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little wanted shelter at that season, the heat in 'the day being the only inclemency we had to combat 'with in this climate. I cannot help telling you my old

friend lay still nearest to me on the ground, and declared 'he would be my protector should any of the sailors 'offer rudeness; but I can acquit them of any such attempt; nor was I ever affronted by any one, more 'than with a coarse expression, proceeding rather from 'the roughness and ignorance of their education than 'from any abandoned principle, or want of humanity.

'We had now proceeded very little way on our next day's march, when one of the sailors, having skipt nimbly up a hill, with the assistance of a speaking trumpet informed us that he saw a town a very little way off. This news so comforted me, and gave me 'such strength, as well as spirits, that, with the help of my old friend and another, who suffered me to lean on them, I, with much difficulty, attained the summit; but was so absolutely overcome in climbing it that I had no longer sufficient strength to support my tottering limbs, and was obliged to lay myself again on the ground; nor could they prevail on me to undertake descending through a very thick wood into a plain, at the end of 'which indeed appeared some houses, or rather huts; 'but at a much greater distance than the sailor had assured us. The little way, as he had called it, seeming to me full twenty miles, nor was it, I believe, much 'less.'


Containing incidents very surprising.

'THE captain declared he would, without delay, proceed to the town before him; in which resolution he was 'seconded by all the crew; but, when I could not be persuaded, nor was I able to travel any farther before 'I had rested myself, my old friend protested he would 'not leave me, but would stay behind as my guard; and 'when I had refreshed myself with a little repose, he 'would attend me to the town, which the captain pro'mised he would not leave before he had seen us.

"They were no sooner departed than (having first 'thanked my protector for his care of me) I resigned 'myself to sleep, which immediately closed my eyelids, ' and would probably have detained me very long in his 'gentle dominion, had I not been awaked with a squeeze 'by the hand by my guard; which I at first thought in'tended to alarm me with the danger of some wild beast; 'but I soon perceived it arose from a softer motive, and that a gentle swain was the only wild beast I had to apprehend. He began now to disclose his passion in 'the strongest manner imaginable, indeed with a warmth 'rather beyond that of both my former lovers; but as yet without any attempt of absolute force. On my side เ remonstrances were made in more bitter exclamations ' and revilings than I had used to any, that villain Wild เ excepted. I told him he was the basest and most 'treacherous wretch alive; and his having cloaked his 'iniquitous designs under the appearances of virtue and 'friendship added an ineffable degree of horror to them, 'that I detested him of all mankind the most, and, 'could I be brought to yield to prostitution, he should

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' be the last to enjoy the ruins of my honour. He suffered 'himself not to be provoked by this language, but only changed his method of solicitation from flattery to 'bribery. He unript the lining of his waistcoat and 'pulled forth several jewels; these, he said, he had pre• served from infinite danger to the happiest purpose, if I 'could be won by them. I rejected them often with the utmost indignation, till at last, casting my eye, rather by accident than design on a diamond necklace, a thought, like lightning, shot through my mind, and, in an instant, I remembered, that this was the very neck'lace you had sold the cursed Count, the cause of all our 'misfortunes. The confusion of ideas into which this 'surprise hurried me prevented me reflecting on the 'villain who then stood before me; but the first recollec'tion presently told me it could be no other than the 'Count himself, the wicked tool of Wild's barbarity. 'Good heavens! what was then my condition! How shall I describe the tumult of passions which then ' laboured in my breast! However, as I was happily ' unknown to him, the least suspicion on his side was altogether impossible. He imputed, therefore, the eagerness with which I gazed on the jewels to a very wrong cause, and endeavoured to put as much additional 'softness into his countenance as he was able. My fears were a little quieted, and I was resolved to be very 'liberal of promises, and hoped so thoroughly to persuade 'him of my venality that he might without any doubt, 'be drawn in to wait the captain and crew's return, who would, I was very certain, not only preserve me from 'his violence, but secure the restoration of what you had 'been so cruelly robbed of. But, alas! I was mistaken.' Mrs. Heartfree again perceiving symptoms of the utmost disquietude in her husband's countenance, cried out; My dear, don't you apprehend any harm. But, to de

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'liver you as soon as possible from your anxiety,-When 'he perceived I declined the warmth of his addresses, 'he begged me to consider; he changed at once his voice เ and features, and, in a very different tone from what he ' had hitherto affected, he swore I should not deceive him as I had the captain; that fortune had kindly thrown an opportunity in his way, which he was resolved not foolishly to lose; and concluded with a violent oath เ that he was determined to enjoy me that moment; and, therefore, I knew the consequence of resist เ ance. He then caught me in his arms, and began 'such rude attempts, that I screamed out with all the 'force I could, though I had so little hopes of being เ rescued, when there suddenly rushed forth from a thicket, a creature, which at his first appearance, and in the hurry of spirits I then was, I did not take for a man; but, indeed, had he been the 'fiercest of wild beasts, I should have rejoiced at 'his devouring us both. I scarce perceived he had a 'musket in his hand before he struck my ravisher such a blow with it that he felled him at my feet. He then ' advanced with a gentle air towards me, and told me in 'French he was extremely glad he had been luckily

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present to my assistance. He was naked, except his 'middle and his feet, if I can call a body so which was 'covered with hair almost equal to any beast whatever. Indeed, his appearance was so horrid in my eyes, that 'the friendship he had shewn me, as well as his courteous 'behaviour, could not entirely remove the dread I had ' conceived from his figure. I believed he saw this very visibly; for he begged me not to be frightened, since, 'whatever accident had brought me thither, I should have เ reason to thank heaven for meeting him, at whose hands 'I might assure myself of the utmost civility and pro'tection. In the midst of all this consternation, I had

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spirits enough to take up the casket of jewels which the 'villain, in falling, had dropped out of his hands, and conveyed it into my pocket. My deliverer, telling me ' that I seemed extremely weak and faint, desired me to ' refresh myself at his little hut, which he said, was hard by. If his demeanour had been less kind and obliging, my desperate situation must have lent me confidence; 'for sure the alternative could not be doubtful, whether I 'should rather trust this man, who, notwithstanding his savage outside, expressed so much devotion to serve me, ' which at least I was not certain of the falsehood of, or 'should abide with one whom I so perfectly well knew to 'be an accomplished villain. I, therefore, committed myself to his guidance though with tears in my eyes, ' and begged him to have compassion on my innocence, ' which was absolutely in his power. He said, the treat'ment he had been witness of, which he supposed was 'from one, who had broken his trust towards me, 'sufficiently justified my suspicion; but begged me to dry my eyes, and he would soon convince me, that I was with 6 a man of different sentiments. The kind accents which accompanied these words gave me some comfort, which 'was assisted by the repossession of our jewels by an 'accident, strongly savouring of the disposition of Pro'vidence in my favour.

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'We left the villain weltering in his blood, though 'beginning to recover a little motion, and walked together เ to his hut, or rather cave, for it was under ground, on 'the side of a hill; the situation was very pleasant, and, from its mouth, we overlooked a large plain, and the town I had before seen. As soon as I entered 'it, he desired me to sit down on a bench of earth, which 'served him for chairs, and then laid before me some 'fruits, the wild product of that country, one or two of 'which had an excellent flavour. He likewise produced

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