Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

Diagnosis, meaning of, 7

Diaphoretics, 76

Diarrhoea, chalk mixture for, 183
Diarrhoea in children, 111

Diuretic a, for elderly persons, 71

Bread and butter pudding, 7; apple and rice
pudding, ib.; Soyer's beef tea, ib.; wine
posset, ib.; sago gruel, ib.; a very strengthen-
ing drink, ib.; to make white unfermented
bread, 15; to make brown unfermented
bread, ib.; to boil rice, ib.; mutton broth, ib.;
porridge, ib.; Irish stew, 23; to cook stur-
geon, ib.; to roast sturgeon, ib.; baked
apples, ib.; hare soup, 31; French method of
making whey, ib.; Prussian cutlets, ib.;
French panada, 39; stewed chops or cutlet,
ib.; yeast, ib.; parsnip bread, ib.; to sweeten
butter, ib.; isinglass jelly, 47; hartshorn
jelly, ib.; calves' feet jelly, ib.;plain jelly, ib.;
savoury jelly, ib.; mulligatawny soup, ib.;
apple fritters, 55; batter pancakes, ib.; pink
coloured pancake, ib.; to make a light pud-
ding, ib.; peas soup for Lent, 63; to dress
a salt cod, ib.; egg sauce for a salt cod, ib.;
cod's sounds like little turkeys, ib.; pitch-
cock eels, ib.; common custard, ib.; M.
Soyer's fritadella, 71; marrow pudding, ib.:
red sago pudding, ib.; to grill a breast of
mutton, ib.; potted salmon, 79; salt leg of
mutton, ib.; haricot of mutton or lamb, ib.;
stewed spinach, ib.; to fry smelts, ib.; white

bait, ib.; lentils, 87; lyonnaise, ib.; turbot,
ib.; lobster sauce, ib.; to stew flounders,
plaice or soles, ib.; made dish from joints
that have been previously served, 95; lamb
chops in paper, with fine herbs, ib.; ginger
beer, ib.; ginger beer powders, ib.; pure
osmazone, or essence of meat, 103; French
herb broth, ib.; cabinet pudding, ib.; treacle
beer, ib.; roast sweet-breads, 111; imperial
water, ib.; to poach eggs, ib.; soup maigre,
ib.; bread pudding, ib.; vermicelli pudding,
ib.; bubble and squeak, 119; a relish, ib.;
to broil pigeons, ib.; rhubarb tart, ib.; frying
herbs as dressed in Staffordshire, ib.;
lemonade, ib.; apples as an article of human
food, 127; mustard, ib.; sheep's head, ib.;
pigeon pie, 135; a family French salad for
the summer, ib.; dried figs, ib.; boiled chest-
nuts, ib.; oysters, ib.; lettuce, ib.; refreshing
beverage, ib.; imperial, ib.; mint sauce for
lamb, ib.; coffee, as made in India, 151;
curry powder, ib.; lemon pickle, ib.; anchovy
paste, ib.; flavouring essence, ib.; curd cheese-
cakes, ib.; imperial pop, 159; milk lemonade,
ib.; orangeade, ib.; asparagus soup, ib.;
spiced beef, ib.; rhubarb fool, ib.; asparagus,
167; gratin of lobster, ib.; egg and bacon
pie to eat cold, ib.; jelly, of spring fruit, ib.;
lemon flavour, 175; camp vinegar, ib.;
sauce superlative, ih.; beef olives, ib.;
savoury chicken pic, ib.; Yorkshire pudding,
to bake under meat, ib.; diet, 183; cookery,
ib.; hodge podge of mutton, ib.; gooseberry-
fool, ib.; to dress the inside of a cold sirloin
of beef, ib.; stewed tongue, 191; veal and
ham pie, ib.; baked eggs with asparagus, ib.;
a rich seed cake, ib.; pickling, 207; to pickle
radish pods, ib.; to pickle narsturtium berries,
ib.; to stew ducks with green peas, ib.
Difficulty of breathing and cough, symptoms of
indigestion, 14

