A mole cinque-spotted, like the crimson drops May bare the raven's eye : I lodge in fear; One, two, three :---Time, time! [Clock strikes. [Goes into the Trunk. The Scene closes. SCENE III.---An Ante-chamber adjoining IMOGEN'S Apartment. Enter CLOTEN and Lords. 1 Lord. Your lordship is the most patient man in loss, the most coldest that ever turned up ace. Clo. It would make any man cold to lose. 1 Lord. But not every man patient, after the noble temper of your lordship; You are most hot, and furious, when you win. Clo. Winning would put any man into courage: If I could get this foolish Imogen, I should have gold enough: It's almost morning, is't not ? 1 Lord. Day, my lord. Clo. I would this music would come: I am advised to give her music o' mornings; they say, it will pene trate. Enter Musicians. Come on; tune: If you can penetrate her with your fingering, so; we'll try with tongue too: if none will do, let her remain; but I'll never give o'er. First, a very excellent good-conceited thing; after, a wonderful sweet air, with admirable rich words to it,---and then let her consider. SONG. Hark! hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings, His steeds to water at those springs Arise, arise. So, get you gone: If this penetrate, I will consider your music the better: if it do not, it is a vice in her ears, which horse-hairs, and cats-guts, nor, the voice of unpaved eunuch to boot, can never amend. [Exit Musicians. Enter CYMBELINE and Queen. 2 Lord. Here comes the king. Clo. I am glad, I was up so late; for that's the reason I was up so early: He cannot choose but take this service I have done, fatherly.-Good-morrow to your majesty, and to my gracious mother. Cym. Attend you here the door of our stern daugh ter? Will she not forth ? Clo. I have assailed her with music, but she vouchsafes no notice. Cym. The exile of her minion is too new; Queen. You are most bound to the king; Clo. Senseless? not so. Enter a Messenger. Mess. So like you, sir, ambassadors from Rome; The one is Caius Lucius. Cym. A worthy fellow, Albeit he comes on angry purpose now ; According to the honour of his sender ; And towards himself, his goodness forespent on us, 1 When you have given good morning to your mistress, queen. [Exeunt CYM. Queen, Lords, and Mess. Clo. If she be up, I'll speak with her; if not, Let her lie still, and dream.-By your leave ho! I know her women are about her; What [Knocks. If I do line one of their hands? 'Tis gold Which buys admittance; oft it doth; yea, and makes Diana's rangers false themselves, yield up Their deer to the stand of the stealer; and 'tis gold One of her women lawyer to me; for Enter a Lady. Lady. Who's there, that knocks? Lady. No more? Clo. Yes, and a gentlewoman's son. [Knocks. Than some, whose tailors are as dear as yours, Lady. Ay, To keep her chamber. Clo. There's gold for you; sell me your good report. Lady. How! my good name? or to report of you What I shall think is good?-The princess Enter IMOGEN. Clo. Good-morrow, fairest sister: Your sweet hand. Imo. Good-morrow, sir: You lay out too much pains For purchasing but trouble: the thanks I give, Is telling you that I am poor of thanks, And scarce can spare them. Clo. Still, I swear, I love you. Imo. If you but said so, 'twere as deep with me : If you swear still, your recompence is still That I regard it not. Clo. This is no answer. Imo. But that you shall not say I yield, being silent, I would not speak. I pray you, spare me: i'faith, I shall unfold equal discourtesy To your best kindness; one of your great knowing Clo. To leave you in your madness, 'twere my sin : I will not. Imo. Fools are not mad folks. Clo. Do you call me fool ? |