Report of the Special Joint Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment


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Página 31 - No such law shall take effect until it shall, at a general election, have been submitted to the people, and have received a majority of all the votes cast for and against it, at such election.
Página 220 - But no such corporation or association shall be entitled to any such exemption if any officer, member or employee thereof shall receive or may be lawfully entitled to receive any pecuniary profit from the operations thereof, except reasonable compensation for services in effecting one or more of such purposes, or as proper beneficiaries of its strictly charitable purposes...
Página 31 - People, if no debt shall have been contracted in pursuance thereof, repeal the same, and may at any time by Law forbid the contracting of any further debt or liability under such Law ; but the tax imposed by such Act in proportion to the debt and liability which may have been contracted in pursuance of such Law shall remain in force and be irrepealable, and be annually collected until the proceeds thereof shall have made the provision hereinbefore specified to pay and discharge the interest and principal...
Página 31 - Shall this bill pass, and ought the same to receive the sanction of the people...
Página 27 - Finally, the use of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, which...
Página 30 - The State may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues, or for expenses not provided for, contract debts, but such debts, direct or contingent, singly or in the aggregate, shall not at any time exceed one million of dollars; and the moneys arising from the loans creating such debts shall be applied to the purpose for which they were obtained, or to repay the debt so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever.
Página 111 - All city, town and village officers whose election or appointment is not provided for by this Constitution, shall be elected by the electors of such cities, towns and villages, or of some division thereof, or appointed by such authorities thereof, as the Legislature shall designate for that purpose.
Página 121 - The excess caused by the discrepancy between the standard of reasonableness for the shipper and that for the carrier, due to the necessity of maintaining uniform rates to be charged the shippers, may properly be appropriated by the Government for public uses, because the appropriation takes away nothing which equitably belongs either to the shipper or to the carrier.
Página 158 - All buildings, and so much of the real property on which they are situated as may be required for the convenient use and occupation of said buildings, when the same are used solely and exclusively for religious worship, shall be free from taxation ; provided, that no building so used which may be rented, for religious purposes and rent received by the owner therefor, shall be exempt from taxation.
Página 220 - The real property of any such corporation not so used exclusively for carrying out thereupon one or more of such purposes, but leased or otherwise used for other purposes, shall not be...

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