Digitalis: digitalis purpurea: fox-glove, 149
Digestion and appetite, 193

Diabetes, treatment and cure of, 196
Diluents, 76

Dinner pills, 47

Direction for using the mechanical leech, 38
Diosma crenata, bucku leaves, 141
Discovery of sex: boy or girl? 198
Disease, the signs of, 53, 54

fluenza, and Bronchitis:-

Catarrh or "cold," 1; cold in the head,
coryza, ib.; treatment of cold in the head, 9;
pulmonary catarrh: cold in the chest-
cough, description of, 10; dry catarrh, cough
without expectoration, 20; treatment, ib.;
formula for "cough mixtures," 21; humid
catarrh: cough with expectoration, 26; symp-
toms, ib.; treatment, 27; prescriptions, ib.;
influenza, or epidemic catarrh, 33; treatment
and prescription, 34; complication of influ-
enza, 44; bronchitis the result of influenza,
ib.; pleurisy sometimes complicated with
influenza, ib.; inflammation of the lungs, ib.;
general symptoms when influenza degenerates
into fever, 45; bronchitis, inflammation of
the air tubes, description of, 49; acute bron-
chitis, 49; symptoms of, 59; treatment, 60;
chronic bronchitis, 68; treatment of ditto, 77;
complications of chronic bronchitis, 83.

Importance of the blood, 116; description of
the heart, ib.; its internal machinery and
functions, ib.; the veins and their structure,
117; the blood, 122; its analysis, ib.; quantity
in the system, 123; the pulse, 131; numbers
of pulsations at various ages, ib.; palpitation,
137; increased by the emotions, ib.; arterial
palpitation, 146; its manifestations, 147; syn-
cope, fainting, 156; sources, degree, cure, ib.;
carditis, inflammation of the heart, 165; acute
inflammation of the heart, leading symp

toms, ib.; causes of carditis, ib.; peri-
carditis, acute inflammation of the pericar-
dium, 170; symptoms, ib.; physical signs,
171; causes of pericarditis, ib.; chronic
pericarditis, chronic inflammation of the
pericardum, 179; symptoms, ib.; treatment
of carditis and pericarditis, 188; antiphlo-
gistic treatment, ib.; diet during conva-
lescence, ib.; Anguina pectoris; breast pang,
195; earliest assanlt of, ib.; continuance
of paroxysm, ib.; rarely attacks the young, ib.;
objects to be attained, ib.; treatment, ib.;
structural, or organic diseases of the heart,



Health, definition of, 17; diseases of females,
ib.; girlhood of woman, ib.; physical symp-
toms of the first crisis, ib.; circumstances that
influence the catamenia, 18; chlorosis, 43;
symptoms of, ib.; hysteria, the invariable
companion of chlorosis, ib.; its effects on
the appetite of young females, 126
Diseases, uses, and management of the teeth, 35,
42, 51, 68

"Dispatch," extract from the notices to corres-
pondents in, 121

DISPEPSIA-INDIGESTION, 5, 12, 18, 25, 37, 41,
59, 57:

Dr. Cheyne's calculation of food, 191
Dr. Crucifex, the late, 112

Dr. Conquest on pastry cooks' shops, 22
Dr. Ganger's tooth balsam, 68

Dr. Kitchener's peristaltic persuaders, 95
Dress, influence of on catamenia, 29
Dreams, answer to S. R., 160
Dress of children, 30

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Eels, to pitchcock, 63

Education, effect of in influencing catamenia, 18
Effect of climate on the menstrual flux, 18
Effects of frost, cure for, 6

