham: The cry of humanity. L. A. Dutto: Las Casas narrative of the voyage of discovery. C. Reid: The Land of the Sun. Th. Hughes: The Jesuit Ratio studiorum » in popular Literatur. C. A. Walworth: Reminiscences of Edgar P. Wadhams.Th. Mac Millan: The Indian of the future. · Novembre. Fr. Egan: Of Tennyson. D. Gresham: A mountain village of the Southland. M. Sheedy: The future of the Summer-School. V. Uffington: Love's quietude. V. O'Connor: The elocution of the Pulpit. Th. O'Gorman: Joan of Arc, the martyr of Rouen. - G. M. Searle: Evolution and Darwinism. Aubrey de Vere: Legends of the Cid (suite). J. Rooney: The dead laureate Liveth. |