Effects of indolence and luxury, 18
Effectual febrifuge, 39

Egg and bacon pie to eat cold, 167
Egg sauce for salt cod, 63

Elderly persons, warm, mild aperient for, 6
Elder-flower ointment, 119

Elder wood, the staff of, 174

Embrocation for sprains, bruises, and rheuma-
tism, 15

Employment of time, 171

English climates, 108

Enjoyment, indestructibility of, 190
Epidemic catarrh, 33

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Warm, mild aperient for elderly persons,
7; strong cathartic for robust adults, ib.;
gentle laxative for children, ib.; cough mix-
ture, ib.; cough mixture for children, ib.;
three laws to ensure the health of infants, 7;
when the hands or feet are frost-bitten, 7;
treatment of chilblains, 15; embrocation for
sprains, bruises, and rheumatism, ib.; oint-
ment for hæmorrhoids, ib.; fainting, ib.;
epilepsy, ib.; apoplexy, ib.; table of the
doses of medicine, 23; temperature of food,
ib.; gargle for sore throat, ib.; lotion for
weak eyes, ib.; convulsions in children, 31;
scrofula, ib.; alterative powder for scrofulous
children, ib.; medicinal properties of water-
cress, ib.; Sir Humphrey Davy's corn solvent,
ib.; administering aperients to children, 39;
poison in the saucepan, ib.; ringworm trea-
ted by the application of blisters, ib.; ex-
traction of particles from the eye, ib.; effec-
tual febrifuge, ib.; simple mode of purifying
water, ib.; dinner pills, 47; chamomile tea,
ib.; most agreeable formula in the pharma-
copæia, ib.; table beer, ib.; a black eye, ib.;
vinegar, ib.; zinc ointment, 55; to remove
corns, ib.; aqua sinapis, ib.; balsamic vinegar
for sick chambers, ib.; to arrest baldness,
or stay the falling off of the hair, ib.; hint
for nurses, 63; Sir Henry Halford's gout
preventative, ib.; quinine, ib.; Anderson's
pills, ib.; gluttony, ib.; exercise, ib.; grease
for the hair, ib.; mild tonic in convalescence
from fever, 71; a diuretic for elderly per-
sons, ib.; lime water, ib.; Gregory's powder,
ib.; aromatic wine of quinine, ib.; lemonade,
saline effervescing draught, 79;
powders, ib.; seidlitz powders, ib.; Dalby's
carminative, ib.; yellow wash, ib.; black
wash, ib.; white wash or lead wash, ib.;
an emetic, 87; ditto, ib.; ditto, ib.; in pre-
scribing, ib.; temperature of baths, ib.;
honey, ib.; climate, ib; a comfort for
females troubled with habitual costiveness,
ib.; Dupuytren's pomade for baldness, 95;
eau de Cologne, ib.; rose dentrifrice,jib.; Dr.
Kitchener's peristaltic persuaders, ib.; mode
of administering the male fern root, ib.
spring physic, ib.; dandelion roots, 103
quinine, ib.; retention of urine, ib.; freckles,
ib.; the ice cap, ib.; skin disease, 111; an
excellent laxative pill, ib. hysteria, ib.
cathartics for children, ib.; diarrhoea in
children, ib.; hartshorn and oil, 119; elder-
flower ointment, ib.; gnat bites, ib.; boils,
ib.; Abernethy's aperient mixture, 127; when
children are allowed to cry till their strength
is exhausted, ib.; fever mixture for children,



ib; fever powders for children, 135; Ching's
worm lozenges, ib.; alum gargle, ib.; labour,
ib.; long sleep, ib.; compound rhubarb mix-
ture, 143; when wine is taken in excess, ib.;
spirits, ib.; malt liquors, ib.; court plaister,
ib.; compound decoction of aloes, 151; com-
pound rhubarb pill, ib.; friction, ib.; children
should for some time sleep on their backs, ib.;
rules for the preservation of health, ib.; milk
of roses, 159; sea-sickness, ib.; after rising,
ib.; for the recovery of strength, ib.; ex-
ercise, ib.; corn plaister, ib.; infusion of
linseed, or linseed tea, 167; barley water, ib.;
sudden changes, ib.; gargle for relaxed
throat, 175; Chelsea pensioner, ib.; dancing,
ib.; to prevent baldness, ib.; quinine tooth
powder, ib.; oleum chartæ, ib.; essence for
smelling salts, ib.; chalk mixture for di-
arrhoea, 183; compound mixture of cascarilla,
ib.; perspiration, ib.; tea, ib.; mental labour,
ib.; malt liquor, ib.; Abernethy's pills, 191;
Dalby's carminative, ib.; the way to place a
cradle, ib.; thirst, ib.; Dr. Cheyne's calcula-
tion of food, ib.; compound mixture of gen-
tian, ib.; treatment of the sting of a bee, 207,
pot pourri, ib.; offensive feet, ib.

Fees, physicians', 196

Feather beds, why they are relaxing; answer
to a patient, 168

Febrifuge, effectual, 39

Females, diseases of, 17, 28, 43
Female temper, 78

Fevers, causes of, 130

Fever mixture for children, 135
Fever powders for children, 35
Fine pancakes, 55

Fingers, case of reunion of, 114
Finger nails, the management of, 6

Filthy advertisements, letter to the editor on, 132
Flavouring essence, 151

Flour of lentils, Nevill's, 40
FOOD, 167, 177

Food, temperature of, 23

Formation of a new nose, 158

Fracture of the spine, calculus in the bladder ori-
ginating in, 187

French herb broth, 103
French panada, 39

French method of making whey, 31
Friction, 151

Fritadella, M. Soyer's, 70
Fritter, apple, 55

Frying herbs, as dressed in Staffordshire, 119

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Origin of the term, 75; exciting and occa-
sional causes, ib.; attacks the rich oftener
than the poor, 76; what it is in its regular
form, ib.; acute or regular gout, 82; how it
commences, ib.; favourable peculiarity of, ib.;
irregular gout, ib.; chief seats of, 83; symp-
toms of, ib.; misplaced gout, 92; treatment
and diet, ib.; in unhealthy subjects, 100;
of irregular gout, 101; of misplaced gout,
ib.; during the intervals of the disease, ib,
Government scheme for interments, 166
Gratin of lobster, 167

Grease for the hair, 63
Gregory's powder, 71
Grief, 36

Gruel, sago, 7
Guaiacum, 76

Gullet, choking by getting things into, 38

Habit, the acquisition of, 164

Habit of "drugging" and "physicking," 22
Hæmorrhoids or piles, 78

Hæmorrhoids (piles), ointment for, 15
Hair dyes, 62

Hare-lip in France, 186
Hare soup, 31
Hard beds, 136

Hard and soft water, 70
Haricot of mutton or lamb, 79
Hartshorn and oil, 119
Hartshorn jelly, 47

Meaning of the term, 89; frequently a symp
tom of other diseases, ib.; the attendant of
most diseases, ib.; dyspeptic or sick-head-
ache the accompaniment of disordered sto-
mach, ib.; symptoms of, ib.; frequency of
the return, 90; treatment, ib.; headache from
excess of bile, ib.; arising from constipa-
tion, ib.; rheumatic headache, 98; its causes,
ib.; hemicrania, or megrims, ib.; periosterial
headache, 99; nervous headache, 106; symp-
toms of, ib.; common to young females, ib.;
treatment, 107; plethoric headache, ib.; sel-
dom absent at particular periods, ib.; arterial
plethora in mature age, ib.; congestion or
stagnation of the blood, 108; treatment and
diet, ib.; other forms of the disease, ib., head-
ache, seldom absent in derangement of the
digestive organs, 13

HEALTH OF LONDON during the week, 8, 16, 24,

[blocks in formation]

Imperial pop, 159

Imperial, 143

Imperial water, 111

Importance of ventilation, 2

Importance of washerwomen, 150
Impositions of quackery, the, 174

In all cases of skin disease what is important, 111
Indestructibility of enjoyment, 190

Must not be considered a solitary disorder, 5;
Causes of indigestion, ib.; temperaments,
description of, ib.; influence of the mind, 6;
the influence of occupation, 12; tight lacing
a constant cause, ib.; intemperance a foe to
digestion, ib.; climate, its influence, ib. ;
quality of food, ib.; tampering with medi-
cine, ib.; symptoms of indigestion, ib.; the
presence of headache, 13; the fickleness of
appetite, ib.; irregularity of the bowels, ib.,
palpitation of the heart, a frequent symptom,
ib.; cough and difficulty of breathing, 14;
derangement of the liver, ib.; general ap-
pearance of the body, ib.; hypochondriasis, or
low spirits, 18; monomania, or hallucination,
ib.; treatment, 25, 36, 37; constipation, its
causes and treatment, 41; influence of indi-
gestion on other diseases, 50; scrofula pecu-

liarly influenced by indigestion, 57; origin of
skin diseases, ib.; conclusion, ib.
Indolence and luxury, the effects of 187
Infants, three laws to ensure the health of, 6
Infirmity of mind produced by dissipation-
delirium tremens, 162

Inflammation of the glands in the neck, scrofu-
lous, 86

Inflammation of the air tubes, 49

Inflammation of the lungs, 44

Inflammation of the pleura-pleurisy, 133, 141,

141, 147

[blocks in formation]

Inquest on Maria Lord, 97

Irritation, sympathetic and local, 61

Insanity caused by excessive drinking, followed by

dropsy, 150

Insectual leaping, 69

Intemperance, the foe to digestion, 12

Interments, government scheme for, 166

Intermittent and remittent fevers, causes of, 130
Intervals between doses, 87

Number of species, 102; effects produced by,
ib.; the long round worm, ib.; its general
appearance, ib.; treatment for its removal,
ib.; small thread, or maw-worm, 108; pecu-
liar to childhood, ib.; illustration in a case,
109; treatment for the disease in chil-
dren, ib.; long hair-tailed threadworm, 118;
symptoms and treatment, ib.; tænia solium,
or tape worm, 125; peculiarity of this worm,
ib.; broad tape worm, ib.; countries it fre
quents, ib.; symptoms that denote its pre-
sence, 132; treatment, ib.

Iodine, 110

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Made dish from joints previously served, 95
Magnesiæ: magnesia, 189

Magnesia sulphus: sulphate of magnesia, Epsom
salts, 181

Magnesiæ carbonas: carbonate of magnesia, 189
Make a light pudding, how to 55
Malady, an "irreligious," 157
Malt liquors, 143, 183

Male fern root, mode of administering, 95

MAN, the natural history of, 113; the Caucasian
variety, ib.; Mongolian, ib.; Ethiopian, ib.;
copper coloured, ib.; Malay or tawny
race, ib.

Management of children, 171

Management of the finger nails, the, 6

Management of the teeth, 42

Management of blisters, 78

Manslaughter by a quack agent, 181
Manna, 172

Manslaughter, committal of a quack's agent for, 181
Manslaughter, verdict of in a case of midwifery, 30
Marriage, 164

Married and unmarried men, duration of life of, 106
Marrow pudding, 71

Marrubium-white horehound, 117
Mastiche, 84

Medicines, patent, 3

Medicine, routine practice of,150
Medicine not a mystery, 81

Medicine, on popular and domestic, 153
Medicine, table of doses of, 23,

Medical science, progress of, 120
Medical men honours to, 30
Medical attendant, choice of, 10


TIONS -7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 63, 71, 79, 87,

95, 103, 111, 119, 127, 135, 143, 151, 159. 167,

175, 183, 191, 199, 207,

Medicinal properties of water-cress, 31,
Mental labour, 183

Mental poisoning, 192

Mercury or quicksilver,93

Mercury, use and abuse of, 85}

Milk lemonade, 159

[blocks in formation]

National vaccine establishment, 146

Natural dentrifice, 117

Natural history of man, 113

Natural criticism, 150

Nature's aristocracy, 94

Nerves, description of, answer to Hannah Curious,
Nervousness, 5, 12


Nervous weakness, the accompaniment of irregu-

larity, 43

Nervous headache, 106

New method of diagnosticating biliary calculi-

gall stones, 131

New remedy for hydrophobia, 14

Newly-built houses, influence of on health, 61

New park for the borough of Finsbury, 80

New nose, formation of, 158

Nicotiana tabacum, 109

Nitric acid, muriatic acid, and sulphuric acid, 166
Non-appearance of the monthly flux, 43

Northern circuit, 117

Nose, peculiar disease of, 164

Nuisance of pastry cooks' shops, 21

Nurse, the model, 62

Nursing the young, 45

Nursery, hints to hang up in, 121

Nurses, hint for, 63

Oatmeal more nutritious than wheat, 22

Obstetric practice, chloroform in, 30

Occupation, influence it exerts in delaying the

menstrual discharge, 18

Oil, cod liver, analysis of, 30

Ointment for hæmorrhoids (piles,) 15

Oleum chartae 175

On cleanliness and bathing, 100

On chloroform in childbirth, 2

On diseases in women and children, 17, 26, 43, 126
On diseases of the chest, "a cold," 1, 9, 20, 26, 33,

44, 49, 59, 68, 77, 83

On gout, 75, 82, 92, 100

On headaches, 89, 98, 106

On popular or domestic medicine, 153

On patent medicines, 3

On rheumatism, 57, 65

On the selection of a wife, 166

On the choice of a medical attendant, 10
On the intemperate use of opium, 10]
Onion, the, 171

Operations, surgical 91
Operation on hare-lip, 186
Opium, 77

Opium intemperate use of, 10
Orangeade, 159

Osmazome, pure essence of meat, 103

Osseous system the, 114

Ostermaier's succedaneum for teeth, 68

Oxygen gas a cure for cholera, 187
Oysters, 135

[blocks in formation]


Alimentary medicinal agents, 76; diluents, ib.;
demulcents and emolients, ib.; evacuants, ib.;
diaphoretics, ib.; guiacicum (lignum vitæ) ib.,
sassafras ib.; sarsparilla, ib.; senega, ib.; liquor
of the acetate of ammonia, 77; liquor of the
citrate of ammonia, ib.; sulphur sublimatu m
ib.; ipecacuanha, ib.; opium, ib.

Woody nightshade, the solanum dulca
mara, 84; lobelia inflata, the bladder-pod-
ded lobelia (Indian tobacco, or emetic weed,)
ib.; camphor, ib.; antimony, ib.;
Errhines, or sternuttaories, ib.; tobacco, nico-
tiana tabacum, ib.; euphorbium, ib.; white
bore, (veratrum albam), ib.

Common sweet flag (acoris calamus), 84;
horse radish (cochleria armoracia) ib.; ginger
(amomum zingiber), ib.; pellitory of Spain,
ib.; tobacco, ib.; mastiche, ib.; mezereon,
ib.; mercury, or quicksilver, 93; pilule
hydrargyri (blue pill), ib.; hydrargyri
bichloridum, ib.; hydrargyri chloridum, ib.;
hydrargyrum cum creta, ib.; pilulæ hydrar-
gyri, (blue pill), ib.; pilula hydrargyri chlo-
ridi composite (Plummer's pill), ib.; hydrar-
gyrum iodidum (iodide of mercury), ib.;
hydrargyri bisulphuretum (bisulphur of
mercury), ib.; unguentum hydrargyri for-
ius (strong ointment of mercury), ib.; ungu-
entum hydrargyri mitius, (milder mercurial
ointment), 94; unguentum hydrargyri nitra-
tis, (ointment of nitrate of mercury), ib.;
linimentum hydrargyri compositum, (com-
pound liniment of mercury), ib.; action of
mercury on the human system, 100.

Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), 109; datura
stramonium (thorn-apple), ib.; pix liquida
(pitch), ib.; chlorine, ib.; iodine, 110; am-
monia, ib.; acidium aceticum, ib.; allium-
allium sativum (garlic), 117; althæa (marsh
mallow), ib.; marrubium (white horehound),
ib.; scilla maritima (squill or sea onion), ib.;
ammoniacum-dorema ammoniacum (gum
ammoniac), ib.; tussilago farfara (colt's-foot),
ib.; myroxylon toluifera (balsam of tolu),
125; myrospermum peruiferum (balsam of
peru), ib.; benzoinum-styrax benzoin (ben-
zoin), ib.; senega-polygala senega (rattle-
snake root), ib.; assafoetida-teufelsdreck, or
stercus diaboli (devil's dung), ib.; ipeca-
cuanha, 134; antimony, ib.

Amoracia (horse radish), 134; dulcamara
(woody nightshade), ib.; juniperus com-
munus (common juniper), 141; praeira brava
(wild vine), ib.; diosma crenata (bucku
leaves), ib.; spartium scoparium (common
broom), ib.; digitalis-digitalis purpurea
(fox-glove), 149; cubeba-piper cubeba

(cubebs), ib.; copaiva balsam (balsam of
copaiba), 157; terebinthina (turpentine), ib.;
uva ursi, ib.; cantharis visicatoria (Spanish
fly), 166; spiritus ætheris nitrici (sweet
spirits of nitre), ib.; nitric acid, muriatic acid,
sulphuric acid, ib.; potassæ acetas (acetate of
potash), ib.; potassæ bitartras (bitartrate of
potash-cream of tartar), ib.; potassæ bi-
carbonatis (carbonate of potash), ib.; potassa
nitras (nitrate of potash-saltpetre), ib. ;
tincture ferri sesquichloridi (tincture of
muriate of iron), ib.; hydrargyri chloridum
(calomel), ib.; murias auri (muriate of gold),
ib.; iodidum (iodine), ib.;spirits. ib.
Purgatives.-Mild Cathartics-Laxatives-
Manna, 172; cassia fistula (cassia pulp), ib.;
tamarinda pulpa (tamarinds), ib.; potassæ
bi-tartras (cream of tartar), ib.; prunes, figs,
honey, treacle, ib.; ricini oleum (castor oil),
181; almond oil, olive oil, ib.
Saline Purgatives-

Magnesia sulphas (sulphate of magnesia-
Epsom salts), 181; soda sulphas (sulphate
of soda-Glauber salts), ib.; potassæ sul-
phus (sulphate of potash), ib.; potassæ
bisulphas (bisulphate of potash), ib.; po-
tassæ tartras (tartrate of potash), 189;
potassæ bitartras, bitartrate of potash, ib.;
potassæ acetas (acetate of potash), ib.;
magnesia, ib.; magnesia carbonas (car-
bonate of magnesia), ib.; soda murias (mu-
riate of soda-common salt), ib.; sodæ
phosphate (phosphate of soda), ib.; soda
tartras: soda potassia tartras (tartrate of
soda-Rochelle salt), ib.; sulphur (brim-
stone), ib.; sulphur sublimatum (flower of
sulphur), ib.

Mild acrid purgatives-senna foliæ, senna

leaves, rheum palmatum, rhei radix, rhu-
barb root, 197; aloes, aloes socotrina,
barbadensis, hepatica, 205.

Passions, 197

[blocks in formation]

Pigeon pie, 135

Piles, treatment of, 78

Pilule hydrargyri chloridi compositæ, 93.
Pilula hydrargyri, 93

Pin, death caused by a, 140
Pink coloured pancakes, 55
Pitchcock eels, how to, 63
Pix liquida, 109

Plain jelly, 47

Pleasure and advantages of labour, 133
Plethoric headache, 107

Pleuritis: pleurisy, inflammation of the pleura—
a stitch in the side, 133, 141, 147
PLEURISY. Pleuritis. - Inflammation of the

Description of the pleura, 133; definition of
the term pleurisy, ib.; causes of the disease,
ib.; general symptoms of acute pleurisy, ib.;
febrile symptoms, 134; chief physical signs,
ib.; treatment of acute pleurisy, 141; coun-
ter-irritants, ib.; purgatives, ib.; refrige-
rants or cooling medicines, 142; chronic
pleurisy, 147; resemblance to consumption,
ib.; anatomical character of, ib.; physical
signs, 148; treatment.
Poisons, sale of, 112, 148
Poison in the saucepan, 39
Poisoning by mackerel, 202

Poisoning by copper coin, symptoms of, 198
Pores of the skin, 54
Porridge, 15

Posset, wine,

Potassa acetas acetate of potash, 189)
Potasse bitartras: bitartrate of potash, 189

[blocks in formation]


Letter from "a victim," 11; answer to 66
victim," 32; answer to a traveller, 40;
letter from "Medical Times," 53; a narra-
tive, 185.

Quackery: letter from a sub-editor, 68
Quack's agent, manslaughter by, 181
Quack, death caused by, 65
Quackery and superstition, 21
Quackery, death by, 85

Quackery in the Channel Islands
Quackery, a heavy blow against, 101
Quackery, the impositions of, 174
Quinine, 63, 103

Quinine, 113

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Sheep's head, 127

Sheringham's ventilator, 126

Shoulder joint, excision of, 173

Sick chambers, balsamic vinegar for, 55

Sight, the sense of, 161

Significant fact, 30

Siliagogues, 84

Simple mode of purifying water, 39

Simple process for detecting the presence of free
sulphuric acid in vinegar, 118

Singular case of the advantages of life assur-
ance, 62

Singular disease of the eye, 78
Singular cure for the toothache, 194
Singular incident in a madhouse, 45

Sir Henry Halford's gout preventive, 63
Sir Humphrey Davy's corn solvent, 31
Skin, the pores of, 54

Smell, the sense of, 172

Smartt on the teeth, 35, 42, 51, 58

Soda murias: muriate of soda, common salt, 189
Soda phosphas: phosphate of sodo, 189

Soda tartras: soda potassio tartras, tartrate of
soda, 189

Soda sulphas-sulphate of soda, 181

Sodaic powders, 79

Sore throat, gargle for, 23

Soup, hare, 31

Soup, mulligatawny 55

Soup maigre, 111

[blocks in formation]

South on swollen veins, 124

Spiced beef, 159

Spirits, 143, 166

Spirituous ætheris nitrici-sweet spirits of nitre,

[blocks in formation]

Sudden changes, 167

Suggestions for the law of lunacy, amendment

of, 73

Suicide from dread of hydrophobia, 17
Suicide, 21

Sulphur sublimatum, 77

Sulphuric acid in vinegar how to detect, 118

Sulphur sublimatum-flowers of sulphur
Sulphur-brimstone, 189
Superstition, 142

Superstition, narrative of, 21

Supply of water in the metropolis, 164
Supply of water in London, 30

Surgeon's shop, a London, 22
Surgical operations, 91

Surgeons, advertising consulting, 11, 32, 40, 53,


Sweating, death of a jockey from, 133

Sweeten butter, how to 39

Swollen veins, 124

Sympathetic and local irritation, 61

Symptoms of influenza, 33
Symptoms of indigestion, 13

Symptoms of poisoning by a copper coin, 198
Syncope-fainting, 156

Syphilitic poison, the secondary action of 174

Table of doses, 23
Table beer, 47

Tamarinda pulpa, 172

Tampering with medicine a cause of indigestion, 12
Taste, the sense of, 180

Tea, 183

Tea, M. Soyer's method of making, 31

TEETH, the, by Charles Smartt, Esq., surgeon den-
tist, their uses, diseases and management, 35,
42, 51, 58

Teeth, the, 16

Teeth, Vienna succedaneum for, 68
Temperate or tepid bath, 85
Temperature of baths, 89
Temperature of food, 23
Terebinthina-turpentine, 157

The most agreeable formula in the pharma-
copæia, 47

The sympathy of the affections, 182
The passion of love, education for, 133
THE SENSES, 154, 191, 172, 180, 189
The stomach, 4

The teeth, their uses disease and management, 35,
42, 51, 58

The universality of teaching, 181

The tongue, impaction of a barley beard under, 202
The young, method of nursing, 45
Things in the eye, 102

[blocks in formation]

To dress the inside of a cold sirloin of beef, 183

To grill a breast of mutton, 71

To fry smelts, 79

To make brown unfermented bread, 15

To make white unfermented bread, 15

Tonic, a mild, 70

To poach eggs, 111

To prevent baldness, 175

To roast sturgeon, 23

To the readers of "The People's Medical Journal "

and Family Physician," 46

To the editor of The People's Medical Journal,"

letter, 46, 68, 132

To stew flounders, plaice, or soles, 73
Toothache, the, 149

Toothache, singular cure for, 194

Toothache, popular remedy for, 150
Touch, the sense of, 189
Training, on, 201

[blocks in formation]

Unfermented bread, to make white, 15; brown, ib.

Unguentum hydrargyri fortius, 93

Unguentum hydrargyri mitius, 24
Unguentum hydrargyri nitratis, 94
Urine retention of, 103

Use and abuse of mercury, 85
Use of stays and corsets, 35
Uva ursi, 157

Vapour baths, Russian, 187

Vapour bath, cheap substitute for, 54

Vapour bath to reduce weight, 192

Various complications of influenza described, 44
Veal and ham pie, 191

Veins, swollen, treatment of, 124
Ventilation, importance of, 2
Ventilator, Sheringham's, 126
Vermicelli pudding, 111
Very strengthening drink, 7
Vienna succedaneum for teeth, 68
Vinegar, 47

Vinegar, simple process to detect sulphuric acid

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Wheat, oatmeal more nutritious than, 22
Whey, French method of making, 31
Weather glasses, natural, 204

White bait, 79

White hellebore, 84

White wash or lead wash, 79


31, 39, 47, 55, 63, 71, 79, 87, 95, 103, 111,
119, 127, 135, 143, 151, 159, 167, 175, 183,
191, 149, 207.

Wounds, bleeding from, 197
Wife, the selection of,

Will the cholera return? 142
Wine posset, 7

Wine taken in excess, 143

Winter, warm bedding for, 19

Woody nightshade, 84

World, how to get on in, 163

Woman's power, 140

Woman, the genius of, 165

Woman, the girlhood of, 17; first crisis in the
life of, ib.; physical symptoms of disease
in, ib.


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